Why am I getting an error using Compute Engine - http-status-code-404

I'm getting the following error when using Cloud Monitoring API v3 to query an Agent metric for disk space utilization:
404 Can not find metric resource_container_ids
I am passing in the correct project and vm instance. I can query just fine the Google Cloud metrics, but this Agent metric give me the error. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The chart shows up fine online, but I need to get the data through my script.
results = client.list_time_series(
"name": project_name,
"filter": 'metric.type = "agent.googleapis.com/disk/percent_used" AND metric.labels.instance_name = "MY_INSTANCE"',
"interval": interval,
"view": monitoring_v3.ListTimeSeriesRequest.TimeSeriesView.FULL,
Ok, I discovered that passing in the instance name (vm) is not correct. After removing it, data came back fine, but I only want data to come back for a certain vm. But the metric won't allow passing in a vm name. Any ideas how to restrict the data to just that vm?

I don't have a laptop with me to test right now, but I think that you need to use the instance id (resource.instance_id)


Azure logic app - Transform to XML - MapNotReady

I'm trying to translate an X12 edi message using a map created in VS2015, but I get the following error;
MapNotReady. The map '' is still being processed. Please try again later.
Running the input in VS2015 I get the correct result, but not using Azure Logic Apps
Resolved this issue by creating a new Integration account in a new Resource Group and different Location.
Looks like a bug in Azure, will log call with MS
I faced the same issue after deploying a logic app using ARM template.
What was I doing?
In deploy powershell, I was creating integration account and adding schemas and maps.
Deploying logic app using ARM template.
Immediately after deployment, I tried to execute the logic app. At that point, I received MapNotReady exception in transform action.
However after 10 minutes when I retried the message again, the problem was gone. It looks like, map service was not fully deployed.
So no need to deploy to different resource group. Probably wait for few minutes before executing LogicApps.

Can I use StackDriver Trace PHP application in GKE?

I want to check latencies of RPC every day about CakePHP Application each endpoints running in GKE cluster. I found it is possible using php google client or zipkin server by reading documents , but I don't know how easy to introduce to our app though both seem tough for me.
In addition, I'm concerned about GKE cluster configuration has StackDriver Trace option though our cluster it sets disabled.Can we trace span if it sets enable?
Could you give some advices?
I succeeded to send gcp's trace api in php client via REST. It can see trace set by php client parameters , but my endpoint for trace api has stopped though I don't know why.Maybe ,it is not still supported well because the document have many ambiguous expression so, I realized watching server response by BigQuery with fluentd and DataStudio and it seem best solution because auto span can be set by table name with yyyymmdd and we can watch arbitrary metrics with custom query or calculation field.

Getting 403 not authorized when indexing documents on Retrieve and Rank

I am suddenly getting a 403 error when I try to POST an update to the Retrieve and Rank service. This code is under development but it has been working up until yesterday. The failure occurs only when doing a POST to /v1/solr_clusters/{solr_cluster_id}/solr/{collection_name}/update, and it fails the same way whether I do it via my program, the Swagger API documentation, or cURL. All other operations to this service that I've tried work fine when using the same credentials that I'm using with this POST. The error message I'm getting back is
Error: WRRCSH004: Service [1d111267-76b7-417a-98bd-4e9a58072ef9] is not authorized for cluster [sc262b05e8_dcf5_40b4_b662_ae85058ff07f]!. I don't know where the identifier (1d111267-76b7-417a-98bd-4e9a58072ef9) is coming from; that's not the userid I'm sending in.
Looking into your issue it appears your Bluemix organization has multiple service instances. The 403 issue you were seeing is because you're trying to access a Solr cluster using credentials from one of your instances against a cluster in the other instance. The 1d111267-76b7-417a-98bd-4e9a58072ef9 represents one of these service instances—but the issue is that the cluster you're trying to access is not part of that instance. A good way to test this is to ensure you're using the same credentials that generate the 403 but simply try to list the Solr clusters you have created by doing a GET against https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/retrieve-and-rank/api/v1/solr_clusters/.
As for the 500 issue, I wasn't able to see anything on our end. If you're still experiencing that I would suggest posting another question and we can look into things again.

Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate when using Google App Engine

UPDATE: Please, if anyone can help: Google is waiting for inputs and examples of this problem on their bug tracking tool. If you have reproducible steps for this issue, please share them on: https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=10937
I'm trying to fetch data from the StackExchange API using a Google App Engine backend. As you may know, some of StackExchange's APIs are site-specific, requiring developers to run queries against every site the user is registered in.
So, here's my backend code for fetching timeline data from these sites. The feed_info_site variable holds the StackExchange site name (such as 'security', 'serverfault', etc.).
data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("%sme/timeline?%s" %
(self.API_BASE_URL, urllib.urlencode({"pagesize": 100,
"fromdate": se_since_timestamp, "filter": "!9WWBR
(nmw", "site": feed_info_site, "access_token":
decrypt(self.API_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, self.access_token), "key":
for item in data['items']:
... # code for parsing timeline items
When running this query on all sites except Stack Overflow, everything works OK. What's weird is, when the feed_info_site variable is set to 'stackoverflow', I get the following error from Google App Engine:
HTTPException: Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
Of course, if I run the same query in Safari, I get the JSON results I'm expecting from the API. So the problem really lies in Google's URLfetch service. I found several topics here on Stack Overflow related to similar HTTPS/SSL exceptions, but no accepted answer solved my problems. I tried removing cacerts.txt files. I also tried making the call with validate_certificate=False, with no success.
I think the problem is not strictly related to HTTPS/SSL. If so, how would you explain that changing a single API parameter would make the request to fail?
Wait for the next update to the app engine (scheduled one soon) then update.
Replace browserid.org/verify with another service (verifier.loogin.persona.org/verify is a good service hosted by Mozilla what could be used)
Make sure cacerts.txt doesnt exist (looks like you have sorted but just in-case :-) )
Attempt again
Good luck!
I was facing the same error, google has updated the app engine now, error resolved, please check the updated docs.

Having issues getting WordPress running under GAE + Cloud SQL

I tried to set up WordPress under Google App Engine earlier tonight (following the instructions here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/wordpress).
It runs fine locally, but when I push to remote I get a database error (visible at https://wp-dot-frontiermediag.appspot.com/). If we throw on a /wp_admin/install.php you get:
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server
at :/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp. This could mean your host's database
server is down.
Here's the relevant code in wp-config:
/** MySQL hostname */
if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Google App Engine') !== false) {
define('DB_HOST', ':/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
frontiermediag:fmwp is showing "Status Runnable" in Developers Console > Cloud SQL.
I did this once before and it worked so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I thought it might have been because I'm using WP 3.8.1. but rolled back to 3.5.1 and same thing's happening.
Any ideas? frontiermediag is listed as an authorized application on the :fmwp ACL.
This situation happened to me earlier.However, I edited my Cloud SQL instance , and set "Preferred Location" as "Follow App Engine App" from Google Developers Console. This database connection problem was solved in my case.
I tried the instructions with wordpress 3.5.1 and the instructions seem to work for me. The code snippet you have above seems right and I am not sure what could be wrong without looking at rest of your code. Can you try the instructions from the beginning one more time with 3.5.1?
I had this issue, because "Follow App Engine App" doesn't seem to be an option for second generation instances in my case, and so the instance connection name includes the region setting.
Look at the instance details, and under properties, find "Instance connection name". That is the text that should follow :cloudsql/.
