What is the Antd type for form onFinish? - reactjs

Right now I am using this everywhere in my code:
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const handleCreate = (input: any): void => {
title: input.title,
other: input.other,
// ...
<Form onFinish={handleCreate}>
// ...
What is the type for the input I should be using to make things safer? Also, where are the antd types so I can look up what their implementation is like, so I know how to use them in other situations as well?
If the type is actually any, what should I be doing to make this more typesafe?

You can define create an interface for all the fields wrapped inside the form & use it as a type in where you want to use.
you can also add type in useForm Hook.
import { Checkbox, Form, Input } from 'antd';
import './style.css';
const { Item } = Form;
interface FormRule {
name: string;
isVerified: boolean;
export default function App() {
const [form] = Form.useForm<FormRule>();
const onFinish = (data: FormRule) => {};
return (
// onFinish={(data) => {}} // => Write `data.`. It will show all the keys or Hover on `data` (Shows The Type of data [FormRule] )
<Item name='name' label='Name'>
<Input />
<Item name='isVerified' label='Verified' valuePropName='checked'>
<Checkbox />
If you add type in useForm, you can take advantage of editor intellisense when you set fields values:
form.setFieldsValue({ ... })}


How to get floatValue automatically from react-number-format inside a antd Form.Item?

I'm looking for a way to antd Form get automatically a floatValue from react-number-format.
label="My label"
onValueChange={(values, sourceInfo) => {
fator: values.floatValue!,
Some people used onValueChange to get floatValue, but I do not know if it is the only way or the best way to get that value. On that way, we have to check each field to assign the correct value.
In my opinion, it is not the best way. It is so manually work.
const submit = async (values: stateModel) => {
values.fator = state.fator;
await doRegister(values);
How the best way to solve the problem?
I tried using some replacement on values returned from form submit, but it is not the best way to solve the problem.
You can solve this issue by creating a custom Number Field, which takes value and onChange as props.
const CustomNumberField = ({ value, onChange }) => {
return (
onValueChange={(values, sourceInfo) => {
Now the main Form will look like this:
const App = () => {
return (
onFinish={(values) => {
console.log(values); // { factor: 12 }
<Form.Item label='My label' name='fator'>
<CustomNumberField />
{/* OR */}
{/* <Form.Item name='field'>
{(control, meta, form) => {
return <CustomNumberField {...control} />;
</Form.Item> */}
<Button htmlType='submit'>Submit</Button>
Q: Where that value & onChange prop come from?
When you pass name prop to Form.Item, the field inside the Form.Item is now controlled by Form. You can either pass a ReactElement or a function. For ReactElement, it pass two props value & onChange. For callback function, it looks like this:
children?: React.ReactElement | ((control: ChildProps, meta: Meta, form: FormInstance<Values>) => React.ReactNode);
interface ChildProps {
[name: string]: any;
interface Meta {
touched: boolean;
validating: boolean;
errors: string[];
warnings: string[];
name: InternalNamePath;
type InternalNamePath = (string | number)[];

React TypeScript Cant update custom input text value

I have developed the Edit Notification page using react typescript.
I get the notification title from the database and set that value into custom input component as follow
let notificationTitle: string = "Notification Test"; // getting from db
label={"Notification Title:"}
"Text inside title tag - can include HTML text styles - bold, italic etc…"
Full code link : https://codesandbox.io/s/zen-aryabhata-7lfch5?file=/src/EditPage.tsx
but I can't update the input text box value and it keeps resetting to the default value passing from the database.
React TypeScript code.
Custom Input Component
import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react";
interface Props {
label: string;
name: string;
required? : boolean;
placeholder: string;
labelClass: string;
value?: string;
const FormInputText: React.FC<Props> = ({
}) => {
const [inputValue,setInputValue] = useState<string>("");
useEffect(() => {
if(inputValue == "" && value) {
const changeHandler = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
return (
<label className={labelClass}>
<span>{label} {(required) ? <b>*</b> : <></>}</span>
<input type="text" onChange={changeHandler} name={name}
placeholder={placeholder} value={inputValue}/>
export default FormInputText;
Edit Page
import "./styles.css";
import FormInputText from "./inputtext.component";
export default function EditPage() {
let notificationTitle: string = "Notification Test"; // getting from db
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Edit Notification</h1>
label={"Notification Title:"}
"Text inside title tag - can include HTML text styles - bold, italic etc…"
Your notificationTitle is not a controlled element, from your EditPage you need to pass this down to your FormInputText component:
let notificationTitle: string = "Notification Test"; // getting from db
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(notificationTitle);
Code here (Further improvement can be made)

Dynamic atom keys in Recoil

I'm trying to make a dynamic form where the form input fields is rendered from data returned by an API.
Since atom needs to have a unique key, I tried wrapping it inside a function, but every time I update the field value or the component re-mounts (try changing tabs), I get a warning saying:
I made a small running example here https://codesandbox.io/s/zealous-night-e0h4jt?file=/src/App.tsx (same code as below):
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { atom, RecoilRoot, useRecoilState } from "recoil";
import "./styles.css";
const textState = (key: string, defaultValue: string = "") =>
default: defaultValue
const TextInput = ({ id, defaultValue }: any) => {
const [text, setText] = useRecoilState(textState(id, defaultValue));
const onChange = (event: any) => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => console.log("TextInput unmount");
}, []);
return (
<input type="text" value={text} onChange={onChange} />
<br />
Echo: {text}
export default function App() {
const [tabIndex, setTabIndex] = useState(0);
// This would normally be a fetch request made by graphql or inside useEffect
const fields = [
{ id: "foo", type: "text", value: "bar" },
{ id: "hello", type: "text", value: "world" }
return (
<div className="App">
<button type="button" onClick={() => setTabIndex(0)}>
Tab 1
<button type="button" onClick={() => setTabIndex(1)}>
Tab 2
{tabIndex === 0 ? (
{fields.map((field) => {
if (field.type === "text") {
return (
) : (
<h1>Tab 2</h1>Just checking if state is persisted when TextInput
is unmounted
Is this even possible with recoil. I mean it seems to work but I can't ignore the warnings.
This answer shows how you can manually manage multiple instances of atoms using memoization.
However, if your defaultValue for each usage instance won't change, then Recoil already provides a utility which can take care of this creation and memoization for you: atomFamily. I'll quote some relevant info from the previous link (but read it all to understand fully):
... You could implement this yourself via a memoization pattern. But, Recoil provides this pattern for you with the atomFamily utility. An Atom Family represents a collection of atoms. When you call atomFamily it will return a function which provides the RecoilState atom based on the parameters you pass in.
The atomFamily essentially provides a map from the parameter to an atom. You only need to provide a single key for the atomFamily and it will generate a unique key for each underlying atom. These atom keys can be used for persistence, and so must be stable across application executions. The parameters may also be generated at different callsites and we want equivalent parameters to use the same underlying atom. Therefore, value-equality is used instead of reference-equality for atomFamily parameters. This imposes restrictions on the types which can be used for the parameter. atomFamily accepts primitive types, or arrays or objects which can contain arrays, objects, or primitive types.
Here's a working example showing how you can use your id and defaultValue (a unique combination of values as a tuple) as a parameter when using an instance of atomFamily state for each input:
TS Playground
body { font-family: sans-serif; }
input[type="text"] { font-size: 1rem; padding: 0.5rem; }
<div id="root"></div><script src="https://unpkg.com/react#17.0.2/umd/react.development.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#17.0.2/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/recoil#0.6.1/umd/recoil.min.js"></script><script src="https://unpkg.com/#babel/standalone#7.17.7/babel.min.js"></script><script>Babel.registerPreset('tsx', {presets: [[Babel.availablePresets['typescript'], {allExtensions: true, isTSX: true}]]});</script>
<script type="text/babel" data-type="module" data-presets="tsx,react">
// import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// import type {ReactElement} from 'react';
// import {atomFamily, RecoilRoot, useRecoilState} from 'recoil';
// This Stack Overflow snippet demo uses UMD modules instead of the above import statments
const {atomFamily, RecoilRoot, useRecoilState} = Recoil;
const textInputState = atomFamily<string, [id: string, defaultValue?: string]>({
key: 'textInput',
default: ([, defaultValue]) => defaultValue ?? '',
type TextInputProps = {
id: string;
defaultValue?: string;
function TextInput ({defaultValue = '', id}: TextInputProps): ReactElement {
const [value, setValue] = useRecoilState(textInputState([id, defaultValue]));
return (
onChange={ev => setValue(ev.target.value)}
function App (): ReactElement {
const fields = [
{ id: 'foo', type: 'text', value: 'bar' },
{ id: 'hello', type: 'text', value: 'world' },
return (
<h1>Custom defaults using atomFamily</h1>
{fields.map(({id, value: defaultValue}) => (
<TextInput key={id} {...{defaultValue, id}} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
I think the problem is from textState(id, defaultValue). Every time you trigger re-rendering for TextInput, that function will be called again to create a new atom with the same key.
To avoid that situation, you can create a global variable to track which atom added. For example
let atoms = {}
const textState = (key: string, defaultValue: string = "") => {
//if the current key is not added, should add a new atom to `atoms`
if(!atoms[key]) {
atoms[key] = atom({
default: defaultValue
//reuse the existing atom which is added before with the same key
return atoms[key];

Adding validation to simple React + Typescript application

I have kind of an easy problem, but I'm stuck because I do not know TypeScript well (and I need to get to know it very quickly).
I have to add simple validation on submit which will check if a value is not empty.
I have the simplest React form:
type FormValues = {
title: string;
function App() {
const [values, handleChange] = useFormState<FormValues>({
title: ""
const handleSubmit = (evt: FormEvent) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
Custom hook to handle form:
import { useCallback, useReducer } from "react";
type InputChangeEvent = {
target: {
name: string;
value: string;
function useFormState<T extends Record<string, string>>(initialValue: T) {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
(prevState: T, { name, value }: InputChangeEvent["target"]) => ({
[name]: value
const handleDispatch = useCallback(
(evt: InputChangeEvent) => {
name: evt.target.name,
value: evt.target.value
return [state, handleDispatch] as const;
export default useFormState;
Now I'd like to add simple validation on submit and (because of TS) I have no idea how. I've thought about three options:
Put the validation logic to the handleSubmit method.
Put the validation logic inside custom useFormState hook.
Create another custom hook just to manage validation only.
I tried to handle the first (and I think the worst) solution in this CodeSandbox example, but as I said the TS types are stronger than me and the code does not work.
Would anyone be so kind and help me with both cases (pick the most correct solution and then, run the code with TS)?
A common approach would be to just store the form error value in a React useState variable and render it as necessary.
const [error, setError] = React.useState('');
// ...
const handleSubmit = (evt: FormEvent) => {
// This might be the wrong way to check the input value
// I haven't worked directly with form submit events in a hot minute
if (!evt.target.value) {
setError('Title is required');
// ...
{error && <strong id="title-error" role="alert">{error}</strong>}
Notice that the aria-describedby, required, aria-invalid and role attributes are important to enforce semantic relationships between the input and its error, announce the error to screen readers when it appears, and designate the input as "required".
If you had multiple inputs in the form, you can make your error value into an object that can store a separate error for each field of your form:
const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});
// ...
setErrors(oldErrors => ({...oldErrors, title: "Title is required"}));
// ...
{errors.title && <strong id="title-error" role="alert">{errors.title}</strong>}
Another common pattern is to clear an input error when it is modified or "touched" to allow the form to be resubmitted:
onChange={(e) => {
setError(''); // or setErrors(({title: _, ...restErrors}) => restErrors);
Note that all of this error handling logic can be rolled into your custom hooks for form/input handling in general, but does not have to be.

getting setstate to cause a rerender every time in a useEffect block

I've created this codesandbox example and here is the code:
import React, { ReactNode, useState } from "react";
import { Formik, FormikConfig, FormikProps, Form, FormikErrors } from "formik";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { scrollToValidationError } from "./scrollToValidationError";
// const isEmpty = (a: unknown): boolean =>
// typeof a === "object" && Object.keys(a).length > 0;
export type FormContainerProps<V> = {
}: {
values: V;
invalid: boolean;
errors: FormikErrors<V>;
submitCount: number;
isSubmitting: boolean;
}): ReactNode;
additionalContent?: ReactNode;
nextButtonText?: string;
} & Pick<FormikConfig<V>, "initialValues" | "validate"> &
Partial<Pick<FormikConfig<V>, "onSubmit">>;
export const FormContainer = function FormContainer<V>({
}: FormContainerProps<V>) {
const [hasValidationError, setHasValidationError] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasValidationError) {
}, [hasValidationError]);
return (
onSubmit={async (values, { validateForm }) => {}}
}: FormikProps<V>) => {
const invalid = !isValid;
if (submitCount > 0 && invalid) {
return (
<div data-selector="validation-summary">Validation Summary</div>
<button type="submit">SUBMIT</button>
Basically I am calling setHasValidationError(true) which breaks the dependency watcher on useEffect
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasValidationError) {
setTimeout(() => setHasValidationError(false));
}, [hasValidationError]);
But if this is a form with multiple errors then I want to trigger the useEffect every time but I don't know when to reset it to false or if there is a better way.
In order to scroll to the first error field upon clicking on submit then you can do the following:
Write a custom component (eg: FocuseabelField) that renders formik field which also handles automatic scroll to element and focus on error input
Use Formik's innerRef
Just use the formik's isSubmitting and errors to handle logic for scrolling and focussing
FocuseabelField custom component
const FocuseabelField: any = props => {
const elementRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
if (
props.isSubmitting &&
elementRef.current !== undefined &&
) {
return <Field {...props} innerRef={elementRef} />;
placeholder="enter name"
className={errors && errors.name ? "input error" : "input"}
I have taken your code and have commented the stuff like scrollToValidationerror.ts, dom.ts, wait.ts, useState(hasValidationError), useEffect etc.
Simplified working copy of the code is here. I have used 2 fields to demonstrate multiple errors & auto scroll & focus to the error field:
When the forms gets bigger it becomes complicated to manage so its good to consider outsourcing the form validation part and use libraries such as yup and maintain a validation schema and pass it on to formik.
Have a look at the formik docs for examples.
What about creating an Object with keys for each form field? That way you can maintain a specific form validation error for each input and use that Object in the useEffect second parameter, it will make sure it's triggered for each form error update
To answer your original question,
useEffect does reference check for its dependencies, so you could use Object instead of value. So something like this.
const [hasValidationError, setHasValidationError] = useState({value: false});
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasValidationError.value) {
}, [hasValidationError]);
setHasValidationError({value: true});
But in regards to Formik usage, I highly recommend you follow what #gdh pointed out.
I don't understand the need of effects here.
Why don't you call the method directly instead of using hooks?
You can avoid 2 re-renders by doing that, and the component can also be stateless!
}: FormikProps<V>) => {
const invalid = !isValid;
if (submitCount > 0 && invalid) {
