Flyway desktop ignore the "use" <db name> in the migration script - database

Is there an option in flyway command line to ignore the "use" clause in the migration script.?


Meaning of :out in sql

I have a sql file that I do not understand.
What does :out in the below code means?
This is not usual sql code, where can I learn about this script command?
:out D:\xxx\xxxxxx.csv
exec sp_xxxx
It is a sqlcmd script:
By using the Database Engine Query Editor in SQL Server Management Studio you can write and edit queries as SQLCMD scripts. You use SQLCMD scripts when you have to process Windows System commands and Transact-SQL statements in the same script.
:out <filename>|stderr|stdout
The following example uses a sqlcmd statement to create an output file called testoutput.txt, executes two Transact-SQL SELECT
:out C:\testoutput.txt
SELECT ##VERSION As 'Server Version'
--- ...
It looks like a command that will be processed by SQLServer Management Studio to save the query results to the named file. It's not a part of the SQL standard, it's particular not only to SQLServer but specifically the SSMS query tool. You couldn't write this in another SQLServer query tool and guarantee it would work

Liquibase creates log tables with user schema

When implementing liquibase on Sql Server. Below tables are created on USER schema not with DBO schema. Not sure how to fix this.
It should be
I don't have any issues on creating table. It always creates on dbo schema. I'm using integratedSecurity and Liquibase version is 3.4.2
You can specify
as a parameter when running Liquibase from the command line.
I prefer to that into my file.
This works for me using Liquibase 3.5.3 - don't know about 3.4.2 though
Have a look at changelogSchemaName parameters ( to specify schema where Liquibase stores tables.

SQL Server - how to "Generate and Publish Scripts" automatically

I want to automatically (ideally from the command prompt in a batch file) automate the generation of the schema of my SQL Server 2008 R2 database.
In SSMS, I can right-click the DB, choose "Tasks", "Generate scripts", and then follow the wizard to gen a Schema script. Is there a command-line version of this process that I can use?
Microsoft released a new tool a few weeks ago called mssql-scripter that's the command line version of the "Generate Scripts" wizard in SSMS. It's a Python-based, open source command line tool and you can find the official announcement here. Essentially, the scripter allows you to generate a T-SQL script for your database/database object as a .sql file. You can generate the file and then execute it. This might be a nice solution for you to generate the schema of your db (schema is the default option). Here's a quick usage example to get you started:
$ pip install mssql-scripter
# script the database schema and data piped to a file.
$ mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa > ./adventureworks.sql
More usage examples are on our GitHub page here:
From this answer, there appear to be tools called SMOScript and ScriptDB that can do that.
If you find a way without third party tools please share :)

Command line program for database script extraction

I am looking for a command line program that extracts a script containing commands for creations of all database objects (tables, views, procedures, generators, types). It should work with MySQL, Firebird, Oracle and MS SQL Server.
As a part of our automatic build process we would like to put in our SVN repository a script for database creation in an automatic fashion. Firebird comes with a tool that do what we want but we prefer a generic one so we can include as an ANT task.
For SQL Server you can use the Database Publishing Wizard
I can't help you with the other DB's, however. Good Luck.
To Script the Schema and Data
sqlpubwiz script -d YourDB -S YourServer -U YourUsernam -P pwdhere C:\DestFile.sql
and to just script the Schema
sqlpubwiz script -d YourDB -S YourServer -U YourUsernam -P pwdhere C:\DestFile.sql -schema

How to attach a SQL Server database from the command line

Is it possible to enter a command line command (like in a batch file) to attach a detached database to SQL Server, in stead of opening the management studio and doing it in there?
you need to use: sqlcmd Utility
The sqlcmd utility lets you enter
Transact-SQL statements, system
procedures, and script files at the
command prompt, in Query Editor in
SQLCMD mode, in a Windows script file
or in an operating system (Cmd.exe)
job step of a SQL Server Agent job.
This utility uses OLE DB to execute
Transact-SQL batches.
Then use CREATE DATABASE (Transact-SQL) to do the attach and sp_detach_db (Transact-SQL) to do the detach. The sp_attach_db (Transact-SQL) is going to be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server.
If you need to specify the log file name: USE master; GO; CREATE DATABASE DBNAME ON ( FILENAME = 'C:\DBFILE.mdf') LOG ON ( FILENAME = 'C:\DBLOGFILE_log.ldf') FOR ATTACH; GO; And to detach: USE master; GO; EXEC sp_detach_db 'DBNAME', 'true'; GO;
Small gotcha, it won't tell you what is wrong when using sqlcmd and your mdf/ldf files are marked read-only. Make sure they are read-write.
