Xamarin Forms and Calendar in c# - file

I use to Xamarin Calendar my project of C#.
I want to mark several undefined dates, because I want to download them from a text file
Example file:

As you can see in the Binding events part, the event is bind with Events collection, you could create several event object like:
MyEvent event1=new MyEvent(name,description);
MyEvent event2=new MyEvent(name,description);
and add them into the list:

In the end I solved it this way
enter code here
String path = #"actividades.txt";
var filePath = Path.Combine(DEFAULTPATH, path);
string texto1;
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(filePath);
Events = new EventCollection();
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
texto1 = sr.ReadLine();
string[] words = texto1.Split('|');
DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(words[0]);
d = fecha.Day;
m = fecha.Month;
y = fecha.Year;
if (words.Length > 2)
Events.Add(new DateTime(y, m, d), new List<Evento> { new Evento { Nombre = words[2], Tipo = words[1], colorF = words[3] } });


Get appointments from all Outlook calendars

I'm trying to read appointments from Outlook calendar using ExchangeServiceBinding but my solution takes appointments only from "default" outlook calendar and don't read from "sub calendars/custom calendars". Do you know how to define rest of the calendars or do you know better solution which contains all calendars?
Critical part is that solution shouldn't contain MAPI because of next use in web service.
My current code:
private static List<List<string>> ReadCalendarEvents(string email)
List<List<string>> calendarEvents = new List<List<string>>();
// Specify the request version.
esb.RequestServerVersionValue = new RequestServerVersion();
esb.RequestServerVersionValue.Version = ExchangeVersionType.Exchange2007;
// Form the FindItem request.
FindItemType findItemRequest = new FindItemType();
CalendarViewType calendarView = new CalendarViewType();
calendarView.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
calendarView.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(200);
calendarView.MaxEntriesReturned = 1000;
calendarView.MaxEntriesReturnedSpecified = true;
findItemRequest.Item = calendarView;
// Define which item properties are returned in the response.
ItemResponseShapeType itemProperties = new ItemResponseShapeType();
// Use the Default shape for the response.
//itemProperties.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.IdOnly;
itemProperties.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;
findItemRequest.ItemShape = itemProperties;
DistinguishedFolderIdType[] folderIDArray = new DistinguishedFolderIdType[1];
folderIDArray[0] = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();
folderIDArray[0].Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.calendar;
folderIDArray[0].Mailbox = new EmailAddressType();
folderIDArray[0].Mailbox.EmailAddress = email;
findItemRequest.ParentFolderIds = folderIDArray;
// Define the traversal type.
findItemRequest.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow;
// Send the FindItem request and get the response.
FindItemResponseType findItemResponse = esb.FindItem(findItemRequest);
// Access the response message.
ArrayOfResponseMessagesType responseMessages = findItemResponse.ResponseMessages;
ResponseMessageType[] rmta = responseMessages.Items;
int folderNumber = 0;
foreach (ResponseMessageType rmt in rmta)
// One FindItemResponseMessageType per folder searched.
FindItemResponseMessageType firmt = rmt as FindItemResponseMessageType;
if (firmt.RootFolder == null)
FindItemParentType fipt = firmt.RootFolder;
object obj = fipt.Item;
// FindItem contains an array of items.
if (obj is ArrayOfRealItemsType)
ArrayOfRealItemsType items =
(obj as ArrayOfRealItemsType);
if (items.Items == null)
foreach (ItemType it in items.Items)
if (it is CalendarItemType)
CalendarItemType cal = (CalendarItemType)it;
List<string> ce = new List<string>();
ce.Add(cal.Start.ToShortDateString() + " " + cal.Start.ToShortTimeString());
ce.Add(cal.End.ToShortDateString() + " " + cal.End.ToShortTimeString());
if (cal.Organizer != null)
Console.WriteLine(cal.Subject + " " + cal.Start.ToShortDateString() + " " + cal.Start.ToShortTimeString() + " " + cal.Location);
catch (Exception e)
return calendarEvents;
In EWS you need to query one folder at a time, for non default folders you will first need to find the FolderId before you can then query the appointments (or items) within a Folder. To find all the Calendar folders in a Mailbox you need to use the FindFolder operation and create a restriction to limit the result to folder with a FolderClass of IPF.Appointment eg
// Create the request and specify the travesal type.
FindFolderType findFolderRequest = new FindFolderType();
findFolderRequest.Traversal = FolderQueryTraversalType.Deep;
// Define the properties that are returned in the response.
FolderResponseShapeType responseShape = new FolderResponseShapeType();
responseShape.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.Default;
findFolderRequest.FolderShape = responseShape;
// Identify which folders to search.
DistinguishedFolderIdType[] folderIDArray = new DistinguishedFolderIdType[1];
folderIDArray[0] = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();
folderIDArray[0].Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.msgfolderroot;
IsEqualToType iet = new IsEqualToType();
PathToUnindexedFieldType FolderClass = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
FolderClass.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.folderFolderClass;
iet.Item = FolderClass;
FieldURIOrConstantType constantType = new FieldURIOrConstantType();
ConstantValueType constantValueType = new ConstantValueType();
constantValueType.Value = "IPF.Appointment";
constantType.Item = constantValueType;
iet.FieldURIOrConstant = constantType;
// Add the folders to search to the request.
RestrictionType restriction = new RestrictionType();
restriction.Item = iet;
findFolderRequest.Restriction = restriction;
findFolderRequest.ParentFolderIds = folderIDArray;
// Send the request and get the response.
FindFolderResponseType findFolderResponse = esb.FindFolder(findFolderRequest);
// Get the response messages.
ResponseMessageType[] rmta = findFolderResponse.ResponseMessages.Items;
foreach (ResponseMessageType rmt in rmta)
// Cast to the correct response message type.
if (((FindFolderResponseMessageType)rmt).ResponseClass == ResponseClassType.Success) {
foreach (FolderType folder in ((FindFolderResponseMessageType)rmt).RootFolder.Folders) {
catch (Exception e)
You also might want to look at using the EWS Managed API which will save you greatly time and the amount of code you need to write

context.SaveChanges() not persisting data in database

Im working on a MVC app.
When I call context.SaveChanges to update a specific records. The update is not registered in the database. I do not get any runtime error either. All in notice is that my Records is not updated. I still see the same values. Insert Functionality work Perfectly.
enter code here
public Admission Update(int stuid){
VDData.VidyaDaanEntities context = new VDData.VidyaDaanEntities();
VDData.Student_Master studentmaster = new VDData.Student_Master();
studentmaster.Student_ID = stuid;
studentmaster.Student_First_Name = this.FirstName;
studentmaster.Student_Middle_Name = this.MiddleName;
studentmaster.Student_Last_Name = this.LastName;
studentmaster.Student_Address_1 = this.Address;
studentmaster.Student_Address_2 = this.Address2;
studentmaster.Student_City = this.City;
studentmaster.Student_State = this.State;
studentmaster.Student_Pin_Code = this.Pincode;
context.SaveChanges(); // here it wont give any kind of error. it runs sucessfully. }
First get the entity you are going to update:
var entity = obj.GetEntity(id);
entity.col1 = "value";
hope this will help.
It seems like you want to update, so your code should be
VDData.Student_Master studentmaster = context.Student_Masters.Single(p=>p.Student_ID == stuid);
And you should not change the Student_ID if it is the primary key.
public Admission Update(int stuid){
VDData.VidyaDaanEntities context = new VDData.VidyaDaanEntities();
//VDData.Student_Master studentmaster = new VDData.Student_Master();
VDData.Student_Master studentmaster = context.Student_Masters.Where(p=>p.Student_ID == stuid);
studentmaster.Student_ID = stuid;
studentmaster.Student_First_Name = this.FirstName;
studentmaster.Student_Middle_Name = this.MiddleName;
studentmaster.Student_Last_Name = this.LastName;
studentmaster.Student_Address_1 = this.Address;
studentmaster.Student_Address_2 = this.Address2;
studentmaster.Student_City = this.City;
studentmaster.Student_State = this.State;
studentmaster.Student_Pin_Code = this.Pincode;
You need to call this
context.Student_Masters.Add(studentmaster );
Edit: introduce Abstraction to your Context class and Create a method in your context class like below, then you can call it whenever you want to create or update your objects.
public void SaveStudent_Master(Student_Master studentmaster)
using (var context = new VDData.VidyaDaanEntities())
if (studentmaster.Student_ID == 0)
else if (studentmaster.Student_ID > 0)
//This Updates N-Level deep Object grapgh
//This is important for Updates
var currentStudent_Master = context.Student_Masters
.Single(s => s.Student_ID == studentmaster.Student_ID );
context.Entry(currentStudent_Master ).CurrentValues.SetValues(studentmaster);
Then in your Controller replace context.SaveChanges(); with _context.SaveStudent_Master(studentmaster);

ArcGIS Runtime for wpf - PointDataSource mapTip

I have GraphicsLayer in my application and I use PointDataSource like itemsSource:
trackEntryPointDataSource = new PointDataSource();
trackEntryPointDataSource.DataSpatialReference =
new SpatialReference((int)CommonEpsgCodes.JTSKEN);
trackEntryPointDataSource.XCoordinateBinding =
new System.Windows.Data.Binding("XJTSK");
trackEntryPointDataSource.YCoordinateBinding =
new System.Windows.Data.Binding("YJTSK");
SimpleRenderer srd = new SimpleRenderer();
srd.Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
Color = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)
EntriesLyr.GraphicsSource = trackEntryPointDataSource;
EntriesLyr.Renderer = srd;
Have someone any idea how to add MapTips to graphics symbols?
GraphicsLayer class has a MapTip property.
A detailed example if found here

windows phone create database with items

I am building a simple application for windows phone. I want to create a database and want to have several (lets say 10) items in the database. I am a beginner and every tutorial that i have seen is sth about adding items in the database on button "add" or sth like that. I don't need that, because I want to have several item that are in the database, ready for the user to use them. How can I achieve this? Please write to me in a clear way, because I am still a beginner. If you can provide some links of examples or tutorials, that would be great. Thank u!
If you need to have the preloaded DB then you can Add a sqlCe DB in your application and populate the db with your seed Data.
then you can copy the DB file to your ISO Store while your Constructor of DBContext is invoked.
public Moviadb1DataContext (string connectionString) : base(connectionString)
IsolatedStorageFile iso = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (!iso.FileExists("Moviadb1.sdf"))
if (!DatabaseExists())
public static void MoveReferenceDatabase()
// Obtain the virtual store for the application.
IsolatedStorageFile iso = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
// Create a stream for the file in the installation folder.
using (Stream input = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Moviadb1.sdf", UriKind.Relative)).Stream)
// Create a stream for the new file in isolated storage.
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream output = iso.CreateFile("Moviadb1.sdf"))
// Initialize the buffer.
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead = -1;
// Copy the file from the installation folder to isolated storage.
while ((bytesRead = input.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
output.Write(readBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
you can also add some seed data instead of moving the reference DB if you have very small amount of Data.
public ListenDataDataContext (string connectionString) : base(connectionString)
if (!DatabaseExists())
List<Audiables> PreLoads = new List<Audiables>();
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 1, Name = "I want To Eat", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Food/1_IwantToEat.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Food/1_IwantToEat.jpg" });
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 1, Name = "I want To Drink", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Food/1_IwantToDrink.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Food/1_IwantToDrink.jpg" });
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 2, Name = "I want A Ticket", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Travel/1_IwantATicket.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Travel/1_IwantATicket.jpg" });
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 2, Name = "I want To Sit", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Travel/1_IwantToSit.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Travel/1_IwantToSit.jpg" });
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 3, Name = "How Much Is That", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Shopping/1_HowMuchIsThat.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Shopping/1_HowMuchIsThat.jpg" });
PreLoads.Add(new Audiables { Category = 3, Name = "Please Take the Money", AudioLocation = "Sounds/Shopping/1_PleaseTakeTheMoney.wma", ImageLocation = "Images/Shopping/1_PleaseTakeTheMoney.jpg" });
Happy app making :)
Best way is to check the "Local Database Sample" in the Windows Phone Code Samples!

url sharepoint list camlquery

I'm trying to collect my url and the description of the url stored in a column of a list from sharepoint and i don't know how to collect the URL value.
This is my code :
var queryResultSaleListItems = clientContext.LoadQuery(listData);
//Read the Data into the Object
var TipsList = from Tips in queryResultSaleListItems
select Tips;
ObservableCollection<Tips> colTips = new ObservableCollection<Tips>();
//Read Every List Item and Display Data into the DataGrid
foreach (SPSClient.ListItem item in TipsList)
var tips = new Tips();
tips.TitleTip = item.FieldValues.Values.ElementAt(1).ToString();
tips.App = item.FieldValues.Values.ElementAt(4).ToString();
//should collect the url
tips.URL = item.FieldValues.Values.ElementAt(5).ToString();
//should collect the description of the url
tips.URLdesc = item.FieldValues.Values.ElementAt(5).ToString();
ListboxTips.DataContext = colTips;
In my expression its >
Thanks for your help,
Use FieldUrlValue for getting hyperlink field in Client Object Model.
Use Following Code:
string server = "siteURL";
var ctx = new ClientContext(server);
var web = ctx.Web;
var list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("CustomList");
var listItemCollection = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());
foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem listItem in listItemCollection)
string acturlURL = ((FieldUrlValue)(listItem["URL"])).Url.ToString(); // get the Hyperlink field URL value
string actdesc = ((FieldUrlValue)(listItem["URL"])).Description.ToString(); // get the Hyperlink field Description value
