guys , im starter and i keep getting this message - Mismatched input 'fst' expecting 'end of line without line continuation' - strategy-pattern

fst = li <= sl
plotchar(fst, char='●', location=location.abovebar, ,title = "FSL", transp = 0)
flt = li > ss,
plotchar(flt, char='●', location=location.abovebar, ,title = "FLT", transp = 0)
Please guide me what I'm doing wrong it should mark the next candle According price line that called li.


Argument types problem ('float', 'const int') in array

I've been trying my first codes in pine script. The question is this. I have created few array.new_float to use as buffers in the 'for' statement. The thing is that I need to do some math over the data. Now, once the 'for' is done, an error pops: 'Cannot call 'operator -' with argument 'expr0' = 'High'.An argument of 'float[]' type was used but a 'const int' is expected'.
Please, if anyone knows what am I doing wrong, I will thank you.
Edit: I will leave the script of what I'm trying to do here
// Indicator name
indicator("DAF_Swing_Index", shorttitle= 'DAF_SwInd', overlay=false)
// Input
T =, title = 'Ratio de escala', minval = 1000, maxval = 150000)
Shift =, title = 'Desplazamiento horizontal', minval = 0, maxval = 100)
// Array
SWINGINDEX = array.new_float(200)
Open = array.new_float(200)
Open1 = array.new_float(200)
Close = array.new_float(200)
Close1 = array.new_float(200)
High = array.new_float(200)
Low = array.new_float(200)
// Other variable
var float SwingIndex = 0
var int StartBars = 1
Prev_calculated = bar_index
Rates_total = bar_index + 1
var float SH1 = 0
var float SI = 0
var float R = 0
// Initial bar verification
if Rates_total < StartBars
SwingIndex := 0
Primero = 1
if Prev_calculated > Rates_total or Prev_calculated <= 0
Primero := 1
Primero := Prev_calculated-1
// Main process
for bar = Primero to Rates_total
array.push(Open, high[bar])
array.push(Open1, open[bar-1])
array.push(Close, close[bar])
array.push(Close1, close[bar-1])
array.push(High, high[bar])
array.push(Low, low[bar])
K = math.max(math.abs(High - Close1), math.abs(Low - Close1))
TR = math.max(math.max(math.abs(High-Close1), math.abs(Low-Close1)), math.abs(High-Low))
ER = 0.0
if Close1 > High
ER := math.abs(High - Close1)
if Close1 < Low
ER := math.abs(Low - Close1)
SH1 := math.abs(Close1 - Open1)
R := TR - 0.5 * ER + 0.25 * SH1
SI := 0.0
if R != 0
SI := 50 * ((Close - Close1) + 0.5 * (Close - Open1)) * (K / T) / R
SwingIndex := SI
// ploting result
plot(SwingIndex, title = 'Swing Index', style = plot.style_line, color = color.rgb(193, 255, 51, 10))
So, what the error message tells you is, your are passing an array, where it expects a const value.
Like here:
K = math.max(math.abs(High - Close1), math.abs(Low - Close1))
All those variables (High, Close1, Low) are arrays. It simply can not subtract one array from another. You can however, subtract one element from another element.
So for that line, I believe you want something like this:
K = math.max(math.abs(array.get(High, bar) - array.get(Close1, bar)), math.abs(array.get(Low, bar) - array.get(Close1, bar)))
With array.get(), you can get value the of the element at the specified index.
You should fix this in all other occurences.

Incrementing over a URL variable

import urllib2
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
x = 0
i = 1
data = []
while (i < 13):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(
'' % i, +str(x)).read(), 'html')
tableStats = soup.find("table", ("class", "playerTableTable tableBody"))
for row in tableStats.findAll('tr')[2:]:
col = row.findAll('td')
name = col[0].a.string.strip()
opp = col[1].a.string.strip()
rec = col[10].string.strip()
yds = col[11].string.strip()
dt = col[12].string.strip()
pts = col[13].string.strip()
data.append([name, opp, rec, yds, dt, pts])
except Exception as e:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=[
'PLAYER', 'OPP', 'REC', 'YDS', 'TD', 'PTS'])
i += 1
I have been working with a fantasy football program and I am trying to increment data over all weeks so I can create a dataframe for the top 40 players for each week.
I have been able to get it for any week of my choice by manually entering the week number in the PeriodId part of the url, but I am trying to programmatically increment it over each week to make it easier. I have tried using PeriodId='+ I +' and PeriodId=%d but I keep getting various errors about str and int concatenate and bad operands. Any suggestions or tips?
Try removing the comma between %i and str(x) to concatenate the strings and see if that helps.
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(''%i, +str(x)).read(), 'html')
should be:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(''%i +str(x)).read(), 'html')
if you have problem concatenating or formatting URL please create variable instead write it one line with BeautifulSoup and urllib2.urlopen.
Use parenthesis to format with multiple value like "before %s is %s" % (1, 0)
url = '' % (i, x)
# or
#url = '' % i
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
Make the code sorter will not effect the performance.

Trying to summarize list in arcpy

I have a list of xy points that I'm trying to sum together and identify the centroid, but it only uses the last value in the row. I'm trying to create a centroid for each state, Here's the code:
Total_X1 = 0
Total_Y1 = 0
TotalPop1 = 0
#Cat = "cali"
cntyName1 = "cnty"
stateName1 = "statename"
for row in cursor:
#if row[0] >= : ### for condition that is met
#if row[0]== []:
TheStateName1 = row[0]
thecntyName1 = row[4]
idpoly1 = row[5]
idobject1 = row[6]
stateFIPS1 = row[7]
countyFIPS1 = row[8]
fips1 = row[9]
fipSnum1 = row[10]
fipsNumer1 = row[11]
#totarea = row[12]
XPoint = row [13]
YPoint = row[14]
#print Cat
print TheStateName1
print thecntyName1
print row ### do something with that value!
Total_X1 += row[2] *row[3]
print Total_X1
Total_Y1 += row[1] *row[3]
print Total_Y1
TotalPop1 += row[3]
print TotalPop1
print ""
print "X is: " , Total_X1
print "POP is: " , TotalPop1
centroid_X1 = Total_X1/TotalPop1
print "your x centroid is: ",centroid_X1
print ""
#print Cat
print thecntyName1
print TheStateName1
Any Suggestions, Thanks!
The cursor can only 'see' one row at a time, you have to pull info from that row and store it elsewhere.
loc_list = [(row[0], row[1]) for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(dataset, ['X_coord', 'Y_coord'])
Will give you a list of X,Y tuples from your attribute table.
After that you've got multiple options for turning that list of tuples into a spatial dataset before calculating the mean - start by reading the ESRI documentation for arcpy.Point and all the related topics linked, and go from there. If you have 10.3 or above you can use Mean Center once you have a point layer.
You'll probably get a wrong answer if you just take the mean of the X and Y without projecting first, so don't.

Appending Int to an Array Matlab

I am using an API to get real data times of trains and am trying to get the closest train time to a user entered time and then display that train time, and the next 4 granted the trains are running. I am reading in the information and the code goes through what its supposed to do but when I look at the array its a bunch of [] brackets in 7 cells instead of the calculated numbers. Any suggestions? Code is below with the API
requestStationSelected = 'University%20City' and requestEndStation = 'Roslyn'
%this is the API link for the live data from Septa this will get 30
%results and see which time is closer to the user entered time
requestInfoSeptaLive = ['' requestStationSelected '/' requestEndStation '/30'];
%Again tries to get the information and if there is a failure it will give
%a probable cause and terminate the program
getInfoSeptaLive = urlread(requestInfoSeptaLive);
if getInfoSeptaLive ~= '[]'
('Either the arrival/depart stations dont quite match up or theres a server error. Try again.');
disp('Unable to fetch the information from Septa, please try again')
%parses the information returned from the Live API
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = parse_json(getInfoSeptaLive);
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1};
%gets the size of the API in case there are no trains running
sizeOfDataNoTrains = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 1);
sizeOfData = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 2);
counter = 0;
for i = 1:sizeOfData
scanForClosestTime = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1,i}.orig_departure_time;
trainTimeGivenH = sscanf(scanForClosestTime, '%i');
findColonTrain = strfind(scanForClosestTime, ':');
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+1:4);
trainTimeGivenM = int32(str2num(trainTimeGivenMStr));
trainDepartTimeM = (trainTimeGivenH(1,1) * 60) + (trainTimeGivenM);
differenceBetweenTimes = trainDepartTimeM - userEnteredMins;
if trainDepartTimeM < userEnteredMins
differenceBetweenTimes = userEnteredMins - trainDepartTimeM;
stopAtEndOfData = sizeOfData;
goodTimeFrame = 60;
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
if(differenceBetweenTimes < 60)
if (counter < 5)
closestTime{i} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{i} = differenceBetweenTimes;
counter = counter + 1;
You assign your cell arrays inside the for loop:
for i = 1:sizeOfData
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
This means that you turn both of them into an array of {[],[],[],[],[]...} on every iteration of the loop - so unless the last iteration has a valid "closest Time" in it, your cell array will be all empty arrays - and if it does, all but the last element will still be [].
To fix this, move the two lines to before the start of the for loop.
The second problem seems to be the indexing of the arrays where you store the results. If you only want five results, I am assuming you want to store them in elements 1 - 5 of your array, and not in "just any" locations. I would change the code to
if (counter < 5)
counter = counter + 1;
closestTime{counter} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{counter} = differenceBetweenTimes;
But maybe I misinterpreted how you want to handle that?
Unrelated to your question, you might want to take a look at the line
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+1:4);
It is quite possible that this is not what you intended to do - looking at an example of the response, I found the string "orig_departure_time":"11:57PM". I expect that findColonTrain == 3, so that the above line becomes
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(4:4);
just a single character. Perhaps you meant
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+(1:4));
which would turn into
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(4:7);
so that
trainTimeGivenMStr = '57PM';
I hope these three things help you get it all working!
EDIT: had a chance to run your code this morning - discovered a number of other problems. I include below an annotated "working" code: the biggest problem was most likely that you were not handling AM/PM in your code. Note that I used a different json parser - this changed a couple of lines very slightly. I'm sure you can put it back together to work the way you want. This returned valid data in all cells.
dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = loadjson(getInfoSeptaLive);
% next line not needed - loadjson returns struct array, not cell array
%dataReturnedFromLiveAPI = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI{1};
%gets the size of the API in case there are no trains running
sizeOfDataNoTrains = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 1);
sizeOfData = size(dataReturnedFromLiveAPI, 2);
counter = 0;
stopAtEndOfData = sizeOfData;
closestTime = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
storeTheDifference = cell(1, stopAtEndOfData);
userEnteredMins = 12*60+30; % looking for a train around 12:30 pm
for ii = 1:sizeOfData
scanForClosestTime = dataReturnedFromLiveAPI(ii).orig_departure_time;
trainTimeGivenH = sscanf(scanForClosestTime, '%i');
% since we'll be considering AM/PM, have to set 12 = 0:
if (trainTimeGivenH == 12), trainTimeGivenH = 0; end
findColonTrain = strfind(scanForClosestTime, ':');
% change next line to get minutes plus AM/PM:
trainTimeGivenMStr = scanForClosestTime(findColonTrain+(1:4));
% look at just minutes:
trainTimeGivenM = int32(str2num(trainTimeGivenMStr(1:2)));
% adjust for AM/PM:
if(trainTimeGivenMStr(3:4)=='PM'), trainTimeGivenH = trainTimeGivenH+12; end;
% compute time in minutes:
trainDepartTimeM = (trainTimeGivenH * 60) + (trainTimeGivenM);
differenceBetweenTimes = trainDepartTimeM - userEnteredMins;
if trainDepartTimeM < userEnteredMins
differenceBetweenTimes = userEnteredMins - trainDepartTimeM;
% added a couple of lines to see what is happening:
fprintf(1, 'train %d: depart %s - in minutes this is %d vs user entered %d\n', ...
ii, scanForClosestTime, trainDepartTimeM, userEnteredMins);
goodTimeFrame = 60;
if(differenceBetweenTimes < 600)
if (counter < 10)
counter = counter + 1;
closestTime{counter} = scanForClosestTime;
storeTheDifference{counter} = differenceBetweenTimes;

Mom file creation (5 product limit)

Ok, I realize this is a very niche issue, but I'm hoping the process is straight forward enough...
I'm tasked with creating a data file out of Customer/Order information. Problem is, the datafile has a 5 product max limit.
Basically, I get my data, group by cust_id, create the file structure, within that loop, group by product_id, rewrite the fields in previous file_struct with new product info. That's worked all well and good until a user exceeded that max.
A brief example.. (keep in mind, the structure of the array is set by another process, this CANNOT change)
orderArray = arranyew(2);
set order = 1;
loop over cust_id;
field[order][1] = "field(1)"; // cust_id
field[order][2] = "field(2)"; // name
field[order][3] = "field(3)"; // phone
field[order][4] = ""; // product_1
field[order][5] = ""; // quantity_1
field[order][6] = ""; // product_2
field[order][7] = ""; // quantity_2
field[order][8] = ""; // product_3
field[order][9] = ""; // quantity_3
field[order][10] = ""; // product_4
field[order][11] = ""; // quantity_4
field[order][12] = ""; // product_5
field[order][13] = ""; // quantity_5
field[order][14] = "field(4)"; // trx_id
field[order][15] = "field(5)"; // total_cost
counter = 0;
loop over product_id
field[order[4+counter] = productCode;
field[order[5+counter] = quantity;
counter = counter + 2;
end inner loop;
order = order + 1;
end outer loop;
Like I said, this worked fine until I had a user who ordered more than 5 products.
What I basically want to do is check the number of products for each user if that number is greater than 5, start a new line in the text field, but I'm stufk on how to get there.
I've tried numerous fixes, but nothing gives the results I need.
I can send the entire file if It can help, but I don't want to post it all here.
You need to move the inserting of the header and footer fields into product loop eg. the custid and trx_id fields.
Here's a rough idea of one why you can go about this based on the pseudo code you provided. I'm sure that there are more elegant ways that you could code this.
set order = 0;
loop over cust_id;
counter = 1;
order = order + 1;
loop over product_id
if (counter == 1 || counter == 6) {
if (counter == 6) {
counter == 1;
order= order+1;
field[order][1] = "field(1)"; // cust_id
field[order][2] = "field(2)"; // name
field[order][3] = "field(3)"; // phone
field[order][counter+3] = productCode; // product_1
field[order][counter+4] = quantity; // quantity_1
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == 6) {
field[order][14] = "field(4)"; // trx_id
field[order][15] = "field(5)"; // total_cost
end inner loop;
if (counter == 6) {
// loop here to insert blank columns and the totals field to fill out the row.
end outer loop;
One thing goes concern me. If you start a new line every five products then your transaction id and total cost is going to be entered into the file more than once. You know the receiving system. It may be a non-issue.
Hope this helps
As you put the data into the row, you need check if there are more than 5 products and then create an additional line.
loop over product_id
if (counter mod 10 == 0 and counter > 0) {
// create the new row, and mark it as a continuation of the previous order
counter = 0;
order = order + 1;
field[order][1] = "";
field[order][15] = "";
field[order[4+counter] = productCode;
field[order[5+counter] = quantity;
counter = counter + 2;
end inner loop;
I've actually done the export from an ecommerce system to MOM, but that code has since been lost. I have samples of code in classic ASP.
