Google Data Studio: Filter inheritance options missing - google-data-studio

I've asked this question on the Data Studio community page with no response, and haven't been able to find the answer elsewhere.
I need to stop 2 charts on a page from inheriting the page level control that I have set. From searching around, it appears that there used to be an option to disable filter inheritance, which would achieve exactly what I need. However, that option seems to no longer be available.
I've tried manually setting chart level filters that include all of the information I need, but they still seem to be overridden by the page level controls I have set. I've tried creating calculated fields that hard code the information I need, but they are also overridden by the page level controls regardless.
The comparison that I need to make is between an individual store's customer churn, and the average churn for all stores. The report is an overall report for all stores, with the ability to choose an individual store from a dropdown control to narrow down the results, so I can't set it up with chart-level filters as that would defeat the whole purpose.
Does the filter inheritance option no longer exist, or does it not apply to controls? Is there another way around this that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance! :)
Screenshot of the filter inheritance options missing:
No filter inheritance
Example Data Studio report:
Example report
UPDATE: I have figured out a temporary workaround, which is to set up a separate data source that does not include the fields referred to within the controls. However, this is not a workable solution for reports with a number of pages and a number of controls added, as it effectively requires a new data source for every control that I need to exclude (and sometimes that isn't possible).

One way to ensure that the two specific charts (referred to as Excluded_Charts in this answer) are not influenced by Controls (in this case a Drop-down list and a Date range control) is to Group all charts except Excluded_Charts, which would result in the two charts operating independently from the rest:
Right-click on a blank space in the Report
From the drop-down click on Select > All charts and controls on page
Ctrl+Click on both charts in Excluded_Charts to exclude them from selection
Right-click on one of the selected charts
Click on Group from the right-click menu
Additionally, to make sure that the Date range control does not affect Excluded_Charts select both charts in Excluded_Charts and change the default date range from Auto to Custom.
To reintegrate Excluded_Charts back with the rest of the charts in the report:
Select the grouped charts (selecting a single grouped component will highlight all grouped components)
Right-click on one of the selected charts
Select Ungroup from the right-click menu
Additionally, remember to change the default date range of the Excluded_Charts back from Custom to Auto.
Editable Google Data Studio Report (Embedded Google Sheets Data Source)

I seem to have found a solution - the issue is that I was looking at filter inheritance rather than controls. Controls can be limited in scope by grouping them with the charts you want them to apply to.
Thank you very much for your help #Nimantha! I would have never figured this out if you hadn't pointed out that I was referring to filters rather than controls.


adding checkbox to ssrs tablix that will be manually clicked

I have created a stock taking report in SSRS 2008. I have also added an extra column in the tablix.
The extra column I added is a column I want to have the option to manually click on the checkbox if item is in stock.
I have tried using the wingdings option using the below expression:
However the result I get is not the desired result, because I get about 6 winging characters back instead of the check and uncheck boxes I required
How could I go about fixing this ?
One option is to use an Indicator, but I've preferred to use images for similar situations. Embed the two needed images in the report and switch between those dynamically. (You can make standard images of your characters in MS Paint or Paint.NET.)
Images have the disadvantage that they don't print with high resolution, but they do render on most devices (not .csv) and you don't need to worry about installed fonts on the server.
As far as fixing your immediate problem, try changing the "Markup Type" for your placeholder (Placeholder Properties -> General -> Markup type.) It sounds like something is trying to generate HTML when it shouldn't be.

Views, add fields, limited options

I have recently developed an odd behaviour in my views. I am trying to generate a simple view that simply lists all entered data of that content type in a table. I have stripped all bells and whistles from the view to get it working but it just won't.
When I create a new view, I can add the relevant fields for the content type, filters etc. It all works as expected. If I then save and try to create another page view for the next content type, all my fields disappear (including the original fields used in the original view). The only fields available are core fields like content:type, content:title, content:post date etc.
I have checked permissions, display values in the content type, searched extensively online. Most people's issue is the relationship hasn't been established but my view doesn't rely on a relationship, it is a simple display view.
Any help or pointers would be truly appreciated.
Thanks in advance Nelle
Drupal 7.22
Views 7.x-3.7
This is a bug in Views. See this bug report for a work-around (disable Views caching and UI Javascript).
Did you tried to remove filters from new page?
There is an important option when you use the same view to create many pages or blocks :
when you edit a field or filter, you should choose where to apply modifications (For All displays or this page (override)

what and when should i use editor grid or extjs form

I can make the inseration to the table by extjs editor grid and also through the extjs form , what should i used and when i used what ?
which is better ? i had used the extjs form panel but i haven't used the editor grid ?
should i use the editor grid or not ?
Its about what kind of UX you are providing to your users! Take these scenarios:
1. Frequent modifications
Lets assume a user need to frequently modify, add records to the grid. In this case, using a form panel can be a "long process" for the user. He might have to select the record, click on edit button and the form pops up, edit and finally save.
To reduce the user's click and reduce the process.. you can use the editor grid.
2. Viewing / Filtering / Reports
Common scenario is to use the grid for simply viewing, filtering out required records and use as grid as reports with grouped data, summary data etc. I this case, you may not even have a add functionality. You may have a less chance of edits. In this case you will go for normal grids.
Now, there are situations where the grid display is only a summary. In one of my applications, I have only few fields listed on the grid (only important fields). selecting a row will provide you more details in a window with form panel. In such cases you cannot have editor grid because only part of the data is visible at a given time.
Another viewing scenario is to have a form beside the grid with all the fields and they are bound together. In such a scenario, you have the form panel beside the grid. And when user select a row, the data is loaded into the form. You can provide data modification functionality here. Example!
3. Type of data involved
You also need to consider the data you display and manipulate. Editor grids can be good for quick and frequent changes. But It might not be a good idea for editing long and complex data. For example, would you have a HtmlEditor (Rich text editor) in the editor grid?
You cannot use editor grid when you have data entry in steps (some wizards, step-by-step entry etc). In such cases you will have to go with the FormPanel.
I think these points will help you.

Drilldown Reports

I am attempting to create a drill down report using report server and Visual Studio 2005.
I have been able to create a tree structure, but the original report looks like it opened a new report. (Crystal Report)
This was done by the report hiding all other data apart from the drilled data and the data title.
I can’t seem to be able to do this at the moment or seem to find any help online to do what is needed.
Does anyone know how I can do this or know of any material online that could help?
i can think of two different ways to interpret your question. 1. you want a table in a report that, when the user clicks on a specific row, drills down into the report. 2. you want a report that, when a user clicks on certain rows, it opens up another report that's a drill down of the data. for option one, read my blog here and tell me if that's what you're looking for.
Not sure which way you're asking, so I'll list both.
For all your data on a single report which is grouped you can right click on the row indicator on the table and select properties, then visibility. Inside visibility you should see a checkbox with "Display can be toggled by this item" then the dropdown will have a list of textboxes that are on the report. Just select the one you want to control the drilldown.
The alternative way is through report actions, which you create a separate report with or without parameters, and select the textbox and choose properties, goto action, select "Goto Report" then select the report to drill down to, and add your parameters.
Hope this helps.

Excel like FILTER feature in Silverlight datagrid?

In Excel, there is this feature for filtering the cells of a column.
How can I implement excel like FILTER feature in Silverlight Datagrid?
Please advice. Thanks
Good question - this is a good feature, but not one that can be implemented in 5 minutes.
You don't want to be overriding the rendering of the standard datagrid in any way (too much work), so you need to take a slightly different approach. One way to do that is to draw your own 'header' above the top of the grid - just a grid, with a border and a stackpanel will get you started. Then you need to enumerate the visible columns of the grid, and create a dropdown corresponding to each, and add that dropdown to the stackpanel. Using a simple linq statement you can get a list of the distinct values in each column. When the user selects a value from the dropdown you can then filter the grid's datasource using that value in a LINQ statement.
In reality this is probably going to be at least a week's worth of work to do properly. If you take the cost of that development and the cost of the testing, and measure that against the cost of a good component suite where they already have filtering built in (most of the major vendors do), then unless you are working for a very low hourly rate you will find it is cheaper to buy the components - it is probably safer too, as the components will be well tested and realtively bug free.
Edit (some time later): what i should also mention though is that if you only want to do this on a couple of columns then you could consider using a column header template. If you take this approach though you will also have to do things like copy the various mouse related animations or transitions that might be part of the original colunm header, just so you can keep some consistency across the top of the grid. Personally i would just go with option one and give the user the ability to filter on any of the columns.
