tool to process multiple backtraces - c

I recently used Mike Dunlavey's "Poor Man's Profiling" (How can I profile C++ code running on Linux? ) to find some surprising sources of overhead in my code. Yay.
To summarize, run your program in a debugger and manually capture some backtraces. If you find the same stack traces keep showing up, you have a pretty good idea of where the overheads are in your program.
The "identify" step requires eyeballing the stack traces. Humans are pretty good at pattern matching but I'd like to automate this process a bit.
Surely there is a tool that can take N backtraces and show me which backtraces were in which routines?
There is something called Stack Trace Analysis Tool ( but it operates on executables itself -- very much in the High Performance Computing domain where you might wonder why/where a parallel (MPI) program is hung. Not quite what I'm looking for: I have already collected the backtraces.


Obfuscating C++ Shared Library

I've been asked to help obfuscate a library (written in C++) which will be distributed to clients. I've already discussed why obfuscation is not necessarily a good idea, and seeing as licensing will be integrated into the software many concerns regarding copy protection are moot.
Regardless, I've been asked to research methods anyway. I've looked into header mangling (and the like) as well as HARES, but I fail to find much that I can use for a library (naturally, these things would destroy any form of API rendering the library useless).
What techniques can I apply that would work for libraries? While I would appreciate recommendations for tools (or compiler flags, etc.) that might be helpful I would like to stress that this is not a tool-focused (i.e. closable) question, but rather one focused on applicable techniques.
I wouldn't put much energy to doing it very thoroughly, because the reverse engineer is going to win this round.
Obfuscating C++ binaries is a bit of a losing battle. It depends on who you are dealing with, but if your reverse engineer is smart enough to use IDA Pro and a couple of plugins, and a good debugger then it shall all be for naught.
Obfuscation Priorities
Where you can give the reverse engineer useless function names.
Honestly, this doesn't help that much, since ultimately your code will have to call some kind of non obfuscated shared library to get anything done. At some point you will use the standard libary, or the STL, or even make a system call.
Add false pathways to confound static analysis
So that the reverse engineer can have fun with a debugger. Anti-analysis techniques are well known to the reverse engineer, and they can almost be circumvented with a debugger like ollydbg.
Write debugger foiling code
That reverse engineers love to play with. Again, this is an expected move, and the response is to just to step around the offending code, or to modify away the traps. Anyone with any formal training in RE will blast past this.
Pack most of my binary into an encryped region which is decryped by a stub just before execution.
Same answer as above. Reverse engineers train for this from day one.
Keep in mind the reverse engineers are looking for targeted morsals of information - very rarely are they trying to recreate the entire application. Security intensive code, code for license validation, code for home base communication, networking code. These are all prime targets - put your energy into making these thorny places to live.
Keep in mind that binaries from the largest corporations on the earth are routinely reverse engineered by people in their early 20's.
Don't leave your debugging symbols in the final binary, as those will definitely help with analysis.
If you are dedicated to doing this right, also focus on wasting the engineers time - time is always against the reverse engineer.
Remember, that any meaningful obfuscation might also cost you the performance gains that justified working in C++ in the first place. There are many zones in the C world (and for that matter the Java world) where meaningful obfuscation just isn't possible. Games for instance, cannot conceal their calls to the OpenGl APIs, nor can they truly prevent engineers from harvesting their shader code.
Also remember that the reverse engineer is watching your code at the assembly level most of the time. He'd rather have your function names, but he can live without it if need be. He can see what your program is doing at the most finite level possible. It is only a matter of time before he finds the critical routines.
For your purposes, find a program to mangle function names, make your boss happy, and call it a day. At least at that point, reverse engineering the software will not be trivial.
Well really you have 2 primary vectors that you have to guard against
My favourite method for preventing the first issue is in memory decryption, take parts of your executable code and encrypt it, have it self decrypt in memory while your library is running, you can also checksum parts of the code and compare the checksum against what is loaded in ram ( have the encrypted portions check the decrypter and vice versa )
Another neat trick is to statically link libraries that you use into your executible so they cannot be easily swapped out to try to see what your code is doing.
Now debugging checking interrupt vectors helps, another trick is to check the 'timing' between various portions of code ( for example if more than a couple of milliseconds worth of delay occurs in code that should execute significantly faster than that then it can be assumed that the code is being debugged

Timing Kernel Executions on CUDA

I've used code from CUDA C Best Practices to implement an execution timer. However their is something strange and I don't know if it's an anomaly or if that's normal. I get different read outs each time I run my CUDA app.
Could these readings by related to design or is that something I should expect.
I'm not running any graphic intensive applications on my machine, other than Windows 7.
Well it depends how big the differences are. One thing you can see anomalies caused by is the kernel scheduler. It may just happen that the scheduler is giving some extra timeslices to kernel functions (because graphics API calls have error checking involved) which shows more execution time. If the differences are very large I would say check your code but if it's very low in orders of milliseconds I wouldn't worry about it +- 10msecs is the usual for the timeslicing quantum in most OS's (windows probably included).
Also Aero is kind of intensive so that may be adding to the discrepancies you are seeing.
I've used code from CUDA C Best Practices to implement an execution timer.
Yeah, well, that's not a "best practice" in my experience.
I suggest using the nvprof profiler instead for your device-side code and CUDA Runtime API calls (it also works relatively well, I think, for your own host-side code). It'll take you a bit of hassle to set up and figure out which options you want to use, but it's worth it.

Profiling network software / Profiling software with lot of system call waiting

I'm working on a complex network software and I have trouble determining how to improve the systems performance.
Specifically in one part of the software which is using blocking synchronous calls. Since this part of the system is doing heavy computations it's nearly impossible to determine whether the slowness of this component is caused by these computations or the waiting for the other parts of the system.
Are there any light-weight profilers that can capture this information? I can't use heavy duty profile like valgrind since that would completely skew the results (although valgrind would be perfect, since it captures all the required information).
I tried using oProfile but I just wasn't able to get any meaningful results out of it (perhaps if there is a concise tutorial somewhere...).
What you need is something that gives you stack samples, on wall-clock time (not just CPU time like gprof), and reports by line (not just by function) the percent of samples containing the line.
Zoom will do it,
but I just do random-pausing. Here's why it works.
Here's a blow-by-blow example.
Here's another explanation.
Comment out your "heavy computations" and see if it's still slow. That will tell you if it's waiting on other systems over the network or the computations. The answer may not be either/or and may just be an accumulation of things.
You could also do some old fashioned printf debugging and print the time before and after executing the function to standard output or syslog. That is about as light-weight as profiling gets.

Using valgrind to find most intensive function?

I have a program running extremely slow. Is there a way to use valgrind to find out which function I need to optimize?
You can use the callgrind tool for valgrind, which should be part of each valgrind distribution. It runs the program in the valgrind "virtual machine" and counts the number of instructions spent in each function/line of code.
The best UI for visualizing the results is kcachegrind (part of KDE).
Advantage: It works quite well if your bottleneck is CPU-bound, as it's completely simulates the application so one gets very accurate and detailed results if CPU instructions is what interests you. If not, the results might be distorted.
Disadvantage: It's slow (like valgrind). If your problem is I/O-bound, the slow execution speed will distort the results (making I/O faster in comparison) and also influence the behavior. In such cases, a profiler taking samples is the better approach.
No, Valgrind is a dynamic analysis tool used to flesh out memory allocation errors and thread race-conditions (among other things).
You're looking for a code profiler, such as Luke Stackwalker. I don't know of any for *NIX systems off the top of my head, sorry.
Not as far as I know. oprofile is the best tool for what you want.

How do you profile your code?

I hope not everyone is using Rational Purify.
So what do you do when you want to measure:
time taken by a function
peak memory usage
code coverage
At the moment, we do it manually [using log statements with timestamps and another script to parse the log and output to excel. phew...)
What would you recommend? Pointing to tools or any techniques would be appreciated!
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't specify the environment first, Its plain C on a proprietary mobile platform
I've done this a lot. If you have an IDE, or an ICE, there is a technique that takes some manual effort, but works without fail.
Warning: modern programmers hate this, and I'm going to get downvoted. They love their tools. But it really works, and you don't always have the nice tools.
I assume in your case the code is something like DSP or video that runs on a timer and has to be fast. Suppose what you run on each timer tick is subroutine A. Write some test code to run subroutine A in a simple loop, say 1000 times, or long enough to make you wait at least several seconds.
While it's running, randomly halt it with a pause key and sample the call stack (not just the program counter) and record it. (That's the manual part.) Do this some number of times, like 10. Once is not enough.
Now look for commonalities between the stack samples. Look for any instruction or call instruction that appears on at least 2 samples. There will be many of these, but some of them will be in code that you could optimize.
Do so, and you will get a nice speedup, guaranteed. The 1000 iterations will take less time.
The reason you don't need a lot of samples is you're not looking for small things. Like if you see a particular call instruction on 5 out of 10 samples, it is responsible for roughly 50% of the total execution time. More samples would tell you more precisely what the percentage is, if you really want to know. If you're like me, all you want to know is where it is, so you can fix it, and move on to the next one.
Do this until you can't find anything more to optimize, and you will be at or near your top speed.
You probably want different tools for performance profiling and code coverage.
For profiling I prefer Shark on MacOSX. It is free from Apple and very good. If your app is vanilla C you should be able to use it, if you can get hold of a Mac.
For profiling on Windows you can use LTProf. Cheap, but not great:
(I think Microsoft are really shooting themself in the foot by not providing a decent profiler with the cheaper versions of Visual Studio.)
For coverage I prefer Coverage Validator on Windows:
It updates the coverage in real time.
For complex applications I am a great fan of Intel's Vtune. It is a slightly different mindset to a traditional profiler that instruments the code. It works by sampling the processor to see where instruction pointer is 1,000 times a second. It has the huge advantage of not requiring any changes to your binaries, which as often as not would change the timing of what you are trying to measure.
Unfortunately it is no good for .net or java since there isn't a way for the Vtune to map instruction pointer to symbol like there is with traditional code.
It also allows you to measure all sorts of other processor/hardware centric metrics, like clocks per instruction, cache hits/misses, TLB hits/misses, etc which let you identify why certain sections of code may be taking longer to run than you would expect just by inspecting the code.
If you're doing an 'on the metal' embedded 'C' system (I'm not quite sure what 'mobile' implied in your posting), then you usually have some kind of timer ISR, in which it's fairly easy to sample the code address at which the interrupt occurred (by digging back in the stack or looking at link registers or whatever). Then it's trivial to build a histogram of addresses at some combination of granularity/range-of-interest.
It's usually then not too hard to concoct some combination of code/script/Excel sheets which merges your histogram counts with addresses from your linker symbol/list file to give you profile information.
If you're very RAM limited, it can be a bit of a pain to collect enough data for this to be both simple and useful, but you would need to tell us a more about your platform.
nProf - Free, does that for .NET.
Gets the job done, at least enough to see the 80/20. (20% of the code, taking 80% of the time)
Windows (.NET and Native Exes): AQTime is a great tool for the money. Standalone or as a Visual Studio plugin.
Java: I'm a fan of JProfiler. Again, can run standalone or as an Eclipse (or various other IDEs) plugin.
I believe both have trial versions.
The Google Perftools are extremely useful in this regard.
I use devpartner with MSVC 6 and XP
How are any tools going to work if your platform is a proprietary OS? I think you're doing the best you can right now
