Dynamic named credentials Salesforce - salesforce

I need to update the permissions of a Drive document from Salesforce.
I wanted to use Named Credentials, but I didn't find any way of building a call like this one:
where {documentId} is a dynamic value.
I've seen that it is possible to add a prefix, but actually even if I create a Named Credential with only https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files, when I call it from my Apex class I get a permission error.
Is there a way to achieve what I would like or I need to change approach?
Thank you

What exactly error are you getting? Salesforce security about not having access to class X? Something about callouts not allowed from triggers? You're sure it works with hardcoded document id?
Should be possible to make the named credential point to https://www.googleapis.com or https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/ and then add the rest of the endpoint in Apex. If it throws errors - maybe Drive's API is special, you'd need to read up.
String endpoint = 'callout:MyNamedCredential' + '/abc123/permissions';
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
I have something like that:
Named credential pointing to https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json
and then
static final String ENDPOINT = 'callout:GoogleMaps?key={0}&latlng={1}&result_type=premise%7Cstreet_address';
String apiKey = SomeCustomSetting__c.getInstance().GoogleApiKey__c;
String latLng = '60.23,11.17';
req.setEndpoint(String.format(ENDPOINT, new List<String>{apiKey, latLng}));
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
You could also look into "Files Connect" API I guess.


Use Graph inside a multitenant azure function (App credentials)

i 'm working on an azure functions that make some graph call to different tenant (multitenant)
I want to reuse a GraphServiceClient and leveraging token cache
I generate the GraphServiceClient in this way:
List<string> scopes = new List<string>() { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
var authProvider = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create("e9b93362-a788-4644-8623-da9f4d4776a7")
.WithAuthority(AzureCloudInstance.AzurePublic, AadAuthorityAudience.AzureAdMultipleOrgs)
var dd = new MsalAuthenticationProvider(authProvider, scopes.ToArray(),"ugochotmail.onmicrosoft.com");
var appGraphClient = new GraphServiceClient(dd);
Than i should call
authResult = await _clientApplication.AcquireTokenForClient(_scopes)
.WithAuthority(AzureCloudInstance.AzurePublic, Tenant)
To obtain a token for the app to access the specific tenant.
The problem is in the authentication provider that is call on every send request but doen't offer a parameter with the tenant name
public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
var token = await GetTokenAsync();
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
At the moment i just add a property to the Authentication provider to set the tenant. It works but i would like to know if there is a better solution
Per my understanding, it seems your function doesn't allow a parameter which specify the tenant name and then use the tenant name when do GetTokenAsync() method. And now you can just hardcode the tenant name in the line new MsalAuthenticationProvider(... to specify the tenant.
For this problem, I think you can add a variable named tenant in the "Application settings" of your function app (as below screenshot show).
Then add a line of code string tenant = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("tenant"); above var token = await GetTokenAsync();
After that, you can add parameter in method GetTokenAsync() like GetTokenAsync(tenant). Then you do not need to hardcode tenant name in code, you just need to change the tenant name in "Application settings" of your function.
If I misunderstand your requirement, please provide more details.
It seems you just want to specify the tenant in your code by a parameter, but not add the tenant name as a property in var dd = new MsalAuthenticationProvider(authProvider, scopes.ToArray(),"tenant name");. If so, you can refer to the code below (just add a line .WithTenantId("xxx.onmicrosoft.com") when do ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder)
No it doesn't fix the problem as, in a multitenant, the target tenant is send as a parameter to the function. I'm working on an other approach i will come back when i will finish tests.
Thanks a lot

Implement one general Authorization Service which should be called when I put Authorize attribute on it in multiple applications/APIs

Has anyone an idear what to use as a general Authorization Service and have an working code example or good implementation steps how to implement such of thing.
It takes a lot of time to look what I am after, but didn't found any satisfied solution yet.
IdentityServer is not an option, while my permissions can not be stored as claims, because of the size of the token. It comes with about 200 persmissions, so it should be done in a dbcontext or something.
I looked at the PolicyServer, but it wasn't working as I expected. When I installed it at the IS4 application, it works on the IS4 controllers, but when the Authorize is called from an external application, it doesn't call the Authorize override at all were it should check the permissions.
And it seems that the permissions aren't set in the external application either in the User.Claims or what so ever. I'm missing some settings I think.
What I want to accomplish is that I have one permissions store (table) (which for example contains a bunch of index, add, edit or delete button or what so ever). The should be given to the autheniticated user which is logged in. But this single persmission-store should be available at all applications or APIs I run, so that the Authorize attribute can do his job.
I think it shouldn't be so hard to do, so I'm missing a good working example how to implement something like this and what is working.
Who can help me with this to get this done?
I wrote some code to get the permissions by API call and use that in the IsInRole override. But when I declare it with the Authorize attr, it will not get in the method:
1) [Authorize]
public class AuthController : ControllerBase
private readonly IdentityContext _context;
public AuthController(IdentityContext context)
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
public bool IsInRole(string role)
2) if (User.FindFirst("sub")?.Value != null)
var userID = Guid.Parse(User.FindFirst("sub")?.Value);
if([This is the code that checks if user has role])
return true;
return false;
This is the IsInRole override (ClaimsPrincipal.IsInRole override):
public override bool IsInRole(string role)
var httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("AuthClient");
3) var accessToken = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync(OpenIdConnectParameterNames.AccessToken).Result;
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "/api/auth/isinrole/?id=" + role);
var response = httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result;
This isn't working while it is not sending the access_token in the request
The 'sub' isn't send
Is always null
The open source version of the PolicyServer is a local implementation. All it does is read the permissions from a store (in the sample a config file) and transform them into claims using middleware.
In order to use the permissions you'll have to add this middleware in all projects where you want to use the permissions.
Having local permissions, you can't have conflicts with other resources. E.g. being an admin in api1 doesn't mean you are admin in api2 as well.
But decentralized permissions may be hard to maintain. That's why you probably want a central server for permissions, where the store actually calls the policy server rather than read the permissions from a local config file.
For that you'll need to add a discriminator in order to distinguish between resources. I use scopes, because that's the one thing that both the client and the resource share.
It also keeps the response small, you only have to request the permissions for a certain scope instead of all permissions.
The alternative is to use IdentityServer as-is. But instead of JWT tokens use reference tokens.
The random string is a lot shorter, but requires the client and / or resource to request the permissions by sending the reference token to the IdentityServer. This may be close to how the PolicyServer works, but with less control on the response.
There is an alternative to your solution and that is to use a referense token instead of a JWT-token. A reference token is just an opaque identifier and when a client receives this token, he has go to and look up the real token and details via the backend. The reference token does not contain any information. Its just a lookup identifier that the client can use against IdentiyServer
By using this your tokens will be very small.
Using reference token is just one option available to you.
see the documentation about Reference Tokens

How can I convert a file received as blob in HttpResponse call to an audio file in Salesforce Apex coding?

I am actually trying to implement text-to-speech conversion in Salesforce by hitting a third-party api. When i send the request through Postman, i get back the proper response in .wav format. However, I'm not being able to handle this reponse programatically in salesforce end, as I am not able to store the response in any audio object.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Not 100% sure of what your trying to do but it would look something like this assuming you built your object correctly
ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject();
result = (InnerClasses.ResponseObject)JSON.deserialize(json, InnerClasses.ResponseObject.class);
This is supported by IBM's Watson Salesforce SDK, available here
The functional tests for Watson's text-to-speech services can be found here refer to the method
testSynthesize(String username, String password, String customizationId)
The audio file returned as part of the response could be saved as an attachment in Salesforce by simply creating it from the IBMWatsonFile like on this example,
IBMWatsonFile resp = textToSpeech.synthesize(options);
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Body = resp.body();
attachment.Name = resp.name();
attachment.ParentId = '<your salesforce parent id>';
insert attachment;
This code uses basically the method getBodyAsBlob() available from the HttpResponse class
before using this approach, please consider the governor limits enforced by Salesforce on any APEX callout, refer to the Maximum size of callout request or response documented here

Convert a clientsecret into a private key

I'm working with Google Cloud Storage in AppEngine and I'm attempting to use a POST form to upload a file to GCS. The problem I'm having is with the steps needed to sign the policy document. I can easily fetch the client_secret, which is a String from the client_secrets.json that the API Console gave me. however, in order to create a signature, I need to convert that string into a PrivateKey object. Here's what my code looks like:
//create the policy document and encode it
String policyDocument = ... //omitted for brevity
String encodedPolicy = Base64.encodeString(policyDocument);
//sign using SHA256 with RSA
String secretKey = ... //I fetch this from client_secrets.json
Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
sig.initSign(secretKey); //THIS IS THE PROBLEM!
String signature = new String(Base64.encode(sig.sign()));
//put the values in the request attributes so we can fetch them from a JSP
req.setAttribute("policy", encodedPolicy);
req.setAttribute("signature", signature);
As noted above, my problem is in the line
sig.initSign(secretKey); //THIS IS THE PROBLEM!
secretKey is a String. Signature.initSign() expects a PrivateKey, or one of its descendant objects. How do I convert the string in the client_secrets.json into a PrivateKey (or derived) object that I can pass Signature.initSign?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
OK, here's where I am right now. I tried the suggestions below, and all of the documentation is urging me to use the client_secret in the client_secrets.json file downloaded from the Google API console, not the service account. And besides, I'm trying to construct an example of a user's upload, not a service account.
I found the following code on another page:
public static String signPolicyDocument(String policyDocument, String secret) {
try {
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
byte[] secretBytes = secret.getBytes();
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(secretBytes, "HmacSHA256");
byte[] signedSecretBytes = mac.doFinal(policyDocument.getBytes());
return new String(Base64.encode(signedSecretBytes));
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
And it gets me all the way through the process...until I submit the resulting form. Then I get the following response:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.
What signing method is it looking for?
Here's what I think you need to do:
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
PrivateKey privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
The keyBytes variable should contain a byte[] array with your service account key file in it.
The final answer to this problem is like the conclusion of Wargames. As WOPR said, "A strange game...the only way to win is not to play." Avoid signing and policy document and all that crap and use the blobstore.
(See this: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/blobstore/overview#using-blobstore-with-gcs)
It's very easy to implement; when you create your temporary blobstore upload URL like so:
//open the blobstore service and create the upload url
BlobstoreService bs = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
String uploadUrl = bs.createUploadUrl("/display",
The downside to this approach is the object name will be a string of characters you don't recognize. You can open the blobstore viewer and see your object by file name in the blobstore, but in GCS its object name will be gobbledygook. (A hash, maybe? A randomly assigned ID)?
To upload a file to GCS from Appengine you can use the blobstore Api. Follow the steps described in Using Blobstore with GCS. The advantage is that you don't have to worry about keys and the code is much simpler.

How can i extract attachments from salesforce?

I need to extract attatchments out of salesforce? I need to transfer some notes and attachments into another environmant. I am able to extract the notes but not sure how to go about extracting the attatchments
This mostly depends on what tools/utilities you use to extract. The SOQL for Attachment sObject will always return one row at a time if Body field is included in the query. This is enforced to conserver resources and prevent overbearing SOQL scripts.
Approach #1, if queryMore is not available: Issue a SOQL without Body field to enumerate all attachments, then issue one SOQL per attachment ID to retrieve Body
Approach #2: Issue a SOQL to retrieve all needed attachments then loop using queryMore to get them one at a time.
Approach #3: If you can "freeze" the SF environment and just want to take snapshot of the system to pre-load a different one to be used going forward you can use "data exports". In setup menu, in data management there is an export data command, make sure you click "Include in export" to include all binary data. After due process it will give you a complete data backup you can crunch offline.
Btw, body is base64 encoded, you'll need to decode it to get the actual binary
Here is the solution I've used to get the attachment binary content from SalesForce. The example in their documentation points the following:
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
So there are a couple different elements here. The host (https://na1.salesforce.com) you should be able to get after the login process, this host is session based so it can always change. Second element is the rest of the URL, that you will get from the "body" field of the Attachment object. Third and last element is the Authorization header, which is composed by the string "Bearer ", plus the token that is given to you after you authenticate with the SF backend.
The response is the binary file, it is NOT in base64, just save it to a file and you are good to go.
Here is an example of how I did it in Objective C:
// How to get the correct host, since that is configured after the login.
NSURL * host = [[[[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] coordinator] credentials] instanceUrl];
// The field Body contains the partial URL to get the file content
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", [host absoluteString], {AttachmentObject}.body]];
// Creating the Authorization header. Important to add the "Bearer " before the token
NSString *authHeader = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Bearer %#",[[[[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] coordinator] credentials] accessToken]];
NSMutableURLRequest * urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:60.0];
[urlRequest addValue:authHeader forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
[urlRequest setHTTPMethod:#"GET"];
urlConnection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:urlRequest delegate:self];
Hope it helps.
You can use SOQl Query options, or if you are looking for some automation tool that will help you with quick export, then you can try AppExchange App Satrang Mass File Download - https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000EcsAOUAZ&tab=e
Disclaimer: I work at Satrang Technologies, the publisher of this Mass File Download AppExchange App.
In SalesForce attachment will be against an Object for e.g. Account object.
Steps to retrieve attachment (in Java)
Get the ID of the Object to which a file is attached. e.q. Account Object
String pid = Account__r().getId();
Execute a Query on Salesforce Object "Attachment" for the ID in Step 1
*String q = "Select Name, Body, ContentType from Attachment
where ParentId = '" + pid + "'";
QueryResult qr = connection.query(q);
SObject[] sarr = qr.getRecords();*
SObject so = sarr[0];
Typecast Salesforce Generic Object (SObject) to "Attachment" object
*Attachment att = (Attachment)so;*
Retrieve the Byte Array Stream from Body of Attachment, and do the operation needed on byte array.
*byte[] bName = att.getBody();
// Do your operation in byte array stream*
