WKWebView in Xamarin.iOS - How to intercept requests for resources such as CSS and JS files? - request

I load an HTML file into a WKWebView on Xamarin.iOS using webView.LoadHtmlString(). This HTML file references a CSS file and a JS file, for example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://example.com/styles.css"/>
<script src="https://example.com/script.js"></script>
I want to intercept these requests in my code so I can inspect the details of the request, and reroute them to a local cache. I use a subclass of WKNavigationDelegate, with an overridden DecidePolicy() method to intercept requests.
The problem is that DecidePolicy() does not get called for these two requests (for the CSS and JS files). DecidePolicy() only gets called when the user triggers a navigation action.
I have also tried using webViewConfiguration.SetUrlSchemeHandler() with an implementation of IWKUrlSchemeHandler, and replacing instances of "https://" with "customscheme://" in my HTML file, but the method StartUrlSchemeTask() does not get called.
How can I intercept requests for linked resources in an HTML file?

Try the following steps
Register custom scheme with WKWebView .
Convert file scheme to the custom scheme .
Use LoadRequest instead of LoadHtmlString .
Implement 2 methods of WKURLSchemeHandler protocol and handle 3 delegate methods of WKURLSchemeTask.
Refer to
How to intercept a WKWebView request to detect which local resource files (css, js, png, ...) load together with a HTML file?.


ReactJs Environment variables form NestJS

We are working on a reactjs web application with NestJs for server-side.
At the moment we use ServeStaticModule.forRoot.
The app needs some configuration (e.g. url of analytics server, clientId, redirectUrl …).
Since Create React App doesn’t support server rendering, we added placeholders into the HTML and we want to inject variables to the client.
For example :
<html lang="en">
window.CONFIG = __CONFIG__;
How can we replace the CONFIG?
The following approach is for Express.
If you want to modify index.html then one approach is to use app.useStaticAsset(//build path, {index: false}) in main.ts to serve the content while ignoring index.html. Then you can sendFile(//index.html path) in root path to deliver a page.
To replace placeholder config, you can have something like readFileAsync in a respective service or controller to read index.html content and process it before delivering to a client.

Making React aware of the custom configured CDN headers

Our React app is served from a static hosting using S3 and CloudFront.
We configured S3 and CloudFront to add CloudFront-Viewer-Country in the return header of each request made to resources in it. So for instance, our index.html makes a call to get the .js bundle from CloudFront, the returned header would include: cloudfront-viewer-country: US in my case.
My goal is to have the React app "wake up to life" already knowing the location of its user. I realize I can probably add some javascript to the index.html to keep/store it somehow so that the React root component can pick up on that and pass it on to wherever it needs to be (probably the redux state). But then I ask myself, how do I tap into the response header received when the <script> tag finished loading the bundle in order to extract the custom header from it?
the index.html is pretty straightforward. Its body looks like this:
<div id=root></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/myBundle.ac9cf87295a8f1239929.js"></script>
What do you recommend?
It isn't possible to access the headers from the page load or script load. You will have to make a separate request to access the headers.
You could also use browser's locale (navigator.languages) if you need this information for localization.

Existing angular web-app into wordpress page

I created an angular single-page web app for my customer.
Now they need to integrate the app into a page of their (wordpress) website.
EDIT: in other words they want the app inside an existing wordpress page
what's the best approach?
I tried iframe but it does not work: no resize on app content change and problems with modals.
If you need to insert it in an existing page with an already done template you can create a shortcode and a plugin:
create a folder like "your_spa" in the plugin folder of wordpress (/wp-content/plugins/)
create a php file named your_spa.php inside the new generated folder
put this inside the file "your_spa.php"
Plugin Name: your spa plugin
Description: description
function your_spa_code(){ ?>
<!-- put here your code (this will be inside the body of the page) -->
<?php }
add_shortcode( 'yourspa', 'your_spa_code' );
take care of the links/resources urls (js, json, css): place them anywhere you want them, but remember the path (like in html path => url)
remember to let the apache user read the files (file permissions)
activate the plugin "your spa plugin" inside the wordpress dashboard
use [yourspa] inside a blogpost/page as a shortcut
And now you have created a plugin and a shortcode!
PS: remember that your code will be surrounded by the code of the existing page
It's a little dirty but it's the easies solution.
I had some success with simply rendering Angular's bootstrap code, the <app-root> and <script> tags, just as they are served from a standalone an Angular deployment.
I just added the following HTML in a post, using the HTML editor.
Of course, I had to fiddle the JS script source URLs. Rendering all this HTML could be done with a Wordpress shortcode and plugin that asks for a URL path to the JS files.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/inline.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/polyfills.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/styles.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/vendor.bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js"></script>
This worked poorly with the Divi theme and a 'code' module, totally screwed up the page. Attempts to use the offical Wordpress mechanism for including JS scripts (wp_enqueue_script) failed since the <app-root> tag can't be found when the scripts load.

Subresource Integrity in angularJS App which uses Require JS

I have an angular application with below index.html file
Consider in my index.html page I have the following code for SRI (SubResource Integrity)
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
content="script-src 'self' scripts/alert.js 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'sha256-qznLcsROx4GACP2dm0UCKCzCG+HiZ1guq6ZZDob/Tng='">
<script src="scripts/alert.js"
In case, if I am using require JS, then I have to move the script inclusion of 'alert.js' to 'main.js' file as below
// alias libraries paths
paths: {
'jquery': '/scripts/alert'
// kick start application
deps: ['../app/require.bootstrap']
Can someone help me how to include the integrity attribute to the main.js file while referring the alert.js script in the paths.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use Sub Resource Integrity for scripts referenced via require js. Note, that in order to do this you need RequireJS version 2.1.19 or later (see http://requirejs.org/docs/download.html).
For a working example (referencing jQuery), see this plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/kzqLjUThJRtoEruCCtMt?p=preview. Hopefully you should be able to copy this method to your project.
My example uses integrity/crossorigin attributes for:
RequireJS itself (through the index.html file)
jQuery (via the config file main.js and the interesting thing for you)
This is built on the RequireJS hook onNodeCreated and code like
onNodeCreated: function(node, config, module, path) {
node.setAttribute('integrity', integrityForModule);
node.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
Please note that this example does NOT use SRI for the config file main.js file. In order to accomplish that, either
include the RequireJS config inline in the index.html page
...or reference main.js (the config file) through an extra script tag (with integrity/crossover), and not via the data-main attribute

Getting message "This page has insecure content" while accessing drupal site using HTTPS://?

I have developed Drupal site . But when I access my site using HTTPS:// browser gives me a message "This page has insecure content" . I have putted my site data on secure site .
I load JS file in that page for some purpose.
So,Is it JS file issue?
I don't think it should be JS or CSS issue, unless you include them using absolute URLs:
For example if you add the following lines in your theme's template file:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yoursite/mystyle.css">
<script src="http://yoursite/myScript.js"></script>
This serves the JavaScript through http instead of https. Instead you should use:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
<script src="myScript.js"></script>
notice that the URLs in the second piece of code contains relative URL, and would serve the files with the same protocol with which the site is accessed via a browser.
If this is not the case, you have to scan through all the links on the page, and find the links which are start with the format http://... instead of https://.... This problem arises when a browser finds that not all content of the page is being served using encryption.
Hope that makes sense. Please feel free to ask further queries.
Indeed, you might have some assets (css or javascript) loaded from "non secure" source (using http protocol instead of https).
