how to set stack size for a thread - c

When I create a new thread and inside thread function allocate some memory on heap using malloc then process memory is increased by 64 mb.Before creating the thread I tried to set the stack size to 64 kb using pthread_attr_setstacksize but there is no impact on process memory. If I create 2 threads then process memory is increased by 64*2=128 mb
Example code
Is there an solution to avoid extra 64 mb of memory for each thread?

Before creating the thread I tried to set the stack size to 64 kb using pthread_attr_setstacksize
That is the correct way to set stack size.
but there is no impact on process memory.
It doesn't sound like your memory consumption is coming from the thread stack.
It sounds like your malloc implementation reserves memory in 64MiB chunks (probably to manage thread-local allocation arenas).
Accurately measuring actual memory usage on modern systems is surprisingly non-trivial. If you are looking at VM in ps output, you are doing it wrong. If you are looking at RSS, that's closer but still only an approximation.
Is there an solution to avoid extra 64 mb of memory for each thread?
There might be environment variables or functions you can call to tune your malloc implementation.
But you haven't told us which malloc implementation (or OS) you are using, and without that we can't help you.
Also note that "avoiding extra 64MiB" is likely not a goal you should pursue (see


Large memory usage of aio [duplicate]

Here's my question: Does calling free or delete ever release memory back to the "system". By system I mean, does it ever reduce the data segment of the process?
Let's consider the memory allocator on Linux, i.e ptmalloc.
From what I know (please correct me if I am wrong), ptmalloc maintains a free list of memory blocks and when a request for memory allocation comes, it tries to allocate a memory block from this free list (I know, the allocator is much more complex than that but I am just putting it in simple words). If, however, it fails, it gets the memory from the system using say sbrk or brk system calls. When a memory is free'd, that block is placed in the free list.
Now consider this scenario, on peak load, a lot of objects have been allocated on heap. Now when the load decreases, the objects are free'd. So my question is: Once the object is free'd will the allocator do some calculations to find whether it should just keep this object in the free list or depending upon the current size of the free list it may decide to give that memory back to the system i.e decrease the data segment of the process using sbrk or brk?
Documentation of glibc tells me that if the allocation request is much larger than page size, it will be allocated using mmap and will be directly released back to the system once free'd. Cool. But let's say I never ask for allocation of size greater than say 50 bytes and I ask a lot of such 50 byte objects on peak load on the system. Then what?
From what I know (correct me please), a memory allocated with malloc will never be released back to the system ever until the process ends i.e. the allocator will simply keep it in the free list if I free it. But the question that is troubling me is then, if I use a tool to see the memory usage of my process (I am using pmap on Linux, what do you guys use?), it should always show the memory used at peak load (as the memory is never given back to the system, except when allocated using mmap)? That is memory used by the process should never ever decrease(except the stack memory)? Is it?
I know I am missing something, so please shed some light on all this.
Experts, please clear my concepts regarding this. I will be grateful. I hope I was able to explain my question.
There isn't much overhead for malloc, so you are unlikely to achieve any run-time savings. There is, however, a good reason to implement an allocator on top of malloc, and that is to be able to trace memory leaks. For example, you can free all memory allocated by the program when it exits, and then check to see if your memory allocator calls balance (i.e. same number of calls to allocate/deallocate).
For your specific implementation, there is no reason to free() since the malloc won't release to system memory and so it will only release memory back to your own allocator.
Another reason for using a custom allocator is that you may be allocating many objects of the same size (i.e you have some data structure that you are allocating a lot). You may want to maintain a separate free list for this type of object, and free/allocate only from this special list. The advantage of this is that it will avoid memory fragmentation.
It's actually a bad strategy for a number of reasons, so it doesn't happen --except-- as you note, there can be an exception for large allocations that can be directly made in pages.
It increases internal fragmentation and therefore can actually waste memory. (You can only return aligned pages to the OS, so pulling aligned pages out of a block will usually create two guaranteed-to-be-small blocks --smaller than a page, anyway-- to either side of the block. If this happens a lot you end up with the same total amount of usefully-allocated memory plus lots of useless small blocks.)
A kernel call is required, and kernel calls are slow, so it would slow down the program. It's much faster to just throw the block back into the heap.
Almost every program will either converge on a steady-state memory footprint or it will have an increasing footprint until exit. (Or, until near-exit.) Therefore, all the extra processing needed by a page-return mechanism would be completely wasted.
It is entirely implementation dependent. On Windows VC++ programs can return memory back to the system if the corresponding memory pages contain only free'd blocks.
I think that you have all the information you need to answer your own question. pmap shows the memory that is currenly being used by the process. So, if you call pmap before the process achieves peak memory, then no it will not show peak memory. if you call pmap just before the process exits, then it will show peak memory for a process that does not use mmap. If the process uses mmap, then if you call pmap at the point where maximum memory is being used, it will show peak memory usage, but this point may not be at the end of the process (it could occur anywhere).
This applies only to your current system (i.e. based on the documentation you have provided for free and mmap and malloc) but as the previous poster has stated, behavior of these is implmentation dependent.
This varies a bit from implementation to implementation.
Think of your memory as a massive long block, when you allocate to it you take a bit out of your memory (labeled '1' below):
If I allocate more more memory with malloc it gets some from the system:
If I now free '1':
It won't be returned to the system, because two is in front of it (and memory is given as a continous block). However if the end of the memory is freed, then that memory is returned to the system. If I freed '2' instead of '1'. I would get:
the bit where '2' was would be returned to the system.
The main benefit of freeing memory is that that bit can then be reallocated, as opposed to getting more memory from the system. e.g:
I believe that the memory allocator in glibc can return memory back to the system, but whether it will or not depends on your memory allocation patterns.
Let's say you do something like this:
void *pointers[10000];
for(i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
pointers[i] = malloc(1024);
for(i = 0; i < 9999; i++)
The only part of the heap that can be safely returned to the system is the "wilderness chunk", which is at the end of the heap. This can be returned to the system using another sbrk system call, and the glibc memory allocator will do that when the size of this last chunk exceeds some threshold.
The above program would make 10000 small allocations, but only free the first 9999 of them. The last one should (assuming nothing else has called malloc, which is unlikely) be sitting right at the end of the heap. This would prevent the allocator from returning any memory to the system at all.
If you were to free the remaining allocation, glibc's malloc implementation should be able to return most of the pages allocated back to the system.
If you're allocating and freeing small chunks of memory, a few of which are long-lived, you could end up in a situation where you have a large chunk of memory allocated from the system, but you're only using a tiny fraction of it.
Here are some "advantages" to never releasing memory back to the system:
Having already used a lot of memory makes it very likely you will do so again, and
when you release memory the OS has to do quite a bit of paperwork
when you need it again, your memory allocator has to re-initialise all its data structures in the region it just received
Freed memory that isn't needed gets paged out to disk where it doesn't actually make that much difference
Often, even if you free 90% of your memory, fragmentation means that very few pages can actually be released, so the effort required to look for empty pages isn't terribly well spent
Many memory managers can perform TRIM operations where they return entirely unused blocks of memory to the OS. However, as several posts here have mentioned, it's entirely implementation dependent.
But lets say I never ask for allocation of size greater than say 50 bytes and I ask a lot of such 50 byte objects on peak load on the system. Then what ?
This depends on your allocation pattern. Do you free ALL of the small allocations? If so and if the memory manager has handling for a small block allocations, then this may be possible. However, if you allocate many small items and then only free all but a few scattered items, you may fragment memory and make it impossible to TRIM blocks since each block will have only a few straggling allocations. In this case, you may want to use a different allocation scheme for the temporary allocations and the persistant ones so you can return the temporary allocations back to the OS.

About Dynamic Memory Allocation in C [duplicate]

I was trying to figure out how much memory I can malloc to maximum extent on my machine
(1 Gb RAM 160 Gb HD Windows platform).
I read that the maximum memory malloc can allocate is limited to physical memory (on heap).
Also when a program exceeds consumption of memory to a certain level, the computer stops working because other applications do not get enough memory that they require.
So to confirm, I wrote a small program in C:
int main(){
int *p;
p=(int *)malloc(4);
I was hoping that there would be a time when memory allocation would fail and the loop would break, but my computer hung as it was an infinite loop.
I waited for about an hour and finally I had to force shut down my computer.
Some questions:
Does malloc allocate memory from HD also?
What was the reason for above behaviour?
Why didn't loop break at any point of time?
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
I read that the maximum memory malloc can allocate is limited to physical memory (on heap).
Wrong: most computers/OSs support virtual memory, backed by disk space.
Some questions: does malloc allocate memory from HDD also?
malloc asks the OS, which in turn may well use some disk space.
What was the reason for above behavior? Why didn't the loop break at any time?
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
You just asked for too little at a time: the loop would have broken eventually (well after your machine slowed to a crawl due to the large excess of virtual vs physical memory and the consequent super-frequent disk access, an issue known as "thrashing") but it exhausted your patience well before then. Try getting e.g. a megabyte at a time instead.
When a program exceeds consumption of memory to a certain level, the
computer stops working because other applications do not get enough
memory that they require.
A total stop is unlikely, but when an operation that normally would take a few microseconds ends up taking (e.g.) tens of milliseconds, those four orders of magnitude may certainly make it feel as if the computer had basically stopped, and what would normally take a minute could take a week.
I know this thread is old, but for anyone willing to give it a try oneself, use this code snipped
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int *p;
while(1) {
int inc=1024*1024*sizeof(char);
p=(int*) calloc(1,inc);
if(!p) break;
$ gcc memtest.c
$ ./a.out
upon running, this code fills up ones RAM until killed by the kernel. Using calloc instead of malloc to prevent "lazy evaluation". Ideas taken from this thread:
Malloc Memory Questions
This code quickly filled my RAM (4Gb) and then in about 2 minutes my 20Gb swap partition before it died. 64bit Linux of course.
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory controls the maximum on Linux
On Ubuntu 19.04 for example, we can easily see that malloc is implemented with mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS by using strace.
Then man proc then describes how /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory controls the maximum allocation:
This file contains the kernel virtual memory accounting mode. Values are:
0: heuristic overcommit (this is the default)
1: always overcommit, never check
2: always check, never overcommit
In mode 0, calls of mmap(2) with MAP_NORESERVE are not checked, and the default check is very weak, leading to the risk of getting a process "OOM-killed".
In mode 1, the kernel pretends there is always enough memory, until memory actually runs out. One use case for this mode is scientific computing applications that em‐ ploy large sparse arrays. In Linux kernel versions before 2.6.0, any nonzero value implies mode 1.
In mode 2 (available since Linux 2.6), the total virtual address space that can be allocated (CommitLimit in /proc/meminfo) is calculated as
CommitLimit = (total_RAM - total_huge_TLB) * overcommit_ratio / 100 + total_swap
total_RAM is the total amount of RAM on the system;
total_huge_TLB is the amount of memory set aside for huge pages;
overcommit_ratio is the value in /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio; and
total_swap is the amount of swap space.
For example, on a system with 16GB of physical RAM, 16GB of swap, no space dedicated to huge pages, and an overcommit_ratio of 50, this formula yields a Com‐ mitLimit of 24GB.
Since Linux 3.14, if the value in /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_kbytes is nonzero, then CommitLimit is instead calculated as:
CommitLimit = overcommit_kbytes + total_swap
See also the description of /proc/sys/vm/admiin_reserve_kbytes and /proc/sys/vm/user_reserve_kbytes.
Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting.rst in the 5.2.1 kernel tree also gives some information, although lol a bit less:
The Linux kernel supports the following overcommit handling modes
0 Heuristic overcommit handling. Obvious overcommits of address
space are refused. Used for a typical system. It ensures a
seriously wild allocation fails while allowing overcommit to
reduce swap usage. root is allowed to allocate slightly more
memory in this mode. This is the default.
1 Always overcommit. Appropriate for some scientific
applications. Classic example is code using sparse arrays and
just relying on the virtual memory consisting almost entirely
of zero pages.
2 Don't overcommit. The total address space commit for the
system is not permitted to exceed swap + a configurable amount
(default is 50%) of physical RAM. Depending on the amount you
use, in most situations this means a process will not be
killed while accessing pages but will receive errors on memory
allocation as appropriate.
Useful for applications that want to guarantee their memory
allocations will be available in the future without having to
initialize every page.
Minimal experiment
We can easily see the maximum allowed value with:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *chars;
size_t nbytes;
/* Decide how many ints to allocate. */
if (argc < 2) {
nbytes = 2;
} else {
nbytes = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 0);
/* Allocate the bytes. */
chars = mmap(
/* This can happen for example if we ask for too much memory. */
if (chars == MAP_FAILED) {
/* Free the allocated memory. */
munmap(chars, nbytes);
GitHub upstream.
Compile and run to allocate 1GiB and 1TiB:
gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c
./main.out 0x40000000
./main.out 0x10000000000
We can then play around with the allocation value to see what the system allows.
I can't find a precise documentation for 0 (the default), but on my 32GiB RAM machine it does not allow the 1TiB allocation:
mmap: Cannot allocate memory
If I enable unlimited overcommit however:
echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
then the 1TiB allocation works fine.
Mode 2 is well documented, but I'm lazy to carry out precise calculations to verify it. But I will just point out that in practice we are allowed to allocate about:
overcommit_ratio / 100
of total RAM, and overcommit_ratio is 50 by default, so we can allocate about half of total RAM.
VSZ vs RSS and the out-of-memory killer
So far, we have just allocated virtual memory.
However, at some point of course, if you use enough of those pages, Linux will have to start killing some processes.
I have illustrated that in detail at: What is RSS and VSZ in Linux memory management
Try this
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int Mb = 0;
while (malloc(1<<20)) ++Mb;
printf("Allocated %d Mb total\n", Mb);
Include stdlib and stdio for it.
This extract is taken from deep c secrets.
malloc does its own memory management, managing small memory blocks itself, but ultimately it uses the Win32 Heap functions to allocate memory. You can think of malloc as a "memory reseller".
The windows memory subsystem comprises physical memory (RAM) and virtual memory (HD). When physical memory becomes scarce, some of the pages can be copied from physical memory to virtual memory on the hard drive. Windows does this transparently.
By default, Virtual Memory is enabled and will consume the available space on the HD. So, your test will continue running until it has either allocated the full amount of virtual memory for the process (2GB on 32-bit windows) or filled the hard disk.
As per C90 standard guarantees that you can get at least one object 32 kBytes in size, and this may be static, dynamic, or automatic memory. C99 guarantees at least 64 kBytes. For any higher limit, refer your compiler's documentation.
Also, malloc's argument is a size_t and the range of that type is [0,SIZE_MAX], so the maximum you can request is SIZE_MAX, which value varies upon implementation and is defined in <limits.h>.
I don't actually know why that failed, but one thing to note is that `malloc(4)" may not actually give you 4 bytes, so this technique is not really an accurate way to find your maximum heap size.
I found this out from my question here.
For instance, when you declare 4 bytes of memory, the space directly before your memory could contain the integer 4, as an indication to the kernel of how much memory you asked for.
Does malloc allocate memory from HD also?
Implementation of malloc() depends on libc implementation and operating system (OS). Typically malloc() doesn't always request RAM from the OS but returns a pointer to previously allocated memory block "owned" by libc.
In case of POSIX compatible systems, this libc controlled memory area is usually increased using syscall brk(). That doesn't allow releasing any memory between two still existing allocations which causes the process to look still using all the RAM after allocating areas A, B, C in sequence and releasing B. This is because areas A and C around the area B are still in use so the memory allocated from the OS cannot be returned.
Many modern malloc() implementations have some kind of heuristic where small allocations use the memory area reserved via brk() and "big" allocations use anonymous virtual memory blocks reserved via mmap() using MAP_ANONYMOUS flag. This allows immediately returning these big allocations when free() is later called. Typically the runtime performance of mmap() is slightly slower than using previously reserved memory which is the reason malloc() implements this heuristic.
Both brk() and mmap() allocate virtual memory from the OS. And virtual memory can be always backed up by swap which may be stored in any storage that the OS supports, including HDD.
In case you run Windows, the syscalls have different names but the underlying behavior is probably about the same.
What was the reason for above behaviour?
Since your example code never touched the memory, I'd guess you're seeing behavior where OS implements copy-on-write for virtual RAM and the memory is mapped to shared page with whole page filled with zeroes by default. Modern operating systems do this because many programs allocate more RAM than they actually need and using shared zero page by default for all memory allocations avoids needing to use real RAM for these allocations.
If you want to test how OS handles your loop and actually reserve true storage, you need to write something to the memory you allocated. For x86 compatible hardware you only need to write one byte per each 4096 byte segment because page size is 4096 and the hardware cannot implement copy-on-write behavior for smaller segments; once one byte is modified, the whole 4096 byte segment called page must be reserved for your process. I'm not aware of any modern CPU that would support smaller than 4096 byte pages. Modern Intel CPUs support 2 MB and 1 GB pages in addition to 4096 byte pages but the 1 GB pages are rarely used because the overhead of using 2 MB pages is small enough for any sensible RAM amounts. 1 GB pages might make sense if your system has hundreds of terabytes of RAM.
So basically your program only tested reserving virtual memory without ever using said virtual memory. Your OS probably has special optimization for this which avoids needing more than 4 KB of RAM to support this.
Unless your objective is to try to measure the overhead caused by your malloc() implementation, you should avoid trying to allocate memory block smaller than 16-32 bytes. For mmap() allocations the minimum possible overhead is 8 bytes per allocation on x86-64 hardware due the data needed to return the memory to the operating system so it really doesn't make sense for malloc() to use mmap() syscall for a single 4 byte allocation.
The overhead is needed to keep track of memory allocations because the memory is freed using void free(void*) so memory allocation routines must keep track of the allocated memory segment size somewhere. Many malloc() implementations also need additional metadata and if they need to keep track of any memory addresses, those need 8 bytes per address.
If you truly want to search for the limits of your system, you should probably do binary search for the limit where malloc() fails. In practice, you try to allocate ..., 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, ..., 32 GB which then fails and you know that the real world limit is between 16 GB and 32 GB. You can then split this size in half and figure out the exact limit with additional testing. If you do this kind of search, it may be easier to always release any successful allocation and reserve the test block with a single malloc() call. That should also avoid accidentally accounting for malloc() overhead so much because you need only one allocation at any time at max.
Update: As pointed out by Peter Cordes in the comments, your malloc() implementation may be writing bookkeeping data about your allocations in the reserved RAM which causes real memory to be used and that can cause system to start swapping so heavily that you cannot recover it in any sensible timescale without shutting down the computer. In case you're running Linux and have enabled "Magic SysRq" keys, you could just press Alt+SysRq+f to kill the offending process taking all the RAM and system would run just fine again. It is possible to write malloc() implementation that doesn't usually touch the RAM allocated via brk() and I assumed you would be using one. (This kind of implementation would allocate memory in 2^n sized segments and all similarly sized segments are reserved in the same range of addresses. When free() is later called, the malloc() implementation knows the size of the allocation from the address and bookkeeping about free memory segments are kept in separate bitmap in single location.) In case of Linux, malloc() implementation touching the reserved pages for internal bookkeeping is called dirtying the memory, which prevents sharing memory pages because of copy-on-write handling.
Why didn't loop break at any point of time?
If your OS implements the special behavior described above and you're running 64-bit system, you're not going to run out of virtual memory in any sensible timescale so your loop seems infinite.
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
You didn't actually use the memory so you're allocating virtual memory only. You're basically increasing the maximum pointer value allowed for your process but since you never access the memory, the OS never bothers the reserve any physical memory for your process.
In case you're running Linux and want the system to enforce virtual memory usage to match actually available memory, you have to write 2 to kernel setting /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory and maybe adjust overcommit_ratio, too. See for details about memory overcommit on Linux. As far as I know, Windows implements overcommit, too, but I don't know how to adjust its behavior.
when first time you allocate any size to *p, every next time you leave that memory to be unreferenced. That means
at a time your program is allocating memory of 4 bytes only
. then how can you thing you have used entire RAM, that's why SWAP device( temporary space on HDD) is out of discussion. I know an memory management algorithm in which when no one program is referencing to memory block, that block is eligible to allocate for programs memory request. That's why you are just keeping busy to RAM Driver and that's why it can't give chance to service other programs. Also this a dangling reference problem.
Ans : You can at most allocate the memory of your RAM size. Because no program has access to swap device.
I hope your all questions has got satisfactory answers.

How much data can be malloced at a time? what is the limit in modern OS such as Linux?

How much data can be malloced and how is the limit determined? I am writing an algorithm in C that basically utilizes repeatedly some data stored in arrays. My idea is to have this saved in dynamically allocated arrays but I am not sure if it's possible to have such amounts malloced.
I use 200 arrays of size 2046 holding complex data of size 8 byte each. I use these throughout the process so I do not wish to calculate it over and over.
What are your thoughts about feasibility of such an approach?
How much memory malloc() can allocate depends on:
How much memory your program can address directly
How much physical memory is available
How much swap space is available
On a modern, flat-memory-model 32-bit system, your program can address 4 gigabytes, but some of the address space (usually 2 gigabytes, sometimes 1 gigabyte) is reserved for the kernel. So, as a rule of thumb, you should be able to allocate almost two gigabytes at once, assuming you have the physical memory and swap space to back it up.
On a 64-bit system, running a 64-bit OS and a 64-bit program, your addressable memory is essentially unlimited.
200 arrays of 2048 bytes each is only 400k, which should fit in cache (even on a smartphone).
A 32bit OS has a limit of 4Gb, typically some (upto half on win32) are reserved for the operating system - mapping the address space of graphcis card memory etc.
Linux supports 64Gb of address space (using Intel's 36bit PAE) on 32bit versions.
EDIT: although each process is limited to 4Gb
The main problem with allocating large amounts of memory is if you need it to be locked in RAM - then you obviously need a lot of RAM. Or if you need it all to be contiguous - it's much easier to get 4 * 1Gb chunks of memory than a single 4Gb chunk with nothing else in the way.
A common approach is to allocate all the memory you need at the start of the program so you can be sure that if the app isn't going to be possible it will fail instantly rather than when it's done 90% of the work.
Don't run other memory intensive apps at the same time.
There are also a bunch of flags you can use to suggest to the kernel that this app should get priority in memory or keep memory locked in ram - sorry it's too long since i did HPC on linux and i'm probably out of date with modern kernels.
I think that on most mordern (64bit) systems you can allocate 4GB at a time with a malloc( size_t ) call if that much memory is available. How big is each of those 'complex data' entries? if they are of the size 256 bytes, then you'll only need to allocate 100MB.
256bytes × 200 arrays × 2048 entries = 104857600bytes
104857600 bytes / 1024 / 1024 = 100MB.
So for 4096bytes each that's still only 1600MB or ≃ 1.6GB so it is feasible on most systems today, my four year old laptop got 3GB internal memory. Sometimes I does image manipulation with GIMP and it takes up over 2GB of memory.
With some implementations of malloc(), the regions are not actually backed by memory until they really get used so you can in theory carry on forever (though in practice of course the list of allocated regions assigned to your process in the kernel takes up space, so you might find you can only call malloc() a few million times even if it never actually gives you any memory). It's called "optimistic allocation" and is the strategy used by Linux (which is why it then has the OOM killer, for when it was over-optimistic).

Maximum memory which malloc can allocate

I was trying to figure out how much memory I can malloc to maximum extent on my machine
(1 Gb RAM 160 Gb HD Windows platform).
I read that the maximum memory malloc can allocate is limited to physical memory (on heap).
Also when a program exceeds consumption of memory to a certain level, the computer stops working because other applications do not get enough memory that they require.
So to confirm, I wrote a small program in C:
int main(){
int *p;
p=(int *)malloc(4);
I was hoping that there would be a time when memory allocation would fail and the loop would break, but my computer hung as it was an infinite loop.
I waited for about an hour and finally I had to force shut down my computer.
Some questions:
Does malloc allocate memory from HD also?
What was the reason for above behaviour?
Why didn't loop break at any point of time?
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
I read that the maximum memory malloc can allocate is limited to physical memory (on heap).
Wrong: most computers/OSs support virtual memory, backed by disk space.
Some questions: does malloc allocate memory from HDD also?
malloc asks the OS, which in turn may well use some disk space.
What was the reason for above behavior? Why didn't the loop break at any time?
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
You just asked for too little at a time: the loop would have broken eventually (well after your machine slowed to a crawl due to the large excess of virtual vs physical memory and the consequent super-frequent disk access, an issue known as "thrashing") but it exhausted your patience well before then. Try getting e.g. a megabyte at a time instead.
When a program exceeds consumption of memory to a certain level, the
computer stops working because other applications do not get enough
memory that they require.
A total stop is unlikely, but when an operation that normally would take a few microseconds ends up taking (e.g.) tens of milliseconds, those four orders of magnitude may certainly make it feel as if the computer had basically stopped, and what would normally take a minute could take a week.
I know this thread is old, but for anyone willing to give it a try oneself, use this code snipped
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int *p;
while(1) {
int inc=1024*1024*sizeof(char);
p=(int*) calloc(1,inc);
if(!p) break;
$ gcc memtest.c
$ ./a.out
upon running, this code fills up ones RAM until killed by the kernel. Using calloc instead of malloc to prevent "lazy evaluation". Ideas taken from this thread:
Malloc Memory Questions
This code quickly filled my RAM (4Gb) and then in about 2 minutes my 20Gb swap partition before it died. 64bit Linux of course.
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory controls the maximum on Linux
On Ubuntu 19.04 for example, we can easily see that malloc is implemented with mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS by using strace.
Then man proc then describes how /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory controls the maximum allocation:
This file contains the kernel virtual memory accounting mode. Values are:
0: heuristic overcommit (this is the default)
1: always overcommit, never check
2: always check, never overcommit
In mode 0, calls of mmap(2) with MAP_NORESERVE are not checked, and the default check is very weak, leading to the risk of getting a process "OOM-killed".
In mode 1, the kernel pretends there is always enough memory, until memory actually runs out. One use case for this mode is scientific computing applications that em‐ ploy large sparse arrays. In Linux kernel versions before 2.6.0, any nonzero value implies mode 1.
In mode 2 (available since Linux 2.6), the total virtual address space that can be allocated (CommitLimit in /proc/meminfo) is calculated as
CommitLimit = (total_RAM - total_huge_TLB) * overcommit_ratio / 100 + total_swap
total_RAM is the total amount of RAM on the system;
total_huge_TLB is the amount of memory set aside for huge pages;
overcommit_ratio is the value in /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio; and
total_swap is the amount of swap space.
For example, on a system with 16GB of physical RAM, 16GB of swap, no space dedicated to huge pages, and an overcommit_ratio of 50, this formula yields a Com‐ mitLimit of 24GB.
Since Linux 3.14, if the value in /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_kbytes is nonzero, then CommitLimit is instead calculated as:
CommitLimit = overcommit_kbytes + total_swap
See also the description of /proc/sys/vm/admiin_reserve_kbytes and /proc/sys/vm/user_reserve_kbytes.
Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting.rst in the 5.2.1 kernel tree also gives some information, although lol a bit less:
The Linux kernel supports the following overcommit handling modes
0 Heuristic overcommit handling. Obvious overcommits of address
space are refused. Used for a typical system. It ensures a
seriously wild allocation fails while allowing overcommit to
reduce swap usage. root is allowed to allocate slightly more
memory in this mode. This is the default.
1 Always overcommit. Appropriate for some scientific
applications. Classic example is code using sparse arrays and
just relying on the virtual memory consisting almost entirely
of zero pages.
2 Don't overcommit. The total address space commit for the
system is not permitted to exceed swap + a configurable amount
(default is 50%) of physical RAM. Depending on the amount you
use, in most situations this means a process will not be
killed while accessing pages but will receive errors on memory
allocation as appropriate.
Useful for applications that want to guarantee their memory
allocations will be available in the future without having to
initialize every page.
Minimal experiment
We can easily see the maximum allowed value with:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *chars;
size_t nbytes;
/* Decide how many ints to allocate. */
if (argc < 2) {
nbytes = 2;
} else {
nbytes = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 0);
/* Allocate the bytes. */
chars = mmap(
/* This can happen for example if we ask for too much memory. */
if (chars == MAP_FAILED) {
/* Free the allocated memory. */
munmap(chars, nbytes);
GitHub upstream.
Compile and run to allocate 1GiB and 1TiB:
gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o main.out main.c
./main.out 0x40000000
./main.out 0x10000000000
We can then play around with the allocation value to see what the system allows.
I can't find a precise documentation for 0 (the default), but on my 32GiB RAM machine it does not allow the 1TiB allocation:
mmap: Cannot allocate memory
If I enable unlimited overcommit however:
echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
then the 1TiB allocation works fine.
Mode 2 is well documented, but I'm lazy to carry out precise calculations to verify it. But I will just point out that in practice we are allowed to allocate about:
overcommit_ratio / 100
of total RAM, and overcommit_ratio is 50 by default, so we can allocate about half of total RAM.
VSZ vs RSS and the out-of-memory killer
So far, we have just allocated virtual memory.
However, at some point of course, if you use enough of those pages, Linux will have to start killing some processes.
I have illustrated that in detail at: What is RSS and VSZ in Linux memory management
Try this
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int Mb = 0;
while (malloc(1<<20)) ++Mb;
printf("Allocated %d Mb total\n", Mb);
Include stdlib and stdio for it.
This extract is taken from deep c secrets.
malloc does its own memory management, managing small memory blocks itself, but ultimately it uses the Win32 Heap functions to allocate memory. You can think of malloc as a "memory reseller".
The windows memory subsystem comprises physical memory (RAM) and virtual memory (HD). When physical memory becomes scarce, some of the pages can be copied from physical memory to virtual memory on the hard drive. Windows does this transparently.
By default, Virtual Memory is enabled and will consume the available space on the HD. So, your test will continue running until it has either allocated the full amount of virtual memory for the process (2GB on 32-bit windows) or filled the hard disk.
As per C90 standard guarantees that you can get at least one object 32 kBytes in size, and this may be static, dynamic, or automatic memory. C99 guarantees at least 64 kBytes. For any higher limit, refer your compiler's documentation.
Also, malloc's argument is a size_t and the range of that type is [0,SIZE_MAX], so the maximum you can request is SIZE_MAX, which value varies upon implementation and is defined in <limits.h>.
I don't actually know why that failed, but one thing to note is that `malloc(4)" may not actually give you 4 bytes, so this technique is not really an accurate way to find your maximum heap size.
I found this out from my question here.
For instance, when you declare 4 bytes of memory, the space directly before your memory could contain the integer 4, as an indication to the kernel of how much memory you asked for.
Does malloc allocate memory from HD also?
Implementation of malloc() depends on libc implementation and operating system (OS). Typically malloc() doesn't always request RAM from the OS but returns a pointer to previously allocated memory block "owned" by libc.
In case of POSIX compatible systems, this libc controlled memory area is usually increased using syscall brk(). That doesn't allow releasing any memory between two still existing allocations which causes the process to look still using all the RAM after allocating areas A, B, C in sequence and releasing B. This is because areas A and C around the area B are still in use so the memory allocated from the OS cannot be returned.
Many modern malloc() implementations have some kind of heuristic where small allocations use the memory area reserved via brk() and "big" allocations use anonymous virtual memory blocks reserved via mmap() using MAP_ANONYMOUS flag. This allows immediately returning these big allocations when free() is later called. Typically the runtime performance of mmap() is slightly slower than using previously reserved memory which is the reason malloc() implements this heuristic.
Both brk() and mmap() allocate virtual memory from the OS. And virtual memory can be always backed up by swap which may be stored in any storage that the OS supports, including HDD.
In case you run Windows, the syscalls have different names but the underlying behavior is probably about the same.
What was the reason for above behaviour?
Since your example code never touched the memory, I'd guess you're seeing behavior where OS implements copy-on-write for virtual RAM and the memory is mapped to shared page with whole page filled with zeroes by default. Modern operating systems do this because many programs allocate more RAM than they actually need and using shared zero page by default for all memory allocations avoids needing to use real RAM for these allocations.
If you want to test how OS handles your loop and actually reserve true storage, you need to write something to the memory you allocated. For x86 compatible hardware you only need to write one byte per each 4096 byte segment because page size is 4096 and the hardware cannot implement copy-on-write behavior for smaller segments; once one byte is modified, the whole 4096 byte segment called page must be reserved for your process. I'm not aware of any modern CPU that would support smaller than 4096 byte pages. Modern Intel CPUs support 2 MB and 1 GB pages in addition to 4096 byte pages but the 1 GB pages are rarely used because the overhead of using 2 MB pages is small enough for any sensible RAM amounts. 1 GB pages might make sense if your system has hundreds of terabytes of RAM.
So basically your program only tested reserving virtual memory without ever using said virtual memory. Your OS probably has special optimization for this which avoids needing more than 4 KB of RAM to support this.
Unless your objective is to try to measure the overhead caused by your malloc() implementation, you should avoid trying to allocate memory block smaller than 16-32 bytes. For mmap() allocations the minimum possible overhead is 8 bytes per allocation on x86-64 hardware due the data needed to return the memory to the operating system so it really doesn't make sense for malloc() to use mmap() syscall for a single 4 byte allocation.
The overhead is needed to keep track of memory allocations because the memory is freed using void free(void*) so memory allocation routines must keep track of the allocated memory segment size somewhere. Many malloc() implementations also need additional metadata and if they need to keep track of any memory addresses, those need 8 bytes per address.
If you truly want to search for the limits of your system, you should probably do binary search for the limit where malloc() fails. In practice, you try to allocate ..., 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, ..., 32 GB which then fails and you know that the real world limit is between 16 GB and 32 GB. You can then split this size in half and figure out the exact limit with additional testing. If you do this kind of search, it may be easier to always release any successful allocation and reserve the test block with a single malloc() call. That should also avoid accidentally accounting for malloc() overhead so much because you need only one allocation at any time at max.
Update: As pointed out by Peter Cordes in the comments, your malloc() implementation may be writing bookkeeping data about your allocations in the reserved RAM which causes real memory to be used and that can cause system to start swapping so heavily that you cannot recover it in any sensible timescale without shutting down the computer. In case you're running Linux and have enabled "Magic SysRq" keys, you could just press Alt+SysRq+f to kill the offending process taking all the RAM and system would run just fine again. It is possible to write malloc() implementation that doesn't usually touch the RAM allocated via brk() and I assumed you would be using one. (This kind of implementation would allocate memory in 2^n sized segments and all similarly sized segments are reserved in the same range of addresses. When free() is later called, the malloc() implementation knows the size of the allocation from the address and bookkeeping about free memory segments are kept in separate bitmap in single location.) In case of Linux, malloc() implementation touching the reserved pages for internal bookkeeping is called dirtying the memory, which prevents sharing memory pages because of copy-on-write handling.
Why didn't loop break at any point of time?
If your OS implements the special behavior described above and you're running 64-bit system, you're not going to run out of virtual memory in any sensible timescale so your loop seems infinite.
Why wasn't there any allocation failure?
You didn't actually use the memory so you're allocating virtual memory only. You're basically increasing the maximum pointer value allowed for your process but since you never access the memory, the OS never bothers the reserve any physical memory for your process.
In case you're running Linux and want the system to enforce virtual memory usage to match actually available memory, you have to write 2 to kernel setting /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory and maybe adjust overcommit_ratio, too. See for details about memory overcommit on Linux. As far as I know, Windows implements overcommit, too, but I don't know how to adjust its behavior.
when first time you allocate any size to *p, every next time you leave that memory to be unreferenced. That means
at a time your program is allocating memory of 4 bytes only
. then how can you thing you have used entire RAM, that's why SWAP device( temporary space on HDD) is out of discussion. I know an memory management algorithm in which when no one program is referencing to memory block, that block is eligible to allocate for programs memory request. That's why you are just keeping busy to RAM Driver and that's why it can't give chance to service other programs. Also this a dangling reference problem.
Ans : You can at most allocate the memory of your RAM size. Because no program has access to swap device.
I hope your all questions has got satisfactory answers.

overhead for an empty heap arena

My tools are Linux, gcc and pthreads. When my program calls new/delete from several threads, and when there is contention for the heap, 'arena's are created (see the following link for reference My program runs 24x7, and arenas are still occasionally being created after 2 weeks. I think there may eventually be as many arenas as threads. ps(1) shows alarming memory consumption, but I suspect that only a small portion of it is actually mapped.
What is the 'overhead' for an empty arena? (How much more memory per arena is used than if all allocation was confined to the traditional heap? )
Is there any way to force the creation in advance of n arenas? Is there any way to force the destruction of empty arenas?
struct malloc_state (aka mstate, aka arena descriptor) have size
(256+18)*4 bytes =~ 1 KB for 32 bit mode and ~2 KB for 64 bit mode.
(256+256/32+11+NFASTBINS)*4 =~ 1.1-1.2 KB in 32bit and 2.4-2.5 KB for 64bit
See glibc-x.x.x/malloc/malloc.c file, struct malloc_state
Destruction of arenas... I don't know yet, but there is such text (briefly - it says NO to the possibility of destruction/trimming memory ) from analysis from 2000 (*a bit outdated). Please name your glibc version.
Ptmalloc maintains a linked list of subheaps. To re-
duce lock contention, ptmalloc searchs for the first
unlocked subheap and grabs memory from it to fulfill
a malloc() request. If ptmalloc doesn’t find an
unlocked heap, it creates a new one. This is a simple
way to grow the number of subheaps as appropriate
without adding complicated schemes for hashing on
thread or processor ID, or maintaining workload sta-
tistics. However, there is no facility to shrink the sub-
heap list and nothing stops the heap list from growing
without bound.
from malloc.c (glibc 2.3.5) line 1546
-------------------- Internal data structures --------------------
All internal state is held in an instance of malloc_state defined
Beware of lots of tricks that minimize the total bookkeeping space
requirements. **The result is a little over 1K bytes** (for 4byte
pointers and size_t.)
The same result as I got for 32-bit mode. The result is a little over 1K bytes
Consider using of TCmalloc form google-perftools. It just better suited for threaded and long-living applications. And it is very FAST.
Take a look on especially on graphics (higher is better). Tcmalloc is twice better than ptmalloc.
In our application the main cost of multiple arenas has been "dark" memory. Memory allocated by the OS, which we don't have any references to.
The pattern you can see is
Thread X goes goes to alloc, hits a collision, creates a new arena.
Thread X makes some large allocations.
Thread X makes some small allocation(s).
Thread X stops allocating.
Large allocations are freed. But the whole arena at the high water mark of the last currently active allocation is still using up VMEM, and other threads won't use this arena unless they hit contention in the main arena.
Basically it's a contributor to "memory fragmentation", since there are multiple places memory can be available, but needing to grow an arena is not a reason to look in other arenas. At least I think that's the cause, the point is your application can end up with a bigger VM footprint than you think it should have. This mostly hits you if you have limited swap, since as you say most of this ends up paged out.
Our (memory hungry) application can have 10s of percent of memory "wasted" in this way, and it can really bite in some situations.
I'm not sure why you would want to create empty arenas. If allocations and frees are in the same thread as each other, then I think over time you will tend to all of them being in the same thread-specific arena with no contention. You may have some small blips while you get there, so maybe that's a reason.
