same-site-by-default-cookies alternative for Chrome - angularjs

I am writing to ask about --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies feature which was part of chrome earlier.
I am working with IT MNC and recently we promoted very important functionality to Production. We have started charging customer for this. It is legacy application .
This application can't be tested locally anymore! Earlier we could point out application to lower environment with custom settings in project's config.js file and disabling #same-site-by-default-cookies in Chrome and application could be tested locally. But now we can't!
We tried many different settings and debugged but it could not help !!
It is noted that these settings no longer work in Chrome 94+. These flags are removed entirely.
As per my analysis it is found that application still can be tested locally if we get the portable Chrome. Or older version of Chrome installed in our System. However as per the compliance policy of company and client, we can't get old or portable chrome in system. We have latest version only.
Earlier we used to perform following to run it locally:
Open CMD
cd to Chrome path ( Till Application )
Fire the following command:
chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=C:\XXXX\XXXX\localwlp --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies"
This would open a new window of Chrome ( Close all before firing the command) and then we could test the application locally.
Anybody is aware about the alternative for this? That would be really helpful. We can't test the application locally so for even small changes, we require to deploy on lower environments which takes a lot of time and also code will work or not can't say.
I look forward to hearing from you all guys.
Kailash Nirmal.


WebkitGtk application is not loading file URL

I am building a kiosk application using webkitgtk on the raspberry pi 4.
This application will not be connected to the internet and all the html,css, javascript for the UI are all located on the local filesystem.
I am using buildroot to setup the Linux system, starting with the pi 4 defconfig provided in buildroot.
I have enabled all the packages needed to get webkitgtk running.
Also, the kiosk application has been tested on my desktop, using the same software stack and it works
However, when i try to launch the application on the raspberry pi, a blank page pops up. I have played around with the WebKitWebSettings object associated with my WebKitWebView by enabling local file access. It still shows up a blank screen.
Also included in my pi4 application bundle is a simple gtk3+ application. This launches successfully!
I will really appreciate some pointers as to why this is happening as i have sort of reached a dead end
I enabled the MiniBrowser app that comes with the Webkitgtk package.
Entering the local url, The page does not load. It only gives me a message at the top saying "Successfully downloaded".
It seems to be treating my input as a download
After some more experimenting, i was finally able to get webkitgtk working on the pi 4.
The problem seems to originate from using the webkit_web_view_load_uri() api.
It does not seem to recognize my html document as a web page.
I got around it using the webkit_web_view_load_html() call. This included some hacks by first reading in the contents of the html doc into a character buffer, and passing it to webkit_web_view_load_html().
You also have to provide a base path to this function call to be able to resolve all the urls (scripts, css, images etc) in your html document.
Another problem i haven't been able to work around is, SVG images are not loading in webkitgtk. I have used jpg formats and they work. I suspect this my be due to a configuration switch in building webkigtk
It's hard for me to figure out what might be happening without having access to your environment and settings. My gut feeling is that pages are showing blank because perhaps some shared libraries are missing. You can check that with:
$ ldd WebKitBuild/GTK/Release/bin/MiniBrowser
I am using buildroot to setup the Linux system, starting with the pi 4 defconfig provided in buildroot.
There's a buildroot repository for building WPE for RPi. WPE (WebPlatform for Embeded) is like WebKitGTK but doesn't depend on GTK toolkit. Another important difference is that WPE runs natively on Wayland.
If you're interested in having a webapp embedded in a browser running in a device with limited capabilities, WPE is a better choice than WebKitGTK. The buildroot repo for building WPE for RPi is here:
There's is also this very interesting step-by-step guide on how to build WPE for RPi3:
I'm not sure whether the buildroot recipe would work for RPi4. It seems to work for all previous versions, so you might be stepping in new land if you try to build WPE on RPi4.
If you have an RPi3 available I'd try to build WPE for RPi3 first, and make sure that works. Then try for RPi4.

Xdebug connects to IDE when it shouldn't

I have remote_autostart disabled and no cookie present:
Still, Xdebug is connecting to my IDE (PhpStorm) at and zero-config debugging works. Why? How do I disable it? (It looks like autostart is somehow enabled and the PHP app is slow.)
My first bet would be that this is not the php.ini you're looking for. If you have CLI and normal php.ini, make sure you have this set up in both. Integrated PHP server counter-intuitively uses web php.ini instead of CLI one.
Next step would be to check whether it's actually xdebug that's causing the issue. I'd do that by disabling the extension alltogether.
Note that xdebug can slow down you app in some cases no matter what just by being enabled.
Next I'd check that xdebug profiler information is not generated. If the app is slow in general it's the profiler. If it just hangs for few seconds and then runs normally it's waiting for remote debugger. Might be a good idea to measure (even by simple means like putting dump on first and last line of code) speed of the app to rule out this possibility.
I have been having exactly the same issue for a few days now. remote_autostart is set to off but it still triggers even on my own <?php phpinfo(); script. The debugging session even starts when using an incognito browser session.
Notice the odd IDE key btw, it is set automatically.
Update: Even with xdebug.default_enable on off, it still activates Xdebug in my IDE.

Installing Gears in 2012

For one of the customers of my company, I have to get Gears working. To explain briefly, they have a site using the Gears local database and now want to really use localStorage (at least for browsers supporting it and still use Gears for the old ones).
To refactor the code and ensure that the HTML5 version works as the Gears version used to work (and that I do not break the existing system is also a plus). And here comes the problem: Gears is not supported anymore and seems unable to install.
My dev' machine is using OSX Snow leopard. I tried the Gears custom installer made by the authors of MailPlane ( to enable gears on Safari. The installer runs without any issue and I have a "Google Gears settings" entry in Safari's menu. But the code does not work, here's the console output for the database creation code:
> google.gears.factory.create('beta.desktop')
line: 2
message: "'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'google.gears.factory.create('beta.desktop')')"
sourceId: 419639712
__proto__: Error
(this is the code I got from the customer).
In the console, when I try accessing the Gears factory, I just get a simple html object:
> google.gears.factory
<object style=​"display:​ none;​ " width=​"0" height=​"0" type=​"application/​x-googlegears"></object>​
In Gears preferencies, there's a site of sites for which I can allow Gears to run, but I can't add localhost there (I can't add anything in fact).
As I can't get Safari/Gears working, I decided to setup a WinXP virtual machine, maybe it would work here.
I was able to download the Gears installer. But this one needs file that have been removed from Google servers (at least I guess, but I don't have any firewall installed so I don't see what could block the installer when getting the files ...).
I also tried old Chrome installers (apparently Gears was shipped in Chrome 12-) but none of the installers work (they just, well, do nothing. I even tried to start them from the command line to expect a bit of output but I got nothing).
Another option would be to get a Firefox gears add-on, but they all seem to have disappeared :/
So, the question (finally): does anyone here still have to use Gears and how do you get it running on new machines ?
I think The Google Gears API is no longer available.
Please see page.

Debugging Silverlight applications with IE9 beta

I spent some time debugging a SL3 application with VS 2010 in IE9 beta today and noticed a few quirks. Sometimes when launching the Silverlight app in VS it fails to load in the browser, but refreshing with F5 tends to fix the problem. Also, there are sporadic scripting errors that pop up a debug dialog - these also seem to be fixed by refreshing the page. Has anyone run into these problems and found a fix?
EDIT: My most prevalent error is:
Error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.
I don't understand why, but someone without a name at the Silverlight forums has found a solution that worked for me:
Just add or uncomment this entry to your hosts file (%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts): localhost
I noticed this as well with Silverlight 4, but also when I start a simple web project.
IE9 has a shorter startup time that IE8. Debugging a Silverlight application starts the development web server to host the http:// site. The time that it took to start up the web server was less than the time to start up IE8 and greater than the time it takes to start up IE9.
#Michael S. Scherotter - It can't be because of the shorter startup time because making the host file change which fixed it for me would have zero impact on app startup time. Something else must be causing the browser and Cassini to not talk to each other correctly.
One other fix, related to the others is to change the StartURL to launch to the loop back address directly, rather than editing the hosts file. So, in one app, I've got this as the start URL:
Of course, to make this work consistently, I've selected a "specific port" in configuration, as 60525 in this case.
(the trailing . after the loop back address is to allow Fiddler to do its magic).

Flash - Why doesn't my SharedObject get saved on disk when closing IE?

I have a Flash application that uses SharedObject to save and read some data locally. As it is said everywhere Flash saves the data from the shared object to disk when the application is closed. And indeed it does when I test it with the stand-alone Flash Player or all of these browsers: Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Flock... But it doesn't work when I use IE (I've tried IE6 and IE7).
Does anyone know anything about this issue? Why might it be happening... and how to get it to work?
Are you using MultipleIEs or standalone versions of the IE browsers? I've had issues with that as it seems they don't work properly when installed together.
The best way to be sure is testing your application on someone else's computer with only one version of IE installed.
EDIT: Check out the hints below:
It seems that if you install things in a special order evrything seems to work better.
Install/upgrade to IE8
Install standalone IE7
Install MultipleIEs (IE6 and below)
Also check the IE Collection ( tool instead of MultipleIEs for better results.
