Pointer to a 'constprop' function in C - c

I'm currently developing a C code for a RISC-V SoC that I'm compiling using GCC. I have a foo(a,b) function, and I need to provide its address to the hardware through a customed CSR (Control and Status Register) using CSRRW. As of now, I was defining a macro, compiling/linking the program, changing the value of the macro according to the generated firmware, compiling/linking again and checking that the address didn't change. Nevertheless, I'd like to have a more generic approach, hence the use of pointers.
I tried to simply associate the function base address to a variable (addr = foo), which is working most of the time. However, after compiling and linking the code with GCC (and -O3 optimization), I've noticed that 2 versions of the function were created:
The pointer I get in the code is referring to the first one, however, I would also need a variable to point to the second one. Is there a generic way to deal with this?
As Nate Eldredge suggested, I created a function foo_const() calling foo(0,0). What happens is that GCC is creating <foo_const> with a jump instruction only. So a pointer to foo_const would not fix the issue.
I also tried to copy and adapt the content of foo(a,b) in foo_const() by replacing the arguments with constants. This work as the called function is directly the one I created and not the 'constprop' anymore. However, it doesn't really reply to my question as it is a workaround not to point to 'constprop' instead of a way to point to it, and also there is a negative impact on performances.


gcc exception handler modify return address

I'm currently writing some bare-metal code for, among others, armv6-m using (arm-none-eabi-)gcc as compiler.
When implementing the exception-handlers I stumbled upon __attribute__((interrupt("type"))) (manual) telling gcc to generate a function that preserves all registers (apart from banked ones).
The problem is that this generated function always (more or less) returns execution to wherever it was supposed to be before the interrupt. While desirable for regular interrupts, this is exactly not what you want when dealing with e.g. undefined instruction exceptions, as you then spin on said undefined instruction. While I can find a macro that is supposed to get me the return address, I can't find one to set or modify it. This seems like an obvious thing to be included with e.g. the type "undef" as returning to the old pc is basically guaranteed to just retrigger the exception.
TLDR: Is there some way to modify the return address of an interrupt handler or a general c function in gcc?
And please don't tell me to just write an assembly wrapper, I know that would fix it & already have a few of those, but if this work is already done by gcc I'd prefer to not worry about register clobbering and optimization myself.

Remote update-able function or code in a statically linked firmware of embedded device (microcontroller) [closed]

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Is it possible to remote update or patch only certain piece of code to an embedded device (microcontroller)?
I am writing a bare metal C program on a microcontroller. Lets say I have main program which comprises of function A(), B(), C() and D() each in their own .c file.
I would like to do a remote update (patching) of only B() which has its own custom section in the main program so that the address is fixed and known.
The thing that puzzles me is how do I produce an updated executable of B()? Given that it relies on standard C library or other global variables from the main program. I need to resolve all the symbols from the main program.
Would appreciate any suggestions or reference to other thread if this question has been asked before (I tried to search but couldn't find any)
from Russ Schultz: Compile the new B(), and link it with the symbol file previously generated from the main program using gcc --just-symbols option. The resultant elf will contain just B() that assumes all these other symbols are there. (I haven't tried it but this is the concept that I was looking for)
Compile the whole program with the new B(), and manually take only the B() part binary from the main program (because its section address and size are known). Send B() binary to the device for remote update (not efficient as it involves many manual works).
Dynamic loading and linking requires run-time support - normally provided by an OS. VxWorks for example includes support for that (although the code is normally loaded into RAM over a network or mass-storage file-system rather then Flash or other re-writable ROM).
You could in theory write your own run-time linker/loader. However for it to work, the embedded firmware must contain a symbol table in order to complete the link. The way it works in VxWorks, is the object code to be loaded is partially linked and contains unresolved symbols that are completed by the run-time linker/loader by reference to the embedded symbol table.
Other embedded operating systems that support dynamic loading are:
Another approach that does not require a symbol table is to provide services via a software interrupt API (as used in PC-BIOS and MS-DOS). The loaded module will necessarily have a restricted access to services provided by the API, but because they are interrupts, the actual location of such services does not need to be known to the loadable module, not explicitly linked at run-time.
There is an article on dynamically loading modules in small RTOS systems on Embedded.com:
Bring big system features to small RTOS devices with downloadable app modules.
The author John Carbone works for Express Logic who produce ThreadX RTOS, which gives you an idea of the kind of system it is expected to work on, although the article and method described is not specific to ThreadX.
Some approach like this requires that the programmer manually manages all code allocation with their own custom segments. You'd have to know the fixed address of the function and it can't be allowed to grow beyond a certain size.
The flash memory used will dictate the restrictions, namely how large an area do you need to erase before programming. If you can execute code from eeprom/data flash then that's the obvious choice.
Library calls etc are irrelevant as the library functions are most likely stored elsewhere. Or in the rare case where they are inlined, they'll be small. But you might have to write the function in assembler, since C compiler-generated machine code may screw up the calling convention or unexpectedly overwrite registers if taken out of the expected context.
Because all of the above is fairly complex, the normal approach is to only modify const variables, rather than code, and keep those in eeprom/data flash, then have your program act based on those values.
I'm assuming you're talking about bare metal with my answer.
First off, linking a new function B() with the original program is relatively simple, particularly with GCC. LD can take a 'symbol file' as input using the --just-symbols option. So, scrape your map file, create the symbol file and use it as an input to your new link. Your resultant elf will contain just your code that assumes all these other symbols are there.
At that point, compile your new function B(), which should be a different name than B() (so we'll choose B_()). It should have the exact same signature as B() or things won't work right. You have to compile with the same headers, etc. that your original code was compiled with or it likely won't work.
Now, depending on how you've architected your original program, life can be easy or a real mess.
If you make your original program with the idea of patching in mind, then the prep is relatively trivial. Identify which functions you might want to patch and then call them through function pointers, e.g.:
void OriginalB(void)
//Original implementation of B goes here
void (B*)(void) = OriginalB;
void main(void)
B(); //this calls OriginalB() through the function pointer B. Once you
//patch the global function pointer B to point to B_(), then this
//code will call your new function.
Now your patch program is the original program linked with your B_(), but you somehow have to update the global function pointer B to point to B_() (rather than OriginalB())
Assuming you can use your new elf (or hex file) to update your device, it's pretty easy to just go modify those to change the value of B or assign the new function pointer directly in your code.
If not, then whatever method of injection you need to do also needs to inject a change to the global pointer.
If you didn't prep your original program, then it can be a real bear (but doable) to go modify references to B() to instead jump to your new B_(). It might get super tricky if your new function is too far away for a relative jump, but still doable in theory. I've never actually done it. ;)
If you're trying to patch a ROM, you almost have to have prepped the original ROMmed program to use function points for potential patch points. Or have some support in the ROM hardware to allow limited patching (usually it's just a few locations it will let you patch).
Some of the details may be incorrect for GCC (I use the Keil tools in my professional flow), but the concept is the same. It's doable. It's fragile. There's no standard way of doing this and it's highly tool and application dependent.

Compile assembly code from C code without using specific register in gcc

I am injecting some control flow monitoring codes to a program. I get an assembly code generated by GCC C compiler (flag -S). Then I add some monitoring codes in assembly before every indirect branches within the application. Those monitoring codes needs to use some registers and therefore, for every branch I inject the code I have to push and pop the registers I use in order to save the previously written value and return them after.
However since the performance is an issue, I was wondering if I can avoid the push pops when I convert the C code to assembly code and tell the GCC to generate assembly code without using one or two specific register. Therefore, I can avoid using push pops for every indirect branch to save the existing values in the register.
Is there any way to do that?
See the -ffixed-reg option.
Note that if the register in question is required to be used for passing arguments, etc, this won't work (indeed, it appears that in that case, gcc will silently use it anyway).

manually setting function address gcc

I've got a worked binary used in embeded system. Now i want to write a some kind of patch for it. The patch will be loaded into a RAM bellow the main program and then will be called from main program. The question is how to tell gcc to use manually setted addresses of some function which will be used from patch. in other words:
Old code has function sin() and i could use nm to find out the address of sin() in old code. My patched code will use sin() (or something else from main programm) and i want to tell the gcc (or maybe ld or maybe something else) for it to use the static address of function sin() while it linking the patched code. is it possible?
The problem is that you would gave to replace all references to the original sin() function for the patched code. That would require the runtime system to contain all the object code data used to resolve references, and for the original code to be modifiable (i.e. not in ROM for example).
Windriver's RTOS VxWorks can do something close to what you are suggesting; the way it does it is you use "partial linking" (GNU linker option -r) to generate an object file with links that will be resolved at runtime - this allows an object file to be created with unresolved links - i.e. an incomplete executable. VxWorks itself contains a loader and runtime "linker" that can dynamically load partially linked object files and resolve references. A loaded object file however must be resolvable entirely using already loaded object code - so no circular dependencies, and in your example you would have to reload/restart the system so that the object file containing the sin() were loaded before those that reference it, otherwise only those loaded after would use the new implementation.
So if you were to use VxWorks (or an OS with similar capabilities), the solution is perhaps simple, if not you would have to implement your own loader/linker, which is of course possible, but not trivial.
Another, perhaps simpler possibility is to have all your code call functions through pointers that you hold in variables, so that all calls (or at least all calls you might want to replace) are resolved at runtime. You would have to load the patch and then modify the sin() function's pointer so that all calls thereafter are made to the new function. The problem with this approach is that you would either have to know a priori which functions you might later want to replace, or have all functions called that way (which may be prohibitively expensive in memory terms. It would perhaps be useful for this solution to have some sort of preprocessor or code generator that would allow you to mark functions that would be "dynamic" in this way and could automatically generate the pointers and calling code. So for example you might write code thus:
__dynamic void myFunction( void ) ;
myFunction() ;
and your custom preprocessor would generate:
void myFunction( void ) ;
void (*__dynamic_myFunction)(void) = myFunction() ;
__dynamic_myFunction() ;
then your patch/loader code would reassign myFunctionDyn with the address of the replacement function.
You could generate a "dynamic symbol table" containing just the names and addresses of the __dynamic_xxxxx symbols and include that in your application so that a loader could change the __dynamic_xxxxx variables by matching the xxxxx name with the symbols in the loaded object file - if you load a plain binary however you would have to provide the link information to the loader - i.e. which __dynamic_xxxxx variable to be reasssigned and teh address to assign to it.

Dynamic relocation of code section

Just out of curiosity I wonder if it is possible to relocate a piece of code during
the execution of a program. For instance, I have a function and this function should
be replaced in memory each time after it has been executed. One idea that came up our mind
is to use self-modifying code to do that. According to some online resources, self-modifying
code can be executed on Linux, but still I am not sure if such a dynamic relocation is possible. Has anyone experience with that?
Yes dynamic relocation is definitely possible. However, you have to make sure that the code is completely self-contained, or that it accesses globals/external functions by absolute references. If your code can be completely position independent, meaning the only references it makes are relative to itself, you're set. Otherwise you will need to do the fixups yourself at loading time.
With GCC, you can use -fpic to generate position independent code. Passing -q or --emit-relocs to the linker will make it emit relocation information. The ELF specification (PDF link) has information about how to use that relocation information; if you're not using ELF, you'll have to find the appropriate documentation for your format.
As Carl says, it can be done, but you're opening a can of worms. In practice, the only people who take the trouble to do this are academics or malware authors (now donning my flame proof cloak).
You can copy some code into a malloc'd heap region, then call it via function pointers, but depending on the OS you may have to enable execution in the segment. You can try to copy some code into the code segment (taking care not to overwrite the following function), but the OS likely has made this segment read-only. You might want to look at the Linux kernel and see how it loads its modules.
If all these different functions exist at compile time then you could simply use a function pointer to keep track of the next one that is to be called. If you absolutely have to modify the function at runtime and that modification can't be done in place then you could also use a function pointer that is updated with address of the new function when it is created/loaded. The rest of your system would then call the self-modifying function through the function pointer and therefore doesn't have to know or care about the self-modifying code and you only have to do the fixup in one place.
