Bybit API - How do I calculate qty in USDT Perpetual with leverage - cryptocurrency

I'm using bybit-api to create a conditional order but don't know how do I calculate quantity. Is it based on leveraged amount or original?
for example
I have balance of 50 USDT and want to use 100% per trade with following conditions.
BTC at price 44,089.50 with 50x leverage.
SHIB at price 0.030810 with 50x leverage.
How do I calculate the qty parameter?

I trade Bitcoin through USDT Perpetuals (BTCUSDT). I've setup my own python API and created my own function to calculate quantity for cross margin:
def order_quantity(self, price:float, currency:str='USDT', leverage:float=50.0):
margin = self.get_wallet_balance(currency)
instrument = Instrument(self.query_instrument()[0], 'bybit')
if not price: # Market orders
last_trade = self.ws_get_last_trade() # private function to get last trade
lastprice = float(last_trade[-1]['price'])
else: # Limit orders
lastprice = price
totalbtc = float(margin[currency]['available_balance']) * (1 - instrument.maker_fee * leverage)
rawbtc = totalbtc / lastprice
btc = math.floor(rawbtc / instrument.lot_size) * instrument.lot_size
return min(btc,instrument.max_lot_size)

It is based on the leverage amount.
Your quantity should be :
qty = 50 USDT * 50 (leverage) / 44089 (BTC price) = 0.0567 BTC


How can I speed up my optimization with Gekko?

My program is optimizing the charging and decharging of a home battery to minimize the cost of electricity at the end of the year. The electricity usage of homes is measured each 15 minutes, so I have 96 measurement point in 1 day. I want to optimilize the charging and decharging of the battery for 2 days, so that day 1 takes the usage of day 2 into account. I wrote the following code and it works.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import math
# ------------------------ Import and read input data ------------------------
file = r'D:\Bedrijfseconomie\MP Thuisbatterijen\Spyder - Gekko\Data Sim 1.xlsx'
data = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name='Input', na_values='NaN')
dataRead = pd.DataFrame(data, columns= ['Timestep','Verbruik woning (kWh)','Prijs afname (€/kWh)',
'Capaciteit batterij (kW)','Capaciteit batterij (kWh)',
'Rendement (%)','Verbruikersprofiel'])
timestep = dataRead['Timestep'].to_numpy()
usage_home = dataRead['Verbruik woning (kWh)'].to_numpy()
price = dataRead['Prijs afname (€/kWh)'].to_numpy()
cap_batt_kW = dataRead['Capaciteit batterij (kW)'].iloc[0]
cap_batt_kWh = dataRead['Capaciteit batterij (kWh)'].iloc[0]
efficiency = dataRead['Rendement (%)'].iloc[0]
usersprofile = dataRead['Verbruikersprofiel'].iloc[0]
# ---------------------------- Optimization model ----------------------------
# Initialise model
m = GEKKO()
# Global options
m.options.SOLVER = 1
# Constants
snelheid_laden = cap_batt_kW/4
T = len(timestep)
loss_charging = m.Const(value = (1-efficiency)/2)
max_cap_batt = m.Const(value = cap_batt_kWh)
min_cap_batt = m.Const(value = 0)
max_charge = m.Const(value = snelheid_laden) # max battery can charge in 15min
max_decharge = m.Const(value = -snelheid_laden) # max battery can decharge in 15min
# Parameters
dummy = np.array(np.ones([T]))
# Variables
e_batt = m.Array(m.Var, (T), lb = min_cap_batt, ub = max_cap_batt) # energy in battery
usage_net = m.Array(m.Var, (T)) # usage home & charge/decharge battery
price_paid = m.Array(m.Var, (T)) # price paid each 15min
charging = m.Array(m.Var, (T), lb = max_decharge, ub = max_charge) # amount charge/decharge each 15min
# Intermediates
e_batt[0] = m.Intermediate(charging[0])
for t in range(T):
e_batt[t] = m.Intermediate(m.sum([charging[i]*(1-loss_charging) for i in range(t)]))
usage_net = [m.Intermediate(usage_home[t] + charging[t]) for t in range(T)]
price_paid = [m.Intermediate(usage_net[t] * price[t] / 100) for t in range(T)]
total_price = m.Intermediate(m.sum([price_paid[t] for t in range(T)]))
# Equations (constraints)
m.Equation([min_cap_batt*dummy[t] <= e_batt[t] for t in range(T)])
m.Equation([max_cap_batt*dummy[t] >= e_batt[t] for t in range(T)])
m.Equation([max_charge*dummy[t] >= charging[t] for t in range(T)])
m.Equation([max_decharge*dummy[t] <= charging[t] for t in range(T)])
m.Equation([min_cap_batt*dummy[t] <= usage_net[t] for t in range(T)])
m.Equation([(-1*charging[t]) <= (1-loss_charging)*e_batt[t] for t in range(T)])
# Objective
# Solve problem
My code is running and it works but despite that it gives a Solution time of 10 seconds, the total time for it to run is around 8 minutes. Does anyone know a way I can speed it up?
There are a few ways to speed up the Gekko code:
Solve locally instead of on the public server. The option is m=GEKKO(remote=False). The public server can slow down with many jobs.
Use sum() instead of m.sum(). This can be faster for compiling the model. Otherwise, use m.integral(x) if you need the integral of x.
Many of the equations are repeated at each time horizon step. Gekko is more efficient using a single equation definition with IMODE=2 (for algebraic equation models) or IMODE=6 (for differential / algebraic equation models) and then it creates the equations over the time horizon. You may need to use m.vsum() instead of m.sum().
For additional diagnosis, try setting m.options.DIAGLEVEL=1 to get a detailed timing report of how long it takes to compile the model and perform each function, 1st derivative, and 2nd derivative calculation. It also gives a detailed view of the solver versus model time during the solution phase.
Update with Data File Testing
Thanks for sending the data file. The run directory shows that the model file is 58,682 lines long. It takes a while to compile a model that size. Here is the solution from the files you sent:
--------- APM Model Size ------------
Each time step contains
Objects : 193
Constants : 5
Variables : 20641
Intermediates: 578
Connections : 18721
Equations : 20259
Residuals : 19681
Number of state variables: 20641
Number of total equations: - 19873
Number of slack variables: - 1152
Degrees of freedom : -384
* Warning: DOF <= 0
Steady State Optimization with APOPT Solver
Iter Objective Convergence
0 3.37044E+01 5.00000E+00
1 2.81987E+01 1.00000E-10
2 2.81811E+01 5.22529E-12
3 2.81811E+01 2.10942E-15
4 2.81811E+01 2.10942E-15
Successful solution
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 10.5119999999879 sec
Objective : 28.1811214884047
Successful solution
Here is a version that uses IMODE=6 instead. You define the variables and equations once and let Gekko handle the time discretization. It makes a much more efficient model because there is no unnecessary duplication of equations.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import math
# ------------------------ Import and read input data ------------------------
file = r'Data Sim 1.xlsx'
data = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name='Input', na_values='NaN')
dataRead = pd.DataFrame(data, columns= ['Timestep','Verbruik woning (kWh)','Prijs afname (€/kWh)',
'Capaciteit batterij (kW)','Capaciteit batterij (kWh)',
'Rendement (%)','Verbruikersprofiel'])
timestep = dataRead['Timestep'].to_numpy()
usage_home = dataRead['Verbruik woning (kWh)'].to_numpy()
price = dataRead['Prijs afname (€/kWh)'].to_numpy()
cap_batt_kW = dataRead['Capaciteit batterij (kW)'].iloc[0]
cap_batt_kWh = dataRead['Capaciteit batterij (kWh)'].iloc[0]
efficiency = dataRead['Rendement (%)'].iloc[0]
usersprofile = dataRead['Verbruikersprofiel'].iloc[0]
# ---------------------------- Optimization model ----------------------------
# Initialise model
m = GEKKO()
# Global options
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.IMODE = 6
# Constants
snelheid_laden = cap_batt_kW/4
m.time = timestep
loss_charging = m.Const(value = (1-efficiency)/2)
max_cap_batt = m.Const(value = cap_batt_kWh)
min_cap_batt = m.Const(value = 0)
max_charge = m.Const(value = snelheid_laden) # max battery can charge in 15min
max_decharge = m.Const(value = -snelheid_laden) # max battery can decharge in 15min
# Parameters
usage_home = m.Param(usage_home)
price = m.Param(price)
# Variables
e_batt = m.Var(value=0, lb = min_cap_batt, ub = max_cap_batt) # energy in battery
price_paid = m.Var() # price paid each 15min
charging = m.Var(lb = max_decharge, ub = max_charge) # amount charge/decharge each 15min
usage_net = m.Var(lb=min_cap_batt)
# Equations
m.Equation(usage_net==usage_home + charging)
price_paid = m.Intermediate(usage_net * price / 100)
m.Equation(-charging <= (1-loss_charging)*e_batt)
# Objective
# Solve problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(m.time,e_batt.value,label='Battery Charge')
plt.plot(m.time,usage_net.value,label='Net Usage')
plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.grid(); plt.legend();
The model is only 31 lines long (see gk0_model.apm) and it solves much faster (a couple seconds total).
--------- APM Model Size ------------
Each time step contains
Objects : 0
Constants : 5
Variables : 8
Intermediates: 1
Connections : 0
Equations : 6
Residuals : 5
Number of state variables: 1337
Number of total equations: - 955
Number of slack variables: - 191
Degrees of freedom : 191
Dynamic Control with APOPT Solver
Iter Objective Convergence
0 3.46205E+01 3.00000E-01
1 3.30649E+01 4.41141E-10
2 3.12774E+01 1.98558E-11
3 3.03148E+01 1.77636E-15
4 2.96824E+01 3.99680E-15
5 2.82700E+01 8.88178E-16
6 2.82039E+01 1.77636E-15
7 2.81334E+01 8.88178E-16
8 2.81085E+01 1.33227E-15
9 2.81039E+01 8.88178E-16
Iter Objective Convergence
10 2.81005E+01 8.88178E-16
11 2.80999E+01 1.77636E-15
12 2.80996E+01 8.88178E-16
13 2.80996E+01 8.88178E-16
14 2.80996E+01 8.88178E-16
Successful solution
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 0.527499999996508 sec
Objective : 28.0995878585948
Successful solution
There is no long compile time. Also, the solver time is reduced from 10 sec to 0.5 sec. The objective function is nearly the same (28.18 versus 28.10).
Here is a complete version without the data file dependency (in case the data file isn't available in the future).
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import math
# ------------------------ Import and read input data ------------------------
timestep = np.arange(1,193)
usage_home = np.array([0.05,0.07,0.09,0.07,0.05,0.07,0.07,0.07,0.06,
price = np.array([209.40,209.40,209.40,209.40,193.00,193.00,193.00,
cap_batt_kW = 3.00
cap_batt_kWh = 5.00
efficiency = 0.95
usersprofile = 1
# ---------------------------- Optimization model ----------------------------
# Initialise model
m = GEKKO()
# Global options
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.IMODE = 6
# Constants
snelheid_laden = cap_batt_kW/4
m.time = timestep
loss_charging = m.Const(value = (1-efficiency)/2)
max_cap_batt = m.Const(value = cap_batt_kWh)
min_cap_batt = m.Const(value = 0)
max_charge = m.Const(value = snelheid_laden) # max battery can charge in 15min
max_decharge = m.Const(value = -snelheid_laden) # max battery can decharge in 15min
# Parameters
usage_home = m.Param(usage_home)
price = m.Param(price)
# Variables
e_batt = m.Var(value=0, lb = min_cap_batt, ub = max_cap_batt) # energy in battery
price_paid = m.Var() # price paid each 15min
charging = m.Var(lb = max_decharge, ub = max_charge) # amount charge/decharge each 15min
usage_net = m.Var(lb=min_cap_batt)
# Equations
m.Equation(usage_net==usage_home + charging)
price_paid = m.Intermediate(usage_net * price / 100)
m.Equation(-charging <= (1-loss_charging)*e_batt)
# Objective
# Solve problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(m.time,e_batt.value,label='Battery Charge')
plt.plot(m.time,usage_net.value,label='Net Usage')
plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.grid(); plt.legend();

Issue with loop in trading strategy backtest

I'm currently trying to put together some code that backtests a simple trading strategy involving sequencing through time series price data, incrementally fitting an ARIMA model, making future price predictions, and then either adding a share if the price is predicted to increase, or selling all accumulated shares if the price is predicted to go down. Currently, it's returning nan values for the projected returns from trades and appears to only be selling somehow.
I've attached my code below. There's just a few simple functions for calculating a sharpe ratio and then the main function for running backtests.
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import plot_acf, plot_pacf
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from import ValueWarning, HessianInversionWarning, ConvergenceWarning
import warnings
#in practice do not supress these warnings, they carry important information about the status of your model
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ValueWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=HessianInversionWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ConvergenceWarning)
tickerSymbol = 'SPY'
data = yf.Ticker(tickerSymbol)
prices = data.history(start='2017-01-01', end='2019-01-01').Close
returns = prices.pct_change().dropna()
def std_dev(data):
# Get number of observations
n = len(data)
# Calculate mean
mean = sum(data) / n
# Calculate deviations from the mean
deviations = sum([(x - mean)**2 for x in data])
# Calculate Variance & Standard Deviation
variance = deviations / (n - 1)
s = variance**(1/2)
return s
# Sharpe Ratio From Scratch
def sharpe_ratio(data, risk_free_rate=0):
# Calculate Average Daily Return
mean_daily_return = sum(data) / len(data)
print(f"mean daily return = {mean_daily_return}")
# Calculate Standard Deviation
s = std_dev(data)
# Calculate Daily Sharpe Ratio
daily_sharpe_ratio = (mean_daily_return - risk_free_rate) / s
# Annualize Daily Sharpe Ratio
sharpe_ratio = 252**(1/2) * daily_sharpe_ratio
return sharpe_ratio
def run_simulation(returns, prices, amt, order, thresh, verbose=True, plot=True):
if type(order) == float:
thresh = None
sum_list = []
events_list = []
sharpe_list = []
init_amt = amt
#go through dates
for date, r in tqdm (returns.iloc[14:].items(), total=len(returns.iloc[14:])):
#if you're currently holding the stock, sell it
#get data til just before current date
curr_data = returns[:date]
if type(order) == tuple:
#fit model
model = ARIMA(curr_data, order=order).fit(maxiter=200)
#get forecast
pred = model.forecast()[0][0]
pred = thresh - 1
#if you predict a high enough return and not holding, buy stock
if ((type(order) == float and np.random.random() < order)
or (type(order) == tuple and pred > thresh)):
buy_price = prices.loc[date]
events_list.append(('b', date))
int_buy_price = int(buy_price)
if verbose:
print('Bought at $%s'%buy_price)
print('Predicted Return: %s'%round(pred,4))
print('Actual Return: %s'%(round(ret, 4)))
#if you predict below the threshold return, sell the stock
if ((type(order) == float and np.random.random() < order)
or (type(order) == tuple and thresh > pred)
or (order == 'last' and curr_data[-1] > 0)):
sell_price = prices.loc[date]
total_return = len(sum_list) * sell_price
ret = (total_return-sum(sum_list))/sum(sum_list)
amt *= (1+ret)
events_list.append(('s', date, ret))
if verbose:
print('Sold at $%s'%sell_price)
print('Predicted Return: %s'%round(pred,4))
print('Actual Return: %s'%(round(ret, 4)))
if verbose:
sharpe = sharpe_ratio(sharpe_list, risk_free_rate=0)
print('Total Amount: $%s'%round(amt,2))
print(f"Sharpe Ratio: {sharpe}")
if plot:
y_lims = (int(prices.min()*.95), int(prices.max()*1.05))
shaded_y_lims = int(prices.min()*.5), int(prices.max()*1.5)
for idx, event in enumerate(events_list):
plt.axvline(event[1], color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.4)
if event[0] == 's':
color = 'green' if event[2] > 0 else 'red'
event[1], events_list[idx-1][1], color=color, alpha=0.1)
tot_return = round(100*(amt / init_amt - 1), 2)
sharpe = sharpe_ratio(sharpe_list, risk_free_rate=0)
tot_return = str(tot_return) + '%'
plt.title("%s Price Data\nThresh=%s\nTotal Amt: $%s\nTotal Return: %s"%(tickerSymbol, thresh, round(amt,2), tot_return), fontsize=20)
return amt
# A model with a dth difference to fit and ARMA(p,q) model is called an ARIMA process
# of order (p,d,q). You can select p,d, and q with a wide range of methods,
# including AIC, BIC, and empirical autocorrelations (Petris, 2009).
for thresh in [0.001]:
run_simulation(returns, prices, 100000, (7,1,7), thresh, verbose=True)
I've discovered that it's failing to fit the ARIMA model for some reason. Not converging to a solution, I guess. I'm not sure why though because it was fitting it just fine when I was running a different strategy using the same data and order.

Monthly Auto Loan Payment Amount

I am trying to calculate an auto loan monthly payment amount of the front end using angularJS. My calcualtions are as follow and im not getting the right amount, the Results are returning 4
$scope.model.autoLoan.borrowAmount = 15000
$scope.model.autoLoan.interestRate = 3.25
$scope.model.autoLoan.loanLength = 60
var monthlyPayment = $scope.model.autoLoan.borrowAmount *
(($scope.model.autoLoan.interestRate / 12) *
(Math.pow((1 + ($scope.model.autoLoan.interestRate / 12)), $scope.model.autoLoan.loanLength))) /
(Math.pow((1 + ($scope.model.autoLoan.interestRate / 12)), $scope.model.autoLoan.loanLength) - 1);
the console returns: 4062.502309286213 which should be retrunging something like 47.00. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

How to loop through table based on unique date in MATLAB

I have this table named BondData which contains the following:
Settlement Maturity Price Coupon
8/27/2016 1/12/2017 106.901 9.250
8/27/2019 1/27/2017 104.79 7.000
8/28/2016 3/30/2017 106.144 7.500
8/28/2016 4/27/2017 105.847 7.000
8/29/2016 9/4/2017 110.779 9.125
For each day in this table, I am about to perform a certain task which is to assign several values to a variable and perform necessary computations. The logic is like:
do while Settlement is the same
and so on...
It's like I wanted to loop through my settlement dates and perform task for as long as the date is the same.
EDIT: Just to clarify my issue, I am implementing Yield Curve fitting using Nelson-Siegel and Svensson models.Here are my codes so far:
function NS_SV_Models()
load bondsdata
BondData.Settlement = categorical(BondData.Settlement);
Settlements = categories(BondData.Settlement); % get all unique Settlement
for k = 1:numel(Settlements)
rows = BondData.Settlement==Settlements(k);
Bonds.Settle = Settlements(k); % current_row_settlement_value
Bonds.Maturity = BondData.Maturity(rows); % current_row_maturity_value
Settle = Bonds.Settle;
Maturity = Bonds.Maturity;
CleanPrice = Bonds.Prices;
CouponRate = Bonds.Coupon;
Instruments = [Settle Maturity CleanPrice CouponRate];
Yield = bndyield(CleanPrice,CouponRate,Settle,Maturity);
NSModel = IRFunctionCurve.fitNelsonSiegel('Zero',Settlements(k),Instruments);
SVModel = IRFunctionCurve.fitSvensson('Zero',Settlements(k),Instruments);
Again, my main objective is to get each model's parameters (beta0, beta1, beta2, etc.) on a per day basis. I am getting an error in Instruments = [Settle Maturity CleanPrice CouponRate]; because Settle contains only one record (8/27/2016), it's suppose to have two since there are two rows for this date. Also, I noticed that Maturity, CleanPrice and CouponRate contains all records. They should only contain respective data for each day.
Hope I made my issue clearer now. By the way, I am using MATLAB R2015a.
Use categorical array. Here is your function (without its' headline, and all rows I can't run are commented):
BondData = table(datetime(Settlement),datetime(Maturity),Price,Coupon,...
BondData.Settlement = categorical(BondData.Settlement);
Settlements = categories(BondData.Settlement); % get all unique Settlement
for k = 1:numel(Settlements)
rows = BondData.Settlement==Settlements(k);
Settle = BondData.Settlement(rows); % current_row_settlement_value
Mature = BondData.Maturity(rows); % current_row_maturity_value
CleanPrice = BondData.Price(rows);
CouponRate = BondData.Coupon(rows);
Instruments = [datenum(char(Settle)) datenum(char(Mature))...
CleanPrice CouponRate];
% Yield = bndyield(CleanPrice,CouponRate,Settle,Mature);
% NSModel = IRFunctionCurve.fitNelsonSiegel('Zero',Settlements(k),Instruments);
% SVModel = IRFunctionCurve.fitSvensson('Zero',Settlements(k),Instruments);
% NSModel.Parameters
% SVModel.Parameters
Keep in mind the following:
You cannot concat different types of variables as you try to do in: Instruments = [Settle Maturity CleanPrice CouponRate];
There is no need in the structure Bond, you don't use it (e.g. Settle = Bonds.Settle;).
Use the relevant functions to convert between a datetime object and string or numbers. For instance, in the code above: datenum(char(Settle)). I don't know what kind of input you need to pass to the following functions.

Python: while loop/ control statements not achieving desired result, how can i fix this?

cost = int(input("Enter the cost:\n"))
payment = int(input("Deposit a coin or note:\n"))
if payment >= cost:
change = payment - cost
print (change)
elif payment < cost:
while payment < cost:
payment = int(input("Deposit a coin or note:\n"))
change = cost - payment
print (change)
I basically want the value of "change".
The above was wrong because it wasn't 'storing' the value of the first payment if it was less than cost, realized my bad mistake.
cost = int(input("Enter the cost:\n"))
payment = 0
while payment < cost:
firstpayment = int(input("Deposit a coin or note:\n"))
payment = payment + firstpayment
if payment > cost:
change = payment - cost
print ("Your change is: $",change)
The loop condition says:
while payment< cost:
So, the loop automatically exists when payment becomes more than cost. So an easier approach will be,
while payment<cost:
#do something
change = payment-cost
Coz, when the loop ends, we know that payment should be >= cost...
