I need to create a function that can get a very "dynamic" parameter. it should be a ble to accept many types of arrays
class NdArray<T> {
// need to be able to get
f(number[]) // -> NdArray<number>
f(number[][]) // -> NdArray<number>
f(number[][][]) // -> NdArray<number>
//and so on...
f(string[]) // -> NdArray<string>
f(string[][]) // -> NdArray<string>
f(string[][][]) // -> NdArray<string>
// and generally
f(object[][][]...) // -> NdArray<object>
Recursively unwrap the array:
type UnwrapArray<A> = A extends unknown[] ? UnwrapArray<A[number]> : A;
If A is an array, we unwrap the type of its elements. Otherwise it's just something else we don't need to unwrap.
Your function f here could be something like:
function f<T>(type: T): NdArray<UnwrapArray<T>> {
// a very cool implementation
I just started learning rust and I'm creatively trying somethings as I read "the Rust Book".
I know it is possible to create a generic method to get the largest element from an array, like the following:
fn largest<T: PartialOrd + Copy> (nums: &[T]) -> T {
let mut largest = nums[0];
for &el in nums {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
return largest;
And calling the main function like this:
fn main() {
let list: Vec<u32> = vec![1,7,4];
println!("{}", largest(&list)); // 7
How would I go doing the same thing but "extending" the array, like this:
fn main() {
let list: Vec<u32> = vec![1,7,4];
println!("{}", list.largest()); // 7
I guess the final question is: if it is possible, would it be a bad practice? Why?
I tried something like this, but didn't manage to figure out how to implement the "Largeble" trait returning the T:
pub trait Largeble {
fn largest(&self);
impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd + Display> Largeble for Vec<T> {
fn largest(&self) {
let mut largest = match self.get(0) {
Some(&el) => el,
None => panic!("Non Empty array expected")
for &el in self {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
println!("{}", largest);
// return largest;
You need to make the Largeable trait return a T from the Vec<T>, which you can do with an associated type:
use std::fmt;
pub trait Largeble {
type Output;
fn largest(&self) -> Self::Output;
impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd + fmt::Display> Largeble for Vec<T> {
type Output = T;
fn largest(&self) -> T {
let mut largest = match self.get(0) {
Some(&el) => el,
None => panic!("Non Empty array expected")
for &el in self {
if el > largest {
largest = el;
println!("{}", vec![1, 2, 3, 2].largest()); // prints "3"
Traits like Largeable are usually called extension traits, since they extend existing items with new features. Using extension traits to extend items in existing libraries is common in the Rust ecosystem. It's common to suffix the names of extensions with Ext (so a collection of additional methods for Vec would be called VecExt). A popular use of extension traits is the itertools library, which provides a trait that adds additional useful methods to Iterator in the standard library.
How would I go doing the same thing but "extending" the array
Sure, your code snippet was close, you can create a trait and implement it on types.
pub trait Largeble<T>
T: Ord,
fn largest(&self) -> Option<&T>;
impl<T> Largeble<T> for Vec<T>
T: Ord,
fn largest(&self) -> Option<&T> {
// Iterator already has a method for getting max which simplifies things
Alternatively, you can make T an associated type which may be better suited to this example.
You can run this code in the Rust Playground.
Would it be a bad practice? Why?
Nope, it's definitely not bad practise. It is a very common way to developing in Rust and can be very powerful. Your trait needs to be in scope for you to be able to call .largest(), so it does not pollute anything.
Additionally, if you have multiple methods with the same name from different traits, you can provide a longer syntax to specify the exact trait you want to use: Largest::<u32>::largest(&list).
I tried something like this, but didn't manage to figure out how to implement the "Largeble" trait returning the T.
Your code was mostly correct, but your largest method didn't return anything. That's why the trait needs a generic T, to specify that you will return T.
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around generics. What I want is to have an array of generic classes, each with it's own associated type, and call a function accordingly. It would look something like this:
class SomeGenericClass<U> {
func addCallback(callback: (U)->() ) { ... }
var array: [SomeGenericClass] // compile error
The last line yields an error, so I found that I needed to have a superclass. I tried something like this:
class SuperClass {
func addCallback<V>(callback: (V)->() ) { ... }
class SomeGenericClass<U> {
func addCallback<V: U>(callback: (V)->() ) { ... } // compile error
var array: [SuperClass] // no compile error
This yields the error Type 'V' constrained to non-protocol, non-class type 'U'.
Basically I want to be able to do:
array.append(SomeGenericClass<UIImage>()) // array[0]
array.append(SomeGenericClass<Int>()) // array[1]
// Since array[0] is effectively of type SomeGenericClass<UIImage>, the compiler should understand that the close added if of type (UIImage)->(), and therefore that value is of type UIImage
array[0].addCallback { value in
someImageView.image = value
Is using a superclass the right approach in this case? How should it be implemented?
I worked around this problem by storing my array members in their own variable. That is, instead of defining my array like:
lazy var array: [SuperClass] = [
I defined it this way:
lazy var genericFirst: SomeGenericClass<UIImage> = SomeGenericClass<UIImage>()
lazy var genericSecond: SomeGenericClass<Int> = SomeGenericClass<Int>()
// etc...
lazy var array: [SuperClass] = [
This way, I can access the generics I want like this:
genericFirst.addCallback { value in
// value is indeed of type UIImage
someImageView.image = value
I am using Kotlin to parse JSON. For example, I have this representation of a country: {"code":"US", "name":"United States of America"}. To produce a Country object from such a JSONObject, I have this function:
val produceCountry = fun (js: JSONObject) =
Country(js.getString("code"), js.getString("name"))
I can easily parse an array of Country with this function. Besides arrays of Country, however, I also have arrays of Cat, Car, Cart, CordlessPhone, etc. Each has their own produce* function transforming a JSONObject to a Kotlin object of that type. To generalize array parsing, I have this function:
fun <T> produceSetOf(array: JSONArray, element: (JSONObject) -> T): Set<T> {
val set = mutableSetOf<T>()
for (i in 0 until array.length())
return set
So I can call produceSetOf(jsonArray, produceCountry) on encountering an array whose elements are of type Country. This works well on arrays of Cat, Car, Cart, CordlessPhone too.
Problem arises when I see an array of strings. Instead of array.getJSONObject(i), I have to use array.getString(i). In effect, I am thinking of introducing another parameterized type to the function above and have it make the call differently:
fun <S,T> produceSetOf(array: JSONArray, element: (S) -> T): Set<T> {
val set = mutableSetOf<T>()
for (i in 0 until array.length()) {
when (S) {
is String ->
is JSONObject ->
return set
Of course, Kotlin does not allow me to do that. Any suggestion how I could do that while maintaining the generality of produceSetOf() and without introducing another layer of abstraction (e.g. an element iterator, or a function transforming an index into String/JSONObject)?
Thank you.
Here is one possible solution using reified type parameters.
inline fun <reified S, T> produceSetOf(array: JsonArray, element: (S) -> T): Set<T> {
val set = mutableSetOf<T>()
for (i in 0 until array.size()) {
when (S::class) {
String::class -> set.add(element(array[i].string as S))
JsonObject::class -> set.add(element(array[i].obj as S))
return set
val stringArray = listOf("1", "2").toJsonArray()
val stringSet = produceSetOf<String, Int>(stringArray) { it.toInt() }
println(stringSet) // prints [1, 2]
val objArray = listOf(jsonObject("key" to "value"), jsonObject("key" to "other")).toJsonArray()
val objSet = produceSetOf<JsonObject, String>(objArray) { it["key"].string }
println(objSet) // print [value, other]
I used gson for the Json objects, since I didn't know where yours were from.
A possible shorter solution:
inline fun <reified S, T> produceSetOf(array: JsonArray, element: (S) -> T): Set<T> = array.map {
when (S::class) {
String::class -> element(it.string as S)
JsonObject::class -> element(it.obj as S)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("${S::class.simpleName} is not supported")
I'm trying to create an extension of Array that returns a new array of unique items based on the items with the closure applied.
For example: If I had an array of Apple where apple has properties name and origin, to get one Apple of each origin I would call apple.uniqued(on: { $0.origin })
Here's the code I have so far:
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func uniqued(on extract: (Element) -> Equatable) { // A
let elementsAndValues = map { (item: $0, extracted: extract($0)) } // 1
var uniqueValues: [Element] = []
var uniqueExtracts: [Equatable] = [] // A
elementsAndValues.forEach { (item, extracted) in
if !uniqueExtracts.contains(extracted) { // 3, B
uniqueValues += [item]
uniqueExtracts += [extracted]
return uniqueValues
This should work as follows:
Create an array of tuples with both the original elements (item) and the elements with the closure applied (extracted)
If uniqueExtracts doesn't contain the item, add it and add the item to the uniqueItems array.
The errors I'm getting are:
A) "Protocol 'SomeProtocol' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements" (twice)
B) "Missing argument label 'where:' in call"
I'm using the latest version of Xcode. Any advice would be a lot of help. Many thanks.
You have multiple problems that mix together to create the errors you’re seeing. What you should do is use a generic.
extension Array
func uniqued<T:Equatable>(on extract:(Array.Element) -> T) -> [Array.Element]
let elementsAndValues = self.map{ (item: $0, extracted: extract($0)) }
var uniqueValues:[Element] = []
var uniqueExtracts:[T] = []
for (item, extracted) in elementsAndValues
if !uniqueExtracts.contains(extracted)
return uniqueValues
The <T:Equatable> declares a generic type parameter T that conforms to Equatable. Then the function signature can expect a closure that returns some generic type T that we know conforms to Equatable from the type constraint in the angle brackets. You also have to change every occurrence of Equatable to the generic parameter T, since Equatable isn’t a real type; see my answer here. If you do that the code should compile.
You have a few other things you should probably change:
Instead of using elementsAndValues.forEach(:), use a for <pattern> in list {} loop.
Although this is contentious, you should probably use the Array().append(:) method instead of += concatenation when adding one element to an array. In the case of +=, as opposed to +, this is purely to convey intent.
You did not declare a return type for your function, so the compiler assumes it returns Void, and so the return uniqueValues statement will cause a compiler error. Add a -> [Array.Element] to the function to fix this.
where Element:Equatable as a constraint on Array itself is superfluous. You are using a key function to determine equability, so whether the elements themselves are equatable is irrelevant.
You may want to use a Set or some other hashed data structure instead of a uniqueExtracts array. Testing for membership in an array is an O(n) operation.
I would do this with a group(by:) function, which would group each element in the sequence by a given key (e.g. the origin), yielding a Dictionary mapping keys to groups (arrays of elements in the group). From there, I would just map over the dictionary and just get the first element in each group.
public extension Sequence {
public typealias Element = Iterator.Element
public typealias Group = [Element]
public func group<Key: Hashable>(by deriveKey: (Element) -> Key) -> [Key: Group] {
var groups = [Key: Group]()
for element in self {
let key = deriveKey(element)
if var existingArray = groups[key] { // Group already exists for this key
groups[key] = nil //performance optimisation to prevent CoW
groups[key] = existingArray
else {
groups[key] = [element] // Create new group
return groups
struct Apple {
let name: String
let origin: String
let apples = [
Apple(name: "Foo", origin: "Origin 1"),
Apple(name: "Bar", origin: "Origin 1"),
Apple(name: "Baz", origin: "Origin 2")
let firstAppleInEachOrigin = apples.group(by: {$0.origin}).flatMap{ _, group in group.first }
firstAppleInEachOrigin.forEach{ print($0) }
I have seen:
Rust array of functions
Iterate over vector of functions
and searched online. I do not want closures. I am trying to implement a classic dynamic(-ish) function lookup table.
mod impl_foo;
mod impl_bar;
use utils;
// a CmdResult is a Result with a tuple of an int and a string
static FUNCTIONS: &'static [fn(&[String]) -> utils::CmdResult] = &[
("bar".to_string(), impl_bar::call_bar),
("foo".to_string(), impl_foo::call),
fn find_action(name: &String) -> (fn(&[String]) -> utils::CmdResult) {
match FUNCTIONS.binary_search_by(|item| item[0].cmp(name)) {
Ok(action) => action,
Err(_) => (|&[String]| Err((1, format!("Unknown '{}'", name))))
// later on in another function ....
action = find_action("foo");
let result = action(args);
// process results
But this does not compile:
src/main.rs:44:5: 44:50 error: mismatched types:
expected `fn(&[collections::string::String]) -> core::result::Result<i32, (i32, collections::string::String)>`,
found `(collections::string::String, fn(&[collections::string::String]) -> core::result::Result<i32, (i32, collections::string::String)> {impl_foo::call})`
and again for impl_bar::call_bar.
What am I missing? It appears to have something to do with the use of different modules since it clearly works for other people.
I also tried to define a type:
type Action = fn(&[String]) -> utils::CmdResult;
and use that to cut down on typing but no luck there either.
BTW, you need #![feature(slice_patterns)] because of the &[String].
Edit the next morning.....
As Francis points out below my transcription here had a flaw. It did not exactly match the real problem I had but it helped me see with fresh eyes.
The slice pattern requirement is because I was trying to handle unknown functions with a closure. Once I removed that the complaint went away. I was trying to be a little too dynamic language style I think :-)
Below is the completed code that actually works so that people finding this question can see working code.
type Action = fn(&[String]) -> utils::CmdResult;
static FUNCTIONS: &'static [(&'static str, Action)] = &[
("bar", impl_bar::call),
("foo", impl_foo::call_foo),
fn find_action(prog: &String) -> Option<Action> {
match FUNCTIONS.binary_search_by(|&(name,_)| name.cmp(prog)) {
Ok(idx) => Some(FUNCTIONS[idx].1),
Err(_) => None,
fn invoke(prog: &String, args: &[String]) -> i32 {
let result = match find_action(prog) {
Some(action) => action(args),
None => Err((1, format!("Unknown: {}", prog))),
result.unwrap_or_else(|(n, msg)| {
writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", msg).ok();
Read the error message carefully:
src/main.rs:44:5: 44:50 error: mismatched types:
expected `fn(&[collections::string::String]) -> core::result::Result<i32, (i32, collections::string::String)>`,
found `(collections::string::String, fn(&[collections::string::String]) -> core::result::Result<i32, (i32, collections::string::String)> {impl_foo::call})`
Let's simplify it:
src/main.rs:44:5: 44:50 error: mismatched types:
expected `fn(&[String]) -> Result<i32, (i32, String)>`,
found `(String, fn(&[String]) -> Result<i32, (i32, String)> {impl_foo::call})`
What this message is telling you is that you're trying to put a tuple of String and a function type into an array that expects only the function type.
You probably meant to define your array like this:
static FUNCTIONS: &'static [(&'static str, fn(&[String]) -> utils::CmdResult]) = &[
("bar", impl_bar::call_bar),
("foo", impl_foo::call),