How to project a specific index inside a multilevel nested array in mongodb - arrays

I have a particular field in my document which has a multilevel nested array structure. The document looks like something this
"_id" : ObjectId("62171b4207476091a17f595f"),
"data" : [
"id" : "1",
"content" : [
"id" : "1.1",
"content" : []
"id" : "1.2",
"content" : [
"id" : "1.2.1",
"content" : [
"id" : "",
"content" : []
"id" : "1.2.2",
"content" : []
(The ids in my actual data is a random string, I have added a more defined id here just for readability)
In my application code the nesting level is controlled so it won't go more than 5 levels deep.
I need to project a particular object inside one of the deeply nested arrays.
I have all the information needed to traverse the nested structure. For example if I need to fetch the object with id "1.2.2" my input will look something like this:
[{id: 1, index: 0}, {id: 1.2, index: 1}, {id: 1.2.2, index: 1}]
In the above array, each element represents one level of nesting. I have the Id and the index. So in the above example, I know I first need to travel to index 0 at the top level, then inside that to index 1 , then inside that to index 1 again to find my object.
Is there a way I can only get the inner object that I want directly using a query. Or will I need to get the whole "data" field and do the traversal in my application code. I have been unable to figure out any way to construct a query that would satisfy my need.

if you know the path, you can do it using a series of nested
you can do it in one stage with nested calls, or with many new fields like i did bellow, or with mongodb variables
*i am not sure what output you need, this goes inside to get the 2 using the indexes (if this is not what you need add if you can the expected output)
Test code here
"_id": ObjectId( "62171b4207476091a17f595f"),
"data": [
"id": "1",
"content": [
"id": "1.1",
"content": []
"id": "1.2",
"content": [
"id": "1.2.1",
"content": [
"id": "",
"content": []
"id": "1.2.2",
"content": [1,2]
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$data", 0]}}}}},
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c1", 1]}}}}},
{"field":"content", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c2", 1]}}}}},
{"$project":{"_id":0, "c4":{"$arrayElemAt":["$c3", 1]}}}])
"c4": 2


Multiple match conditions for same array element

I have a collection named "devices" with roughly 50,000 documents. I'm trying to query the "routes" array within each document and have it return the document if multiple conditions are met for the individual array elements. The problem is it seems Mongo is giving back answers where the multiple conditions are satisfied for different array elements.
Sample Data:
"_id": 0,
"name": "example1",
"serial": "123456",
"routes": [
"description": "8989",
"zone": "front"
"description": "1221",
"zone": "back"
"_id": 1,
"name": "example2",
"serial": "987654",
"routes": [
"description": "1515",
"zone": "front"
"description": "8989",
"zone": "side"
I've tried simple .find() variations with no luck including
db.devices.find({"routes.description":"8989", "":"front"})
db.devices.find({"$and": [{"routes.description":"8989"}, {"":"front"}]})
I've also tried aggregations which seems to fail on me since my understanding of them is elementary. The desired results for the queries above would be a single document ("_id":0) and not both documents.
{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "example1", "serial" : "123456", "routes" : [ { "description" : "8989", "zone" : "front" }, { "description" : "1221", "zone" : "back" } ] }
Additionally, the ability to query the array using the $in operator would be desired. For example, the following query's desired output would be both documents since both of them have routes that match "zone":"front" and "descriptions" that are in the list.
db.devices.find({"$and": [{"routes.description": { $in: ["8989", "1515"] }}, {"":"front"}]})
You simply need to use $elemMatch here
db.devices.find({routes: {$elemMatch: {description:"8989", zone:"front"}}})

Find nth level nested sub-document owner in MongoDB

I am having trouble trying to find the owner of a sub-document nested at the nth level.
Here's the proposed document structure.
"_id": "foo_l0",
"subdocs" : [
"_id" : "foo_0_l1"
"_id" : "foo_1_l1",
"subdocs": [
"_id": "foo_0_l2",
"subdocs": [
"_id": "foo_0_ln",
"subdocs" : []
"_id": "foo_1_l2",
"subdocs": [
"_id": "foo_0_ln",
"subdocs": []
I want to be able to find foo_l0, using foo_0_ln which is nested at the nth level. (n is unkown)
In other words, is it possible to query MongoDB using the id of one of the sub-documents no matter how deep they're nested inside the owner document?

How to update an embedded document into a nested array?

I have this kind of structure into a Mongo collection :
"_id": "12345678",
"Invoices": [
"_id": "123456789",
"Currency": "EUR",
"DueTotalAmountInvoice": 768.3699999999999,
"InvoiceDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000",
"Items": [
"Item": 10,
"ProductCode": "ABC567",
"Quantity": 1
"Item": 20,
"ProductCode": "CDE987",
"Quantity": 1
"_id": "87654321",
"Currency": "EUR",
"DueTotalAmountInvoice": 768.3699999999999,
"InvoiceDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000",
"Items": [
"Item": 30,
"ProductCode": "PLO987",
"Quantity": 1,
"Units": "KM3"
"Item": 40,
"ProductCode": "PLS567",
"Quantity": 1,
"DueTotalAmountInvoice": 768.3699999999999
So I have a first object storing several Invoices and each Invoice is storing several Items. An item is an embedded document.
So in relational modelisation :
A customer has 1 or several Invoice
An Invoice has 1 or several Item
I am facing an issue since I am trying to update a specific Item into a specific a specific Invoice. For example I want to change the quantity of the item 10 in Invoice 123456789.
How is it possible to do that in Mongodb ?
I tried :
Push statement but it doesn't seem to work for nested arrays
arrayFilters but it doesn't seem to work for embedded document in nested arrays (only simple value arrays).
Can you give me some advice about it ?
Thank you !
As per your problem description here:
For example I want to change the quantity of the item 10 in Invoice 123456789. I just changed the Quantity to 3. You can perform any operations here as you want. You just need to take note of how I used arrayFilters here.
Try this query:
{"_id" : "12345678"},
{multi:true, arrayFilters:[ {"element1._id": "123456789"},{
"element2.Item": { $eq: 10 }} ]}
The above query successfully executed from mongo shell (Mongo 3.6.3). And I see this result:
/* 1 */
"_id" : "12345678",
"Invoices" : [
"_id" : "123456789",
"Currency" : "EUR",
"DueTotalAmountInvoice" : 768.37,
"InvoiceDate" : "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000",
"Items" : [
"Item" : 10,
"ProductCode" : "ABC567",
"Quantity" : 3.0
"Item" : 20,
"ProductCode" : "CDE987",
"Quantity" : 1
"_id" : "87654321",
"Currency" : "EUR",
"DueTotalAmountInvoice" : 768.37,
"InvoiceDate" : "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000",
"Items" : [
"Item" : 30,
"ProductCode" : "PLO987",
"Quantity" : 1,
"Units" : "KM3"
"Item" : 40,
"ProductCode" : "PLS567",
"Quantity" : 1,
"DueTotalAmountInvoice" : 768.37
Is that what you wanted?
Mongo Db has a way to get the specific array element by using its index. For example, you have an array and you need to get [your] index, then in mongo we use dot . but not braces [ ] !! And one thing is important either! - If you are getting the embedded value (in object or array) you must use " " for your way so if you are changing your value inside this must be like that:
{ _id: "12345678" },
$set: {
"Invoices.0.Items.0.Quantity": 10,
0 - is your element indexes in the array!
$set is the operator to set new value
10 - new value
Else you can go further, you can construct your way to the value with the variable indexes. Use string template
{ _id: "12345678" },
$set: {
[`Invoices.${invoiceIndex}.Items.${itemIndex}.Quantity`]:newValue ,
it is the same but you can paste variable indexes

MongoDB query to find document with duplicate value in array

tldr; I'm struggling to construct a query to
Make an aggregation to get a count of values on a certain key ("original_text_source"), which
Is in a sub-document that is in an array
Full description
I have embedded documents with arrays that are structured like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("0123456789"),
"type" : "some_object",
"relationships" : {
"x" : [ ObjectId("0123456789") ],
"y" : [ ObjectId("0123456789") ],
"properties" : [
"a" : "1"
"b" : "1"
"original_text_source" : "foo.txt"
The docs were created from exactly 10k text files, sorted in various folders. During inserting documents into the MongoDB (in batches) I messed up and moved a few files around, causing one file to be imported twice (my database has a count of exactly 10001 docs), but obviously I don't know which one it is. Since one of the "original_text_source" values has to have a count of 2, I was planning on just deleting one.
I read up on solutions with $elemMatch, but since my array element is a document, I'm not sure how to proceed. Maybe with mapReduce? But I can't transfer the logic to my doc structure.
I also could just create a new collection and reupload all, but in case I mess up again, I'd rather like to learn how to query for duplicates. It seems more elegant :-)
You can find duplicates with a simple aggregation like this:
{ $group: { _id: "$properties.original_text_source", docIds: { $push: "$_id" }, docCount: { $sum: 1 } } },
{ $match: { "docCount": { $gt: 1 } } }
which gives you something like this:
"_id" : [
"docIds" : [
"docCount" : 2.0
Run the following:
{ $group: {
_id: { name: "$properties.original_text_source" },
idsForDuplicatedDocs: { $addToSet: "$_id" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
} },
{ $match: {
count: { $gte: 2 }
} },
{ $sort : { count : -1} }
Given a collection which contains two copies of the document you showed in your question, the above command will return:
"_id" : {
"name" : [
"idsForDuplicatedDocs" : [
"count" : 2
Where ...
The attribute is the value of the duplicated properties.original_text_source
The attribute idsForDuplicatedDocs contains the _id values for each of the documents which have a duplicated properties.original_text_source
"reviewAndRating": [
"review": "aksjdhfkashdfkashfdkjashjdkfhasdkjfhsafkjhasdkjfhasdjkfhsdakfj",
"productId": "5bd956f29fcaca161f6b7517",
"_id": "5bd9745e2d66162a6dd1f0ef",
"rating": "5"
"review": "aksjdhfkashdfkashfdkjashjdkfhasdkjfhsafkjhasdkjfhasdjkfhsdakfj",
"productId": "5bd956f29fcaca161f6b7518",
"_id": "5bd974612d66162a6dd1f0f0",
"rating": "5"
"review": "aksjdhfkashdfkashfdkjashjdkfhasdkjfhsafkjhasdkjfhasdjkfhsdakfj",
"productId": "5bd956f29fcaca161f6b7517",
"_id": "5bd974622d66162a6dd1f0f1",
"rating": "5"

How can I provide multiple criteria for an attribute within an element of array in mongo query?

I have a collection with following documents:
"_id": 1,
"books": [
"id":"Sherlock Holmes",
"id":"10 tips for cook",
"_id": 2,
"books": [
"id":"10 tips for cook",
"_id": 3,
"books": [
"id":"Sherlock Holmes",
I want to query document contains both books with id "Sherlock Holmes" and "10 tips for cook", where its "_id" is 1.
I've tried with $in and $elemMatch but the results are those three. I only need one in this case.
Do you have any solutions?
Use the $and operator to search for the same field with multiple expression.
'$and': [
{'': 'Sherlock Holmes'},
{'': '10 tips for cook'}
"_id" : 1,
"books" : [
"id" : "Sherlock Holmes",
"category" : "Novel"
"id" : "10 tips for cook",
"category" : "Tips"
Because _id is unique in a MongoDB collection, so you can just query
And if you don't want the whole document to be returned, you can use projection
db.myCollection.find({_id:1},{_id:0, books:1})
