Heavy back pressure and huge checkpoint size - apache-flink

I have an Apache Flink application that I have deployed on Kinesis Data analytics.
Payload schema processed by the application (simplified version):
id:String= uuid (each request gets one),
category:string= uuid (we have 10 of these),
org_id:String = uuid (we have 1000 of these),
count:Integer (some integer)
This application is doing the following:
Source: Consume from a single Kafka topic (128 partitions)
Filter: Do some filtering for invalid records (nothing fancy here)
key-by: based on 2 fields in the input Tupe.of(org_id,category) .
Flatmap(de-duplication): Maintains a guava cache(with size 30k and expiration 5 mins). A single String ID (id in payload) field is stored in the cache. Each time a record comes in, we check if the id is present in the cache. If it is present it will be skipped. Else it will be Skipped.
Rebalance: Just to make sure some sinks don't remain idle while the others are taking all the load.
Sink: Writes to S3 (and this S3 has versioning enabled).
This is deployed with:
in KDA terms: parallelism of 64 and parallelism per KPU of 2.
That means we will have a cluster of 32 nodes and each node has 1 core CPU and 4GB of RAM.
All of these below mentioned issues happen at 2000 rps.
Now to the issue I am facing:
My lastCheckPointSize seems to 471MB. This seems to be very high given that we are not using any state (note: the guava cache is not stored on the state: Gist with just the interesting parts).
I see heavy back pressure. Because of this the record_lag_max builds up.
I am unable to understand why my checkpoint size so huge since I am not using any state. I was thinking, it will just be the kafka offsets processed by each of these stages. But 471MB seems too big for that.
Is this huge checkpoint responsible for the backpressure I am facing? When I look at s3 metrics it looks like 20ms per write, which I assume is not too much.
I am seeing a few rate limits on S3, but from my understanding this seems to pretty low compared to the number of writes I am making.
Any idea why I am facing this backpressure and also why my checkpoints are so huge?
(Edit added as an after thought)Now that I think about it, is it possible for that not marking LoaderCache as `transient’ in my DeduplicatingFlatmap playing any role in the huge checkpoint size?
Edit 2: Adding details related to my sink:
I am using a StreamingFileSink:
.forRowFormat(new Path(s3Bucket), new JsonEncoder<>())
The JsonEncoder takes the object and converts it to json and writes out bytes like this: https://gist.github.com/vmohanan1/3ba3feeb6f22a5e34f9ac9bce20ca7bf
The BucketAssigner gets the product and org from the schema and appends them with the processing time from context like this: https://gist.github.com/vmohanan1/8d443a419cfeb4cb1a4284ecec48fe73


Why does the kinesis shard iterator falls behind when using BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor

I'm using KDA with a flink job which should analyse messages emitted by a different IOT device sources. There is a kinesis stream with 4 shards with each of them contains more or less the same amount of data (there are no hot shards). The kinesis stream gets filled by AWS Greengrass Streammanager which is using an increasing sequence number as partition key. Each message contains a single value (something like temperature = 5).
As with this setup the stream read by the kinesis consumer in flink is unordered. But I need to preserve the order of the messages. To do so I have written a small buffer function which is more or less the logic from CepOperator to buffer messages and restore the order. Therefore the stream is keyed by the id of a message. Let's say a temperature message has always a unique id and therefore the stream is keyed by this id.
To create the respective watermarks I'm using the FlinkKinesisConsumer and register there a BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor. If I now use a out-of-orderness time of 10 seconds everything works fine except that I have almost 50% of late arrivals which is not the desired behaviour. But now if I increase the time to 60 seconds the iterator of the kinesis stream falls significantly behind (linear growing over time). The documentation of the Kinesis Consumer does say a little about the settings here. I have also tried to register a JobManagerWatermarkTracker but it seems that it does not change the behaviour.
I do not understand the circumstances why a higher out of orderness leads the iterator to fall behind increasingly but a smaller time setting drops a significant amount of messages. What measures do I need to take to find the proper settings or is my implementation wrong?
While investigating the issue I have found that if the JobManagerWatermarkTracker isn't properly configured (I still don't understand how to configure) the alignment to the global watermark stops subtasks from reading from the kinesis stream which causes the iterator to fall back. I have calculated a delta how much "latency" a dropped event has and set this as and out-of-orderness (in this case 60 secs). With deactivating the JobManagerWatermarkTracker everything work as expected.
Furthermore it seems that the AWS Greengrass Streammanager isn't optimal for such use cases as it distributes the load evenly across shards but with an increasing number of shards this isn't optimal since one temperature datapoint might be spread across all shards of a stream. That introduces a lot unnecessary latency. I appreciate any input howto configure the JobManagerWatermarkTracker

Flink app's checkpoint size keeps growing

I have a pipeline like this:
env.addSource(kafkaConsumer, name_source)
.keyBy { value -> value.f0 }
The keys are guaranteed to be unique in the data that is being currently processed.
Thus I would expect the state size to not grow over 2 seconds of data.
However, I notice the state size has been steadily growing over the last day (since the app was deployed).
Is this a bug in flink?
using flink 1.11.2 in aws kinesis data analytics.
Kinesis Data Analytics always uses RocksDB as its state backend. With RocksDB, dead state isn't immediately cleaned up, it's merely marked with a tombstone and is later compacted away. I'm not sure how KDA configures RocksDB compaction, but typically it's done when a level reaches a certain size -- and I suspect your state size is still small enough that compaction hasn't occurred.
With incremental checkpoints (which is what KDA does), checkpointing is done by copying RocksDB's SST files -- which in your case are presumably full of stale data. If you let this run long enough you should eventually see a significant drop in checkpoint size, once compaction has been done.

Memory is not coming down after data processing in Apache Flink

I am using broadcastprocess function to perform simple pattern matching. I am broadcasting around 60 patterns. Once the process completed the memory is not coming down i am using garbage collection setting in my flink configuration file env.java.opts = "-XX:+UseG1GC" to perform GC but it is also not working. But CPU percentage coming after completing the processing of data. I am doing checkpointing every 2 minutes and my statebackend is filesystem. Below are screenshots of memory and CPU usage
I don't see anything surprising or problematic in the graphs you have shared. After ingesting the patterns, each instance of your BroadcastProcessFunction will be holding onto a copy of all of the patterns -- so that will consume some memory.
If I understand correctly, it sounds like the situation is that as data is processed for matching against those patterns, the memory continues to increase until the pods crash with out-of-memory errors. Various factors might explain this:
If your patterns involve matching a sequence of events over time, then your pattern matching engine has to keep state for each partial match. If there's no timeout clause to ensure that partial matches are eventually cleaned up, this could lead to a combinatorial explosion.
If you are doing key-partitioned processing and your keyspace is unbounded, you may be holding onto state for stale keys.
The filesystem state backend has considerable overhead. You may have underestimated how much memory it needs.

Order of operations between timewindow to sink pipeline

Suppose I have a flink pipeline as such:
kafka_source -> maps/filters/keyBy/timewindow(1 minute) -> sinkCassandra
By the time the grouped messages hit the sinkCassandra operation, am I guaranteed that no other slots won't also concurrently run the maps/filters/keyBy/timewindow(1 minute) part of the pipeline?
Or is it possible to have some other slot run the middle pipeline while another set is running the sinkCassandra operation?
EDIT ( Added more requirements based on comment conversation ):
What I'm trying to do is effectively do a lookup based on flink data key from the datastore, and do an update and flush the updated data back.
The reason why I'm dodging using kafka_source -> maps/filters -> keyBy/TimeWindow/statefulReduce -> sinkCassandra is because the state can potentially get huge ( 1 day to 7 days where I can place 7 days as the max time bounding ) and I don't necessarily know the time window for each key. This would mean a HUGE state even with rocksdb.
Another potential option that I'm looking at is kafka_source -> maps/filters -> keyBy/sinkCass where within the custom sink operation, I would first check in some sort of in-memory buffer if I have the key that I want to update. If not, I go ahead and fetch from Cassandra. Every 5 seconds ( or every N seconds ), I would grab whatever's in the buffer and flush into Cassandra. To limit memory, I can do an in-memory least recently used hashmap ( I don't necessarily want to flush b/c multiple keys will show up again! )
Unless you have explicitly configured something unusual, each slot will contain one parallel slice of the complete pipeline -- each slot will have a kafka source instance connected to a disjoint subset of the kafka partitions, as well as the maps/filters/keyBy/window, and the cassandra sink.
All of those parallel sub-pipelines (slots) will be running concurrently. Furthermore, within each slot, each of the operators will also be running concurrently. The sink and the middle part of your pipeline are already running concurrently, but they are competing for the resources of the slot that contains them both. You can configure your task managers to have more cores per slot if you are concerned about starvation.
EDiT (responding to add'l info about requirements):
You can safely assume that for any given flink data key, after a keyBy, only one instance of each operator will process events for that key. That principle is fundamental to Flink's design. If I understand correctly what you are contemplating, that's the only guarantee you need.

InfluxDB data structure & database model

Can you please tell me, which data structure has an InfluxDB und which data model InfluxDB use? Is this key-value model. I read the full documentation and I didn't catch that.
Thank you in advance!
1. Data model and terminology
An InfluxDB database stores points. A point has four components: a measurement, a tagset, a fieldset, and a timestamp.
The measurement provides a way to associate related points that might have different tagsets or fieldsets. The tagset is a dictionary of key-value pairs to store metadata with a point. The fieldset is a set of typed scalar values—the data being recorded by the point.
The serialization format for points is defined by the [line protocol] (which includes additional examples and explanations if you’d like to read more detail). An example point from the specification helps to explain the terminology:
temperature,machine=unit42,type=assembly internal=32,external=100 1434055562000000035
The measurement is temperature.
The tagset is machine=unit42,type=assembly. The keys, machine and type, in the tagset are called tag keys. The values, unit42 and assembly, in the tagset are called tag values.
The fieldset is internal=32,external=100. The keys, internal and external, in the fieldset are called field keys. The values, 32 and 100, in the fieldset are called field values.
Each point is stored within exactly one database within exactly one retention policy. A database is a container for users, retention policies, and points. A retention policy configures how long InfluxDB keeps points (duration), how many copies of those points are stored in the cluster (replication factor), and the time range covered by shard groups (shard group duration). The retention policy makes it easy for users (and efficient for the database) to drop older data that is no longer needed. This is a common pattern in time series applications.
We’ll explain replication factor, shard groups, andshards later when we describe how the write path works in InfluxDB.
There’s one additional term that we need to get started: series. A series is simply a shortcut for saying retention policy + measurement + tagset. All points with the same retention policy, measurement, and tagset are members of the same series.
You can refer to the [documentation glossary] for these terms or others that might be used in this blog post series.
2. Receiving points from clients
Clients POST points (in line protocol format) to InfluxDB’s HTTP /write endpoint. Points can be sent individually; however, for efficiency, most applications send points in batches. A typical batch ranges in size from hundreds to thousands of points. The POST specifies a database and an optional retention policy via query parameters. If the retention policy is not specified, the default retention policy is used. All points in the body will be written to that database and retention policy. Points in a POST body can be from an arbitrary number of series; points in a batch do not have to be from the same measurement or tagset.
When the database receives new points, it must (1) make those points durable so that they can be recovered in case of a database or server crash and (2) make the points queryable. This post focuses on the first half, making points durable.
3. Persisting points to storage
To make points durable, each batch is written and fsynced to a write ahead log (WAL). The WAL is an append only file that is only read during a database recovery. For space and disk IO efficiency, each batch in the WAL is compressed using [snappy compression] before being written to disk.
While the WAL format efficiently makes incoming data durable, it is an exceedingly poor format for reading—making it unsuitable for supporting queries. To allow immediate query ability of new data, incoming points are also written to an in-memory cache. The cache is an in-memory data structure that is optimized for query and insert performance. The cache data structure is a map of series to a time-sorted list of fields.
The WAL makes new points durable. The cache makes new points queryable. If the system crashes or shut down before the cache is written to TSM files, it is rebuilt when the database starts by reading and replaying the batches stored in the WAL.
The combination of WAL and cache works well for incoming data but is insufficient for long-term storage. Since the WAL must be replayed on startup, it is important to constrain it to a reasonable size. The cache is limited to the size of RAM, which is also undesirable for many time series use cases. Consequently, data needs to be organized and written to long-term storage blocks on disk that are size-efficient (so that the database can store a lot of points) and efficient for query.
Time series queries are frequently aggregations over time—scans of points within a bounded time range that are then reduced by a summary function like mean, max, or moving windows. Columnar database storage techniques, where data is organized on disk by column and not by row, fit this query pattern nicely. Additionally, columnar systems compress data exceptionally well, satisfying the need to store data efficiently. There is a lot of literature on column stores. [Columnar-oriented Database Systems] is one such overview.
Time series applications often evict data from storage after a period of time. Many monitoring applications, for example, will store the last month or two of data online to support monitoring queries. It needs to be efficient to remove data from the database if a configured time-to-live expires. Deleting points from columnar storage is expensive, so InfluxDB additionally organizes its columnar format into time-bounded chunks. When the time-to-live expires, the time-bounded file can simply be deleted from the filesystem rather than requiring a large update to persisted data.
Finally, when InfluxDB is run as a clustered system, it replicates data across multiple servers for availability and durability in case of failures.
The optional time-to-live duration, the granularity of time blocks within the time-to-live period, and the number of replicas are configured using an InfluxDB retention policy:
CREATE RETENTION POLICY <retention_policy_name> ON <database_name> DURATION <duration> REPLICATION <n> [SHARD DURATION <duration>] [DEFAULT]
The duration is the optional time to live (if data should not expire, set duration to INF). SHARD DURATION is the granularity of data within the expiration period. For example, a one- hour shard duration with a 24 hour duration configures the database to store 24 one-hour shards. Each hour, the oldest shard is expired (removed) from the database. Set REPLICATION to configure the replication factor—how many copies of a shard should exist within a cluster.
Concretely, the database creates this physical organization of data on disk:
'' Database director /db
'' Retention Policy directory /db/rp
'' Shard Group (time bounded). (Logical)
'' Shard directory (db/rp/Id#)
'' TSM0001.tsm (data file)
'' TSM0002.tsm (data file)
'' …
The in-memory cache is flushed to disk in the TSM format. When the flush completes, flushed points are removed from the cache and the corresponding WAL is truncated. (The WAL and cache are also maintained per-shard.) The TSM data files store the columnar-organized points. Once written, a TSM file is immutable. A detailed description of the TSM file layout is available in the [InfluxDB documentation].
4. Compacting persisted points
The cache is a relatively small amount of data. The TSM columnar format works best when it can store long runs of values for a series in a single block. A longer run produces both better compression and reduces seeks to scan a field for query. The TSM format is based heavily on log-structured merge-trees. New (level one) TSM files are generated by cache flushes. These files are later combined (compacted) into level two files. Level two files are further combined into level three files. Additional levels of compaction occur as the files become larger and eventually become cold (the time range they cover is no longer hot for writes.) The documentation reference above offers a detailed description of compaction.
There’s a lot of logic and sophistication in the TSM compaction code. However, the high-level goal is quite simple: organize values for a series together into long runs to best optimize compression and scanning queries.
Refer: https://www.influxdata.com/blog/influxdb-internals-101-part-one/
It is essentially key-value, key being time, where value can be one or more fields/columns. Values can also optionally be indexed columns, called tags in influxdb, that are optimised for searching along with time which is always required. At least one non-indexed value is required.
See schema design documentation for more details.
Much like Cassandra, in fact, though influx is essentially schema-on-write while developers write schema for Cassandra.
Storage engine wise again very similar to Cassandra, using a variation of SSTables as used in Cassandra, optimised for time series data.
I am not sure if the following influx document was there when you were looking for your answer:
But it really helped me understanding the data structure of influxdb.
