How to use on message event inside on timer event? - c

I want to execute below code only once. Can I use on timer event to execute only once? If yes how can I use on message event inside on timer event ?
on message *
if ( = "X")
setTimer(MyTimer, 10000);
i = snprintf(buffer, elcount(buffer),"X is there\n");
filePutString(buffer, elcount(buffer), readHandle);
i = snprintf(buffer, elcount(buffer),"X is not there with ID: %d\n", );
filePutString(buffer, elcount(buffer), readHandle_01);

I want to execute below code only once.
You cant!
The on message * event is called everytime when a message is received on the bus.
You can add an additional if statement to check if a message is already received. Doing so, you can write code that is executed when the first message is received:
int thisIsTheFirstMessage = 1;
on message *
thisIsTheFirstMessage = 0;
/* Put your code here */
If yes how can I use on message event inside on timer event?
The on timer event is called whenever a timer expires, the on message event is called whenever a message is received.
What do you think under which circumstances a "combination" of both events would be called?
When a timer expires and a message is received in exactly the same microsecond?
The probability that this happens is close to zero.
For this reason, programming languages that support events (CAPL, JavaScript but also some libraries for C++) do not support combining two events.
The only thing that you can do is to combine two events yourself.
on timer myTimer
timerDidNotExpireYet = 0;
/* Code will be executed when the timer
* expires before the first message */
on message *
messageHasNotBeenReceivedYet = 0;
/* Code will be executed when a message
* is received but the timer has not
* expired, yet */
Your question was tagged with: c#
If you want to insert a ".NET node" instead of CAPL code into CANoe, the principle is the same.
Your question was tagged with: c
Why did you tag your question with the "C" tag?


gstreamer: multiple RTSP clients connecting at the same time makes the video stream crash

Quick summary
video stream crashes if multiple clients connect at the same time due to the clients (all but 1) that skip the media-configure callback trying to change the bitrate by accessing a not yet configured pipeline. I'm asking how to wait with calling change_bitrate as long as the configure-media callback hasn't yet finished.
Detailed overview
I'm developing a door phone application that shows video footage of a user (that just rang the door) over the RTSP protocol on one or multiple screens (called clients from now on) in e.g. an appartment building.
When the application is running, it will not create a pipeline before the first client has connected. A new client callback is created in the following way:
/* Configure Callbacks */
/* Create new client handler (Called on new client connect) */
LOG_debug("Creating 'client-connected' signal handler");
g_signal_connect(info.server, "client-connected", G_CALLBACK(new_client_handler), &info);
Which calls this function as soon as a client has connected:
* new_client_handler
* Called by rtsp server on a new client connection
static void new_client_handler(GstRTSPServer *server, GstRTSPClient *client, struct stream_info *si)
/* Used to initiate the media-configure callback */
static gboolean first_run = TRUE;
GstRTSPConnection *connection = gst_rtsp_client_get_connection(client);
if (connection == NULL)
LOG_err("Could not get RTSP connection");
GstRTSPUrl *url = gst_rtsp_connection_get_url(connection);
if (url == NULL)
LOG_err("Could not get RTSP connection URL");
gchar* uri = gst_rtsp_url_get_request_uri(url);
LOG_info("[%d]A new client %s has connected", si->num_cli, uri);
si->connected = TRUE;
/* Create media-configure handler */
/*relevant part for question*/
if (si->num_cli == 1)
{ /* Initial Setup */
* Stream info is required, which is only
* available on the first connection. Stream info is created
* upon the first connection and is never destroyed after that.
if (first_run == TRUE)
LOG_debug("Creating 'media-configure' signal handler");
g_signal_connect(si->factory, "media-configure", G_CALLBACK(media_configure_handler),
change_bitrate(si); //This makes video stream crash if 'media_configure_handler' isn't yet finished
/* Create new client_close_handler */
LOG_debug("Creating 'closed' signal handler");
g_signal_connect(client, "closed", G_CALLBACK(client_close_handler), si);
first_run = FALSE;
When a client is the first one to connect, it sets up the media-configure callback to initialize the pipeline. The configuration code looks like this:
* media_configure_handler
* Setup pipeline when the stream is first configured
static void media_configure_handler(GstRTSPMediaFactory *factory, GstRTSPMedia *media,
struct stream_info *si)
si->media = media;
LOG_info("[%d]Configuring pipeline...", si->num_cli);
si->pipeline = GST_BIN(gst_rtsp_media_get_element(media)); //Pipeline gets configured here
if (si->num_cli == 1)
/* Create Msg Event Handler */
LOG_debug("Creating 'periodic message' handler");
g_timeout_add(si->msg_rate * 1000, (GSourceFunc) periodic_msg_handler, si);
A second (or nth) client that connects skips the media configuration step and instead goes to change_bitrate. Here the bitrate is adjusted based on the amount of connected clients.
* change_bitrate
* handle changing of bitrates
static void change_bitrate(struct stream_info *si)
int c = si->curr_bitrate;
int step = (si->max_bitrate - si->min_bitrate) / si->steps;
GstElement *elem = search_pipeline(si->pipeline, "enc"); //crashes due to an unitialized pipeline
const gchar *name = g_ascii_strdown(G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(elem), -1);
GstStructure *extra_controls;
This all works fine if a single client connects first. Later, the connection can handle multiple clients and adjusts the bitrate accordingly.
The problem arises if the first connection is by multiple clients:
In this case, both clients enter an instance of new_client_handler, in which the first one will set up the media_configure_handler. The second connection tries to change the bitrate, but fails because the pipeline is not yet configured by the callback.
How can i make the second (and nth) connection wait until the media configure callback has finished and thus a pipeline is available?
Solved this in the end with the following code (in function new_client_handler)
/* Create media-configure handler */
if (si->num_cli == 1)
{ /* Initial Setup */
* Stream info is required, which is only
* available on the first connection. Stream info is created
* upon the first connection and is never destroyed after that.
if (first_run == TRUE)
LOG_debug("Creating 'media-constructor' signal handler");
g_signal_connect(si->factory, "media-constructed", G_CALLBACK(media_configure_handler),
else if(si->pipeline != 0)
g_signal_connect(si->factory, "media-configure", G_CALLBACK(media_constructed_handler),
Pipeline object's construction is now hooked to the media-constructed event, which runs before the media-configure event.
A second client will only change bitrate if pipeline is initialized. If not, the client hooks in the media-configure callback and changes bitrate there. This callback is guaranteed to run after the media-constructed callback.

FreeRTOS: xEventGroupWaitBits() crashes inside a loop with scheduler running

We have several tasks running on an STM32 MCU. In the main.c file we call all the init functions for the various threads. Currently there is one renewing xTimer to trigger a periodic callback (which, at present, does nothing except print a message that it was called). Declarations as follows, outside any function:
TimerHandle_t xMotorTimer;
StaticTimer_t xMotorTimerBuffer;
EventGroupHandle_t MotorEventGroupHandle;
In the init function for the thread:
xMotorTimer = xTimerCreateStatic("MotorTimer",
( void * ) 0,
xTimerStart(xMotorTimer, 100);
One thread starts an infinite loop that pauses on an xEventGroupWaitBits() to determine whether to enter an inner loop, which is then governed by its own state:
bool done = false;
EventBits_t event;
for (;;)
Packet * pkt = NULL;
event = xEventGroupWaitBits( MotorEventGroupHandle,
EVT_MOTOR_START | EVT_MOTOR_STOP, // EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor
pdTRUE, // BaseType_t xClearOnExit
pdFALSE, // BaseType_t xWaitForAllBits,
portMAX_DELAY //TickType_t xTicksToWait
if (event & EVT_MOTOR_STOP)
if (event & EVT_MOTOR_START)
done = false;
while (!done && !abortTest)
xQueueReceive(motorQueue, &pkt, portMAX_DELAY);
if (pkt == NULL)
done = true;
} else {
done = MotorExecCmd(pkt);
done = ( uxQueueMessagesWaiting(motorQueue) == ( UBaseType_t ) 0);
xEventGroupWaitBits() fires successfully once, the inner loop enters, then exits when the program state meets the expected conditions. The outer loop repeats as it should, but when it arrives again at the xEventGroupWaitBits() call, it crashes almost instantly. In fact, it crashes a few lines down into the wait function, at a call to uxTaskResetEventItemValue(). I can't even step the debugger into the function, as if calling a bad address. But if I check the disassembly, the memory address for the BL instruction hasn't changed since the previous loop, and that address is valid. The expected function is actually there.
I can prevent this chain of events happening altogether by not calling that xTimerStart() and leaving everything else as-is. Everything runs just fine, so it's definitely not xEventGroupWaitBits() (or at least not just that). We tried switching to xEventGroupGetBits() and adding a short osDelay to the loop just as an experiment. That also froze the whole system.
So, main question. Are we doing something FreeRTOS is not meant to do here, using xEventGroupWaitBits() with xTimers running? Or is there supposed to be something between xEventGroupWaitBits() calls, possibly some kind of state reset that we've overlooked? Reviewing the docs, I can't see it, but I could have missed a detail. The

Event-based task management using FreeRTOS

I'm trying to pick up C, using an esp32. While looking at exactly how FreeRTOS works, I found the following page regarding how to use the tasks, and best practices etc.
According to this page, to prevent starvation, tasks should be event based. Regarding what I am trying to achieve, I will try to provide a very simplified example.
I have a LCD screen, which should display data from a sensor. The data shown on the LCD will be done using a task, which according to the documentation, should never exit and should be event driven to prevent starvation.
I have a way of controlling the data shown on the LCD screen, which would be a rotary encoder. This encoder can be clicked, which should refresh the sensor's data.
How would I implement the event based tasks, which are described on the FreeRTOS page, in this specific context? I had a look at the documentation and the "simple" example projects on their github, but as a beginner within C and embedded, they were extremely overwhelming.
Simple demo code
void update_sensor_task(void *pvParameters)
// Ensure the task keeps on running
for( ; ; )
if(event_update_sensor) // How would I be able to notify the task that this should be run?
// update the data
// Tasks should not be returning, but if they happen to do so, ensure a clean exit
void screen_temperature_task(void *pvParameters)
for(; ;)
// Update the lcd screen with the new data
void on_rotary_clicked(void *pvParameters)
// Notify the sensor task that it should be updating?
By using what has been marked as the correct answer, I have managed to get it to work by implementing it the following way:
/* Queue used to send and receive the data */
QueueHandle_t xStructQueue = NULL;
/* Struct which shall be used to hold and pass around the data for the LCD screen*/
struct LcdData
int current_temp;
int current_humidity;
} xLcdData;
void initialize_queues(void)
xLcdData.current_humidity = 0;
xLcdData.current_temp = 0;
xStructQueue = xQueueCreate(
/* The maximum number of items the queue can hold*/
/* The size of each struct, which the queue should be able to hold */
sizeof( xLcdData )
if(xStructQueue == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Queue has not been initialized successfully");
void screen_temperature_task_simplified(void *pvParameters)
int counter = 0;
for(; ;)
struct LcdData xReceivedStructure;
BaseType_t result;
result = xQueueReceive(xStructQueue, &xReceivedStructure, ( TickType_t ) 10);
if(result == pdPASS)
counter = counter + 1;
char snum_current_counter[12];
sprintf(snum_current_counter, "%d", counter);
i2c_lcd1602_clear (lcd_info);
i2c_lcd1602_write_string (lcd_info, snum_current_counter);
void update_sensor_struct(void)
xLcdData.current_temp = DHT11_read().temperature;
xLcdData.current_humidity = DHT11_read().humidity;
// Log the results in the console
printf("Temperature is %d \n", xLcdData.current_temp);
printf("Humidity is %d\n", xLcdData.current_humidity);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Data has been updated");
void on_rotary_clicked_simplified()
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Rotary encoder has been clicked!");
// Update the struct which holds the data
/* Send the entire struct to the queue */
/* The handle of the queue */
/* The adress of the struct which should be sent */
(void *) &xLcdData,
/* Block time of 0 says don't block if the queue is already full.
Check the value returned by xQueueSend() to know if the message
was sent to the queue successfully. */
( TickType_t ) 0
I use FRTOS and event driven development.
The typical flow here would be:
BaseType_t result;
result = xQueueReceive(LCD_Event_Queue, &someLCDEvent, QUEUE_TIMEOUT);
if (result == pdPASS)
/* We have new event data in someLCDEvent; Use that data to update the LCD */
/* No new event, do some brief idle-time processing if necessary */
In brief, wait up to QUEUE_TIMEOUT time for a new event to arrive.
If a new event arrives within that timeframe successfully, then process the data in that event and update your screen.
If a new event does not arrive, you have an opportunity to do some other maintenance work.
Designing and defining the structure-type of someLCDEvent, and putting data into the queue is a big topic, and will depend a lot on your specific project.

Alternative to blocking code

Attempting to use mbed OS scheduler for a small project.
As mbed os is Asynchronous I need to avoid blocking code.
However the library for my wireless receiver uses a blocking line of:
while (!(wireless.isRxData()));
Is there an alternative way to do this that won't block all the code until a message is received?
static void listen(void) {
wireless.quickRxSetup(channel, addr1);
sprintf(ackData,"Ack data \r\n");
wireless.acknowledgeData(ackData, strlen(ackData), 1);
while (!(wireless.isRxData()));
len = wireless.getRxData(msg);
static void motor(void) {
led1 = 1;
static void sendData() {
wireless.quickTxSetup(channel, addr1);
strcpy(accelData, "Robot");
wireless.transmitData(accelData ,strlen(accelData));
void app_start(int, char**) {
You should remove the while (!(wireless.isRxData())); loop in your listen function. Replace it with:
if (wireless.isRxData()) {
len = wireless.getRxData(msg);
// Process data
Then, you can process your data in that if statement, or you can call postCallback on another function that will do your processing.
Instead of looping until data is available, you'll want to poll for data. If RX data is not available, exit the function and set a timer to go off after a short interval. When the timer goes off, check for data again. Repeat until data is available. I'm not familiar with your OS so I can't offer any specific code. This may be as simple as adding a short "sleep" call inside the while loop, or may involve creating another callback from the scheduler.

Need for XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterReading) in XCB

I am migrating some code of CYBOI from Xlib to XCB.
CYBOI uses a couple of threads for different communication channels like:
serial_port, terminal, socket, x_window_system.
However, it uses these threads only for signal/event/data detection;
the actual receiving and sending is done in the main thread,
in order to avoid any multi-threading conflicts of address space.
For the x_window_system channel, I previously detected events in a thread:
int n = XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterReading);
Upon detection of an event, an "interrupt flag" was set.
Afterwards, the main thread was reading the actual event using:
XNextEvent(display, &event);
When no more events were available, the main thread stopped receiving events
and the x_window_system channel thread started listening with XEventsQueued again.
Now, I am migrating the code to X C Binding (XCB).
There is a blocking function "xcb_wait_for_event" which is fine for reading an event.
What I miss is some function "peeking ahead" if there are events pending,
WITHOUT actually returning/removing the event from the queue.
I was reading the web for a couple of hours now, but am not able to find such a function.
The "xcb_poll_for_event" does not help. Blocking is fine for me,
since my event detection runs in its own thread.
The "xcb_request_check" as third input function does not seem to be what I want.
Could somebody help me out?
Are you looking for xcb_poll_for_queued_event(xcb_connection_t *c) which returns the next event without reading from the connection?
First, thanks to Julien for his reply.
I have studied the XCB 1.9 sources and found out that the
"xcb_poll_for_queued_event" function is not what I need.
The functions "xcb_poll_for_event" and "xcb_poll_for_queued_event"
both call "poll_for_next_event".
The functions "poll_for_next_event" and "xcb_wait_for_event"
both call "get_event".
If "get_event" finds an event, it changes the internal
linked list to point to the next event. However, I would
prefer NOT to change the event queue AT ALL, independent
from whether or not events are available.
I therefore propose to add a function like the following to XCB:
void* NULL_POINTER = (void*) 0;
int xcb_test_for_event(xcb_connection_t* c) {
int r = 0;
if (c != NULL_POINTER) {
struct _xcb_in in = c->in;
struct event_list* l =;
if (l != NULL_POINTER) {
xcb_generic_event_t* e = l->event;
if (e != NULL_POINTER) {
r = 1;
return r;
This would allow me to write an endless loop like:
while (!xcb_test_for_event(connection)) {
This is comparable to the old Xlib function:
int n = XEventsQueued(d, QueuedAfterReading);
which just checked the number of events in the event queue.
The "XEventsQueued" function always returns immediately WITHOUT
input/output, if there are events already in the queue.
