Set character minimum on Okta Sign in Widget (with React) - reactjs

I am using the Okta Sign in Widget with okta/okta-react and okta/okta-signin-widget.
Our database is saving users and requires at least 2 characters for their first name, last name, and organization. I would like to set a minimum character limit when a user enters a single character. Currently, if a user enters a single character for any of those fields, Okta will register the account and not display any errors. I would like to create a custom error to display under the textfield, ex: This field must be at least 2 characters long.
I have looked into Okta's i18n properties and do not see any direct reference to the aforementioned fields.
My Widget snippet:
const widget = new OktaSignIn({
baseUrl: issuer.split("/oauth2")[0],
logo: `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/tempLogo.png`,
i18n: {
en: {
"primaryauth.title": "Sign in to OceanTracking",
// This is where I would like to enter the character limits
authParams: {
useInteractionCodeFlow: useInteractionCode,
features: {
registration: true,
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onError: onError,
Example of the type of error I'd like to display ("This field cannot be left blank"):
Thank you so much.


Linking Twitter account to user account (twitter-passport)

Currently, a user is able to login in and sign up for my application no problem. I've then added a "Link your twitter user to account" button which when clicked takes the user to '/auth/twitter'. This then kicks off passport-twitter and the oAuth process begins.
Right now, I'm using passport-twitter as the package for twitter oAuth. This process works. I'm able to get the user successfully authenticated. Here is the code.
However two problems: I don't see a way to 1) keep the user signed into Twitter so they don't have to keep doing this flow of reconnecting their twitter every time they want to push content to it from my app. and 2) associate the Twitter user and the signed in user to my application. Long term, I plan to add other social media accounts, so the user will have multiple social media linked. Twitter will be just one.
Problem #2: I wasn't able to do an axios.get call from my redux store or from the front end to '/auth/twitter/' otherwise I could then just get the information back from the call and then post it to the user's table (right?). So, instead I'm accessing '/auth/twitter' from an tag in the front end to kick off the flow.
new TwitterStrategy(
consumerKey: "XXX",
consumerSecret: "XXX",
callbackURL: "http://localhost:8080/auth/twitter/callback",
// callbackURL: "http://www.localhost:8080/home",
includeEmail: true,
async(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) => {
console.log('got the prodile')
const twitterIDforOAuth =
const { id, username } = profile;
let theuser = await User.findOne({
where: {
twitterID: id
console.log('FOUND USER', '\n', theuser)
} else {
try {
console.log('NO USER FOUND')
var passwordUser = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
console.log('CREATING USER')
theuser = await Promise.all([
twitterID: id,
username : username,
password: passwordUser
console.log('USER CREATED');
} catch (error) {
//this callback calls the auth/callback url to kick off the redirect process
// need to send username and password to /auth/signup
return cb(null, {username: username, password: passwordUser})
//Line below sends too much data that is irrelevant for the user... lets review it?
// return cb(null, {username: twitterIDforOAuth})
app.get('/auth/twitter', passport.authenticate("twitter"));
passport.authenticate("twitter", {
failureRedirect: "/login",
failureMessage: true,
session: false
async (req, res) => {
var user = req.user;
console.log(user.username, user.password);
var username = user.username;
var password = user.password;
///they need to login the app
The user is being redirected to /AccountSettings while they go through this flow, so I know that the user is 100% authenticated and signed in with Twitter (otherwise they'd be pushed to /login, which isn't happen).
Most people in this flow create a user in their database using the information returned from Twitter.
However, I'm trying to link this information to the signed in user, and keep them signed into Twitter so the user doesn't need to keep reconnecting their Twitter account (at least not often). (With access to their Twitter account, my plan is to allow them to push content to it)
Currently I'm hitting the '/auth/twitter' route with an tag which's href takes it to '/auth/twitter'. Is this the right way about it or is this approach causing my linkage issue?
What are people's recommendation for this issue? Whats the right way to approach linking social media accounts to a signed in user's account?
I'm using Express, Redux, React, Postgres, and passport-twitter
SOLUTION: How to passing data in TwitterStrategy, PassportJS?
had to create a state object outside the /auth/twitter route and then added a id param to the /auth/twitter route so the full route was /auth/twitter/:id
once I got the id I saved it to a state route outside the route in the server file that was accessible to the callback function later in the proces.

How do I avoid React Native GoogleSignIn by sending to google a password violation

I used #react-native-google-signin/google-signin": "^8.0.0" to create a google sign in button into my app.
When I used it, google recognised it as not trusted app, so send my an email to advice of a violation, and now every time I use a password saved on my google account to login on any site or application, he gives me a message telling me to change all of my passwords. I solved to remove the message, by ignoring for every passwords, almost 200 :/. But it's just temporary solution, cause if I do login again to my app it will happen again. How can I say to google that it is an app in developing, is there any mode to activate? Here's my code:
scopes: [''], // what API you want to access on behalf of the user, default is email and profile
webClientId: '', // client ID of type WEB for your server (needed to verify user ID and offline access)
offlineAccess: true, // if you want to access Google API on behalf of the user FROM YOUR SERVER
// hostedDomain: '', // specifies a hosted domain restriction
// forceCodeForRefreshToken: true, // [Android] related to `serverAuthCode`, read the docs link below *.
// accountName: '', // [Android] specifies an account name on the device that should be used
iosClientId: '', // [iOS] if you want to specify the client ID of type iOS (otherwise, it is taken from GoogleService-Info.plist)
// googleServicePlistPath: '', // [iOS] if you renamed your GoogleService-Info file, new name here, e.g. GoogleService-Info-Staging
// openIdRealm: '', // [iOS] The OpenID2 realm of the home web server. This allows Google to include the user's OpenID Identifier in the OpenID Connect ID token.
// profileImageSize: 120, // [iOS] The desired height (and width) of the profile image. Defaults to 120px
try {
await GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices();
const { idToken } = await (await GoogleSignin.signIn());
const googleCredential = await GoogleAuthProvider.credential(idToken);
await signInWithCredential(authApp, googleCredential)
.then(async(userCredential) => {
.then(() => {
// Email verification sent!
// ...

Updating model with GraphQL Mutation

I have been having trouble figuring out how to update a User with graphQL. The functionality I'm currently aiming for is for the user to be able to update their account/profile information. I have some things set up for the user like a bio field for their profile, and a profile picture field that's set up to take a URL and display that as their profile picture.
I have no problems when it comes to creating using graphQL. A user can sign up, log in, make posts, etc without issue. I can also update the User in regards to other models, for example, a new post pushes to the users Post data just fine.
I have not been able to figure out how to update a user directly though. Essentially I can get around this by creating a new model for "profile pic" and pushing that to the User, but that seems like it's just extra steps that might slow things down, as well as shortchanging myself being able to learn something new.
This is the User model. I have omitted a few fields due to the exact block of code being large, but this includes the "image" and "bio" fields (the fields I would like to update) as well as the reference to the Post model which I mentioned above that functions appropriately.
const userSchema = new Schema(
username: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
trim: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
match: [/.+#.+\..+/, 'Must match an email address!']
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
minlength: 8
image: {
type: String
bio: {
type: String,
maxLength: 500
posts: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Post'
Below is the mutation in Explorer, including the variables and the result.
Profile Pic Resolver
addProfilePic: async (parent, { image }, context) => {
if (context.user) {
const updatedUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: context.user._id },
{ image: image },
{ new: true, runValidators: true }
return updatedUser;
throw new AuthenticationError('You need to be logged in!');
typeDefs.js (relevant only)
type Mutation {
addProfilePic(_id: ID!, image: String!): Auth
I notice that in the Explorer page it returns "null" for user with a 200 status. I am led to believe that means that it's not able to even access the "image" field on the user to be able to update it. When compared to my other mutations in regards to users, this is set up very similarly and I'm not sure what the difference is.
I feel like I am missing something very basic here in regards to being able to update. I haven't been able to find an update mutation example that works. Could anyone assist? My main questions would be:
Why does the mutation return "null" for user?
How can I set up my resolver to appropriately update information on an already-created object?
Thank you to anyone who is able to take a look and assist, I will be closely watching this post for replies and will update any other code someone may need to be able to assist. I've been stuck in regards to updating information for a long time, but my site is getting to the point where it's nearly ready and I need to tackle this updating issue in order to progress. Thank you!
Quick Edit: I want to add that "Auth" is referenced. The appropriate authorization headers are in place to retrieve the data. Just wanted to add that in as I highly doubt authorization has anything to do with this!
I have solved this issue and would like to leave the answer here for anyone who may find it useful.
In the mutation typeDefs, I changed the "Auth" to "User",
type Mutation {
addProfilePic(_id: ID!, image: String!): User
and then in the mutation itself, took away the user field like such:
mutation addProfilePic($_id: ID!, $image: String!) {
addProfilePic(_id: $_id, image: $image) {
This has allowed the user to update their profile photo information. Hope this helps!

how do I handle relay and graphql authentication if user is not logged in?

I have schema that is configured to query for users' data when logged in but I don't know what to do with it when a user is not logged in, this is the root query:
const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: {
viewer: {
type: GraphQLUser,
resolve: (root, args, { user }) => getViewer(), // I have a user data configured on requests if it's logged in
node: nodeField,
I also have this error because I think there's no user data on rootValue yet so my query is returning undefined:
Error: User.todoLists field type must be Output Type but got:
If I return on the viewer the 'guest' text it wouldn't be a GraphQLUser type, help?
You can return null.
If in the future you want to enforce non-null values, then you will have to use GraphQLNonNull in your type definition, like this:
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLUser),

auth0 - invalid user_metadata type

I am using Auth0 for user management and I am trying to add some default user_metadata on signup. My signup code looks like this:
// signs a user up
signup(email, password, callback, metadata){
const defaultVals = {
app_complete: false,
app_decision: 'unknown',
app_term: this.getAppTerm(),
nickname: '',
middle_initial: '',
current_age: '10',
const meta = Object.assign({}, defaultVals, metadata);
connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
user_metadata: meta,
}, function(err, authResult) {
if (err != undefined) {
The problem is, whenever I try to pass the user_metadata attribute app_complete: false, the API returns an error saying that the data type false is invalid, and that only strings are allowed. Error message: invalid user_metadata.app_complete type (only strings are allowed).
I know JSON allows for types other than strings, because I can change this to false through the Auth0 user dashboard. Why is the signup method for the auth0 WebAuth object returning this error?
This is because for signup in the user_metadata you can provide only strings as values.
The user metadata to be associated with the user. If set, the field must be an object containing no more than ten properties. Property names can have a maximum of 100 characters, and property values must be strings of no more than 500 characters.
PATCH on the other hand supports full JSON types in user_metadata.
Here is the reference in the github auth0-js issue
You can pass the user_metadata in the signupAndLogin() (/dbconnections/signup endpoint) method. However, it has some restriction as described below.
The user metadata to be associated with the user. If set, the field
must be an object containing no more than ten properties. Property
names can have a maximum of 100 characters, and property values must
be strings of no more than 500 characters.
To solve the issue, pass the property value as string.
Alternatively, instead of passing the user_metadata in the request, It is possible to use auth0 rules and update the user_metadata on the first login.
function (user, context, callback) {
var count = context.stats && context.stats.loginsCount ? context.stats.loginsCount : 0;
if (count > 1) {
return callback(null, user, context);
//update metadata
callback(null, user, context);
