API to add a chart to a pin’s wall in VEEML - database

Wan we add charts in the Veeml pin’s wall of some users programmatically ?
We will use the api to synchronize the users with our existing users and we would like to automaticaly initialize the pin’s wall for these new users.

Use the endpoint /pinchart to add a chart in a Veeml pin’s wall.
What you need is to get previously the authentication token and the html of the message.
type: "POST",
url: « //the-url.ofyour.portal/pinchart",
data: { "jsonstring": JSON.stringify(_jsonstring) },
success: function (data) {
With _jsonstring as :
"Token":"", -> autentication cookie
"DataView":"", -> leave it empty
"Universe": {}, -> universe cookie
"ChartId": 1234, -> Id of the chart
"DashboardId": 1234 -> Id of the story


Create an entry in the stream wall in VEEML

How can I create automatic message in the streamui from an another system. For instance, to create alerts based on log created by our HR platform ?
Use this endpoint to create an entry in the stream wall.
What you need is to get previously the authentication token and the html of the message.
type: "POST",
url: « //the-url.ofyour.portal/streamui",
data: { "jsonstring": JSON.stringify(_jsonstring) },
success: function (data) {
With _jsonstring as :
{"Token": , -> authentication cookie
"FilChartId": "", -> leave empty
"DashboardId": , -> id of the story
"ChartId": , -> leave empty
"html":"<p>test stream</p>",
"json":{"Token": , -> authentication cookie
"DataView": "", -> Name of the datatable
"Universe": "" -> universe cookie

Get users AD details when logged into Outlook Web Addin

Im still battleing with trying to pull down the details of the logged in (Outlook) user within the add in im developing.
I have exploered the EWS service but, as far as I cant tell, the functions I need are not available so I have started looking at the Outlook REST API.
I can get very basic user details with the following call:
function sendFindPersonRequest() {
//get auth token for Graph
Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync({ isRest: true }, function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
var accessToken = result.value;
console.log('REST Access Token : ' + accessToken);
// Use the access token.
} else {
// Handle the error.
function getCurrentItem(accessToken) {
// Construct the REST URL to the current item.
// Details for formatting the URL can be found at
// https://learn.microsoft.com/previous-versions/office/office-365-api/api/version-2.0/mail-rest-operations#get-messages.
var getMessageUrl = Office.context.mailbox.restUrl +
url: getMessageUrl,
dataType: 'json',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken }
}).done(function (item) {
// Message is passed in `item`.
var subject = item.displayName;
console.log('item subject: ' + subject);
}).fail(function (error) {
// Handle error.
But this doesnt pass any more than Alias, DisplayName and Emailaddress.
#odata.context: "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v2.0/$metadata#Me"
#odata.id: "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v2.0/Users('')"
Alias: "Joe.Bloggs"
DisplayName: ""
EmailAddress: "Joe.Bloggs#emailhere.co.uk"
Id: "baf52ae4-............"
MailboxGuid: "257f3fe1-6.............."
Im looking to get extendeddetails such as Jobtitle, OfficeAddress etc (which are standard AD fields).
I have looked at the GetUser method as well but that returns the same. I really dont want to go down Graph route and it feels that I am missing something as really expect those other fields to be there.
Has any one else used this to better affect?
I didn't see where we can create extensions for a user based on Office 365 Data Extensions and Outlook Extended Properties.
And Microsoft.OutlookServices.User also doesn't have such properties as Jobtitle, OfficeAddress etc.
When I tried to use the OData $select query parameter like:
It will give an error: "Could not find a property named 'Jobtitle' on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.User'."
I'm afraid that what you want is not available in Outlook REST API. You should use Microsoft Graph API or AAD Graph API instead.
We can use GET https://outlook.office365.com/api/v2.0/me/people?$search="" to find the person's information.

Spotify API Post Request Add Tracks To Playlist - ERROR 400 BAD REQUEST

Im having what seems to be a very common error when working on the Spotify API adding tracks to a users playlist. In a previous fetch method I have obtained the users playlistId and am now trying to post tracks onto that playlist with that playlistId. I have followed the documentation but am obviously missing something, here is code:
` //userUd, playlistId, currentUserAccessToken, trackURIs are all defined
fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/${userId}/playlists/${playlistId}/tracks`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + currentUserAccessToken
contentType: 'application/json',
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
"uris": `[${trackURIs}]`
}).then(success => {
return success;
}).catch(err => {
console.log('here is your error', err);
I did the GET request to authorize user - included scope for creating public playlist, in different code block which is working, here's that:
`let scopes = 'playlist-modify-public';
Thanks a ton!
The JSON array needs quotes around each element in it. So each track should be quoted, like so:
{"uris": ["spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh", "spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M"]}
I think you're supplying an object names uris with an invalid array.
And, note you can pass the playlist items as query params too (instead of in the body), without using json. https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/add-tracks-to-playlist/

How To Setup Minimalist Authentication In Rails with React?

I am trying to set up a minimal layer of authentication between my Rails backend and my React front end, but I am running into some problems.
I cannot seem to find the cookie key value that the server passes down to my client. In the network tab, I see it in the response: Set-Cookie:_skillcoop_session=...., but when I use js-cookie to look for the above cookie, _skillcoop_session, I only see one called identity-token=... and its value is different from _skillcoop_session. How do I access _skillcoop_session in the browser?
What header key do I pass up to the server to signal to my backend to use 'this' header key to match up with the session it has stored off? In this post, Justin Weiss seems to suggest that I make the request to the server with a header like: Cookie: _skillcoop_session=....
Am I doing this all wrong? Would I be better off using a gem like devise?
Also in order to load the session in my other controllers, I have had to do something like session['init'] = true, and I learned to do this from this SO post. This seems hacky. Why do I have to manually reload the session in separate controller actions after I've set it previously in a different controller action in a different request?
I'm currently just stubbing out the user and the authentication -- all I want to do to get the plumping in place is set a session[:user_id] and be able to read that session data in other controller actions. For this I have two main files for consideration: UsersController and Transport.js. In UsersController I am just stubbing the session[:user_id] with the number 1 and in Transport.js I'd like to pass the cookie received from the server so that the backend can maintain a session between requests with a client.
Here is my controller:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
session[:user_id] = 1
render json: user_stub, status: :ok
def show
puts "user id: #{session[:user_id]}"
# should return, 1, but is returning, nil...why?
render json: user_stub, status: :ok
def user_stub
id: 1,
email: params['email'] || 'fakeemail#gmail.com',
password: params['password'] || 'fake password'
Here is the main location of my app where I make my request to the server - it's in an abstraction I call Transport.js:
var cookie = require('js-cookie');
const GET = 'GET';
const POST = 'POST';
function Transport() {
Transport.prototype.get = function(url, options = {}) {
return this.query(GET, url, null, options);
Transport.prototype.post = function(url, dataString, options = {}) {
return this.query(POST, url, dataString, options);
Transport.prototype.query = function(method, url, dataString, options = {}) {
var data;
if (dataString) {
data = JSON.parse(dataString);
switch(method) {
case GET:
return fetch(url, Object.assign({headers: {'Cookie': cookie.get('_skillcoop_session')}}, options, {
method: method
case POST:
return fetch(url, Object.assign({
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(data)
}, options, {
method: method
throw new Error("This HTTP Method is not supported.");
module.exports = Transport;
According to this SO post, one cannot access the Set-Cookie header in JS. Thus, I suppose my attempts to handle Set-Cookie in the response headers was a fools effort.
According to the NPM package that I'm using to make HTTP requests, I need to pass {credentials: 'same-origin'} key value pair in the second argument to fetch, which will 'automatically send cookies for the current domain'. That did the trick -- the session object is available and contains the user_id that was set in the session in the previous request in a different action.
Yes. I changed up how I approached this problem. I leaned very heavily on this Reddit post. In short, I use ruby-jwt on the backend and store the token in localStorage on the front end. Each request out to the server will include the token in a header AUTHORIZATION.
In following steps 1 and 2, it looks like I no longer have to 'reload the session'.

Plaid: how to create public token in the front end (Ionic/angular) and send to server

I am follow this tutorial in order to get a transactions/accounts detail from the plaid API. Plaid'd quickstart guide user ejs in order to send to the server with the onSuccess function. How do I create this token using ionic?
Plaid quick guide also suggests that we use code blow
var linkHandler = Plaid.create({
env: 'sandbox',
clientName: 'Client Name',
key: '<PUBLIC_KEY>',
product: ['auth', 'transactions'],
onSuccess: function(public_token, metadata) {
// You do not need to repeat the /item/public_token/exchange
// process when a user uses Link in update mode.
// The Item's access_token has not changed.
and also suggest to use this code
// Create a public_token for use with Plaid Link's update mode
client.createPublicToken(ACCESS_TOKEN, (err, result) => {
// Handle err
// Use the generated public_token to initialize Plaid Link in update
// mode for a user's Item so that they can provide updated credentials
// or MFA information
const publicToken = result.public_token;
in order to create a public token and get the access token. I can't use this function because I'm getting an error 'Plaid and/or client is not defined
How do I create this public token using Ionic front end and node back end?
What's the workflow here?
Thanks in advance
On the server side, you'll need to initialize the Plaid node client library first. You will also want to make an exchange token call, to exchange the public_token from Link for an API access_token. You'll then save the access_token and use it to retrieve transaction and account data:
// Initialize the Plaid API client with your API keys (https://dashboard.plaid.com/account/keys)
// Use plaid.environments.production, plaid.environments.development, or plaid.environments.sandbox
const plaid = require('plaid');
const client = new plaid.Client(client_id, secret, public_key, plaid.environments.sandbox);
client.exchangePublicToken(PUBLIC_TOKEN, function(error, tokenResponse) {
if (error != null) {
var msg = 'Could not exchange public_token!';
console.log(msg + '\n' + error);
const ACCESS_TOKEN = tokenResponse.access_token;
const ITEM_ID = tokenResponse.item_id;
console.log('Access Token: ' + ACCESS_TOKEN);
console.log('Item ID: ' + ITEM_ID);
// Now retrieve transactions or account information with the access_token
For the client-side in your Ionic app, you'll need to include the link-initialize.js script before calling Plaid.create. Specifically:
<script src="https://cdn.plaid.com/link/v2/stable/link-initialize.js">
Here's a full client-side HTML example:
<button id="link-button">Link Account</button>
<script src="https://cdn.plaid.com/link/v2/stable/link-initialize.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var handler = Plaid.create({
clientName: 'Plaid Walkthrough Demo',
env: 'sandbox',
key: '[PUBLIC_KEY]', // public_key is at https://dashboard.plaid.com/account/keys
product: ['auth'],
onLoad: function() {
// Optional, called when Link loads
onSuccess: function(public_token, metadata) {
// Send the public_token to your app server.
// The metadata object contains info about the institution the
// user selected and the account ID, if `selectAccount` is enabled.
$.post('/get_access_token', {
public_token: public_token,
onExit: function(err, metadata) {
// The user exited the Link flow.
An Angular library was recently created: click here and here
I had some issues implementing Plaid successfully at first; these tips should help:
Implement the library as shown in the second link above. Make sure for step two you import in your app.module.ts file. Don't use the jQuery provided in the documentation.
Using this library, a button will be automatically created within the Angular element <mr-ngx-plaid-link-button>. This button will act as a submit button unless you use DOM or other methods to change it to type button on ngAfterViewInit()
All five events in step three are listeners for various events. The onSuccess() callback will return the public token - only after you have (a) successfully submitted bank credentials (user_good / pass_good on Sandbox) and (b) clicked the Continue button to exit the Plaid Link
