React MUI add Cancel and Ok buttons to TimePicker - reactjs

I am using import TimePicker from '#mui/lab/TimePicker'; time picker, and I need ability to manually confirm or cancel the selection. In the documentation I see cancelText and okText options, but there are no ability to show those buttons (showToolbar is not relevant). Maybe I missed something, could somebody please help me?

I had same issue, thats how i resolved it !!!
.css-1e6y48t-MuiButtonBase-root-MuiButton-root {
display: none !important;
Just add this class, this will hide whole div of buttons..


How change Time pickers icon color in material-ui

I need to change the default icon colour in Time pickers. but I don't know the way. If you can help me with this, It's really mean to me. Changes can see the below picture.
Use the class css-i4bv87-MuiSvgIcon-root:
color: red;
You can check this demo

Material Ui TextField remove bottom border

i am using material ui for my project and this is my textField
text field reality
as you can see there is an bottom border underline it, but i want to remove it completely, previously i usually use border: "0px" but i dont know how to customize it, this is what i want
text field expectation
thank for your time to help me out, highly appreciate your effort, hope you have a good day
you can edit in this codesandbox link: codesanboxlink
for this case you can import InputBase from material-ui
import InputBase from '#material-ui/core/InputBase';
you can see your example at codesandbox codesandboxlink

How to adjust colors in angular material default themes

My users are complaining that the change in color for md-buttons on focus is too subtle.
What is the right way to make an adjustment to this for the default color palettes?
Append: I am looking on how to adjust the button styling when the button has focus, not looking for how to create my own theme.
Also, I am using Angular-Material 1, NOT 2
OK, for anyone else looking for this, I found the answer in angular-material.modules.closure.button and angular-material.modules.js.button[disabled]):hover {
background-color: '{{primary-600}}'; }[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]).md-focused {
background-color: '{{primary-600}}'; }
This tells me what I needed, which is that focused buttons get primary-600.
NOW I can customized the theme palletes as recommended in the first comment

debug second click - toggle dropdown

toggle functions only fire on the second click. I had this problem some time ago with a datetimepicker libary. Now the problem exists with bootstrap.
Here is my Jade-Code:
a(href="#", class="dropdown-toggle", data-toggle="dropdown") Einstellungen
a(href="#") test
The dropwdown only toggles with the second click. And dont no where i have to search to find the mistake. Is there maybe a code to detect what is happend with my first click?
When is user the css to collapse on hower it works fine, with the first hover :(
ul.nav li.dropdown:hover ul.dropdown-menu{
display: block;
The project is to big to post it on Fiddle :(
I hope you can give me some advices.
One option might be using the angular-ui-bootstrap route instead of trying to get vanilla bootstrap javascript to work with your angular app. Below is a link to the angular-ui-bootstrap site; try implementing one of the angular-native directives for a drop down and see if that does the trick.
Aside from that, it's hard to help if we can't recreate your problem. Can you try recreating small version of the problem in a codepen or jsfiddle?

Angular dialogue box not resizing correctly

So I am using a angular dialogue box, however, setting custom size for this dialogue box ruins the format inside the box.
I have created a plunkr for this.
If you look at the "save" and "cancel" buttons, they appear somewhere near center of the page even though they are part of modal-footer.
Does anyone know how to resolve this.
Thanks in advance
They are appearing to the right because modal-footer has a css property set as text-align: right. They flow off of the plunker because model-body is being set as 800px in your code here: modal.css("width",'800px');.
You can add a style to override this if you want:
Updated plunker
Hope this helps.
