Physical Back Button Behaviour with react navigation - reactjs

I have tab navigation and I need to create a single back button for all of the screens.
For now, I am creating a back button in all of the screens and calling navigation.goBack() from all of them when back pressed because the navigation object is available inside screens only.
Is there a way where I can create a separate back button and then call navigation.goBack() to whichever the current screen is in the navigator?
Also, I have nested navigation also like stack navigator inside tab navigator, so I need to call the deepest navigator's go back function.
for example,
tab1: screen1
tab2: stackNavigator
stack1: screen2
stack2: screen3
and when I press the back button on screen 3, I should navigate to screen 2, not tab 1.
Like the physical back-button behaves in react-navigation in android OS.


How to navigate between different nested stacks in react navigation without changing the state of bottom navigator

Current Behavior
My react-native application consists of a BottomTabNavigator that contains several StackNavigators. A simplified example of my structure looks like this
Tab 1 (default screen A)
Screen A
Screen B
Tab 2 (default screen D)
Screen C
Screen D
Tab 3 (default screen E)
Screen E
Screen F
From the Bottom Tab 1, Screen A. I need to navigate Screen C in Bottom Tab 2. I was done this by using nested navigation.
navigation.navigate('Tab 2', { screen: 'Screen C' });
When I navigate screens in tab 1, or tab 3, and press Tab 2, application loading screen C. But my default screen for Bottom Tab 2 is screen D.
My problem is:
How can I navigate to default screen of tab 2 (screen D) when I navigating to bottom Tab 2. The problem occurred after the above mentioned nested navigation. Any other way to navigate or any other suggestions ?

React Native Navigations problem | Navigate One tab navigator screen to another

So basically I want to do navigate from one screen to another screen in React Native, but those screen are belongs different TabNavigator,
Let me explain structure
Drawer – CreateDrawerNavigation()
MainTabNavigator – CreateTabNavigator()
Home - screen
Medications - screen
MedDetail - screen
so initially Home screen is loading right now, now I have bottom tab navigator to change tab navigator ,When I will go MedicationTab , It will loading Medications screen
But now I have one link on home page that open directly MedDetail screen, so basically i am moving one tab to another tab navigator , It's working fine and below is the snippet for navigation
navigation.navigate("MedicationsTab", {
screen: "MedDetails",
params: {
drug: drug,
Now from medDetail I am going back then it's opening HomeScreen again, Instead of medications screen , I will try CommomnActions.reset(), But it's not working
So anyone have any idea? How is this possible to do it in right way?

scroll to top when tapping on the active tab in react native

I know there is a hook for that . But at the beginning of my project, i created my own bottom tab component instead of using createBottomTabNavigator(). So i have a code like that <BottomNavigator selected={'Explore'} /> at the bottom of five screen. I want to scroll to top when active tab tapped. I can understand that if active tab is tapped but i get that information in BottomNavigator component. So i have no idea how to retrieve that information back to current screen and scroll to top.

React-navigation tutorial missing back button

I am new to react native and I am following this tutorial from the official react-navigation docs on auth flow.
They have a really nice live example:
After sign in, when you click on Show me more of the app from the home screen, it takes you to a page with a back button. Just from looking at the code, I can't figure out how they are able to produce this back button.
Maybe the code is not complete?
I understand that one way to a back button on the nav bar is to do something like:
headerLeft: (
onPress={() => alert('This is a button!')}
but this is missing from the code displayed?
React Navigation has by default provided Back button to navigate to the previous screen.
Because ios do not have a hardware back button all they have is a gesture with which they can go back. and if it is disabled then there is no way to go to the previous screen.
So default back button for stack navigator must be there and we have it.
So when there is a previous screen available back button will be there and if screen if first of its stack there will be no back button.
Let say we have one switch navigator for authentication screens like signIn, signUp etc. and one stack navigator for all other screens.
So here switch navigator by default has only one screen in its stack so none of these screens will have back button because you can't go back from here there is a dead end.
and for stack navigator, your first screen in the stack that renders before all other screens will not have a back button but all screens after that will be having back button because from there you can go back right.
React Navigation already have default Header with back button when you create switch or stack navigator. the headerLeft property is only used if you want to override the default back button. :D
to clear things out.
The purpose of SwitchNavigator is to only ever show one screen at a time. By default, it does not handle back actions and it resets routes to their default state when you switch away. -switch navigator
where stack navigator purposely create screen on top of a stack (if you have initial screen). initial screen wont have header with back button because it doesn't know where return to. thats why when you navigate to "OtherStack" it creates new screen named "OtherStack" place on the top of "HomeScreen". newly created screens have default header with back button so you can go back to initial stack.
const AppStack = createStackNavigator({ Home: HomeScreen, Other: OtherScreen });

react navigation- navigating to a new screen from an onpress function

Hey Guys I am trying to navigate between screens. I have set up a screen called games that I am trying to get to from an on press function. When I press the image I would like to move between screens. Everything is working except it is not navigating between the screens when clicked it doesn't do anything. I am using a bottomtabnavigator and react-navigation. It works if I add the screen to the bottomtabnavigator which I dont want todo
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
Normally the right way is add screens to the navigator If you dont want to use tab navigator you have to use stack navigator for that then there is no tabs in the bottom but navigation should works
Doc for stack navigator
