Unable to install ocurl by opam - opam

I got an error on installing ocurl 0.9.2 while installing google-drive-ocamlfuse by opam.
ERROR] The compilation of ocurl failed at "/home/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build make".
pragma message: libcurl does not provide CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET
pragma message: libcurl does not provide CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION
pragma message("libcurl does not provide CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION")
curl-helper.c:2511:13: ??: 双caml_HTTP_VERSION・???????????????? [-Wunused-function] static long ocaml_HTTP_VERSION(long curl_version)
Does anybody have the same issue before?

Your version of curl, specifically the libcurl libraries, is too old. The ocurl package needs a couple of features that aren't in the version you have.
I upgraded mine from 7.31 to 7.79, and it worked.


ESP-IDF: idf.py build fails with cmake error (unknown cmake command idf_component_register)

idf.py build consistently fails on my windows install of esp-idf, I installed it using the tools provided in espressif's documentation, here are the logs:
I tried reinstalling to no avail. Other than that I don't know what to do exactly since it always just worked when I used it on linux
As you are use old SDK version please re-clone new sdk and compile it will work fine.
I suggest you to use V4.4 as this sdk is more stable then V5

GPU support error in cmake while configuring the darknet for YOLOv3 and YOLOv4

I've been trying to set up the YOLOv3 with the darknet (according to this tutorial: https://youtu.be/saDipJR14Lc at 11:30). While configuring the darknet with CUDA support, CMake raised
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:156 (message):
CUDA not found, please build explicitly with -DENABLE_CUDA=OFF if you do
not want CUDA.
I looked at a bunch of GitHub and StackOverflow threads about this or any similar error message, but I haven't found any solution yet that works. By the way, when I check my CUDA version (11.2) in cmd (I'm on Windows), the version shows up correctly.
I had a similar problem. When installing Cuda, there was an error that the VS version is not suitable. Reinstalled from 2022 to 2019

Compiling Ruby error: Failed to configure openssl. It will not be installed

On OSX, after downloading the ruby repository latest commit from github and following the instructions to build, I run make but I get the error:
Failed to configure openssl. It will not be installed.
If I run make check, I get more information.
Skipping `gem cert` tests. openssl not found.
`<class:TestGemRemoteFetcher>': uninitialized constant TestGemRemoteFetcher::OpenSSL (NameError)
Clearly it cannot find openssl, but I have it installed via Brew. What am I missing?
There are many answers to this sort of question out there (this, for example), but I can't seem to make any of the solutions work.
Brew install openssl library as a keg-only. Try passing path to your openssl to your build script:
./configure --with-openssl-dir="$(brew --prefix openssl)"

Upgraded to Mavericks, C compiler cannot create executables

Upgrading to Mavericks, I appear to have broken my Ruby on Rails development environment, which requires ruby 1.9.3 because of various gem dependencies. Within that app directory, I'm trying to reinstall ruby 1.9.3-p547:
rvm reinstall ruby-1.9.3-p547
I then get an error:
checking whether the C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/Users/dsfaulkenberry/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p547':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
Looking at the config.log file (~/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p547/config.log), I see:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/cloog-ppl015/lib/libcloog.0.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/Cellar/gcc46/4.6.4/gcc/libexec/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin12.4.0/4.6.4/cc1
Reason: image not found
I can see that other people have encountered issues vis-à-vis upgrading to Mavericks and having c compiler issues, but I can't find any referencing this specific library or what I should do (reinstall gcc? is that even a thing I can do?)
Many solutions mention accepting an XCode license agreement, which I have done, and the problem persists.
Reinstalling gcc46 solved the issue for me:
brew uninstall gcc46 && brew install gcc46

libavdevice.dylib is the wrong version, how do I update it?

I am running osx 10.9 mavericks and unfortunately DaVinci Resolve no longer works. I think it has a possibility of working as the error message I get is this:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Libraries/libavdevice.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve
Reason: Incompatible library version: Resolve requires version 54.0.0 or later, but libavdevice.dylib provides version 52.0.0
I tried downloading ffmpeg and replacing the dylib but that didn't work. Anybody know how to update it?
I suggest using a package management tool Homebrew or MacPorts. My preference is Homebrew.
Alternatively you could install ffmpeg from source and get all the associated libav libraries
