Trying to find a failing React application build parameter when running yarn - reactjs

I am forking a React app. I am trying to simply compile the open source code and run it Locally on my PC. I am using yarn command in PowerShell. Everything goes perfectly fine, installs all node modules, and at the very end gives me Error Code 1, $ rm -rf not a recognized command or batch file. So, there is a build parameter somewhere with the commands of $ rm -rf which is failing due to me doing this on Windows 10, and those being Linux commands. So, I think I can just simply find this parameter and change it to the Windows equivalent, or possible remove it entirely, but I have no idea where this build parameter is.
It is not in package.json, it's not in about 50 files I've opened and searched for it with Ctrl+F. I can't find it anywhere.
How do I figure out where this command is? What files does yarn reference besides package.json, package-lock.json, etc.? This is the only thing making it not compile/build.
I am aware there are certain ways to use this command in Windows, like with a Linux VM etc., but I'd rather understand the problem and solve it.


Accidentally amzn-sagemaker-studiolab package & now have weird UI

I'm very new to Studiolab and I was trying to uninstall some packages I installed with pip. I was lazy and found this script online that did this for me. I ran "python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt" followed by "python -m pip uninstall -r requirements.txt". In the process, I deleted a couple important packages including amzn-sagemaker-studiolab. Could you point me in the right direction as to how I may be able to reset my environment to the default one. I am entirely okay with starting fresh, like I never worked on the environment before but my UI right now is pretty unusable and I can't figure out how to re-install the packages I deleted.
Most of the information is present in the details.
Here are the commands you can use to reinitialize Studio Lab environment:
Open Terminal from JupyterLab IDE
Make sure you are under your home directory
Run rm -rf ..?* .[!.]* * and restart your project runtime, that should reset it
If that still does not work, the only recommendation we have is to delete and recreate your account.

How to undo the 'npm run clean' script?

In react-boilerplate I ran the 'clean' command and deleted all of my work accidentally before committing to git.
I thought this would only delete the react-boilerplate related files that were unnecessary. How do I get these files back?
That command is calling the rm delete command on the shell, so unless your work has ended up in your recycle bin I'm pretty sure it's gone forever.

Get the list of unstaged files in git pre-commit hook

I've spent a whole lot of time on stackoverflow/google trying to figure out a solution for this problem. May be the solution is simple and I am missing something.So I have a pre-commit hook(shell script) which runs few tests on committed files. If a committed file fails a test, it is removed from the stage. I want to printout all the unstated files from inside the script. Here's what I have tried so far from inside the script.
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=M
git ls-files -m
git diff --name-only
All of them throw the same error as shown below:
fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree
P.S. I am running this inside .git folder(since hooks reside there) and hence the error.
Any suggestions would be really helpful.
I asked a colleague of mine and he came up with a solution specifically for shell script. Sometimes you just have to think simple!
Just change the directory using "cd" and run the command once you are outside the .git folder.
add the following at the top of your script assuming your hook .git/hooks/
#! /bin/bash
here=`dirname "$0"`
cd "$here/../.."

docker -v and symlinks

I am on a Windows machine trying to create a Dart server. I had success building and image with my files with ADD and running the container. However, it is painful to build an image every time I wan't to test my code so I thought it would be better to mount my files with the -v command since they are access live from my host machine at runtime.
The problem is that dart's packages folder at /bin/packages is really a symlink (if its called symlink in windows) and docker or boot2docker or whatever doesn't seem able to go past it and I get
Protocol error, errno = 71
I've used dart with GAE and the gcloud command somehow created the container, got your files in there and reacted to changes in your host files. I don't know if they used the -v option (as I am trying) or they have some auto-builder that created a new image with your files using ADD and the ran it, in anycase that seemed to work.
More Info
I've been using this Dockerfile that I modified from google/dart
FROM google/dart
RUN ln -s /usr/lib/dart /usr/lib/dart/bin/dart-sdk
# ADD pubspec.* /app/
# RUN pub get
# ADD . /app
# RUN pub get --offline
WORKDIR /app/bin
CMD server.dart
As you see, most of it is commented out because instead of ADD I'd like to use -v. However, you can notice that on this script they do pub get twice, and that effectively creates the packages inside the container.
Using -v it can't reach those packages because they are behind host symlinks. However, pub get actually takes a while as it install the standard packages plus your added dependencies. It this the only way?
As far as I know you need to add the Windows folder as shared folder to VirtualBox to be able to mount it using -v using boot2docker.
gcloud doesn't use -v, it uses these Dockerfiles
See also,
gclould monitors the source directory for changes and rebuilds the image.

npm / yeoman install generator-angular without sudo

I tried to install generator-angularjs using Yo (Yoeman) without sudo:
npm install -g generator-angular
I get:
Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/generator-angular'
When I type in sudo yo, yo tells me that I should not use sudo (which is perfectly understandable).
I have a ~/node_modules directory - why doesn't yo install its packages there?
Generators are designed to be installed globally. Otherwise, you always have to install the generator you're about to use in each project, which is unnecessarily painful. Also, you don't get to see the lovely yo menu which lists you all the available generators (unless of course, you install them all locally):
Setting up npm for global installation
So, how do we get npm to install packages globally? As you correctly said, you should never, ever run yo with sudo. There are lots of different solutions to this problem and you can spend hours discussing their pros and cons religiously.
I personally dislike installing my user packages into the global /usr/ folder. /usr/ is for software that is shared across all users on the computer. Even if it's only using the machine, there are still good reasons to respect the way the Unix file system hierarchy is designed. For example if you decide at one point to wipe your whole node installation.
My preferred way of enabling npm to install packages globally without breaking out of $HOME is to set a local node prefix. This is as easy as running
echo 'prefix = ~/.node' >> ~/.npmrc
in your local shell. After that, you want to adjust your $PATH, to point to the new installation destination for global node executables by adjusting your favorite shell's config. E.g. by adding
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.node/bin"
to your ~/.bashrc. After that, you can happily run npm install -g generator-angular without sudo, without running into permission conflicts and if something is completely broken and you want to start from scratch, all you need to do is remove your ~/.node directory.
Thanks to #passy I managed to finally get this working on ubuntu 13.04 (in case anyone is having similar set up issues) with the following :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
trying to run:
npm install -g yo
resulted in
Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/yo'
Fixed using:
echo prefix = ~/.node >> ~/.npmrc
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
yo webapp
resulted in:
Error: EACCES, permission denied '/home/username/.config/configstore/update-notifier-yo.yml'
Fixed using:
sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /home/yourusername/.config/configstore/update-notifier-yo.yml
hi in my case (on ubuntu 12.04), the prefix addition in ~/.npmrc did not changed anything.
if so, build the node package by yourself and install it in /opt/node or /home/user/.node.
I had an almost identical error involving a rogue .yo-rc.json file in my root directory from a project I installed earlier. Yeoman was switching cwd from the installation dir to root dir half way through the installation, but was only outputting the EACCESS permissions error without any details that the installation directory was /. It took ages to figure out why this was, and involved debugging through the Yeoman source, but I eventually learned that Yeoman will look up through the directory tree until it finds a .yo-rc.json, and generate the code there by calling chdir to the new location.
Yeoman should maybe check that the user has write permissions for the directory. Alternatively, it could mention in the output either that the cwd has changed, or print the name of the installation directory if where it finds .yo-rc.json is different than cwd.
The command for finding rogue .yo-rc.json files
sudo find / -name .yo-rc.json
From yoeman getting started page appears the command:
yo doctor
In my case, $NODE_PATH (which in my case, Ubuntu 14.04, is defined in /etc/profile.d) isn't the same than npm root. Adding in npm root in $NODE_PATH solve the problem.
I have been trying to get yeoman to play nice with my vagrant box and this is what I had to do to install npm packages globally without sudo on ubuntu:
1. Create the directory to store global packages
$ mkdir "${HOME}/.npm-packages"
2. Tell npm where to put any packages installed globally
Insert this snippet into your ~/.npmrc file:
3. Make sure that npm can locate installed binaries et cetera
Insert this snippet into your .bashrc/.zshrc:
// `unset` `manpath` to allow inheritance from `/etc/manpath` with
// the `manpath` command
unset MANPATH // remove this line if you have previously modified `manpath`
export MANPATH="$NPM_PACKAGES/share/man:$(manpath)"
4. Run the following or restart terminal
$ source ~/.bashrc
Hope this helps anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.
