React useEffect trigger conditionally - reactjs

I'm moving over to functional components from class components and having trouble handling this scenario. This component's state can be updated by 2 different event listeners: key down or mouseover. I want to trigger a callback after the state is updated ONLY if updated by key down. Any way to do this?
const handleMouseOver = e => {
const handleDownArrowKeyDown = () => {
setSelection(selection + 1)
useEffect(() => {
// Only execute below if selection state was updated by handleDownArrowKeyDown
}, [selection])

Put that code inside handleDownArrowKeyDown instead - accounting for the new selection number.
const handleMouseOver = e => {
const handleDownArrowKeyDown = () => {
const newSelection = selection + 1;
// stuff that relies on newSelection


custom hook create infinite loop

This hook create an inifite loop. I don't understnd why, since my dependencies array is set.
Error : Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on every render.
Custom hook :
export const useListGuessers = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
const hasMarketing = UserHelper.hasAuthorization(AUTHORIZATION_MARKETING);
const hasTechnical = UserHelper.hasAuthorization(AUTHORIZATION_TECHNICAL);
const dashboardGroups = new DashboardGroups({hasMarketing, hasTechnical});
const guessers = [
const filteredGuesser = guessers
.filter(({canShow}) => canShow)
.map((guesser: any) => {
return {
label: guesser.label ?? guesser.value.options.label,
link: (guesser.operation && `user-management/${guesser.operation}`) ??,
.sort((a, b) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label));
useEffect(() => {
filteredGuesser && setList(filteredGuesser);
}, [filteredGuesser]);
return list;
The class :
export class DashboardGroups {
authorizations: {hasMarketing: boolean; hasTechnical: boolean};
constructor(authorizations: {hasMarketing: boolean; hasTechnical: boolean}) {
this.authorizations = authorizations;
// [all groups comes here...]
getGroups = () => {
// return an object for each groups with labels, and the group as "children"
Since filteredGuesser calculates on each re-render, which triggers useEffect(..., [filterGuesser] which causes re-render... so it loops.
The easiest straighforward solution is to ensure reference equality for filteredGuesser with useMemo. Then it will be referentially the same until guessers is changed:
const filteredGuesser = useMemo(() =>
.filter(({canShow}) => canShow)
.map((guesser: any) => {
label: guesser.label ?? guesser.value.options.label,
link: (guesser.operation && `user-management/${guesser.operation}`) ??,
.sort((a, b) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label))
, [guessers]);
However, I think the better solution would be reconsider need in
useEffect(() =>
This storing ready for use calculation into state does not seem reasonable to me. I think you better use filteredGuesser directly, instead of storing it into list state
Beta docs for useMemo
Referential equality aka strict equality on MDN

H5P Instance is duplicated in reactjs

I'm developing with h5p standalone plugin in react (nextjs), passing the path as prop to a Modal Component which render the h5p activity.
useEffect(() => {
const initH5p = async (contentLocation) => {
const { H5P: H5PStandalone } = require('h5p-standalone')
const h5pPath = `${contentLocation}`
const options = {
id: 'THINKeyLesson',
h5pJsonPath: h5pPath,
frameJs: '/h5p/dist/frame.bundle.js',
frameCss: '/h5p/dist/styles/h5p.css',
let element = document.getElementById('h5p_container')
await new H5PStandalone(element, options)
}, [location,, course.slug, topic])
With that code, I get two h5p rendered in screen. So I'm using removeAllChildren() to eliminate them from the render.
function removeAllChildNodes(parent) {
while (parent.firstChild) {
That hack is working fine, but when I try to send the xAPI statement to my database, it fires twice
const fireCompleteH5PTopic = async (H5P) => {
H5P.externalDispatcher.on("xAPI", (event) => {
// console.log('event fired')
if (event?.data?.statement?.result?.completion) {
setCounter(counter + 1)
completeH5PTopic(event,, course.slug, topic)
return true
Any help regarding why it fires twice? I think it may be related to h5p rendering twice too.
Thanks in advance.
I tried using a state to render only once, but it is not working.

Cannot update a component while rendering a different Component - ReactJS

I know lots of developers had similar kinds of issues in the past like this. I went through most of them, but couldn't crack the issue.
I am trying to update the cart Context counter value. Following is the code(store/userCartContext.js file)
import React, { createContext, useState } from "react";
const UserCartContext = createContext({
userCartCTX: [],
userCartAddCTX: () => {},
userCartLength: 0
export function UserCartContextProvider(props) {
const [userCartStore, setUserCartStore] = useState([]);
const addCartProduct = (value) => {
setUserCartStore((prevState) => {
return [...prevState, value];
const userCartCounterUpdate = (id, value) => {
console.log("hello dolly");
// setTimeout(() => {
setUserCartStore((prevState) => {
return => {
if ( === id) {
return { ...item, productCount: value };
return item;
// }, 50);
const context = {
userCartCTX: userCartStore,
userCartAddCTX: addCartProduct,
userCartLength: userCartStore.length,
userCartCounterUpdateCTX: userCartCounterUpdate
return (
<UserCartContext.Provider value={context}>
export default UserCartContext;
Here I have commented out the setTimeout function. If I use setTimeout, it works perfectly. But I am not sure whether it's the correct way.
In cartItemEach.js file I use the following code to update the context
const counterChangeHandler = (value) => {
let counterVal = value;
userCartBlockCTX.userCartCounterUpdateCTX(, counterVal);
CodeSandBox Link:
Issue happens when I update the counter inside the CART popup. If you update the counter only once, there won't be any error. But when you change the counter more than once this error pops up inside the console. Even though this error arises, it's not affecting the overall code. The updated counter value gets stored inside the state in Context.
TIL that you cannot call a setState function from within a function passed into another setState function. Within a function passed into a setState function, you should just focus on changing that state. You can use useEffect to cause that state change to trigger another state change.
Here is one way to rewrite the Counter class to avoid the warning you're getting:
const decrementHandler = () => {
setNumber((prevState) => {
if (prevState === 0) {
return 0;
return prevState - 1;
const incrementHandler = () => {
setNumber((prevState) => {
return prevState + 1;
useEffect(() => {
}, [props.currentCounterVal]);
// or [props.onCounterChange, props.currentCounterVal] if onCounterChange can change
It's unclear to me whether the useEffect needs to be inside the Counter class though; you could potentially move the useEffect outside to the parent, given that both the current value and callback are provided by the parent. But that's up to you and exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

Update useState immediately

useState does not update the state immediately.
I'm using react-select and I need to load the component with the (multi) options selected according to the result of the request.
For this reason, I created the state defaultOptions, to store the value of the queues constant.
It turns out that when loading the component, the values ​​are displayed only the second time.
I made a console.log in the queues and the return is different from empty.
I did the same with the defaultOptions state and the return is empty.
I created a codesandbox for better viewing.
const options = [
label: "Queue 1",
value: 1
label: "Queue 2",
value: 2
label: "Queue 3",
value: 3
label: "Queue 4",
value: 4
label: "Queue 5",
value: 5
const CustomSelect = (props) => <Select className="custom-select" {...props} />;
const baseUrl =
const App = () => {
const userId = 1;
const initialValues = {
name: ""
const [user, setUser] = useState(initialValues);
const [defaultOptions, setDefaultOptions] = useState([]);
const [selectedQueue, setSelectedQueue] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (!userId) return;
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(`${baseUrl}/${userId}`);
setUser((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, };
const queues = => ({
// Here there is a different result than emptiness
} catch (err) {
return () => {
}, []);
// Here is an empty result
const handleChange = async (e) => {
const value = => x.value);
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;
React don't update states immediately when you call setState, sometimes it can take a while. If you want to do something after setting new state you can use useEffect to determinate if state changed like this:
const [ queues, setQueues ] = useState([])
/* it will be called when queues did update */
},[queues] )
const someHandler = ( newValue ) => setState(newValue)
Adding to other answers:
in Class components you can add callback after you add new state such as:
this.setState(newStateObject, yourcallback)
but in function components, you can call 'callback' (not really callback, but sort of) after some value change such as
// it means this callback will be called when there is change on queue.
// you set it somewhere
and youre good to go.
no other choice (unless you want to Promise) but React.useEffect
Closures And Async Nature of setState
What you are experiencing is a combination of closures (how values are captured within a function during a render), and the async nature of setState.
Please see this Codesandbox for working example
Consider this TestComponent
const TestComponent = (props) => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: ${count}`);
setCount((prevState) => prevState + 1);
console.log(`count after: ${count}`);
return (
<button onClick={countUp}>Click Me</button>
The test component is a simplified version of what you are using to illustrate closures and the async nature of setState, but the ideas can be extrapolated to your use case.
When a component is rendered, each function is created as a closure. Consider the function countUp on the first render. Since count is initialized to 0 in useState(0), replace all count instances with 0 to see what it would look like in the closure for the initial render.
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: ${0}`);
setCount((0) => 0 + 1);
console.log(`count after: ${0}`);
Logging count before and after setting count, you can see that both logs will indicate 0 before setting count, and after "setting" count.
setCount is asynchronous which basically means: Calling setCount will let React know it needs to schedule a render, which it will then modify the state of count and update closures with the values of count on the next render.
Therefore, initial render will look as follows
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: 0`);
setCount((0) => 0 + 1);
console.log(`count after: 0`);
when countUp is called, the function will log the value of count when that functions closure was created, and will let react know it needs to rerender, so the console will look like this
count before: 0
count after: 0
React will rerender and therefore update the value of count and recreate the closure for countUp to look as follows (substituted the value for count).This will then update any visual components with the latest value of count too to be displayed as 1
const countUp = () => {
console.log(`count before: 1`);
setCount((1) => 1 + 1);
console.log(`count after: 1`);
and will continue doing so on each click of the button to countUp.
Here is a snip from codeSandbox. Notice how the console has logged 0 from the intial render closure console log, yet the displayed value of count is shown as 1 after clicking once due to the asynchronous rendering of the UI.
If you wish to see the latest rendered version of the value, its best to use a useEffect to log the value, which will occur during the rendering phase of React once setState is called
useEffect(() => {
console.log(count); //this will always show the latest state in the console, since it reacts to a change in count after the asynchronous call of setState.
You need to use a parameter inside the useEffect hook and re-render only if some changes are made. Below is an example with the count variable and the hook re-render only if the count values ​​have changed.
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]); // Only re-run the effect if count changes
The problem is that await api.get() will return a promise so the constant data is not going to have it's data set when the line setUserQueues(queues); is run.
You should do:
setUser((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, };
const queues = => ({

What is the correct way to use react hook useState update function?

Considering the following declaration:
const [stateObject, setObjectState] = useState({
firstKey: '',
secondKey: '',
Are the following snippets both corrects ?
setObjectState((prevState) => ({
secondKey: 'value',
secondKey: 'value',
I am sure that A) is correct, but is it necessary ? B) seems ok, but as setObjectState is an asynchronous function, stateObject might not have the most recent value.
One useful thing about case of A that I have found is that you can use this method to update state from child components while only passing down a single prop for setObjectState. For example, say you have parent component with state you would like to update from the child component.
Parent Component:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent';
export const ParentComponent = () => {
const [parentState, setParentState] = useState({
otherValue: null,
pressed: false,
return (
<ChildComponent setParentState={setParentState} />
Child Component:
import React from 'react';
export const ChildComponent = (props) => {
const callback = () => {
props.setParentState((prevState) => ({
pressed: true,
return (
<button onClick={callback}>test button<button>
When the button is pressed, you should expect to see that the state has been updated while also keeping its initial values. As for the difference between the two, there isn't much as they both accomplish the same thing.
A will always give you the updated value. B could be correct but might not. Let me give an example:
const Example = props => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
// 0 + 1
// In this first case the passed value would be the same as using the callback.
// This is because in this cycle nothing has updated counter before this point.
setCounter(counter + 1);
// 1 + 1
// Thanks to the callback we can get the current value
// which after the previous iexample is 1.
setCounter(latest_value => latest_value + 1);
// 0 + 1
// In this case the value will be undesired as it is using the initial
// counter value which was 0.
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, []);
return null;
When the new value depends on the updated one use the callback, otherwise you can simply pass the new value.
const Example = props => {
const [hero, setHero] = useState('Spiderman');
useEffect(() => {
// Fine to set the value directly as
// the new value does not depend on the previous one.
// Using the callback here is not necessary.
setHero(previous_hero => 'Superman');
}, []);
return null;
Also in the example you are giving it would probably be better to use two different states:
const [firstKey, setFirstKey] = useState("");
const [secondKey, setSecondKey] = useState("");
