Next-Auth EmailProvider and FaunaAdapter "Unable to Sign In" - reactjs

I've followed the next-auth docs to hook up its EmailProvider and FaunaAdapter in a brand new Next.js project, but I am unable to sign in.
My dependencies:
"#next-auth/fauna-adapter": "^1.0.2"
"faunadb": "^4.5.2"
"next": "^12.1.0"
"next-auth": "^4.2.1"
"nodemailer": "^6.7.2"
"react": "^17.0.2"
"react-dom": "^17.0.2"
I've wrapped my pages/_app.jsx in SessionProvider, so I can use useSession() in pages/index.jsx.
The real work happens in the only other file in the repo, pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js:
import NextAuth from 'next-auth';
import EmailProvider from 'next-auth/providers/email'
import { Client as FaunaClient } from 'faunadb';
import { FaunaAdapter } from '#next-auth/fauna-adapter';
const client = new FaunaClient({
secret: process.env.FAUNA_CLIENT_SECRET,
scheme: 'https',
domain: '',
port: 443,
export default NextAuth({
providers: [
server: {
host: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER_HOST,
port: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER_PORT,
auth: {
user: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER_USER,
pass: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD
from: process.env.EMAIL_FROM,
maxAge: 10 * 60 * 60,
adapter: FaunaAdapter(client),
secret: process.env.AUTH_SECRET,
The Problem
When I attempt to sign in, I successfully receive the email in my inbox and the Fauna dashboard shows a new entry in the verification_tokens collection. The expires property in the new token is ten hours in the future and the identifier is the correct email address.
However, when I click the link in the email, I'm redirected to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/error?error=Verification and I see the message "Unable to sign in. The sign in link is no longer valid. It may have been used already or it may have expired."
In the Fauna dashboard, both users and sessions collections remain empty.
I'm using Postmark to handle the SMTP email – I'm curious whether it may pre-click the link when it sends the email?
Gmail is the receiving email client, but I doubt it's pre-clicking the link?
My local node version is 16.14.0, and to eliminate complications I've reverted from yarn to npm. I have a demo repository here:
Thanks for the help!

So, I had a better look and I found out that the adapter is calling the fauna Match(Index('verification_token_by_identifier_and_token'), [identifier, token]) in this specific order while the Index is expecting to receive the terms the other way around [token, identifier].
Looks like when the index is created through the Fauna Shell it always sets the terms in the "wrong" way. A temporary solution is to delete the index and recreate it manually setting the identifier as the first term and token as the second.
A more permanent solution would probably be update the adapter so that it uses the index in the same way it is created from the Shell.


Give access to a user for a single Solr collection

I'm trying to create two users: an admin ide who has all permissions, and a dev user who can only query the /select path and a specific collection collec1.
I used the Rule-Based Authorization Plugin and I have the following security.json file:
I made sure to put the more specific permission on top.
When I try to query the collection with dev user, I get an error 403. Any would help would be appreciated.

How to solve Sanity warning: You have configured Sanity client to use a token in the browser

I'm using ReactJS for the front-end and Sanity for the back-end.
I came across this warning and I have read this linked documentation but I'm not sure how to apply in this case. I'm sure that I don't want to ignore the warning if it's for security issue.
I put my secret Sanity token inside an .env file, I thought this would work but apparently they say it would be exposed in the app bundle.
There are 2 suggestions in this document but it doesn't say how to apply it.
-> So what would be the right way to configure the token in this case? And can you help me understand how to apply it, please? Thanks everyone!
import sanityClient from '#sanity/client'
export const client = sanityClient({
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: 'production',
apiVersion: '2022-02-01',
useCdn: true,
token: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_TOKEN,
According to the instructions of this document, you just need to add the "ignoreBrowserTokenWarning: true" code inside the object passed to sanityClient() like below and the warning will never appear again!
import sanityClient from '#sanity/client'
export const client = sanityClient({
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: 'production',
apiVersion: '2022-02-01',
useCdn: true,
token: process.env.REACT_APP_SANITY_TOKEN,
ignoreBrowserTokenWarning: true,

Login with Apple id returns "invalid_request Invalid web redirect url."

I'm trying to integrate Login with Apple id in my NextJS project. For authentication, I chose package next-auth. So, in the documentation for next-auth, it requires the following data:
import Providers from `next-auth/providers`
providers: [
clientId: process.env.APPLE_ID,
clientSecret: {
teamId: process.env.APPLE_TEAM_ID,
privateKey: process.env.APPLE_PRIVATE_KEY,
keyId: process.env.APPLE_KEY_ID,
I used this link to create the credentials for my account.
For the clientId I used an identifier for my ServicesID, right now it looks like com.test.client. For the teamId I used a string that was in the right top corner. For the privateKey I used the key that I generated in my account and downloaded it. I removed the parts where it says -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- and made sure the key stays in one line. keyId I got from my account.
I store all the values in the .env variable. I double-checked and the problem is not with the .env variable.
When I try to log in with Apple id It redirects me to this error page:
Here's the list of my URLs from the ServicesID page:
Domains and Subdomains:
Return URLs
I guess the problem is with my redirect url, but I don't understand what is it.

Can't connect to Neptune anymore

I have created a Neptune instance in my AWS and a Load Balancer to access it from my local machine to play around.
I'm basically redirecting all connections on the :80 at my LB to :8182 in my Neptune.
So I can easily query it through the browser. In fact, this is the output for the /status:
// 20191211170323
// http://my-lb/status
"status": "healthy",
"startTime": "Mon Dec 09 20:06:21 UTC 2019",
"dbEngineVersion": "",
"role": "writer",
"gremlin": {
"version": "tinkerpop-3.4.1"
"sparql": {
"version": "sparql-1.1"
"labMode": {
"ObjectIndex": "disabled",
"Streams": "disabled",
"ReadWriteConflictDetection": "enabled"
Problem is when I try to connect with it through Gremlin Console or Java code I'm getting the following errors:
gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote-neptune.yaml
ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Handler$GremlinResponseHandler - Could not process the response
io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketHandshakeException: Invalid handshake response getStatus: 403 Forbidden
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientHandshaker13.verify(
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientHandshaker.finishHandshake(
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.handler.WebSocketClientHandler.channelRead0(
at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$
And my remote-neptune.yaml is as simple as:
hosts: [my-lb]
port: 80
connectionPool: { enableSsl: false}
serializer: { className: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.GryoMessageSerializerV3d0, config: { serializeResultToString: true }}
I have updated my AWS credentials although I don't think that's related since I'm accessing it through the LB.
And the weirdest part is that this same scenario was working like a week ago :/
Any ideas?
Looks like the problem has auto resolved, but just sharing a few things to watch out for in case this happens again in the future. If you see connection issues, your first line of operation should be to check if its a network connectivity issue. (You mentioned that you were going to check if something changed with regards to security groups, so do update if that was indeed that case). To check if it indeed is a SG issue - log into your client instance, and do a simple telnet call to the DB endpoint.
telnet <endpoint> <port>
If it responds with "Connected", then you can be sure that your SGs are correct, and now you are dealing with an Application layer problem.
As called out in comments, some of the possible culprits could be:
You previously had a setup without IAM Auth in Neptune (not on ALB) and now you enabled IAM Auth. (Emphasis - I'm referring to IAM Auth on the database, and not some other component in between).
Gremlin client-server mismatches.
Some explicit settings on the ALB that could hinder the requests.
And a few others. To summarize, try to classify if it is a L2/L3 issue or an L7 issue and start investigating based off that.

Interface Between Google Sign-in and MailKit

I am writing an app in WPF (Windows 10 desktop) that should
include a component where the user can download message headers
and messages from G-Mail.
I am trying to use MailKit to interface with G-Mail via a secure
connection (without having to turn on "allow less-secure apps"
for G-Mail) and download messages with POP3. I am a bit confused
as to the proper procedure.
FYI: I know next to nothing about OAuth and TLS, so KISS please.
I have created and downloaded a JSON file for OAuth 2.0 from Google.
I have visited the FAQ for MailKit, and the following section
seems relevant, but I'm not sure as to what I should plug in
to the interface.
(Please see the code below.)
For "password", would that be the password for the account?
I'm not sure as to what to give for
From the Q & A:
How can I log in to a GMail account using OAuth 2.0?
The first thing you need to do is follow Google's instructions for
obtaining OAuth 2.0 credentials for your application.
Once you've done that, the easiest way to obtain an access token is to
use Google's Google.Apis.Auth library:
var certificate = new X509Certificate2 (#"C:\path\to\certificate.p12", "password",
var credential = new ServiceAccountCredential (new ServiceAccountCredential
.Initializer ("") {
// Note: other scopes can be found here: [links]
Scopes = new[] { "https mail google com " },
User = ""
}.FromCertificate (certificate));
bool result = await credential.RequestAccessTokenAsync (CancellationToken.None);
// Note: result will be true if the access token was received successfully
// Now that you have an access token (credential.Token.AccessToken), you can
// use it with MailKit as if it were the password:
using (var client = new ImapClient ()) {
client.Connect ("", 993, true);
// use the access token as the password string
client.Authenticate ("", credential.Token.AccessToken);
My next question: Would the user be able to access their own account(s)
with my app without having to follow the same procedure?
IOW: Will the credentials that I've downloaded work for any account?
... or allow access only to the account from which the credentials
were created?
If the credentials are only good for my own account, then I'll have to
do something else.
Would Google Sign-In be a better approach?
I've downloaded the example code for .NET from Google:
I've built and ran ran "OAuthConsoleApp", as well as "OAuthDesktopApp".
It would seem that I am getting a secure connection from those,
as I have gotten the following output:
redirect URI: http
Authorization code: qwerty ...
Exchanging code for tokens...
Send the request ...
GetRequestStream ...
await stream.WriteAsync ...
Get the response ...
responseText ...
"access_token": "qwerty ...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "qwerty ...",
"id_token": "qwerty ..."
Making API Call to Userinfo...
+++ userinfoResponseText : {
"sub": "117108120545711995673",
"name": "My Name",
"given_name": "My",
"family_name": "Name",
"picture": "qwerty ...",
"locale": "en"
I see that I have an "access_token" in the response and I thought
that I could plug that in to the "client.Authenticate" method for
MailKit as the password (as mentioned in the docs for MailKit):
string access_token = tokenEndpointDecoded["access_token"];
client.Connect ("", 995, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);
client.Authenticate ("", access_token);
It threw an exception:
"POP3 server did not respond with a +OK response to the AUTH command."
at MailKit.Net.Pop3.Pop3Client.Authenticate(Encoding encoding,
ICredentials credentials, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailKit.MailService.Authenticate(String userName, String
password, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
p3_client, String p_access_token)
in :\Software_Develpoment_Sys_03_K\MIME_EMail\TEST_02\Mail_Kit_01\MailKit_01.cs:line
in K:\Software_Develpoment_Sys_03_K\MIME_EMail\TEST_02\OAuth\oauth-apps-for-windows\OAuthConsoleApp\LIB1_01_G_Mail_Auth\G_Mail_Auth_01.cs:
line 95
in K:\Software_Develpoment_Sys_03_K\MIME_EMail\TEST_02\OAuth\oauth-apps-for-windows\OAuthConsoleApp\LIB1_01_G_Mail_Auth\G_Mail_Auth_01.cs:line
Does anyone know how I could get a "credential" object from
the Google interface that I could use with MailKit?
Any help would be appreciated.
For "password", would that be the password for the account?
No. It would be the password for your PKCS12 file containing your X.509 Certificate and your private key.
I'm not sure as to what to give for "".
You need to register yourself and your application with Google's Developer program which will give you a developer id to use. You need to follow their directions.
