How do you convert the remainder of a division operation to a fixed point in C? - c

I understand the concept of fixed point pretty well at this point, but I'm having trouble making a logical jump.
I'm working with M68000 CPUs using gcc with no standard libraries of any sort. Using DIVU/DIVS opcodes, I can obtain the quotient and the remainder. Given a Q16.16 fixed point value stored in an unsigned 32bit memory space, I know I can put the quotient in the upper 16 bits. However, how does one convert the integer remainder into the fractional portion of the fixed point value?
I'm sure this is something simple and I'm just missing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The way to think about it is that fixed point numbers are actually integers hold the value of your number times some fixed multiplier. You want to build you fixed point operations out of the integer operations you have available in your hardware.
So for a 16.16 fixed-point format, your multiplier is 65536 (216), so if you want to do a divide c = a/b, the numbers (integers) you have to work with are actually a' = a * 65536 and b' = b * 65536 and you want to find c' = c * 65536. So substituting into the desired c = a/b, you have
c'/65536 = (a'/65536) / (b'/65536) = a'/b'
c' = 65536 * a' / b'
So you actually want to first (integer) mulitply the fixed-point value of a by 65536 (left shift by 16), then do an integer divide by the fixed point value of b, and that will give you the fixed point value of c. The issue is that the first multiply will almost certainly overflow 32 bits, so you need a 64 bit (actually only 48 bit) intermediate. So if you're using a 68020+ with a 64/32 DIVS.L instruction (divides a 64 bit value in a pair of registers by a 32 bit value), you're fine. You don't need the remainder at all.
If you're using a pure 68000 that doesn't have the wide divide, you'll need to do 16-bit long division on the values (where you use 16 bit numbers as "digits", so you're dividing a 3-"digit" number by a 2-"digit" one)


Problem of a simple float number serialization example

I am reading the Serialization section of a tutorial .
And I am reviewing the code which Encode the number into a portable binary form.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t htonf(float f)
uint32_t p;
uint32_t sign;
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; f = -f; }
else { sign = 0; }
p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31); // whole part and sign
p |= (uint32_t)(((f - (int)f) * 65536.0f))&0xffff; // fraction
return p;
float ntohf(uint32_t p)
float f = ((p>>16)&0x7fff); // whole part
f += (p&0xffff) / 65536.0f; // fraction
if (((p>>31)&0x1) == 0x1) { f = -f; } // sign bit set
return f;
I ran into problems with this line p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31); // whole part and sign .
According to the original code comments, this line extracts the whole part and sign, and the next line deals with fraction part.
Then I found an image about how float is represented in memory and started the calculation by hand.
From Wikipedia Single-precision floating-point format:
So I then presumed that whole part == exponent part.
But this (uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) is getting the last 15bits of the fraction part, if based on the image above.
Now I get confused, where did I get wrong?
It's important to realize what this code is not. This code does not do anything with the individual bits of a float value. (If it did, it wouldn't be portable and machine-independent, as it claims to be.) And the "portable" string representation it creates is fixed point, not floating point.
For example, if we use this code to convert the number -123.125, we will get the binary result
or in hexadecimal
Now, where did that number 10000000011110110010000000000000 come from? Let's break it up into its sign, whole number, and fractional parts:
1 000000001111011 0010000000000000
The sign bit is 1 because our original number was negative. 000000001111011 is the 15-bit binary representation of 123. And 0010000000000000 is 8192. Where did 8192 come from? Well, 8192 ÷ 65536 is 0.125, which was our fractional part. (More on this below.)
How did the code do this? Let's walk through it step by step.
(1) Extract sign. That's easy: it's the ordinary test if(f < 0).
(2) Extract whole-number part. That's also easy: We take our floating-point number f, and cast it to type unint32_t. When you convert a floating-point number to an integer in C, the behavior is pretty obvious: it throws away the fractional part and gives you the integer. So if f is 123.125, (uint32_t)f is 123.
(3) Extract fraction. Since we've already got the integer part, we can isolate the fraction by starting with the original floating-point number f, and subtracting the integer part. That is, 123.125 - 123 = 0.125. Then we multiply the fractional part by 65536, which is 216.
It may not be obvious why we multiplied by 65536 and not some other number. In one sense, it doesn't matter what number you use. The goal here is to take a fractional number f and turn it into two integers a and b such that we can recover the fractional number f again later (although perhaps approximately). The way we're going to recover the fractional number f again later is by computing
a + b / x
where x is, well, some other number. If we chose 1000 for x, we'd break 123.125 up into a and b values of 123 and 125. We're choosing 65536, or 216, for x because that lets us make maximal use of the 16 bits we've allocated for the fractional part in our representation. Since x is 65536, b has to be some number we can divide by 65536 in order to get 0.125. So since b / 65536 = 0.125, by simple algebra we have b = 0.125 * 65536. Make sense?
Anyway, let's now look at the actual code for performing steps 1, 2, and 3.
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; f = -f; }
Easy peasy. If f is negative, our sign bit will be 1, and we want the rest of the code to operate on the positive version of f.
p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31);
As mentioned, the important part here is (uint32_t)f, which just grabs the integer (whole-number) part of f. The bitmask & 0x7fff extracts the low-order 15 bits of it, throwing anything else away. (This is since our "portable representation" only allocates 15 bits for the whole-number part, meaning that numbers greater than 215-1 or 32767 can't be represented). The shift << 16 moves it into the high half of the eventual unint32_t result, where it belongs. And then | (sign<<31) takes the sign bit and puts it in the high-order position where it belongs.
p |= (uint32_t)(((f - (int)f) * 65536.0f))&0xffff; // fraction
Here, (int)f recomputes the integer (whole-number) part of f, and then f - (int)f extracts the fraction. We multiply it by 65536, as explained above. There may still be a fractional part (even after the multiplication, that is), so we cast to (uint32_t) again to throw that away, retaining only the integer part. We can only handle 16 bits of fraction, so we extract those bits (discarding anything else) with & 0xffff, although this should be unnecessary since we started with a positive fractional number less than 1, and multiplied it by 65536, so we should end up with a positive number less than 65536, i.e. we shouldn't have a number that won't exactly fit in 16 bits. Finally, the p |= operation stuffs these 16 bits we've just computed into the low-order half of p, and we're done.
Addendum: It may still not be obvious where the number 65536 came from, and why that was used instead of 10000 or some other number. So let's review two key points: we're ultimately dealing with integers here. Also, in one sense, the number 65536 actually was pretty arbitrary.
At the end of the day, any bit pattern we're working with is "really" just an integer. It's not a character, or a floating-point number, or a pointer — it's just an integer. If it has N bits, it represents integers from 0 to 2N-1.
In the fixed-point representation we're using here, there are three subfields: a 1-bit sign, a 15-bit whole-number part, and a 16-bit fraction part.
The interpretation of the sign and whole-number parts is obvious. But the question is: how shall we represent a fraction using a 16-bit integer?
And the answer is, we pick a number, almost any number, to divide by. We can call this number a "scaling factor".
We really can pick almost any number. Suppose I chose the number 3467 as my scaling factor. Here is now I would then represent several different fractions as integers:
    ½ → 1734/3467 → 1734
    ⅓ → 1155/3467 → 1155
    0.125 → 433/3467 → 433
So my fractions ½, ⅓, and 0.125 are represented by the integers 1734, 1155, and 433. To recover my original fractions, I just divide by 3467:
    1734 → 1734 ÷ 3467 → 0.500144
    1155 → 1155 ÷ 3467 → 0.333141
    433 → 1734 ÷ 3467 → 0.124891
Obviously I wasn't able to recover my original fractions exactly, but I came pretty close.
The other thing to wonder about is, where does that number 3467 "live"? If you're just looking at the numbers 1734, 1155, and 433, how do you know you're supposed to divide them by 3467? And the answer is, you don't know, at least, not just by looking at them. 3567 would have to be part of the definition of my silly fractional number format; people would just have to know, because I said so, that they had to multiply by 3467 when constructing integers to represent fractions, and divide by 3467 when recovering the original fractions.
And the other thing to look at is what the implications are of choosing various different scaling factors. The first thing is that, since in the end we're going to be using a 16-bit integer for the fractional representation, we absolutely can't use a scaling factor any greater than 65536. If we did, sometimes we'd end up with an integer greater than 65535, and it wouldn't fit in 16 bits. For example, suppose we tried to use a scaling factor of 70000, and suppose we tried to represent the fraction 0.95. Now, 0.95 is equal to 66500/70000, so our integer would be 66500, but that doesn't fit in 16 bits.
On the other hand, it turns out that ideally we don't want to use a number less than 65536, either. The smaller a number we use, the more of our 16-bit fractional representation we'll waste. When I chose 3467 in my silly example a little earlier, that meant I would represent fractions from 0/3467 = 0.00000 and 1/3467 = 0.000288 up to 3466/3467 = 0.999711. But I'd never use any of the integers from 3467 through 65536. They'd be wasted, and by not using them, I'd unnecessarily limit the precision of the fractions I could represent.
The "best" (least wasteful) scaling factor to use is 65536, although there's one other consideration, namely, which fractions do you want to be able to represent exactly? When I used 3467 as my scaling factor, I couldn't represent any of my test numbers ½, ⅓, or 0.125 exactly. If we use 65536 as the scaling factor, it turns out that we can represent fractions involving small powers of two exactly — that is, halves, quarters, eights, sixteenths, etc. — but not any other fractions, and in particular not most of the decimal fractions like 0.1. If we wanted to be able to represent decimal fractions exactly, we would have to use a scaling factor that was a power of 10. The largest power of 10 that will fit in 16 bits is 10000, and that would indeed let us exactly represent decimal fractions as small as 0.00001, although we'd waste about 5/6 (or 85%) of our 16-bit fractional range.
So if we wanted to represent decimal fractions exactly, without wasting precision, the inescapable conclusion is that we should not have allocated 16 bits for our fraction field in the first place. Better choices would have been 10 bits (ideal scaling factor 1024, we'd use 1000, wasting only 2%) or 20 bits (ideal scaling factor 1048576, we'd use 1000000, wasting about 5%).
The relevant excerpts from the page are
The thing to do is to pack the data into a known format and send that over the wire for decoding. For example, to pack floats, here’s something quick and dirty with plenty of room for improvement
On the plus side, it’s small, simple, and fast. On the minus side, it’s not an efficient use of space and the range is severely restricted—try storing a number greater-than 32767 in there and it won’t be very happy! You can also see in the above example that the last couple decimal places are not correctly preserved.
The code is presented only as an example. It is really quick and dirty, because it packs and unpacks the float as a fixed point number with 16 bits for fractions, 15 bits for integer magnitude and one for sign. It is an example and does not attempt to map floats 1:1.
It is in fact rather incredibly stupid algorithm: It can map 1:1 all IEEE 754 float32s within magnitude range ~256...32767 without losing a bit of information, truncate the fractions in floats in range 0...255 to 16 bits, and fail spectacularly for any number >= 32768. And NaNs.
As for the endianness problem: for any protocol that does not work with integers >= 32 bits intrinsically, someone needs to decide how to again serialize these integers into the other format. For example in the Internet at lowest levels data consists of 8-bit octets.
There are 24 obvious ways mapping a 32-bit unsigned integer into 4 octets, of which 2 are now generally used, and some more historically. Of course there are a countably infinite (and exponentially sillier) ways of encoding them...

fixed point arithmetic in modern systems

I'd like to start out by saying this isn't about optimizations so please refrain from dragging this topic down that path. My purpose for using fixed point arithmetic is because I want to control the precision of my calculations without using floating point.
With that being said let's move on. I wanted to have 17 bits for range and 15 bits for the fractional part. The extra bit is for the signed value. Here are some macros below.
const int scl = 18;
#define Double2Fix(x) ((x) * (double)(1 << scl))
#define Float2Fix(x) ((x) * (float)(1 << scl))
#define Fix2Double(x) ((double)(x) / (1 << scl))
#define Fix2Float(x) ((float)(x) / (1 << scl))
Addition and subtraction are fairly straight forward but things gets a bit tricky with mul and div.
I've seen two different ways to handle these two types of operations.
1) if I am using 32 bits then use a temp 64bit variable to store intermediate multiplication steps then scale at the end.
2) right in the multiplication step scale both variables to a lesser bit range before multiplication. For example if you have a 32 bit register with 16 bits for the whole number you could shift like this:
(((a)>>8)*((b)>>6) >> 2) or some combination that makes sense for you app.
It seems to me that if you design your fixed point math around 32 bits it might be impractical to always depend on having a 64bit variable able to store your intermediate values but on the other hand shifting to a lower scale will seriously reduce your range and precision.
Since i'd like to avoid trying to force the cpu to try to create a 64bit type in the middle of my calculations is the shifting to lower bit values the only other alternative?
Also i've notice
int b = Double2Fix(9.1234567890);
printf("double shift:%f\n",Fix2Double(b));
int c = Float2Fix(9.1234567890);
printf("float shift:%f\n",Fix2Float(c));
double shift:9.123444
float shift:9.123444
Is that precision loss just a part of using fixed point numbers?
Since i'd like to avoid trying to force the cpu to try to create a 64bit type in the middle of my calculations is the shifting to lower bit values the only other alternative?
You have to work with the hardware capabilities, and the only available operations you'll find are:
Multiply N x N => low N bits (native C multiplication)
Multiply N x N => high N bits (the C language has no operator for this)
Multiply N x N => all 2N bits (cast to wider type, then multiply)
If the instruction set has #3, and the CPU implements it efficiently, then there's no need to worry about the extra-wide result it produces. For x86, you can pretty much take these as a given. Anyway, you said this wasn't an optimization question :) .
Sticking to just #1, you'll need to break the operands into pieces of (N/2) bits and do long multiplication, which is likely to generate more work. There are still cases where it's the right thing to do, for instance implementing #3 (software extended arithmetic) on a CPU that doesn't have it or #2.
Is that precision loss just a part of using fixed point numbers?
log2( 9.1234567890 – 9.123444 ) = –16.25, and you used 16 bits of precision, so yep, that's very typical.

Multiplication of two 32 bit numbers using only 8 bit numbers

I saw this interview question online and can't find a good method other than the usual additive methods.
Any suggestions if this can be done quicker using some bitshift / recursion or something similar ?
Bitshifting would be natural part of a solution.
To multiply a value a by an eight-bit value b, for each 1 bit in b, add up all the values of a multiplied by b with all other bits set to 0. For example, a * 10100001 = a * 10000000 + a * 00100000 + a * 00000001.
Taking this further, suppose we want to multiply 11001011 by 0010000, this is 11001011(bin) << 4(dec). Doing this on an eight-bit value gives you 10110000. You have also lost (8-4)=4 bits from the beginning. Hence you would also want to do 11001011(bin) >> 4(dec) to get 00001100 as a carry into the next "8-bit column" (assuming that we are using 8 columns to represent a 64-bit answer).
Recursion would not really be necessary. All you'd need is a loop through the 4 bytes of the first 32-bit number, with another loop through the 4 bytes of the second number inside, multiplying each pair of bytes together in turn and adding it to your solution.

Pure high-bit multiplication in assembly?

To implement real numbers between 0 and 1, one usually uses ANSI floats or doubles. But fixed precision numbers between 0 and 1 (decimals modulo 1) can be efficiently implemented as 32 bit integers or 16 bit words, which add like normal integers/words, but which multiply the "wrong way", meaning that when you multiply X times Y, you keep the high order bits of the product. This is equivalent to multiplying 0.X and 0.Y, where all the bits of X are behind the decimal point. Likewise, signed numbers between -1 and 1 are also implementable this way with one extra bit and a shift.
How would one implement fixed-precision mod 1 or mod 2 in C (especially using MMX or SSE)?
I think this representation could be useful for efficient representation of unitary matrices, for numerically intensive physics simulations. It makes for more MMX/SSE to have integer quantities, but you need higher level access to PMULHW.
If 16 bit fixed point arithmetic is sufficient and you are on x86 or a similar architecture, you can directly use SSE.
The SSE3 instruction pmulhrsw directly implements signed 0.15 fixed point arithmetic multiplication (mod 2 as you call it, from -1..+1) in hardware. Addition is not different than the standard 16 bit vector operations, just using paddw.
So a library which handles multiplication and addition of eight signed 16 bit fixed point variables at a time could look like this:
typedef __v8hi fixed16_t;
fixed16_t mul(fixed16_t a, fixed16_t b) {
return _mm_mulhrs_epi16(a,b);
fixed16_t add(fixed16_t a, fixed16_t b) {
return _mm_add_epi16(a,b);
Permission granted to use it in any way you like ;-)

Fixed-point multiplication in a known range

I'm trying to multiply A*B in 16-bit fixed point, while keeping as much accuracy as possible. A is 16-bit in unsigned integer range, B is divided by 1000 and always between 0.001 and 9.999. It's been a while since I dealt with problems like that, so:
I know I can just do A*B/1000 after moving to 32-bit variables, then strip back to 16-bit
I'd like to make it faster than that
I'd like to do all the operations without moving to 32-bit (since I've got 16-bit multiplication only)
Is there any easy way to do that?
Edit: A will be between 0 and 4000, so all possible results are in the 16-bit range too.
Edit: B comes from user, set digit-by-digit in the X.XXX mask, that's why the operation is /1000.
No, you have to go to 32 bit. In general the product of two 16 bit numbers will always give you a 32 bit wide result.
You should check the CPU instruction set of the CPU you're working on because most multiply instructions on 16 bit machines have an option to return the result as a 32 bit integer directly.
This would help you a lot because:
short testfunction (short a, short b)
int A32 = a;
int B32 = b;
return A32*B32/1000
Would force the compiler to do a 32bit * 32bit multiply. On your machine this could be very slow or even done in multiple steps using 16bit multiplies only.
A little bit of inline assembly or even better a compiler intrinsic could speed things up a lot.
Here is an example for the Texas Instruments C64x+ DSP which has such intrinsics:
short test (short a, short b)
int product = _mpy (a,b); // calculates product, returns 32 bit integer
return product / 1000;
Another thought: You're dividing by 1000. Was that constant your choice? It would be much faster to use a power of two as the base for your fixed-point numbers. 1024 is close. Why don't you:
return (a*b)/1024
instead? The compiler could optimize this by using a shift right by 10 bits. That ought to be much faster than doing reciprocal multiplication tricks.
