Does Django+ReactJs refresh just like react by itself? - reactjs

I am currently trying to teach myself django+reactjs. I have been able to get react to load with django run server but it doesn't live update. I can only see updates after I build and re-run django server. Is that how it is suppose to be or am I missing something? Please forgive me I am still very much a noob at programming.


How to post data to wordpress database using react

i'm trying to create a wordpress plugin and got a bit lost.
I'm not looking for a solution in code but could anyone direct me to a tutorial/docs where to find the correct approach.
I'm trying to post an array of objects to a mysql database.
Most basic stuff that you can do - onClick function, that connects to a database.
My wordpress plugin is created using React and I have previously used AJAX, but this time it throws quite a lot of errors that I have not seen, so I don't even know where to begin.
mysql npm package is also not working as I have used it before so i'm just confused.
Essentially could anyone tell me which API to use and link a good tutorial

Is there any way to connect directly to a database with react js?

I am coding simple CRUD application and would love to avoid backend (including PHP). Is there any way i could do it? If you have an idea that uses backend but still it's easy to initialize could you explain it to me please?
I have a folder with my simple CRUD application and I'm using only css,html and react.js
I have tried express but probably wrong and pgPool. I would love to connect directly somehow. Thing that i am trying to avoid the most is PHP
I haven't decided if i want to use mySQL or postgre yet, so im fully flexible with coice.

from django to django rest framework : e-commerce with react

i have completed an e-commerce project with pure django and want to transform it to Django Rest Framework with React,
i just want to know if the use of Sessions to create a cart would still be the same or is there something else or a different aproach to keep cart functionality,
i have been looking at some github projects to see how it can be done ,and just got me confused, if someone can clear that out for me, much much apreciated,
thank you,
I understood that it is possible to set cookies or a local storage with react and receive the info directly to the Django backend from there, so there is no need using sessions (it still totally possible but apparently not preferred)

React hot-loading stopped self updating

I'm trying to implement a solution with react and symfony 2.8, but as I'm new to react I'm still in the tutorials step. Once I though I had a good enough knowledge from react I decided to try and integrate React with symfony and I was almost successful in that. I managed to get a symfony view to load react components but was unable to do live edits, and by that I mean, I have to restart webpack and press F5 to reload the page. So I decided to go back to the tutorials I made and see what I was doing wrong. When I start a new react project (by using "create-react-app projectName") to see where I failed, this project had the same problem, I had to reload the webpack so I could see the changes I made, and I know that this project was able to live-edits (because was the first tutorial I made and was working at the time), all I needed to do is to save the document and the page should automatically show the changes I made.
I think that showing the code its not important in this case because it's a fresh project by using the command I said before, but anything you need I can try to explain you or giving the code.

Three-Way Data Binding without Firebase

I am looking to make a web app where each person can add to a list and as soon as someone adds something, everyone elses browser shows the new addition.
I believe this is called 3-way data binding (I'm new to Ang). From what I can see, this can be achieved with Firebase. Is there some form of open source solution I can use that would do the same thing and is beginner friendly. I know the hacker plan on Firebase gives me 50 connections but I'm going to need more than that.
I've had a look at Deployd and Loopback.. But I'm not sure whether this would do what I want it to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Node backend option:
I haven't tried this yet myself, but Meteor offers 3 way binding and the documentation looks good:
As long as you're using node for the backend, I imagine that you could include the Meteor library even if you're not building a full "Meteor app."
Django backend option:
Described here:
