How do you insert content into a QuillJS silently without triggering `editor-change` event? - quill

editor.container.firstChild.innerHTML Will trigger editor change events there is any recommend way ?


Handling focus with react-select

I'm trying to figure out how to work around what appears to be greedy-focus issues with react-select.
I'm using custom components in my MenuList component that need the focus to work (rc-slider). Basically, I'd like the select to support an additional value for each option and I'm using a Slider to do that.
The issue with the sliders is that I can click on them to change the value, but can't drag the handles, as the Select seems to take back the focus (and even close the drop-down if menuIsOpen is not controlled).
The select does need to re-render when the values change, but I can't figure out why the focus has to change.

Visibility Trigger not firing for tags

Any tips why element visibility triggers could not work? I have angular modules generating custom tags like <opinions> or <basic-news> etc. (some of them fire the trigger, some of them not)
Any ideas?

How do I determine component with focus in a codenameone container?

I am building a json editor in codenameone. In my current design I need to insert or remove components that have focus when a menu command is pressed. So for instance if i have TextFields inside a Container , I need to determine which textfield has focus when I press the insert menu option so that I can insert another component there.
On the current form (you can get the current form using Display.getInstance().getCurrent()) invoke getFocused(). You can also bind a focus listener using addFocusListener on the form or on the component you want to track.
Notice that with touch device the concept of focus isn't quite the same since focus isn't marked on such devices.

How to cancel event of spinner field in ExtJS 4.1?

I am developing application using ExtJS 4.1. I have one spinner field and I want to change value of that method programatically. I have set up listeners like change, spinup and spindown for this same spinner field.
Now I would like to know how to prevent listener method of these events getting fired only when I change the value of spinner field through my program?
For example,
var mySpinner = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#foopanel > #mySpinner')[0];
When mySpinner.setValue(2000); line is executed, change event of mySpinner gets fired and as I have listener method for this change event, that listener method is executed.
Is it possible to prevent invocation of change event listener method?
You could suspend all events by calling
That would be the cleanest an easiest way IMO
And that's also a usecase why this methods exist

ExtJS 3 Checkbox Click Listener

Right now I have change listener but it requires the checkbox to lose focus to register. I looked around online and was unable to find out if such listener (or better substitute) exists.
Is there anyway at all to create a click listener?
Have you tried check?!/api/Ext.form.Checkbox-event-check
