Is good approach to combine Next.js with redux and apollo graphql? - reactjs

I'm new in Next.js and GraphQL world. So far i've been using react with reduxjs and axios for API calls. I would learn more advanced stuff so here is my question. If i'm using apollo graphql what options do i have for local state management? It can be handled by apollo itself or i should use external tool like redux store?

Apollo at its heart is a GraphQL implementation that helps people manage their data. They also make and maintain a GraphQL client (Apollo Client) which we can use with React frameworks like Next.js.
The Apollo Client is a state management client that allows you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL and you can use it to fetch, cache, and modify application data.
In this article, we’ll discuss why we should use the Apollo Client with Next.js and how we can use the Apollo Client with Next.js to render pages via the three rendering methods Next.js supports; static site generation (SSG), server-side rendering (SSR), and client-side rendering (CSR).
If you want to use your Redux and Apollo state in a component, you need to use both graphql from react-apollo and connect from react-redux. This will let you better track the different events that happen in your app, and how your client and server side data changes interleave.
Why use Apollo Client with Next.js
First, let’s look at why we should use the Apollo Client with Next.js. There are three key reasons to use the Apollo Client:
Out-of-the-box support for caching
Built-in loading and error states
Declarative approach to data fetching
Out-of-the-box support for caching
In Apollo’s own words, “Caching a graph is no easy task, but we’ve spent two years focused on solving it.”
Apollo has invested serious amounts of time in making their caching process the most efficient and effective they can. So, why try and reinvent the wheel? If you’re fetching data in your application and working with GraphQL, then the Apollo Client is a great way of handling your data.
Another benefit is that there is minimal setup required for developers using the client. Apollo even labels it as “zero-config.” We will see this in our application example further in the post, but to set up caching in an application, all we need to do is add the code below to our application:
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '#apollo/client';
const client = new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache()
Built-in loading and error states
The Apollo Client has a custom React Hook built into it called block useQuery, which we will use in our example application, and gives us built-in loading and error states for us to use.
While this doesn’t sound impressive, what it means for developers is that we don’t need to spend time implementing this logic ourselves, we can just take the booleans the Hook returns and change our application rendering as required.
Thanks to these built-in states, using the Apollo Client means we can spend less time worrying about implementing data fetching logic and focus on building our application.
Declarative approach to data fetching
Another benefit of the way the Apollo Client implements the useQuery Hook is that data fetching with the Apollo Client is declarative rather than imperative.
What this means for us is we only need to tell Apollo what data we want and it gets it for us. We don’t need to write the logic and give it a list of step-by-step instructions on how to do it or handle it.
Once again, this is another great example of how the Apollo Client helps speed up development and make us more efficient developers when working with GraphQL.
You can learn more in this page right here if why use nextjs with apollo: This link
By default, Apollo Client creates its own internal Redux store to manage queries and their results. If you are already using Redux for the rest of your app, you can have the client integrate with your existing store instead.
In simple words, When you're using Apollo, you shouldn't be putting that data into Redux. You can still use Redux for other things, but apollo's duty is to store that data and make it accessible to your components. Taking it out and putting it into Redux means doing double the work for no added gain, and there's a strong risk you'll introduce a lot of asynchrony between the two levels as a result.
Referenced from here:
enter link description here
And learn more if u want to integrate redux and apollo from here: enter link description here
Learn more if it is necessary to use redux with apollo right here as well: enter link description here


How can I create a client via redux toolkit and using apollo and use graphql?

I'm new in this field. I'm very confused and need help.
How can I perform all GraphQL queries and mutations via Redux Toolkit?
(I should use the mutation only to get the token information while the user is logging in.)
While doing these, I need to use client.mutate / client.query instead of useQuery and useMutation, but I couldn't find any examples anywhere.
If you already use Apollo, you should not be using Redux Toolkit for api requests on to of that. Apollo is already a full-fledged api client & cache. You don't need to add a hand-written cache layer on top of that.
In this case you can still use Redux to manage non-api application state, but don't use it to do Apollo's job.

Apollo 'Like' hooks for doing rest api queries

I recently came across Apollo in Wes Bos's advanced react tutorial. I loved the single hook + caching mechanism. I also like graphql but I have a project that is not using graphql. Are there any packages out there that have a single hook that returns data, error, and loading like the useQuery hook in Apollo? I found this really slick and useful and would like to have something like this in other projects when dealing with REST APIs.
If you want to convert your Rest API to graphql, checkout the datasource section in the apollo server documentation.
still If you want to use Rest API, Checkout the react-query library.
It does caching and queries similar to apollo graphql and also has many more feature.

Reactjs with redux, Apollo+graphQL

It opinions based questions .
Need one suggestion.
In Reactjs, is it right approach to use redux for state management and for API call use Apollo + GraphQL?
You have to distinguish between view state (e.g. search field, popup, toggle) and data state (e.g. remote API). Whereas Apollo is mainly used for data state, Redux/MobX/React's Local State are used for view state when used in combination with Apollo Client. If not used with Apollo Client, these solutions can be used for the remote data state too. However, Apollo Client introduced apollo-link-state which can be used for the local view state too.
If your application is purely remote data driven and uses a GraphQL backend, Apollo Client can be sufficient for your application.
If you have a few view states in your application, mix in React's local state management.
If you have several to a lot of view states, use Redux or MobX for your view state or try out apollo-link-state.
That's certainly possible and the natural thing to do. We use this same setup and we found we don't have to use Redux very much anymore.
We used to use Redux to store our API responses (the data) as well, but now Apollo manages that for us.
So our Redux store is now only used for the actual UI state (e.g. routing state, user preferences for certain views, whether something is enabled or not etc).
All data is now retrieved by Apollo and kept in its own internal Redux store, which it uses as a cache. This works great and nicely separates UI state from data state.
I suggest Apollo GraphQl because it has many benefits:
Eliminate Boilerplate
No more action creators, async handling, and request waterfalls. Just ask for the data you need with a GraphQL query, and it shows up.
Validation across the stack
Identify breaking changes in your API before they are deployed, and statically validate data fetching across all of your frontends.
Understand API usage
Learn how your backends are being used with field-by-field granularity. Find and address performance hotspots easily.
Pull complexity out of the client
Put computed fields, data transformations, and security logic into your API so your frontends don't have to reimplement them every time.
Incrementally evolve your API
Add fields to GraphQL as you go and deprecate old fields when you no longer need them. Mock some or all of your API and build the frontend in parallel.
Improve performance
Fetch exactly the data you need, no more and no less. Improve performance with GraphQL-specific caching and optimizations across the stack.
For more Information Read GrapQl Apollo Doc

apollo 2 a replacement for redux?

Is Redux still relavant when using Apollo?
I have recently been diving into Apollo 2, and have seen a notable post stating that they have removed a lot of redux code in favor of Apollo.
I know that Apollo 1 used redux under the hood, but that has been deprecated in v2, and several sources have pointed to using apollo-link-state and Apollo Cache as a replacement.
The Apollo Dev tools are super useful but I find myself often wishing to use Redux Dev Tool to be able to see the application global state, use time-travelling and see all that actions called.
It may be that im still getting use to Apollo, but I wanted to know is there still an advantage to using Redux with Apollo?
I have found someone who has build a simple application using Apollo 2, which clearly makes me think think that Redux is completely unnecessary in Apollo.
State management in a react application is a multi-dimensional issue. It involves coordinating/analyzing states of different components in your screen and managing asynchronous state + data flow (http, persistance, etc.). Apollo started out by only addressing the asynchronous state management. It abstracted away graphql http calls as internals of components. Redux started out on the other side by managing local synchronous state. Today though both solutions are able to provide a local and remote data state management implementation and could be considered interchangable.
The biggest difference between both solutions is the underlying state transition philosophy. Apollo requires less boiler plate by going against the idea of having pure state transitions. On the other hand, Redux follows more of a strict approach to ensuring stat transition occurs in a pure way. I personally like using Redux with GraphQl since Im a big fan of having my state being a result of a series of actions. It keeps things predicatable while still enabling GraphQl to be used by an async handling middleware like redux-saga or things of the sort.
TLDR: Apollo is simpler as it allows the library to do a lot of the async work but comes at the cost of not using Redux's awesome action command pattern.
I have found someone who has build a simple application using Apollo 2, which clearly makes me think think that Redux is completely unnecessary in Apollo.
Apollo GraphQL Client can also work with any REST endpoint So you don't even need to change the backend...

How to add universal support existing react project

I've created a react redux project, now how do I add some SEO functionalities to project? I do not want to waste much time while refactoring codes.
You need to setup the redux store on the server and pass its initial state down to the client, so that the server-render and initial client render don't differ
Not all life cycle functions are called on the serverside, mainly componentDidMount is not called. This indeed helps if you want to do some AJAX data fetching (which you only want to do on the client).
If you are using react-router you need to setup the serverside route matching
Here are some more details: React can be used on server side rendering. What does that mean?
