Draw multiple rectangle in single image in reactjs - reactjs

I'm trying to draw rectangles on image using x,y,height and width but i can only able to draw one rectangle at a time can't able to draw multiple rectangle in single image.
JSX code:
{this.state.books.map((object) => (
<div class="img-overlay-wrap"style={{ marginLeft: "27%" }}>
<img src={`data:image/png;base64,${object.image_id}`} style={{ height:`${object.hw[0]}` , width:`${object.hw[1]}`}} alt="" />
<svg width={object.hw[1]} height={object.hw[0]} >
<g >
<rect x={object.bbox[0]} y={object.bbox[1] - object.bbox[3]} width={object.bbox[2]} height={object.bbox[3] }
style={{stroke:"red",}} fill-opacity="0.0" />
<text x={object.bbox[0]} y={object.bbox[1]} font-family="Verdana" font-size="35" fill="red">{object.category_id}</text>
Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
<h3>Category Id:{object.category_id}</h3>
i am using map function to iterate through the array but i couldn't able to draw all the rectangles in single image please help me

I've done This, and it worked for me, maybe it is useful for you:
const rectInfos = [
const rects = rectInfos.map((row,i)=>
<svg key={`i+${i}+${j}+j`} style={{width:"500px", height:"150px",position: "absolute", top:svgElement.top, left:svgElement.left}}>
<rect style={{fill:svgElement.color, width:"500px", height:"150px"}} />
return (
<div style={{position: "relative", width:"1000px", height:"300px"}}>
This case is for 4 rectangles with the same width and height in a parent div.


Expo append to SVG onClick at x/y coords

I have an SVG in a React-Native Expo app that I am rendering fine. The alert_coords method works to and I can get the locationX and locationY as well. What I want now is using the svgRef to append a <Rect> for example at the x/y coords but not sure how to do it and all attempts with like svgRef.current.appendChild("<Rect //.. />") and similar tests don't work.
viewBox="0 0 1300 800"
onTouchEnd={(e) => alert_coords(e)}
<Image href="urlhere" />

Menu not rendering fully in svg

I'm trying to render a drop-down menu inside an svg, such as:
However, when I click on it, the bottom of the menu is chopped off:
How can I fix this?
<foreignObject x={0} y={0} width={"100%"} height={"100%"}>
<MenuButton as={Button} rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>
<MenuItem>Create a Copy</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Mark as Draft</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Attend a Workshop</MenuItem>
Here's the codesandbox:
You can try adding height or view box attributes to the SVG element. The SVG is most likely being cut off for this reason.
<svg viewBox="0 0 500 500">
<svg height="500px">

Custom label on Recharts radar chart

I'm Having a hell of a time trying to get custom labels on a recharts radar chart working. I've tried doing multiple things according to the docs so I figured I'd throw it to the wolves. Hopefully one of you can point me in the right direction.
<RadarChart outerRadius={125} cy={175} data={ucRadarData}>
<Legend verticalAlign='top' height={36} />
<PolarGrid />
<PolarAngleAxis dataKey='value'>
<Label content={({ value }) => <Typography>{value}</Typography>} /> // When I remove this component, the labels get removed as well so I assume this is the component I want to target.
<PolarRadiusAxis domain={[lowestRangeStart, highestRangeEnd]} tickCount={tickArray.length} />
<Radar label={({ label }) => <Typography>{label}</Typography>} name='Self Assessment' dataKey='Self' stroke='#8884d8' fill='#8884d8' fillOpacity={0.6} /> // Also tried adding custom label here.
Do this:
Make a render function for custom tick and add that as tick prop to your PolarAngleAxis component
function customTick({ payload, x, y, textAnchor, stroke, radius }) {
return (
className="recharts-layer recharts-polar-angle-axis-tick"
className="recharts-text recharts-polar-angle-axis-tick-value"
<tspan x={x} dy="0em">
<PolarAngleAxis dataKey='value' tick={customTick}/>

Why does React render these SVGs differently?

If I render SVG elements to a defined SVG object, then all is well.
If I render an entire SVG object, the resulting image doesn't scale.
If you look at the following demo, the 1st svg renders correctly. The svg fills the width of the browser and everything scales.
The second svg is a 300x150 image that doesn't scale at all.
// The following renders as expected.
function SVG1() {
return (
<rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="#ccc" />
<circle cx={150} cy={75} r={50} fill="red" />
<text x="100" y="275" font-size="50">
This is the right size.
// svg1 is a predefined svg element in the HTML file.
ReactDOM.render(<SVG1 />, svg1);
// The following renders a 300x150 image that doesn't scale.
function SVG2() {
return (
<svg viewbox={"0 0 600 600"}>
<rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="#ccc" />
<circle cx={150} cy={75} r={50} fill="red" />
<text x="100" y="275" font-size="50">
This is not the right size.
// svg2 is a div.
ReactDOM.render(<SVG2 />, svg2);
I couldn't find any difference in the rendered html via Chrome's inspector.
Remove the parentheses from the viewBox
function SVG2() {
return (
<svg viewbox="0 0 600 600">
<rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="#ccc" />
<circle cx={150} cy={75} r={50} fill="red" />
<text x="100" y="275" font-size="50">
This is not the right size.
I'm an idiot. Change "viewbox" to "viewBox" and "font-size" to "fontSize".

React-Konva Text Alignment and Wrapping not working

I am unable to align my text to center on my canvas, nor can I get the text to wrap to a new line when the length exceeds the length of the canvas.
import { Layer, Stage, Text } from 'react-konva';
render() {
return (
<Stage height={500} width={500}>
<Text fontSize={60} text="`HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY`"
wrap="char" align="center" />
It works just fine. Width of a text is not limited by canvas size. Instead it is limited by its own width property.
If you don't set width it will be unlimited.
