create-react-app error while using yarn 3 - reactjs

I'm using yarn 3.2.0(latest) and node 17.6.0(latest)
As instructed in CRA documentation I ran yarn create react-app myapp. It completed installation and was able to start the app using yarn start. However after making changes to the App , I always get the following error
Failed to load config "react-app" to extend from.
Referenced from: D:\myapp\package.json
If I install any packages, I get module not found error like below
ERROR in ./src/App.js 6:0-39
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'styled-components' in 'D:\myapp\src'
Anyone know what's going on?

I had a similar issue. And found that the reason why this was happening to me was due to my Antivirus. Try disabling your antivirus on windows if you have one and re-create your project and if that fixes your issue.


React Module not found

I have installed an npm package on my react application but everytime I try to compile I get this error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'serialport' in 'C:\Users\Username\Desktop\ProjectGroup\c-test\src'
I have checked the node_modules folder and it is in fact in that folder.
i have also tried to install it again but it still throws the same error.
How would I go about fixing this?
As shown in comments, you installed only the types which are usefull for TypeScript.
Run npm i serialport

React native Found errors while update expo sdk 42 to 45.Also setup new environment on react native all packages are exist but still giving errors

We have issue found during installing a new expo app whenever we update newer version of expo app from play store our development related things not working so we have updated it with expo sdk 45 but it giving error still so we have set a new environment and trying to solve this after set new environment it still giving errors like below
ERROR Error: Requiring module "node_modules\react-native-reanimated\src\Animated.js", which threw an exception: Error: Reanimated 2 failed to create a worklet, maybe you forgot to add Reanimated's babel plugin?
ERROR Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if:
Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.
A module failed to load due to an error and AppRegistry.registerComponent wasn't called.
I don't think this is a fix for everyone, but try:
yarn global add expo-cli
(Mine upgraded when I do this)
yarn install
(To rebuild the package)
expo --version
Then use the package version on the package.json
"expo-cli": "5.4.12",
expo start
Give it a go, you might be lucky...

Why am I getting a "Cannot find module './cli-engine'" error and how can I fix it?

I'm new to programming, so please be gentle.
When I use 'npm start' to view my react app in local host it won't compile. I get an error message, 'Cannot find module './cli-engine'. That was not the case until today.
I suppose this file was in node_modules until recently? How can I restore my development environment to normal without breaking anything?
Here's the full error message:
Cannot find module './cli-engine'
Require stack:
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/react-scripts/node_modules/eslint/lib/api.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/eslint-webpack-plugin/dist/getESLint.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/eslint-webpack-plugin/dist/linter.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/eslint-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/eslint-webpack-plugin/dist/cjs.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js
- /Users/louysgackstetter/Desktop/Portfolio/Dominion/dominion/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
UPDATE: npm install did not fix the issue. Or rather, it did, I no longer got the error described above, but I got a different "Cannot find module" error instead. Ultimately I created a completely new react-redux app using the create-react-app command and moved my source code over. Took me 10 minutes, solved the problem like a charm.
You can try npm install, and see if that resolves the problem.
Here is explained everything you need to know about it:
What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

Ant Design Cannot find module 'rc-textarea'

I just created an Umi Ant Design Pro project but when i run my project (yarn start),i am getting the following error:
Steps taken to resolve this issue:
1:installed rc-textarea:
yarn add rc-textarea
2:stopped my server and ran yarn again in my terminal
3:then ran yarn start to start my server and still got the same error although my terminal this time stopped displaying the error i keep getting in my browser as seen below:
Step4:I then did some Research and came across this link
Git Memory Blog
But the path : ./node_modules/antd/es/input/TextArea.js does not exist in my project.
I also found a github link with a similar issue:
Other solutions did not work so i tried wbcs's solution:
yarn cache clean
yarn install
But the error is still eminent.
My inspection window indicates that this is a possible webpack issue:
How do i resolve this?
Try removing .umi and node_modules folders, and then start this project again.

Grunt Error Cannot find module 'win-spawn'

I just installed Generator-ionic
in the folder where i genrated the app im trying to run grunt server
i get this error Error: Cannot find module 'win-spawn'
Not sure why the dependency is not being met, but it happened here too.
npm install win-spawn
Generator-ionic team is aware of the issue:
