How do I access a local variable using ARM assembly language? - arm

I use the following piece of assembly code to enter the critical section in ARM Cortex-M4.
The question is, how can I access the local variable primeMask?
volatile uint8_t primaskValue;
"CPSID i \n"
"STRB R0,%[output] \n"
:[output] "=r" (primaskValue)

The %[output] string in the asm code is replaced by the register used to hold the value specified by the constraint [output] "=r" (primaskValue) which will be a register used as the value of primaskValue afterwards. So within the block of the asm code, that register is the location of primaskValue.
If you instead used the constraint string "+r", that would be input and output (so the register would be initialized with the prior value of primaskValue as well as being used as the output value)
Since primaskValue had been declared as volatile this doesn't make a lot of sense -- it is not at all clear what (if anything) volatile means on a local variable.


Code execution exploit Cortex M4

For testing the MPU and playing around with exploits, I want to execute code from a local buffer running on my STM32F4 dev board.
int main(void)
uint16_t func[] = { 0x0301f103, 0x0301f103, 0x0301f103 };
MPU->CTRL = 0;
unsigned int address = (void*)&func+1;
asm volatile(
"mov r4,%0\n"
"ldr pc, [r4]\n"
: "r"(address)
In main, I first turn of the MPU. In func my instructions are stored. In the ASM part I load the address (0x2001ffe8 +1 for thumb) into the program counter register. When stepping through the code with GDB, in R4 the correct value is stored and then transfered to PC register. But then I will end up in the HardFault Handler.
The stack looks like this:
0x2001ffe8: 0x0301f103 0x0301f103 0x0301f103 0x2001ffe9
The instructions are correct in the memory. Definitive Guide to Cortex says region 0x20000000–0x3FFFFFFF is the SRAM and "this region is executable,
so you can copy program code here and execute it".
You are assigning 32 bit values to a 16 bit array.
Your instructions dont terminate, they continue on to run into whatever is found in ram, so that will crash.
You are not loading the address to the array into the program counter you are loading the first item in the array into the program counter, this will crash, you created a level of indirection.
Look at the BX instruction for this rather than ldr pc
You did not declare the array as static, so the array can be optimized out as dead and unused, so this can cause it to crash.
The compiler should also complain that you are assigning a void* to an unsigned variable, so a typecast is wanted there.
As a habit I recommend address|=1 rather than +=1, in this case either will function.

Inline assembly: clarification of constraint modifiers

Two questions:
(1) If I understand ARM inline assembly correctly, a constraint of "r" says that the instruction operand can only be a core register and that by default is a read-only operand. However, I've noticed that if the same instruction has an output operand with the constraint "=r", the compiler may re-use the same register. This seems to violate the "read-only" attribute. So my question is: Does "read-only" refer to the register, or to the C variable that it is connected to?
(2) Is it correct to say that presence of "&" in the constraint of "=&r" simply requires that the register chosen for the output operand must not be the same as one of the input operand registers? My question relates to the code below used to compute the integer power function: i.e., are the "&" constraint modifiers necessary/appropriate?
asm (
" MOV %[power],1 \n\t"
"loop%=: \n\t"
" CBZ %[exp],done%= \n\t"
" LSRS %[exp],%[exp],1 \n\t"
" IT CS \n\t"
" MULCS %[power],%[power],%[base] \n\t"
" MUL %[base],%[base],%[base] \n\t"
" B loop%= \n\t"
"done%=: "
: [power] "+&r" (power)
[base] "+&r" (base)
[exp] "+&r" (exp)
: "cc"
) ;
Read-only refers to the use of the operand in assembly code. The assembly code can only read from the operand, and it must do so before any normal output operand (not an early clobber or a read/write operand) is written. This is because, as you've seen, the same register can be allocated to both an input and output operand. The assumption is that inputs are fully consumed before any output is written, which is normally the case for an assembly instruction.
I don't think using an early-clobber modifier & with an read/write modifier + has any effect since a register allocated to a read/write operand can't be used for anything else.
Here's how I'd write your code:
unsigned power = 1;
asm (
" CBZ %[exp],done%= \n\t"
"loop%=: \n\t"
" LSRS %[exp],%[exp],1 \n\t"
" IT CS \n\t"
" MULCS %[power],%[power],%[base] \n\t"
" MUL %[base],%[base],%[base] \n\t"
" BNE loop%= \n\t"
"done%=: "
: [power] "+r" (power),
[base] "+r" (base),
[exp] "+r" (exp)
: "cc"
) ;
Note the transformation of putting the loop test at the end of the loop, saving one instruction. Without it the code doesn't have any obvious improvement over what the compiler can generate. I also let the compiler do the initialization of the register used for the power operand. There's a small chance it will be able to allocate a register that already has the value 1 in it.
Thanks to all of you for the clarification. Just to be sure that I have it right, would it be correct to say that the choice between "=r" and "+r" for an output operand comes down to how the corresponding register is first used in the assembly template? I.e.,
"=r": The first use of the register is as a write-only output of an instruction.
The register may be re-used later by another instruction as an input or output. Adding an early clobber constraint (e.g., "=&r") prevents the compiler from assigning a register that was previously used as an input operand.
"+r": The first use of the register is as an input to an instruction, but the register is used again later as an output.

Impossible constraint in 'asm': __asm__ __volatile__

I trying since a few days to write a very simple inline assembler code, but nothing worked. I have as IDE NetBeans and as compiler MinGW.
My latest code is:
uint16 readle_uint16(const uint8 * buffer, int offset) {
unsigned char x, y, z;
unsigned int PORTB;
__asm__ __volatile__("\n"
"addl r29,%0\n"
"addl r30,%1\n"
"addl r31,%2\n"
"out %3,r0\n"
: "=I" (PORTB)
: "r" (x), "r" (y), "r" (z)
return value;
But I get everytime the same message "error: impossible constraint in 'asm'".
I tried to write all in a single line or to use different asm introductions. I have no idea what I can do otherwise.
Notice that gcc's inline assembly syntax is
asm [volatile] ( AssemblerTemplate
: OutputOperands
[ : InputOperands
[ : Clobbers ] ])
After the assembler instructions first come the output operands, then the inputs.
As #DavidWohlferd said, I is for "constant greater than −1, less than 64 "constants ("immediates").
While the out instruction in fact requires a constant value from that range, PORTB is not that constant value. (You can see that for yourself if you look into the corresponding avr/ioXXXX.h file for your controller, where you may find something like #define PORTB _SFR_IO8(0x05).)
Also, not all IO registers may be accessible via out/in; especially the bigger controllers have more than 64 IO registers, but only the first 64 can be accessed as such. However, all IO registers can be accessed at their memory-mapped address through lds/sts. So, depending on which register on which controller you want to access you may not be able to use out for that register at all, but you can always use sts instead. If you want your code to be portable you'll have to take that into account, like suggested here for example.
If you know that PORTB is one of the first 64 IO registers on your controller, you can use
"I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR( PORTB )) with out, else use
"m" ( PORTB ) with sts.
So this:
__asm__ __volatile__("\n"
"addl r29,%0\n"
"addl r30,%1\n"
"addl r31,%2\n"
"out %3,r0\n"
: /* No output operands here */
: "r" (x), "r" (y), "r" (z), "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR( PORTB ))
should get you rid of that "impossible constraint" error. Although the code still does not make any sense, mostly because you're using "random", uninitialized data as input. You clobber registers r29-r31 without declaring them, and I'm totally not sure what your intention is with all the code before the lpm.
As EOF says, the I constraint is used for parameters that are constant (see the AVR section at By putting this parameter after the first colon (and by using an =), you are saying this is an output. Outputting to a constant makes no sense.
You list x, y, and z as inputs to the asm (by putting them after the second colon), but they never get assigned a value. An input that has never been assigned a value makes no sense.
You are (apparently) modifying registers 29-31, but you don't tell the compiler that you are doing so?
There's more, but I just can't follow what you think this code is supposed to do. You might want to take some time to look thru the gcc docs for asm to understand how this works.

Mixing C and assembly and its impact on registers

Consider the following C and (ARM) assembly snippet, which is to be compiled with GCC:
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"vldmia.64 %[data_addr]!, {d0-d1}\n\t"
"vmov.f32 q12, #0.0\n\t"
: [data_addr] "+r" (data_addr)
: : "q0", "q12");
for(int n=0; n<10; ++n){
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"vadd.f32 q12, q12, q0\n\t"
"vldmia.64 %[data_addr]!, {d0-d1}\n\t"
: [data_addr] "+r" (data_addr),
:: "q0", "q12");
In this example, I am initialising some SIMD registers outside the loop and then having C handle the loop logic, with those initialised registers being used inside the loop.
This works in some test code, but I'm concerned of the risk of the compiler clobbering the registers between snippets. Is there any way of ensuring this doesn't happen? Can I infer any assurances about the type of registers that are going to be used in a snippet (in this case, that no SIMD registers will be clobbered)?
In general, there's not a way to do this in gcc; clobbers only guarantee that registers will be preserved around the asm call. If you need to ensure that the registers are saved between two asm sections, you will need to store them to memory in the first, and reload in the second.
Edit: After much fiddling around I've come to the conclusion this is much harder to solve in general using the strategy described below than I initially thought.
The problem is that, particularly when all the registers are used, there is nothing to stop the first register stash from overwriting another. Whether there is some trick to play with using direct memory writes that can be optimised away I don't know, but initial tests would suggest the compiler might still choose to clobber not-yet-stashed registers
For the time being and until I have more information, I'm unmarking this answer as correct and this answer should treated as probably wrong in the general case. My conclusion is this that such local protection of registers needs better support in the compiler to be useful
This absolutely is possible to do reliably. Drawing on the comments by #PeterCordes as well as the docs and a couple of useful bug reports (gcc 41538 and 37188) I came up with the following solution.
The point that makes it valid is the use of temporary variables to make sure the registers are maintained (logically, if the loop clobbers them, then they will be reloaded). In practice, the temporary variables are optimised away which is clear from inspection of the resultant asm.
// d0 and d1 map to the first and second values of q0, so we use
// q0 to reduce the number of tmp variables we pass around (instead
// of using one for each of d0 and d1).
register float32x4_t data __asm__ ("q0");
register float32x4_t output __asm__ ("q12");
float32x4_t tmp_data;
float32x4_t tmp_output;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"vldmia.64 %[data_addr]!, {d0-d1}\n\t"
"vmov.f32 %q[output], #0.0\n\t"
: [data_addr] "+r" (data_addr),
[output] "=&w" (output),
"=&w" (data) // we still need to constrain data (q0) as written to.
// Stash the register values
tmp_data = data;
tmp_output = output;
for(int n=0; n<10; ++n){
// Make sure the registers are loaded correctly
output = tmp_output;
data = tmp_data;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"vadd.f32 %[output], %[output], q0\n\t"
"vldmia.64 %[data_addr]!, {d0-d1}\n\t"
: [data_addr] "+r" (data_addr),
[output] "+w" (output),
"+w" (data) // again, data (q0) was written to in the vldmia op.
// Remember to stash the registers again before continuing
tmp_data = data;
tmp_output = output;
It's necessary to instruct the compiler that q0 is written to in the last line of each asm output constraint block, so it doesn't think it can reorder the stashing and reloading of the data register resulting in the asm block getting invalid values.

Using GCC inline assembly with instructions that take immediate values

The problem
I'm working on a custom OS for an ARM Cortex-M3 processor. To interact with my kernel, user threads have to generate a SuperVisor Call (SVC) instruction (previously known as SWI, for SoftWare Interrupt). The definition of this instruction in the ARM ARM is:
Which means that the instruction requires an immediate argument, not a register value.
This is making it difficult for me to architect my interface in a readable fashion. It requires code like:
asm volatile( "svc #0");
when I'd much prefer something like
However, I'm at a loss to construct this function, because the SVC instruciton requires an immediate argument and I can't provide that when the value is passed in through a register.
The kernel:
For background, the svc instruction is decoded in the kernel as follows
#define SVC_YIELD 0
// Other SVC codes
// Called by the SVC interrupt handler (not shown)
void handleSVC(char code)
switch (code) {
// Other cases follow
This case statement is getting rapidly out of hand, but I see no way around this problem. Any suggestions are welcome.
What I've tried
SVC with a register argument
I initially considered
__attribute__((naked)) svc(char code)
asm volatile ("scv r0");
but that, of course, does not work as SVC requires a register argument.
Brute force
The brute-force attempt to solve the problem looks like:
void svc(char code)
switch (code) {
case 0:
asm volatile("svc #0");
case 1:
asm volatile("svc #1");
/* 253 cases omitted */
case 255:
asm volatile("svc #255");
but that has a nasty code smell. Surely this can be done better.
Generating the instruction encoding on the fly
A final attempt was to generate the instruction in RAM (the rest of the code is running from read-only Flash) and then run it:
void svc(char code)
asm volatile (
"orr r0, 0xDF00 \n\t" // Bitwise-OR the code with the SVC encoding
"push {r1, r0} \n\t" // Store the instruction to RAM (on the stack)
"mov r0, sp \n\t" // Copy the stack pointer to an ordinary register
"add r0, #1 \n\t" // Add 1 to the address to specify THUMB mode
"bx r0 \n\t" // Branch to newly created instruction
"pop {r1, r0} \n\t" // Restore the stack
"bx lr \n\t" // Return to caller
but this just doesn't feel right either. Also, it doesn't work - There's something I'm doing wrong here; perhaps my instruction isn't properly aligned or I haven't set up the processor to allow running code from RAM at this location.
What should I do?
I have to work on that last option. But still, it feels like I ought to be able to do something like:
__attribute__((naked)) svc(char code)
asm volatile ("scv %1"
: /* No outputs */
: "i" (code) // Imaginary directive specifying an immediate argument
// as opposed to conventional "r"
but I'm not finding any such option in the documentation and I'm at a loss to explain how such a feature would be implemented, so it probably doesn't exist. How should I do this?
You want to use a constraint to force the operand to be allocated as an 8-bit immediate. For ARM, that is constraint I. So you want
#define SVC(code) asm volatile ("svc %0" : : "I" (code) )
See the GCC documentation for a summary of what all the constaints are -- you need to look at the processor-specific notes to see the constraints for specific platforms. In some cases, you may need to look at the .md (machine description) file for the architecture in the gcc source for full information.
There's also some good ARM-specific gcc docs here. A couple of pages down under the heading "Input and output operands" it provides a table of all the ARM constraints
What about using a macro:
#define SVC(i) asm volatile("svc #"#i)
As noted by Chris Dodd in the comments on the macro, it doesn't quite work, but this does:
#define STRINGIFY0(v) #v
#define SVC(i) asm volatile("svc #" STRINGIFY(i))
Note however that it won't work if you pass an enum value to it, only a #defined one.
Therefore, Chris' answer above is the best, as it uses an immediate value, which is what's required, for thumb instructions at least.
My solution ("Generating the instruction encoding on the fly"):
#define INSTR_CODE_SVC (0xDF00)
#define INSTR_CODE_BX_LR (0x4770)
void svc_call(uint32_t svc_num)
uint16_t instrs[2];
instrs[0] = (uint16_t)(INSTR_CODE_SVC | svc_num);
instrs[1] = (uint16_t)(INSTR_CODE_BX_LR);
// PC = instrs (or 1 -> thumb mode)
((void(*)(void))((uint32_t)instrs | 1))();
It works and its much better than switch-case variant, which takes ~2kb ROM for 256 svc's. This func does not have to be placed in RAM section, FLASH is ok.
You can use it if svc_num should be a runtime variable.
As discussed in this question, the operand of SVC is fixed, that is it should be known to the preprocessor, and it is different from immediate Data-processing operands.
The gcc manual reads
'I'- Integer that is valid as an immediate operand in a data processing instruction. That is, an integer in the range 0 to 255 rotated by a multiple of 2.
Therefore the answers here that use a macro are preferred, and the answer of Chris Dodd is not guaranteed to work, depending on the gcc version and optimization level. See the discussion of the other question.
I wrote one handler recently for my own toy OS on Cortex-M. Works if tasks use PSP pointer.
Get interrupted process's stack pointer, get process's stacked PC, it will have the instruction address of instruction after SVC, look up the immediate value in the instruction. It's not as hard as it sounds.
uint8_t __attribute__((naked)) get_svc_code(void){
__asm volatile("MSR R0, PSP"); //Get Process Stack Pointer (We're in SVC ISR, so currently MSP in use)
__asm volatile("ADD R0, #24"); //Pointer to stacked process's PC is in R0
__asm volatile("LDR R1, [R0]"); //Instruction Address after SVC is in R1
__asm volatile("SUB R1, R1, #2"); //Subtract 2 bytes from the address of the current instruction. Now R1 contains address of SVC instruction
__asm volatile("LDRB R0, [R1]"); //Load lower byte of 16-bit instruction into R0. It's immediate value.
//Value is in R0. Function can return
