How can I retrieve a user ID from Firestore via Flask backend (React frontend)? - reactjs

I'm a newbie with authentication! I'm building a web app where users can log in, and the data shown in the web app is different for each user. I'm using Reactjs as my frontend with Firebase authentication. After a user logs into my web app, I'm storing their user ID (UID) and other information into Firestore. I have a collection usersCollection where each document is labelled with the UID. For the backend, I'm using Flask as mostly a REST API with a Postgres database, but I am not storing user credentials there (UID, password, etc.).
For some of my backend functions I need to change the output based on which user is signed in, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the current user's UID. I'm able to make an axios request to send the current user's UID from the frontend to the backend, so I've tried 2 methods with that:
Saving the axios request output as a global variable - this has led to Flask errors like runtimeerror: working outside of application context. and I don't think this is the best solution.
With each GET request that the frontend is making to the backend (every time there's a function whose output changes based on user), I am passing the UID as a parameter, which causes latency problems.
What is the simplest way for me to request the current UID from Firestore from the backend?
Is structuring our frontend, backend, database, and authentication like this recommended? Or is there a simpler way or better system for our situation (JWT?)? We selected Firebase authentication in the first place because we are using a React MUI template that already set up Firebase for us.
Thank you in advance! Happy to provide more information if needed!

I don't know reactjs, but I have the same setup with flutter (iOS / Android apps).
What I did and what worked out well is:
authenticate your client against firebase (which it looks you already achieved)
extract the idToken from the firebase response
send the idToken to your flask backend, which verifies the id token (see below)
in flask backend, log in the user with login_user() from flask_login. This creates a cookie session which is sent back to the client in the response headers
the reactjs client stores the cookie and needs to attach it to every subsequent API request to flask (this might come out of the box for reactjs, but for flutter I needed some custom code for that)
As for the token validation you can…
use the python sdk
use a jwt library such as pyjwt, see documentation
There is flask-firebase which does a good job for the token validation. I wrote a blog post which gives an example how you would use this.


Correct way to consume 3rd party API with query in Django + React (Backend + Frontend)

I'm using Django on my backend and React on my frontend. I want to consume the OpenWeatherMap API. For security reasons, I want to keep my API key on the backend. Currently, I have this working on my Django app. When a POST request is made, the Django view renders the information required from OpenWeatherMap. How can the user type the query in React, send the query to to the backend and get the results on the frontend?
I have a very hacky way of doing this currently:
I POST (using axios) the city that the user enters in React to a REST API that I built in Django.
The backend queries the OpenWeatherMap API with the city that the user enters and POSTs the data that it gets from OpenWeatherMaps back to my API.
After this, the frontend uses a GET request on my API to show the information to the user.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the correct way to do this but I couldn't find any other questions on this, and I'm pretty new to web development.
First two steps are just fine. Instead of step 3. return the response from OpenWeather as a response to POST request from step 1. and resolve it in your React code.
On the second thought and to be fine with REST guidelines:
use GET to call your API with user's provided city name (POST is usually called to create a new resource - it's just a convention)
inside your API call OpenWeatherMap API with the city name
return the result to your React app as a response to GET from point 1.
More on REST API guidelines:

Using Google OAuth with React-Django Application

I am working on a web application with ReactJs frontend and Django backend. In this app, I will need to send calender notifications to the users and overall need a user authentication feature for which I planned to use google oauth. From react, I am able to log in the user and get the access tokens but since they expire in an hour, I planned to get the authorization code and use it to get the refresh/access tokens from the backend whenever a user logs in/needs to send API request. The issue is that I am not able to find any good resource on how to get refresh tokens from the backend given I have the authorization code. Most of the HTTP based methods I have found are very outdated and I have searched some of the google documentation but have not found anything worthwhile. Since I could not find any package that would handle this, I have been trying to send POST request to the URL mentioned here ( but only get a 400 response. Below are 2 methods I have tried.
to_send={'code':user_data['code'], 'client_id': cl_id , 'client_secret': cl_secret,
'redirect_uri':'http://localhost:3000/', 'grant_type':'authorization_code'}'', data=to_send)
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('path/key.json')
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes([''])
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(scoped_credentials)
response = authed_session.request('POST', '', data = to_send)
Ive also tried other things like creating a flow object.
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file( JSON_PATH, scopes=API_SCOPE)
flow.redirect_uri = REDIRECT_URL
credentials = flow.credentials
where user_data['code'] is the authorization token and I get the error
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InvalidGrantError: (invalid_grant) Bad Request

What is the best way to store an admin API token in Next.js ? Feel like storing it client side as http only cookie is risky

I'm working on a e-commerce using next.js and sylius API and the API admin routes are secured using JWT. So in order to fetch products (for example), i need to login to the API, get the token and then fetch the products using the token. The most common method to be able to send the token on every new requests to the API is to store it in a HTTP-only cookie.
As the pages are generated statically, i feel i don't need (and want) to expose the API token to the client. So i'm wondering the best way to store the token ?
Here the different options i have in mind right now:
store the token as a http only cookie and use it server side (with a proxy using next js API pages) in order to call the sylius API. Like i said, i'm not confortable to store the API token into the client, it seems risky to me, as it will be exposed to everyone, and with that token you can access the admin API.
configure the API in order to prevent the token from expiring, and store it in the next js app as an environnement variable (.env.local), so that it's not exposed to the client and can be used for fetching the api when generating static pages. The official ecommerce theme of Next.Js seems to use that method (
store the token somewhere in the next js structure but not as an environnement variable (maybe a config file?), so that it can be replaced if necessary (if the token expires etc).
get the token and store it in the react state as is it will be used once only for generating all static pages. On each build the token will be asked again by the API and then used for fetching the API for exporting the static pages with the content. It don't need to be saved more time than the building step.
For me the last option seems better but i feel i'm missing something there, i'm kinda new to next, so i'm not sure exactly if its a good solution.
Thanks :)
I get a great answer from a reddit user ("supermaguireray"), so i post it as an answer here:
"First of all, in any session management mechanism the correct information needs to live on the correct domains, what I mean is that your client can only have access to a identification information, but never to data used in the server, these can be applied to a server-side session, when a ID for the user data stored on the server is sent to the client (preferably encrypted), or in a JWT where a encrypted string is sent to the client (identification), and decrypted on the server (Data).
With that said, the only reason you should send the API token to the client is if you need to fetch data directly from a browser. Storing as a httpOnly cookie is the most secure way.
In case you only need the cookie fetch data to the next backend, to render your SSG or ISR pages, there is no need to send a cookie to the client. Just store the token in your server. I would store it as env variable. Use next.config.js->runtime-configuration.
Or, you can keep a expiration date for the token, and store the credentials, maybe even in a DynamoDB or FaunaDB app."

Angular token and user login scenario

I m building app who uses oauth2.
I me using:
Laravel for backend
Oauth2 for Laravel (lucadegasperi)
Angular for frontend because it will be also and native mobile app:D.
My question is?
What is the workflow for user sign in?
Now i have.
User comes to site and enter username and password
Angular send post for access token and when access token is returned i go for user data. Then I store access_token in localstorage. I m using grant_type=password i forget to mention.
I have 2 hours when token gona expire. In that moment when token expire I go for new token by refresh_token functionality.
My Questions are:
Is this good way/approach?
What is supposed to happen when user close browser?
Now when user close browser and again enter to my app. I will check localstorage and then autheticate user by access_token. If Access Token is expired i will get new one.
What about remeber me option or so called keep me signed in?
Does it mean thant i must set token that will be expired in 365 days (lifetime)?
or create cookie/ localstorage with access token so when user comes newt time i read cookie/loaclastorage and then authorize user?
And finnaly about destroying token. Now my token will be detroyed when i log of from the app.
We are building the same kind of service/app using the same components. We use a password flow and I store the token in local storage if the user ticks the "remember me" checkbox on the login form, otherwise I just store the token in an un-persisted variable that gets destroyed when the user refreshes or closes the browser.
See some notes on testing protected endpoints here:Testing OAuth 2.0 protected API endpoints in Laravel
I'm working on simple app containing two separate layers. 1) Rails 5 Json API provider. 2) Separate NodeJS server running Angular 2 application.
Angular 2 app on Login requests access token from google
Angular 2 app retrieves UserInfo from google/people API
Angular 2 app now able to POST json with User's display name and some id from Google Response json.
Angular 2 POSTs json to my Rails 5 API server (partially implemented, but already works with login/pass auth).
So far I have implemented implicit OAuth2 using the code similar to this Gist. Using this code I am able to get User Identification Info which is enough for me to identify the user in API provider or create account for it.
This approach works for me. Hope it will work for you as well.
Note: this approach might be insecure.

get value of access token

I started using google API recently . I am using simpleauth for authentication to google app engine . Now I am using google blogger API for publishing my blog and fetching data .
This API requires access_token value to use the API for Authorization . I cant find a way to get value of access token .
Is there a way to get the value of acces token or am I doing something wrong ?
You need to register your webapp with Google to get a client ID and client secret. Then, you can configure your OAuth2 library with these details to allow you to send fully authenticated requests from your webapp to Blogger.
For the specific scenario you listed, retrieving a blog post, I think you can follow step 1 of this page and then follow these steps. You should be able to copy+paste the key from there into the query params of the GET request.
To issue fully authenticated requests, for publishing new posts, for example, you'll have to get your OAuth2 library with the client ID and client secret and have it issue the requests for you.
