Why menu hamburger won't expand unless it's the home page - mobile

Here is my website:
If you open it up on mobile, the menu opens fine on the home page. For other pages (for e.g. https://jazz3.netlify.app/contact), the menu just won't open on mobile. I am at my wits end and have no idea why this is happening. I originally built the site with Webflow, then exported the code and changed it so it's using Hugo's framework.
You can see the code here: https://github.com/janezhgw/ja-z
If you're unfamiliar with Hugo, you can find the css file in 'static' folder. To find the code for the navigation, it's in 'layout' > 'partials' > 'nav'.


Why my navbar is not working for small devices?

I'm doing a small project using react, where I needed navbar, so I copied the navbar code from flowbite(that uses Tailwind CSS), I've changed all necessary things need to change for react but still it's not working for small devices. The link is given below:
Tailwind Navbar
I think it's your browser issue. If you are using Google Chrome, then change your browser to Firefox. Unfortunately, the JS script file of Flowbite is not working on Google Chrome. Checking that navbar on other browsers may solve the problem.

netlify redirects not working in react app

I'm at a beggining of my programmer journey, this is my firt post, probably not last.
So here is problem. I build portfolio project in React, using create-react-app. It was not necessary technology but I wanted to practice, by moving simple site to React. I used routes for multipage (there is only 2 pages). I used custom domain, because this will be site for my mother hairdresser salon, and Netlify free hosting. Here is link:
I struggle with redirection for gallery (galeria).
If I go directly there or refresh, its not working. I used API for pictures, if thats matter. I found out I need to use _redirects file in build folder, but I cant figure out exact syntax for this (I checked Netlify documentation about _redirects). For now my _redirects file looks like this:
/ https://bozena.net.pl/#price-div
/ https://bozena.net.pl/#contact
/(whats here?) https://bozena.net.pl/Gallery
I tried different paths for this gallery, like /pages/Gallery (here is jsx file for gallery) but I didnt find anything working. price div and contact are divs on main page,and this directions will get me to main page. Anyone help me get this gallery link working?
Here is code for whole page:
Draft saved
I'm at a beggining of my programmer journey, this is my firt post, probably not last.
So here is problem. I build portfolio project in React, using create-react-app. It was not necessary technology but I wanted to practice, by moving simple site to React. I used routes for multipage (there is only 2 pages). I used custom domain, because this will be site for my mother hairdresser salon, and Netlify free hosting. Here is link:
I struggle with redirection for gallery (galeria).
If I go directly there or refresh, its not working. I used API for pictures, if thats matter. I found out I need to use _redirects file in build folder, but I cant figure out exact syntax for this (I checked Netlify documentation about _redirects). For now my _redirects file looks like this:
/ https://bozena.net.pl/#price-div
/ https://bozena.net.pl/#contact
/(whats here?) https://bozena.net.pl/Gallery
I tried different paths for this gallery, like /pages/Gallery (here is jsx file for gallery) but I didnt find anything working. price div and contact are divs on main page,and this directions will get me to main page. Anyone help me get this gallery link working?
Here is code for whole page:
Try this
add a file in your project public folder name it as _redirects
and then paste this code and save (and deploy) /* /index.html 200
Source: https://answers.netlify.com/t/netlify-page-not-found-when-sharing-react-router-dom-based-links/11744/2

2sxc loading BS4 template on BS3 Xcillion Theme

I have a new install of DNN 9.8.1 and have installed 2sxc 11.11.04. I am trying to create Tailwind "tlw1" editions of the content-templates but was having issues where the BS4 templates were loading even though the tailwind theme I am using has a koi.json file defining "tlw1" as the default css framework.
Thinking I had configured something wrong, I setup a test. I added the content layout with the image|text view to a page with the Xcillion theme. I then added this remark #* Bootstrap 4 Template *# to the top of the BS4 template (added directly to the file using vs code) to make it easy to identify. Seeing Xcillion uses BS3, when I go to edit the template file, I expect the template from the ../BS3/Content folder to load. The editor however is loading the BS4 template from ../Content, not the BS3 template.
Do I not understand how koi is supposed to work, or is there possibly an issue with the koi implementation?
I figured it out. If you use the Edit Template button in the 2sxc content module, the 2sxc editor opens in a new tab and always loads the BS4 template, even though your theme is using BS3 or other framework. If you navigate to the BS3 folder (or other framework folder) through the file system, and edit the files directly with a code editor such as VS Code, the changes you make are displayed correctly as expected.

Bootstrap navbar style changes on scroll in ReactJS app not working

I'm using a bootstrap theme into ReactJS app. Everything works except the NavBar transition/animation effect on scrolling isn't working. I have noticed in the projects GitHub they are using a script. They are referring this script in the index.html page (the last line within the body tag).
Now, I'm trying to get it working in my ReactJS app but without luck so far. I've created a navbar component and imported into App.JS. I've used same id, "mainNav" for the tag with in my navbar component, but I've noticed that an error in the script. It says "undefined is not an object(evaluating '$("#mainNav").offset().top > 100)' in the browser.
Could you please point me what I'm doing wrong? How can I get the same effect using ReactJS?

ReactJS SSR app whole content disappears when "homepage": used in package.json

I have a reactJS SSR app deployed into server, I am trying to use one of the page /listpage as a widget into some other website
The list page is appearing nicely in other website however some of the click actions were not working, when I debugged it I found that the issue was with serving reactjs static js chunk files which were created by react run build. The issue was with relative path /static/js/xxxx
to fix this issue, one solution is to have a full path reference, to enable that I added homepage:"" in package.json
this worked and when I checked network tab in chrome browser i could see all static js files are referred using full path.
however a strange issue occurred , the whole list widget appears and suddenly disappears , when I inspect the elements I could see nothing inside thats where all react components suppose to be rendered.
for full code of SSR project kindly refer with explanation.
however the full code is in github
