How to create custom tooltip in React Quill Editor? - reactjs

I'm integrating a custom toolbar that has the link action
When user want to add a link to specific text, I want to override the tooltip behavior of Quill editor from default UI
to a UI like this
I've been searching for the solution and found that this can only be done by creating a new theme, but I don't find the documentation for customizing this part in React Quill.
Any help/idea is appreciated.


Tinymce - React - how to change the editor from readonly to enabled

Having trouble understanding the API docs and how to implement them in React.
When the editor is rendered on the page I have it default to the disabled prop as {true}. How do I programmatically enable the editor. In my case, this would be done from a button the page. Also, I will then be looking on how to extract the data from the editor when a save button is clicked.
Any advise would be appreciated.

Material UI version 5.10.9 - The Box component overrides the custom theme

recently I am using version 5 of Material UI in React, when I made a custom theme and added my own palette. I noticed that the Box component follows its default Material UI theme and overrides my custom theme, but the other components follow the custom theme. Can someone explain whether this behavior is Material UI itself or is there a bug?
After searching several times, I realized that I was using the ThemeProvider component in #emotion/react, but I should have used the ThemeProvider component in #mui/material. By doing this, the bug related to the Box component was fixed. Thanks for the article from Sahan Amarsha.
Article link:

how to style such component in material UI in reactjs

I am trying to make such kind of setup using material UI but am unable to do it properly using material UI.
I am not able to add the product add and remove setup below which should be below product name and price as shown in image.
If it is vital to use material-ui for positioning your elements and it expected to be responsive for different screen resolutions you could use
Otherwise, you can just use flexbox
There is a link to codesandbox for expamle made via MU Grids

Customising BrainTree Drop UI

I am using Braintree Drop Ui in my react application. Can anybody help me out how to customize the UI because its looking to ugly
See how to customize your UI e.g. via CSS or field overrides in the "Customize your UI" section of the official documentation.
If that doesn't fit your needs you can also edit the UI on the client side. E.g. to customize the headings use document.getElementsByClassName("braintree-heading") and set the style attributes of its items.

styling `TextValidator` in react-material-ui-form-validator

I am using react-material-ui-form-validator in my react form for material design as well as for validation, now i want to change the color of shrink label but not able to find any option to styling TextValidator, React material provide option to add class when label is shrink but not this. Any idea how I can use material design with the easy validation in react
this is the package that I am using
I have resolved it by applying styling with the data-attribute
