Typescript: Array is empty after calling and passing it to function - arrays

Hi I am building function to recursively "denest" a object of following interface:
export interface IUnit {
code: string
artifacts: IArtifact[]
units: IUnit[]
The idea is that I have a separate array that I returns with every immersion and after each return the returned array is "pushed" to local array and so on...
the function is as following:
const denestList = async (incomingUnit: IUnit): Promise<{ allUnits: IUnit[], allArtifacts: IArtifact[] }> => {
var units = [incomingUnit];
var artifacts = [...incomingUnit.artifacts];
//Array is full
//Array is empty
for (unit of incomingUnit.units) {
//Recursion happens here.
var result = await denestList(unit)
return { allUnits: units, allArtifacts: artifacts }
The problem is that for (unit of incomingUnit.units) never happens. When I log unit.units it shows array full of IArtifact[], but when I run console.log(unit.units.length) it return 0.
Here is how to "denestList" function is called:
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const asyncStart = async (mainUnit: IUnit) => {
var result = await denestList(mainUnit);
I would really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance


How do I return an array from an external function in Node

I have a file which contains the following:
const fs = require('fs');
var loadSingleCsv = function (filename) {
fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
var dataArray = data.split(/\r?\n/);
dataArray.forEach((element,index, dataArray) => {
dataArray[index]= element.split(",");
dataArray.forEach((element,index, dataArray) => {
dataArray[index] = `${element[0]}, ${element[1]}, ${element[2]}, ${element[3]}, ${element[4]}`;
console.log(dataArray); // this prints to the console as expected
return dataArray;
module.exports = { loadSingleCsv };
When I call it from another file, the array shows as 'undefined'. Here is my code:
const loadCsv = require ('../../load-csv-file');
dataArray = loadCsv.loadSingleCsv('./csv-files/rcm-data-01.csv');
I'm assuming that this is a real newbie error, but I would appreciate any help you can give.
Thank you.
I think your problem is with loading the file
const loadCsv = require ('../../load-csv-file');
dataArray = loadCsv.loadSingleCsv('./csv-files/rcm-data-01.csv');
Please check the file path.

Pass an Array as a query String Parameter node.js

How can I pass an array as a query string parameter?
I've tried numerous ways including adding it to the path but i'm not able to pull the array on the back end.
If I hard code the array it works fine, but when I try to pass the array from my front end to the backend it does not work properly.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
function loadJob() {
return API.get("realtorPilot", "/myTable/ListJobs", {
'queryStringParameters': {
import * as dynamoDbLib from "./libs/dynamodb-lib";
import { success, failure } from "./libs/response-lib";
export async function main(event, context) {
const data = {
radius: event.queryStringParameters.radius,
availableServices: event.queryStringParameters.availableServices,
// These hold ExpressionAttributeValues
const zipcodes = {};
const services = {};
data.radius.forEach((zipcode, i) => {
zipcodes[`:zipcode${i}`] = zipcode;
data.availableServices.forEach((service, i) => {
services[`:services${i}`] = service;
// These hold FilterExpression attribute aliases
const zipcodex = Object.keys(zipcodes).toString();
const servicex = Object.keys(services).toString();
const params = {
TableName: "myTable",
IndexName: "zipCode-packageSelected-index",
FilterExpression: `zipCode IN (${zipcodex}) AND packageSelected IN (${servicex})`,
ExpressionAttributeValues : {...zipcodes, ...services},
try {
const result = await dynamoDbLib.call("scan", params);
// Return the matching list of items in response body
return success(result.Items);
} catch (e) {
return failure(e.message);
Pass a comma seperated string and split it in backend.
Example: https://example.com/apis/sample?radius=a,b,c,d&availableServices=x,y,z
And in the api defenition split the fields on comma.
const data = {
radius: event.queryStringParameters.radius.split(','),
availableServices: event.queryStringParameters.availableServices.split(',')

Reactjs waiting for array.forEach completion before continued with callback

I've only been using JS and React for a short time, and am running into issues with waiting for a forEach loop to complete before continuing.
The function glitchLib below should pull an array of img sources from state, iterate through the elements of the array and "glitch" each image (the actual process of glitching is done with a javascript library). For each glitched image, I want to push a 2-elem array with the original source and glitched source into currentSaved[], and then pass the array of arrays in a callback.
glitchLib() {
const currentSaved = [];
var array = this.state.originalFiles;
array.forEach(function(src) {
var originalImage = src;
const image = new Image();
image.src = src;
image.onload = () => {
.then((dataURL) => {
const dataArray = [originalImage, dataURL];
If I wrap the callback in a setTimeout for ~10 seconds or so, the array is properly iterated through so there isn't any issue with the way the js library is performing the "glitching", which should just return a base64 image encoding. Without the setTimeout, an empty array is passed.
What is the proper way to wait for the array to be fully iterated through (or for that matter, is there any better way of doing this sort of thing)?
You can wait for the completion of a number of Promises using Promise.all():
const glitch = () => Promise.resolve('xyz')
function glitchLib(callback) {
const promises = []
const array = ['abc', 'def']
array.forEach(src => {
const originalImage = src
const image = new Image()
image.src = src
/*image.onload = */;(() => {
.then(dataURL => [originalImage, dataURL])
.then(currentSaved => callback(currentSaved))
glitchLib(x => console.log(x))

Functions in React: my function isn't working, because of 'read-only' error. Why?

I'm trying to write a function into a React component, but I am stuck with this error:
Uncaught Error: Module build failed: SyntaxError: "productMap" is read-only
Why is this happening? And how can I fix this, so I can use productMap?
Here is my function:
printReceipt() {
var products = this.props.updateBasket.products;
//create a map of products
const productMap = {};
for(let product of products) {
if(!productMap[product.id]) {
productMap[product.id] = 1;
} else {
productMap = productMap + 1;
This is happening because poductMap is of type const and const cannot change through reassignment
Change it to a let or var instead
printReceipt() {
var products = this.props.updateBasket.products;
//create a map of products
let productMap = {};
for(let product of products) {
if(!productMap[product.id]) {
productMap[product.id] = 1;
} else {
productMap = productMap + 1;
Use let productMap={}; instead of const.
The const declaration creates a read-only reference to a value.
use ()=> FunctionName() instead of FunctionName()
When we call the function FunctionName(), it is just executed, but when we write () => FunctionName(), then it is only called when that particular operation is performed for example onPress.
FunctionName() sometimes doesn't work, and is only read-only, using () => FUnctionName, is a good way.

Why this setState is not a function in ComponenDidMount?

I am trying to fetch ordered data from Firebase and set it to state highscoreArray but it gives error "undefined is not a function (evaluating 'this.setState({ highscoreArray:sortedHighscores })')
componentDidMount() {
const reference = database.ref("highscores");
// Pushing sorted data to highscoreArray.
reference.orderByChild("highscore").limitToLast(3).on("value", function (snapshot) {
sortedHighscores = [];
snapshot.forEach(function (child) {
"username": child.val().username,
"score": child.val().highscore
sortedHighscores = sortedHighscores.reverse();
console.log("sortedh", sortedHighscores); // fetch success
this.setState({highscoreArray: sortedHighscores}); // gives error
One of the major advantages of arrow functions is that it does not have it's own this value. It's this is lexically bound to the enclosing scope.
class Logger {
dumpData(data) {
var _this = this;
// this dumps data to a file and get the name of the file via a callback
dump(data, function (outputFile) {
_this.latestLog = outputFile;
// using arrow functions
class Logger {
dumpData(data) {
dump(data, outputFile => this.latestLog = outputFile);
1.this not accessible within loop so use variable let that = this the use that wherever you need this in this function.
componentDidMount() {
const reference = database.ref("highscores");
let that = this // here your variable declaration
// Pushing sorted data to highscoreArray.
reference.orderByChild("highscore").limitToLast(3).on("value", function (snapshot) {
sortedHighscores = [];
snapshot.forEach(function (child) {
"username": child.val().username,
"score": child.val().highscore
sortedHighscores = sortedHighscores.reverse();
console.log("sortedh", sortedHighscores); // fetch success
that.setState({highscoreArray: sortedHighscores}); // gives error
Hope this will help you :) happy coding!
Inside the function callback the this has a different context. Either use an arrow function, or store a reference outside:
reference.orderByChild("highscore").limitToLast(3).on("value", (snapshot) => { ... });
