How to add options to ntpd - c

I'd like to add a new option to ntpd however I couldn't find how to generate ntpd/ntpd-opts{.c, .h} after adding some lines to ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def e.g.,
$ git diff ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
diff --git a/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def b/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
index 66b953528..a790cbd51 100644
--- a/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
+++ b/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
## -479,3 +479,13 ## flag = {
the server to be discovered via mDNS client lookup.
+flag = {
+ name = foo;
+ value = F;
+ arg-type = number;
+ descrip = "Some new option";
+ doc = <<- _EndOfDoc_
+ For testing purpose only.
+ _EndOfDoc_;
Do you have any ideas?

how to generate ntpd/ntpd-opts{.c, .h} after adding some lines to ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
It is just in build scripts. Just compile it normally and make will pick it up.

In addition to #KamilCuk's answer, we need to do the following to add custom options:
Edit *.def file
Run bootstrap script
Run configure script with --disable-local-libopts option
Run make
For example,
$ git diff ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
diff --git a/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def b/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
index 66b953528..a790cbd51 100644
--- a/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
+++ b/ntpd/ntpdbase-opts.def
## -479,3 +479,13 ## flag = {
the server to be discovered via mDNS client lookup.
+flag = {
+ name = foo;
+ value = F;
+ arg-type = number;
+ descrip = "Some new option";
+ doc = <<- _EndOfDoc_
+ For testing purpose only.
+ _EndOfDoc_;
This change yields:
$ ./ntpd --help
ntpd - NTP daemon program - Ver. 4.2.8p15
Usage: ntpd [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... \
[ <server1> ... <serverN> ]
Flg Arg Option-Name Description
-4 no ipv4 Force IPv4 DNS name resolution
- prohibits the option 'ipv6'
-F Num foo Some new option
opt version output version information and exit
-? no help display extended usage information and exit
-! no more-help extended usage information passed thru pager
Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.


cppcheck: error: unrecognized command line option: "--file-filter

I am developing C code on Ubuntu 20.04.
By running cppcheck -q --project=build/proj1/compile_commands.json --file-filter='src/base/Myfile.c'
I got the error
cppcheck: error: unrecognized command line option: "--file-filter=src/base/Myfile.c".
It looks like the version of cppcheck included in Ubuntu 20.04 is not the latest:
$ apt show cppcheck | grep Version
Version: 1.90-4build1
cppcheck 1.90 was released in 2019. The --file-filter argument was introduced in commit fcd5cda97 in 2020:
$ git show fcd5cda97f10085c7def7fda6fc6199f624010ce
commit fcd5cda97f10085c7def7fda6fc6199f624010ce
Author: fuzzelhjb <>
Date: Fri Jan 10 08:57:37 2020 +0100
Check selected files from project (#2378)
diff --git a/cli/cmdlineparser.cpp b/cli/cmdlineparser.cpp
index 3fbc7f6c6..292327051 100644
--- a/cli/cmdlineparser.cpp
+++ b/cli/cmdlineparser.cpp
## -376,6 +376,10 ## bool CmdLineParser::parseFromArgs(int argc, const char* const argv[])
mSettings->xml = true;
+ // use a file filter
+ else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--file-filter=", 14) == 0)
+ mSettings->fileFilter = std::string(argv[i] + 14);
// Only print something when there are errors
else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--quiet") == 0)
mSettings->quiet = true;
## -1035,6 +1039,9 ## void CmdLineParser::printHelp()
" --exitcode-suppressions=<file>\n"
" Used when certain messages should be displayed but\n"
" should not cause a non-zero exitcode.\n"
+ " --file-filter=<str> Analyze only those files matching the given filter str\n"
+ " Example: --file-filter=*bar.cpp analyzes only files\n"
+ " that end with bar.cpp.\n"
" --file-list=<file> Specify the files to check in a text file. Add one\n"
" filename per line. When file is '-,' the file list will\n"
" be read from standard input.\n"
The current release version of cppcheck appears to be 2.7.

Benchmark channel creation NextFlow

I am performing a scatter-gather operation on NextFlow.
It looks like the following:
reads = PATH+"test_1.fq"
outdir = "results"
split_read_ch = channel.fromFilePairs(reads, checkIfExists: true, flat:true ).splitFastq( by: 10, file:"test_split" )
process Scatter_fastP {
tag 'Scatter_fastP'
publishDir outdir
tuple val(name), path(reads) from split_read_ch
file "${reads}.trimmed.fastq" into gather_fatsp_ch
fastp -i ${reads} -o ${reads}.trimmed.fastq
gather_fatsp_ch.collectFile().view().println{ it.text }
I run this code with all the benchmarks options proposed by Nextflow (
nextflow run -with-report nextflow_report -with-trace nextflow_trace -with-timeline nextflow_timeline -with-dag nextflow_dag.html
In these tracing files, I can find the resources and speed of the 10 Scatter_fastP processes.
But I would like to also measure the resources and speed of the creation of the split_read_ch and the gather_fastp_ch channels.
I have tried to include the channels' creation in processes but I cannot find a solution to make it work.
Is there a way to include the channel creation into the tracing files? Or is there a way I have not found to create these channels into processes?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Although Nextflow can parse FASTQ files and split them into smaller files etc, generally it's better to pass off these operations to another process or set of processes, especially if your input FASTQ files are large. This is beneficial in two ways: (1) your main nextflow process doesn't need to work as hard, and (2) you get granular task process stats in your nextflow reports.
The following example uses GNU split to split the input FASTQ files, and gathers the outputs using the groupTuple() operator and the groupKey() built-in to stream the collected values as soon as possible. You'll need to adapt for your non-gzipped inputs:
params.num_lines = 40000
params.suffix_length = 5
process split_fastq {
tuple val(name), path(fastq)
tuple val(name), path("${name}-${/[0-9]/*params.suffix_length}.fastq.gz")
zcat "!{fastq}" | split \\
-a "!{params.suffix_length}" \\
-d \\
-l "!{params.num_lines}" \\
--filter='gzip > ${FILE}.fastq.gz' \\
- \\
process fastp {
tuple val(name), path(fastq)
tuple val(name), path("${fastq.getBaseName(2)}.trimmed.fastq.gz")
fastp -i "${fastq}" -o "${fastq.getBaseName(2)}.trimmed.fastq.gz"
workflow {
Channel.fromFilePairs( './data/*.fastq.gz', size: 1 ) \
| split_fastq \
| map { name, fastq -> tuple( groupKey(name, fastq.size()), fastq ) } \
| transpose() \
| fastp \
| groupTuple() \
| map { key, fastqs -> tuple( key.toString(), fastqs ) } \
| view()

mk livestatus LQL: Select Nagoios service both in CRITICAL and Hard state

Following example script can pick out CRITICAL service but it also will select CRITICAL service in both SOFT and HARD state. I read though R1 doc many times. Still failed to select service in HARD and CRITICAL state.
import socket
socket_path = '/var/spool/nagios/cmd/livestatus'
def sendQuery(query):
INPUT: LQL string.
OUPUT: query result in string.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
answer = ''
while True:
data = s.recv(1024)
answer += data
if len(data) < 1024:
return answer
LQL = 'GET services\n' + \
'Columns: host_name description state last_state_change last_time_critical\n' + \
'Filter: scheduled_downtime_depth = 0 \n' + \
'Filter: host_scheduled_downtime_depth = 0\n' + \
'Filter: in_notification_period = 1\n' + \
'Filter: state = 2 \n'
print sendQuery(LQL)
Answer was provided by livestatus community, See R1.
select_type = 1 where 1 = HARD service alert. 0 = SOFT.

Aarch64 u-boot compile issue

I am currently experiencing a really strange bug when compiling for u-boot:
The vector
init_fnc_t *init_sequence[] ={...}
is filled with 0's / NULLs instead of function pointers. I thought I outsmarted the compiler by calling all those functions 'by hand'. However this bug has even more ramifications as the driver struct also gets 0 / NULL pointers:
static struct serial_device my_serial_drv = {
.name = "my_serial",
.start = my_serial_init,
.stop = NULL,
.setbrg = my_serial_setbrg,
.putc = my_serial_putc,
.puts = my_serial_puts,
.getc = my_serial_getc,
.tstc = my_serial_tstc,
which, of course, when I call
sets the pc to 0 and subsequently crashes everything.
Fun fact: the .name reaches the binary, so the .data sections are probably fine once they are set.
I have tested this with aarch64-linux-gnu-*-4.7 and aarch64-linux-gnu-*-4.9 binaries.
You can find 4.9 from:
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
The u-boot.bin file seems allright. After investigating why this works I saw that u-boot's make is running a separate command to fix the bin:
start=$(aarch64-linux-gnu-nm u-boot | grep __rel_dyn_start | cut -f 1 -d ' ');
end=$(aarch64-linux-gnu-nm u-boot | grep __rel_dyn_end | cut -f 1 -d ' ');
tools/relocate-rela u-boot.bin 0x3e900000 $start $end
(these were a single line but I split it for readability )

Ldap error code 32

I'm trying to synchronize OpenLDAP and Active directory together. To do so I'm using a program called LSC-Project which is specified to do this sort of thing.
I have configured the program the best I can however I can't find a way to shake off the following error:
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-
problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
]; remaining name
May 09 15:19:25 - ERROR - Error while synchronizing ID uid=user1,ou=Users:
Technical problem while applying modifications to directory
dn: uid=user1,ou=Users,dc=domname,dc=com
changetype: add
userPassword: 3+kU2th/WMo/v553A24a3SBw2kU=
objectClass: uid
This is the configuration file that the program runs on:
Destination LDAP directory #
############################## = ldap://,dc=com = simple = cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=Windows,dc=com = 11111 = ignore = never = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory = 3 = 1000
Source LDAP directory
######################### = ldap://,dc=com = simple = uid=root,ou=users,dc=Linux,dc=com = 11111 = ignore = never = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory = 3
Tasks configuration
lsc.tasks = Administrator
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService = org.lsc.jndi.SimpleJndiSrcService
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService.baseDn = ou=users
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService.filterAll = (&(objectClass=person))
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService.pivotAttrs = uid
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService.filterId = (&(objectClass=person)(uid={uid}))
lsc.tasks.Administrator.srcService.attrs = description uid userPassword
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService = org.lsc.jndi.SimpleJndiDstService
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService.baseDn = cn=Users
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService.filterAll = (&(cn=*)(objectClass=organizationalPerson))
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService.pivotAttrs = cn, top, person, user, organizationalPerson
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService.filterId = (&(objectClass=user) (sAMAccountName={cn}))
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dstService.attrs = description cn userPassword objectClass
lsc.tasks.Administrator.bean = org.lsc.beans.SimpleBean
lsc.tasks.Administrator.dn = "uid=" + srcBean.getAttributeValueById("uid") + ",ou=Users"
dn.real_root = dc=Domname,dc=com
Syncoptions configuration
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator = org.lsc.beans.syncoptions.PropertiesBasedSyncOptions
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.default.action = M
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.objectClass.action = M
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.objectClass.force_value = srcBean.getAttributeValueById("cn").toUpperCase()
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.userPassword.default_value = SecurityUtils.hash(SecurityUtils.HASH_SHA1, "defaultPassword")
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.objectClass.force_value = "top";"user";"person";"organizationalPerson"
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.userPrincipalName.force_value = srcBean.getAttributeValueById("uid") + ""
lsc.syncoptions.Administrator.userAccountControl.create_value = AD.userAccountControlSet ( "0", [AD.UAC_SET_NORMAL_ACCOUNT])
I'm suspecting that it has something to do with the baseDn of the Task configuration in the part of the source configuration.
The OSs is ubuntu 10.04 and Windows2K3
Someone suggested to me to make a manual sync between them but I have not found any guides to do so. And this program is pretty much the only thing that says that is does this kind of job without costs.
The baseDn should be the distinguished name of the base object of the search, for example, ou=users,dc=domname,dc=com.
see also
LDAP: Mastering Search Filters
LDAP: Search best practices
LDAP: Programming practices
The main reason for NameNotFoundException is that the object which you're searching doesn't exist or the container in which you are searching is not correct.
In case of Spring-ldap, we used to get this error when we specify the baseDn in the context file(LdapContextSource bean) and also in createUser code to build userDn.we need not specify the dc again in the buildUserDn()
protected Name buildUserDn(String userName) {
DistinguishedName dn = new DistinguishedName();
//only cn is required as the base dn is already specified in context file
dn.add("cn", userName);
return dn;
In Active Directory: Users catalog is container class, not OrganizationalUnit, so you should use: cn=users,dc=domname,dc=com
