Unable to generate flows from RAML in Anypoint Studio - mulesoft

I am getting an error when I attempt to import a local RAML API definition into Mulesoft, it gives a very vague error that the API definition file exists and that API Kit is pointing to it.
This is the error message I get
The project is targeting Mule 4.3.0, and the version of Anypoint Studio is 7.11.1.
In order to get this error I am right-clicking and selecting Mule > Generate Flows from Local REST API, I have also tried Mule > Generate flows from RAML. Both give the same error result.
The XML for the APIKit is as follows
<apikit:config outboundHeadersMapName="outboundHeaders" httpStatusVarName="httpStatus" doc:name="Router" doc:id="daffbcd4-325c-4911-a042-ca6e74e73970" name="ve-sys-moviesinformation-config" raml="ve-sys-moviesinformation.raml" api="api\ve-sys-moviesinformation.raml">
<apikit:flow-mappings >
<apikit:flow-mapping resource="/media/{movieId}" action="get" content-type="application/json" flow-ref="get:\media\(mediaId):ve-sys-moviesinformation-config" />
<apikit:flow-mapping resource="/media/{movieId}" action="post" content-type="multipart/form-data" flow-ref="post:\media\(mediaId):multipart\form-data:ve-sys-moviesinformation-config" />
I have no idea how to resolve this issue, any help would be much appreciated.

I suspect that the problem is related to the APIKit configurations having manual mappings (ie <apikit:flow-mappings>), which is very unusual in my experience. The normal usage that the mappings are dynamically generated at runtime and are not explicit in the configuration. Unless there is a very specific reason there is no need for manual mappings.
Also some configurations seem to be deprecated. Maybe the configuration was created with an older version of APIKit, or even carried from the Mule 3 version which is not recommended.
Try commenting or removing the APIKit configuration and repeat the Generate Flows action in Anypoint Studio. It should automatically create a sane APIKit configuration along with the flows. You may need to do some refactoring of the existing flows, but seeing it is using only two flows it is not probably a significant effort.


'AuthenticationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp'

I'm attempting to add support for Graph into a .Net 6 application. I've previously used Graph in a .Net 5 application but I'm having some trouble understanding how to wire things up using the .Net 6 "simplified" startup.
I've included both:
using Microsoft.Identity.Web;
using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI;
in the header of Program.cs but I'm getting an error with AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp in the following:
The error I'm getting is:
Error CS1061 'AuthenticationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp' and no accessible extension method 'AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp' accepting a first argument of type 'AuthenticationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I'm fairly sure that I'm overlooking something pretty simple, but I cannot find it.
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Thanks for the response.
As it turns out, I found that the problem was with an incorrect package being installed. I had included Decos.Microsoft.Indentity.Web in the packages for the solution. I suspect that there were some collisions occurring here. Once I removed the package the error no longer manifests itself.
"Error CS1061 'AuthenticationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp' and no accessible extension method 'AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp' accepting a first argument of type 'AuthenticationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
To resolve the above error, please try the below suggestions if helpful:
When you are including Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI packages, these libraries are used to simplify the process of signing-in a user and acquiring tokens for Microsoft Graph.
Try modifying your configured services method by removing the prefix builder like below:
To sign-in a user for your application with Microsoft identity platform endpoint AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp() is used.
EnableTokenAcquisitionToCallDownstreamApi() and AddMicrosoftGraph adds support to call Microsoft Graph.
Otherwise, If you want to use builder, make sure to add the package using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity and define the builder as below:
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
For more in detail, please refer below links:
active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2/README.md at master · Azure-Samples/active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2 · GitHub.
Configure ASP.NET Core Identity | Microsoft Docs.

2SXC/DNN - Delete ADAM Files in Entity

We're designing a system for a client where they are allowing authenticated users to upload images. We've created an API to upload the files but the client only wants the latest file and delete all previous ones so that there would only ever be one.
We've looked through the docs and can't come across a way for ADAM to handle this in both 2SXC and DNN's file system.
Internally when deleting images we see API calls like the following to the internal 2SXC API, but we're wondering if this is exposed somewhere within the public API?
We could probably use the same endpoint above, but we'd likely run into permission issues or changes to the APIs that could be problematic.
Thank you for any advice you can give! Perhaps #iJungleBoy can provide some thoughts on this.
As a solution from a completely different direction, if you are on the later release of 2sxc (v12.8+, v13+), and comfortable programming in C#, you might consider doing this as a "cleanup" from a Dnn Scheduled Task. This can be done with a relatively easy setup. We have a Gist in place that we use as a starter. You simply put the code in the /App_Code folder then setup a normal Dnn Scheduled Task. NOTE that you can scroll down to the first comment on the Gist to see a screenshot of a complete working setup.
Accuraty's AccuTasks template on GitHub Gists
There are two more key things to note:
You need to install Dnn's CodeDom 3.6 because the example uses the later versions C#'s string interpolation - OR remove the few $"ASL2021 - {this.GetType().Name}, Task Scheduled Email", bits or convert to string.Format() or something.
Since your task's code is NOT running in a (2sxc) module, if needed, you'll do stuff like this: 2sxc Docs - Use 2sxc Instance or App Data from External C# Code
So, if you are comfortable writing code that "finds and deletes stuff older than NN days" - this might be the way to go.

"S is not defined" Error in Adobe DTM

I am in the process of migrating an existing Adobe anlytics implementation on s_code version 27.5 to DTM. The first step of the migration and what is in scope of the project is a pick up and shift job of the current s_code into AdobeDTM.
The site has multiple JS files that house functions that need the 's object' to be initialised to work, however s is being initialised in the s_code contents after most of these JS functions have run so is throwing errors for 'S is not defined'. It is not being initialised globally as it would be in a standard implementation.
Is there a way I can initialise 's' in the DTM satellite library globally. I have tried to add var = s{}; a page load rule under third party/custom tags area but only having intermittent luck with it, where sometimes getting errors thrown.
Any support/insight into this issue would be most appreciated.
Step 1: Change the Code Configuration to Custom
Note: If you migrated your legacy H code to DTM as a tool, then you should already be familiar with and already done this step, since DTM does not allow you to specify legacy H code for the "Managed by Adobe" option.
In the Library Management section of the Adobe Analytics tool, change the Code Configuration option to Custom, and Code Hosted to In DTM.
If you are using the legacy H code library, then you must also check the "Set report suites using custom code below" option. If part of your migration to DTM was to move to AppMeasurement library, checking this option is optional, depending on how you want to handle report suite routing.
Then, click the Open Editor button to open the editor. You should see the Adobe Analytics library in the code box. If you are migrating legacy H code, then remove everything currently in the box and add your legacy H code library (which you should have already done based on the question).
Step 2: Instantiate the s object
If you are using the legacy H code, then add the following line to the top of the code box, above the library:
window.s = s_gi("[report suite id(s)]");
You will need to replace [report suite id(s)] with the report suite id(s) you want to send the data to. s_gi() requires a value to be passed to it, which is why you must check the checkbox above.
If you are using AppMeasurement library, then add the following line to the top of the code box, above the library:
window.s = new AppMeasurement("[report suite id(s)]");
If you checked the "Set report suites using custom code below" checkbox, then specify the report suite(s). If you did not check it, then do not pass anything to Appmeasurement(). Alternatively, you can pass nothing, but also add the following underneath it:
s.account="[report suite id(s)]";
Note however in step 3 you will be setting it in doPlugins anyway so you don't really need this here (I just added this sidenote for other readers who may be migrating AppMeasurement s_code.js to DTM).
Note: Aside from the window.s part, you should already be familiar with this line of code, and already have logic for populating report suite(s), coming from a legacy implementation. Specifically, you may be using the dynamicAccountXXX variables. If you are upgrading to AppMeasurement library, then you will need to write your own logic to simulate that, since AppMeasurement (for reasons unclear to anybody) does not have this functionality.
Step 3: Setting report suite(s) after page load
One of the many caveats about implementing Adobe Analytics as a tool is that DTM (for reasons unclear to anybody) creates a new s object whenever an event based or direct call rule is triggered and AA is set to trigger. In practice, this means almost all of the variables you set within the custom code boxes in the tool config will not be carried over to subsequent AA calls on a page - report suite(s) being one of them.
What DTM does for report suite is set it to the specified Production Report Suite(s) if DTM is in production mode, or Staging Report Suite(s) if in staging mode. Even if you enabled the "Set report suites using custom code below" option!
To get around this, you will need to include doPlugins function (and usePlugins) in one of the tool's custom code boxes if you don't already have it included (you almost certainly do, coming from a legacy implementation), and you will need to also assign the report suite(s) within it (doPlugins and usePlugins do get carried over now).
For legacy H library, within doPlugins, add the following:
s.sa("[report suite id(s)]");
Note: setting dynamicAccountXXX variables within doPlugins will not work. You will need to write your own logic for passing the report suite(s) to s.sa()
For AppMeasurement library, within doPlugins, add the following:
s.account="[report suite id(s)]";
General Notes:
In the Library Management section, setting Load library at
Page Top will load the library synchronously at the position where
you put your DTM Header tag, which is the earliest you can trigger it
through DTM. However, this is not a guarantee the library will be
loaded before your other scripts that referenced it are executed
(e.g., references to s object in some other script tag above the
DTM Header script will continue to give you a reference error).
If you are indeed still using the legacy H library, then I would
recommend your highest priority be to migrate to AppMeasurement
library. Even higher priority than migrating the code to DTM, IMO.
While I echo Mark's sentiments about implementing AA code as a 3rd
party tag in general, the sad truth is in practice, it may still be
your best option at the moment, depending on your exact scenario. DTM
currently has too many caveats, short-comings, and outright bugs that
make it impossible to implement AA as a tool in DTM, depending on
your exact implementation requirements. Particularly when it comes to
making AA integrate with certain common 3rd party tools, and even
some of Adobe's other tools!
You will be better off if you migrate completely to DTM for analytics deployment rather than trying to reference the s object from legacy H page code.
If migrating completely from H-code to DTM is an option, I would do the following:
Remove all H page code and any references to s_code
Remove all calls to s.t or s.tl on links or pages
Deploy DTM Header / Footer code on all pages
Within DTM, Add the Adobe Analytics Tool
Within DTM, Add the Adobe Marketing Cloud ID Service
Within DTM and the "Custom Page Code" of Adobe Analytics tool, create the "do_plugins" section and add any custom plugins from the H-code.
Following these steps will allow the s object to be created within DTM and allow for all other rules to use it correctly.
What I would not do:
Deploy H-code (s_code) as a third-party script and try and reference the s object outside of the Adobe Analytics tool. This is not efficient and doesn't allow you to get the best practices from DTM, IMO.
One of the issues noticed using DTM to implement Adobe Analytics was with the S-Object being undefined.enter image description here
Reasons very much unclear.You have a workaround that I used by reminding DTM to set the S object again. In-cases where DTM does not recognizes what needs to be done.
var s = _satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS();
For my Implementation we had used a Third Party JavaScript that set within a Direct call rule and within which the above code was set.
The solution worked great ....

pass SQLCMD variables to dbDacFx provider with msdeploy

I'm currently using msdeploy's dbDacFx provider to deploy a .dacpac to a database. The dacpac expects three SQLCMD variables. The syntax I am using looks like this:
-setParam:kind=SqlCommandVariable,scope=Database.dacpac,match=foo1,value="foo1 value"
I've been trying everything I can find but unfortunately there is next to no documentation around this process. The output I am getting from msdeploy says Missing values for the following SqlCmd variables: foo1 foo2 foo3.
If anybody can spot what I'm doing wrong that would be fantastic. If anybody knows where to get some documentation that would be fantastic as well. I would gladly accept any answers that say what I should do, but I would love to understand what all of these values are and WHY I'm doing it wrong.
At this point it would appear that such an option does not exist for dbDacFx. Our use case for this feature is attempting to deploy the same template database (managed in visual studio sql projects) to 70+ databases, which we would like to do in parallel. dbSqlPackage (besides being deprecated) is not thread safe and does not allow for parallel deployments. dbDacFx overcomes this shortcoming however it cannot (in my experimentation) be passed SqlCmdVariables that reside at the project level, and it cannot use publish profiles like dbSqlPackage can. I'm in contact with a member of the web deploy team and will post any updates if I am able to figure out how to overcome any of these shortcomings.
After emailing some Microsoft employees from the MSDeploy team.... it turns out this is not possible at this time, but may be considered for a future release.

Using elmahr.elmah in winform application

I have recently shown to my team leader the ElmahR Dashboard and now he wants to implement ExceptionsLog with ElmahR in all of our current projects, including those that are Winform Applications, and after many days of searching I can't find a way to add a Winform Application as "ElmahR source".
Does anyone have a clue?
ErrorPostModule in ElmahR.Elmah does not support Winforms apps because it's been written to be an ELMAH module, so it's tied to an ASP.NET lifecycle and cannot be easily adapted. That said, ErrorPostModule does not do anything so magic and can be easily taken as a guideline to write a small "handler" to be used in a Winforms app. Take a look at its code here, what you should do is:
replace what's in the OnInit method, which simply reads configuration bits and attaches the error handler
when an error occurs, handle it like it's done in the SetError method to post it to the right destination reading the configuration parameters you read before. You would reference ELMAH and create an Error instance from your exception, and then use ErrorJson.EncodeString to encode it
You may want to borrow the W3.cs file to simplify the http form compilation.
At some point I might generalize this work and put it in ElmahR.Elmah, but not sure when I'll be able to do it.
I just forked the elmahr source code to work on this, I want to post errors from console applications, so I'm going to remove the dependency on Elmah and create the "error" objects and send them to the dashboard.
It's a work in progress but can be used as starting point for solving your problem.
Update: the fork now include full support to post to ElmahR using a ServiceStack endpoint, using json over http. This remove the dependency over the original Elmah to publish errors to the dashboard. The first example is a C# Console Application
