Is there any API to create and delete Gmail accounts? - gmail-api

I'm seeking for APIs to create new Gmail IDs and then delete them after a period of time; can someone advise me if there are any available?

This would only work if you are using a Google Workspace account. You can create and delete users using the directory API and the users.insert and users.delete methods. This does not apply for free Gmail accounts as there is no API to create or delete free Gmail accounts.


How can I create Coinbase oauth application on behalf of the user?

I have the following goal - I want to integrate my application users with Coinbase. All users should be able to connect their own Coinbase accounts with my application so I can grant read permissions. In order to do that I have to use oauth api, but the problem is, I do not want to ask users to first create oauth application through the Coinbase UI themselves and then provide me the application ID and secret so I can initiate a coinbase oatuh integration. I need a seamless, one click integration. Do you have any suggestions how to achieve that?
The whole point of oAuth to not need the api key.
this is the documentation that says how to do it. future questions need to be programming specific or stack overflow will eat you up for dinner.

Create online meeting on behalf of user MS Graph API

In our project we are trying to integrate MS Teams with Web application using MS Graph API.use case is OnlineMeeting for Virtual Events.the attendees may or may not have microsoft account.
Created Azure Ad Account and created new tenant and created new user(given Global Administrator role) and registered new Application and given required API permission users.readWrite.all and onlineMreeting.readWrite.all to Application and Delegated Users.
Initially i was using UserCredientials flow(no manual authentication since its not in our usecase user should be authenticated automatically through java) to get accessToken.since its not recommended to use username and credientials(ROPC flow),so now trying to get accessToken only using clientId and clientSecret using adal4j and i am able to get accesstoken but not able to use token for endpoints with /me/onlineMeeting.since token doesnt contain required permission and scope.
so i had tried to reach endpoint with token got from clientid and secret using /users/{id}/onlineMeeting but it gives error like Application does not have permission to Create online meeting on behalf of this user
its mentioned to change access-policy.
is there any way to create online meeting on behalf of user without changing access policy?
to create onlinemeeting on behalf of user do we need skype business account?
onlinemeeting can created by two endpoint /onlineMeeting & /events
so does /event in calender api require any additional previlages like office365 license to create online meeting?
to implement these usecase whats the microsoft account Type,azure ad account
and what are all the license and azure subscription need?
to create onlinemeeting only with dialin do we need any special license
is there any way to create online meeting on behalf of user without
changing access policy? to create onlinemeeting on behalf of user do
we need skype business account?
No. We have to set the access policy to use Application token to create online meeting on behalf of a user. To create an online meeting with Microsoft Graph, we don't need skype business account. But if you want to create online meeting through UI / web client, you have to need Teams license. (When I use a new account without being assigned any O365 license, it shows some license error but it's then bypassed. So I think it's a bug. I think we should need skype business account / Teams license to create the online meeting)
so does /event in calendar api require any additional previlages like
office365 license to create online meeting?
Yes. We need O365 Exchange Online license to create /event.
to implement these usecase whats the microsoft account Type,azure ad
account and what are all the license and azure subscription need?
In summary, you need at least AAD work or school account and O365 Exchange Online license.
to create onlinemeeting only with dialin do we need any special
Microsoft graph doesn't support creating onlinemeeting only with dialin. See audioConferencing. It's read-only.

Does any one know some tool to create multiple Google Accounts in batch mode?

Do you know some tool that allow me to create several google accounts in batch mode?
I have Google for Education in my company and I will have to create 100 users account in order to allow them to use my Google Apps applications and forms.
I was wondering if there is a way to create these accounts programmatically or some tool could do that.
Any tip I will be happy to hear!!
The Google Admin SDK Directory API allows you to create users programmatically.
You'll need either domain-wide authorization of a service account (established via a Google Console API project) or OAuth2 creds from an admin user in order to successfully make the API calls.

AAD graph API - add Microsoft accounts

In Azure AD graph API it is possible to create new users in your organizational directory.
Is it possible to add existing Microsoft accounts as users to your organizational directory? (This feature is available through Azure portal)
If yes, what would be the API call?
Not possible today to do that programmaticay. Sorry!
Just to clarify and to add to what Vittorio said:
Yes, it is possible to create new users in your organization directory. The reccommended pathway to do this is with the Graph API. Note that these users will be users from the tenant you are creating them, not external users or MSAs. Check out our documentation here:
Unfortunately we do not currently support creating MSA users or external users in your organizational directory. However, we are aware of this feature request, and it is on our backlog of to-do work items. You will likely see this as a feature that we expose via the Graph API, so keep a look out!
Shawn Tabrizi

GMAIL API search user's messages in a domain

Exist a Gmail Rest API in order to search by the users messages of a particular domains mailboxes?
A practical example is that a backend service after authentication via OAuth can search messages in different domains mailboxes of others users.
I'm not able to find the right Google API for perform this type of research.
Someone know a solution for this ?
There is no concrete way to search across all mailboxes in a domain. You would need to enumerate the mailboxes (e.g. using the admin SDK directory API), then for each one perform the search there. Obviously, your app will need permissions to query admin SDK to get list of users in the domain and then permissions for each individual mailbox--the easiest way is to setup a service account and get it whitelisted for the entire domain for those scopes in domain cpanel. See:
For more info about how to do the auth domain-wide which can be used with the Gmail API.
