Make Alexa Skill Slot accept any word user says - alexa

I was wandering if there is a way to make custom Alexa Skill slot accept any word user can say.
I need it to detect a name of a user device. User can name his device how he wants (person name, thing name, singer name and so on...) so there isn't a default slot can help me.

You can use AMAZON.SearchQuery for that case. Once upon a time there was AMAZON.Literal, but it's depricated now.


How to make a single intent match with multiple text lines sent by the user in DialogFlow?

I need help with this issue:
DialogFlow matches the user text block to an intent in order to retrieve an answer. Some users do not type everything in just one block of text, for example:
"Hello! My name is Ane. How can I order a pizza from here?"
Instead, they do:
"My Name is Ane"
"How can I order a pizza from here?"
Each time the user sends a text, the DialogFlow try to match each sentence to an intent. There's some way to make DialogFlow wait a few seconds before match to an intent or put all this lines together or some way around this problem?
I think you should use followup intents in this case.
Take a look at

Accept any user input for Alexa Custom Skill, but include only part of that input in confirmation

I'm trying to build a custom Alexa skill for a gratitude diary. The goal is to have an interaction in which the Alexa device asks the user what they're grateful for, and repeats it back as confirmation.
I'm encountering a problem when it comes to repeating back what the user has said. I'd like the conversation to go like this:
Alexa: What are you grateful for today?
User I'm grateful for dogs
Alexa: You said you're grateful for dogs. Is that correct?
I've set this up as a single intent, as follows:
gratitude_object as a required slot, of type AMAZON.SearchQuery
user utterances for this slot are I'm grateful for {gratitude_object} (and a few variations)
confirmation message for this slot is You're feeling grateful for {gratitude_object}. Is that correct?
The problem I'm encountering is that when I test this model in the Utterance Profiler, it goes like this:
Alexa: What are you grateful for today?
User I'm grateful for dogs
Alexa: You said you're grateful for I'm grateful for dogs. Is that correct?
I'm guessing this is something to do with the fact that AMAZON.SearchQuery will accept anything as valid input, but I'm not sure how to go about resolving this.
I've also tried creating a custom slot for the I'm grateful for phrase:
slot name: gratitude_phrase_initiator
slot type: custom slot type
slot values: "I'm grateful for", "I am grateful for" (etc)
However, if I then try to use this slot in my intent, by making the user utterance for the gratitude_object slot:
{gratitude_phrase_initiator} {gratitude_object}
...then I get the following error:
Sample utterance "{gratitude_statement_initiator} {gratitude_object}" for slot "gratitude_object" in intent "NewEntryIntent" cannot include both a phrase slot and another intent slot. Error code: InvalidSlotSamplePhraseSlot
I'd really like to keep the interaction as it is currently, with the user starting by saying "I'm grateful for...". Any suggestions for how I could make this work using the interaction model, or is it just impossible? Is this something I could handle in the code instead of the interaction model?
Looks like you set it up perfectly but you would expect SearchQuery to do a better job of excluding the initial utterance phrase. So you'll have to parse it some more in code. You should use a Lambda Function to string replace the slot value to remove any initial phrases.
Example in Node.js:
var gratitude_object = this.event.request.intent.slots.gratitude_object.value;
var initial_phrases = [
"i'm grateful for",
"i am grateful for",
gratitude_object = gratitude_object.toLowerCase().replace(value,"");
Notice the array of intitial phrases are written in lowercase and the forEach loop also makes the slot value lowercase before checking to replace. That way you don't have to worry about case matching when writing the initial phrases you want to remove.

Ask user for input from LaunchIntent

I'm writing a skill in Node JS 8. I have an intent set up with slots and it works properly if I say
Ask {skill name} to {utterance}.
I'd like to design my skill so that the user can just say
Open {skill Name}
and on opening it will ask them for input that will then be handled and passed to the intent. I've seen multiple people say that you can't do this. But I've used 2 skills today that did exactly this. I'm just looking for the correct syntax to do this.
I have:
'LaunchRequest': function() {
this.response.speak("What note would you like?");
Which seems like it should work, but I'm pretty new to JS and Alexa.
Yes, it is possible.
When the skill user open your skill, you can give a welcome message followed by a question.
[user] : open note skill
[Alexa] : Welcome to note skill. What note would you like?
----------<Alexa will wait for users input>--------
[user] : ABC note.
[Alexa] : <response>
In order for Alexa to wait for users input after it says the welcome message, you need to keep the session alive. The session is kept alive based on shouldEndSession parameter in the response. For any request, if not provided, shouldEndSession defaults to true. In your case, the response to LaunchRequest should have this shouldEndSession parameter set to false. Only by which the session remains open and users can continue interaction.
'LaunchRequest': function() {
const speech = "Welcome to note skill. What note would you like?";
const reprompt = "What note would you like?";
this.emit(':ask', speech, reprompt);
Read this answer to know more about how you can keep the session alive using ask-nodejs-sdk.
Using Dialog Model
Another way to achieve this is to use Dialog directives. Dialog directives helps you to fill and validate slot values easily. You can use the directives to ask the user for the information you need to fulfill their request.
More information on Dialog directives here

Alexa getting response from user after prompt

So we are setting up a system in which a user can set reminders. Currently my intent is set up to provide a Day and a Time. If I say something like set reminder for next tuesday at 9pm, in my intent I see the values coming in fine. The issue is if let's say they say something like set reminder for next tuesday, they gave us the day but not time. So in my intent, I have this response:
else if(obj.Day.value && !obj.Time.value) {
this.response.speak(`Looks like you requested a reminder on ${obj.Day.value}, what time would you like the reminder set for?`).listen('Thanks');
console.log(JSON.stringify(this.response, null, 2));
The issue I am having is... how do I get what they said? I've also tried this.emit(':ask', '...') but I still don't see what they actually say.
I'm sorry if this is confusing, essentially this is a simplified question.
How do we get the response from the user (for missing information) after Alexa asks something in an intent?
For this, you will want to use the elicitSlot Directive. Docs found here.
Alexa will know that you want to fill the next user's response to the Time slot, if you put "Time" into the slotName property above.
In the Alexa Console, you can specify how Alexa should elicit that slot. You can even provide multiple ways of asking and Alexa will choose one.

Alexa custom skill not giving answers to the default queries

I have created a custom skill for Alexa. I can able to get the response for custom skills also. But I'm getting one issue.
I have created a simple skill with invocation FullName and intent FullNameIntent which has the utterance like What is my full name, then it's returning my full name. But next query, if I'm asking what is the time now, it's giving answers again full name only.
My expected answer is current time as response.
You will have to create separate intent and sample utterances for 'what is the time now'. As you didn't mention anything about the intent for the time I believe you don't have an intent and sample utterance for the same.
