How do I Authenticate to AAD using Invoke-RestMethod with ClientCredential flow using certfiicate and get the token? - azure-active-directory

How do I Authenticate to AAD using Invoke-RestMethod with ClientCredential flow using certificate and get the token?
I tried to search for it but no success.
I can authenticate with client Secret but I want to use cert for security purposes.

To get Access Token using client credential flow with using certificate.You need to generate a self singed certificate and need to upload in AzureAD application->ertificate&Secret.
You can refer this Post, Here they have explained
in steps how you can generate the access token using the certificate.


Can I use a certificate to authenticate to a Rest API in Azure B2C policies?

I am trying to call a Rest API in a B2C Technical Profile. That is described here:
The Rest API is protected by Azure AD, and I need to first obtain a bearer token from Azure AD and use the Bearer Authentication Type in the Technical Profile to access the Rest API.
I want to use a certificate and not a secret to obtain a bearer token from Azure AD. To do so, I have to create a JWT Assertion signed by the certificate. That process is described here:
I understand that much. What I am not sure about is if B2C has any functionality for which I can build and sign a JWT Assertion to use in a request to Azure AD? I've looked through the claims transformations that are available and am not finding anything. Am I forced to use Client ID and Secret instead?
Please note that, to generate JWT token with certificate you must create a self-signed certificate like below:
-KeyExportPolicy Exportable
-Subject ""
-KeyAlgorithm RSA
-KeyLength 2048
-KeyUsage DigitalSignature
-NotAfter (Get-Date).AddMonths(12)
-CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"
On Windows computer, select Manage user certificates and download the certificate:
Please note that, client_id is required to authentication Azure Ad b2c.
To upload the certificate, go to Azure Ad b2c and select API connectors and upload certificate and create a Password for it like below:
Make sure to configure REST API profile to use HTTP basic authentication by following this MsDoc.
To generate the token without client_secret, please try the below parameters:
And try generating the token and if you want to do it programmatically, then update your appsettings file like below:
“B2CTenant”: “Tenant_ID”,
“B2CPolicy”: “Policy_name”,
“B2CClientId”: “client_id”,
“B2CRedirectUri”: “redirecturi",
“B2CSignUpUrl”: “Signup_url",
“SigningCertAlgorithm”: “RS256”,
“SigningCertThumbprint”: “Thumbprint”,
“LinkExpiresAfterMinutes”: 10
Secure APIs used as API connectors in Azure AD B2C - Azure AD B2C

Public certificate of Azure AD

As part of POC, I want my existing web api, programmatically - to verify the signature of JWT access tokens to validate the authenticity of the token issued by demo AAD so that it can be trusted by my webapi app., to do the verification I need to have .cer/public certificate of my demo AAD.
How to get .cer file of AAD to do signature verification?

How to access Azure Proxy API using client credentials

I have a on-prem server which hosts a API, and I have exposed the API using the Azure AD Application Proxy using the steps mentioned here:
I am able to access the API via the proxy using OAuth 2.0 by getting authorization code from Azure AD, and then a token, specifying as resource the proxy URI.
Question is, how can I access the API without going through the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow?
I tried the client credential flow by creating another Web API App (App2) and given access to the proxy app. I am able to get the token using client credential flow using the steps below.{tenantid}/oauth2/token
When I use this token to access the proxy API, it says
When I tried with token (by authorization flow) I am able to access the proxy API, but when I tried to access the proxy API using the token given to the App2, I think it should allow to access the API.
Current result is:
This corporate app can't be accessed right now.
Please try again later...
Next Steps
Client request encountered an internal server error.
Quick Links
Learn more about Application Proxy services
Troubleshoot Application Proxy services

Context for getting access token that needs to be passed to Graph API

On my initial analysis on the fetching the access token from Azure AD using OpenID connect protocol, I came to know that there are two ways to consider
Fetching access token using the signed in user's context where caching is used.
Fetching access token using application context.
Can anyone help me to know which needs to be consider with some example code.
Fetching access token using the signed in user's context where caching is used.
OpenID Connect implements authentication as an extension to the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. It provides information about the end user in the form of an id_token that verifies the identity of the user and provides basic profile information about the user.
Please refer to code sample :Calling a web API in a web app using Azure AD and OpenID Connect ,this sample uses the OpenID Connect ASP.Net OWIN middleware and ADAL .Net. In controller , you could get access token for specific resource using the signed in user's context :
string userObjectID = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Startup.Authority, new NaiveSessionCache(userObjectID));
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, appKey);
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(todoListResourceId, credential, new UserIdentifier(userObjectID, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
Fetching access token using application context.
What do you mean by "application context" ? If you are talking about OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Flow , which permits a web service (confidential client) to use its own credentials instead of impersonating a user, to authenticate when calling another web service. You could refer to this scenario explanation and code samples .
To fetch an access token to the graph API, you need to:
redirect the user to the Azure authorization endpoint (,
to get back an authorization token,
that you need to provide Azure with, on the access token endpoint (, with your application credentials.
Finally, you can provide this access token to the userinfo endpoint on the graph API:
with some example code
I've written a sample code, but it depends totally on the language, environment and OIDC library you are using. In case you are using Java in a servlet environment with the MIT implementation of OIDC (MITREid Connect), my example to access the Microsoft graph API by means of OIDC on Azure is available on GitHub here:

How to implement OWIN bearer token based authentication without using Identity?

I need to implement angularjs Single page application role based authentication using OWIN bearer token and JWT. But i have separate web service to check the user available or not and also get the user roles.
There for i need to generate bearer token by using that rest resource results without using Identity database.
