How to get value from React Select Form - reactjs

Sorry for just a basic question, But I'm a little stuck here to find any way to get values from React Select after making a selection.
This is a Simple Selection setup.
const selectOptions = [
{ value: 'YES', label: 'Set to Active' },
{ value: 'NO', label: 'Set to Mute' }
<Label className='form-label'>Select</Label>
I want to get the value against user-selected choice and put it into userChoice content using useState.
const [userChoice, setUserChoice] = useState("")
value can be YES or NO as defined in selectOptions. But how to pass this into userChoice.
I tried using onChange={(e) => setUserChoice(} But this thing is not working.
Also tried onInputChange={handleInputChange} as suggested in previously asked threads on StackOverflow but not working here.

The onChange callback handler gets called with the whole choice object instead of the event object. Therefore it should be like this.
onChange={(choice) => setUserChoice(choice)}
If you only intested in YES / NO value, then use,
onChange={(choice) => setUserChoice(choice.value)}


Conditionally enabling a form button with react-hook-form and material ui

I'm creating a React form with Material UI. My goal is to force the user to answer all the questions before they can click the download button. In other words I'm trying to leave the download button in the disabled state until I can determine that values are set on each field. I've tried to get this working with and without react-hook-form.
What I've tried
Without react-hook-form...
I have my example in coding sandbox here:
In this attempt I abandoned react-hook-form and added some logic that executes onChange. It looks through each of the formValues and ensures none of them are empty or set to "no answer". Like this:
const handleInputChange = (e) => {
// do setFormValues stuff first
// check that every question has been answered and enable / disable the download button
let disableDownload = false;
Object.values(formValues).forEach((val) => {
if (
typeof val === "undefined" ||
val === null ||
val === "no answer" ||
val === ""
) {
disableDownload = true;
The problem with this approach, as you'll see from playing with the UI in codesandbox, is that it requires an extra toggle of the form field value in order to detect that every field has been set. After the extra "toggle" the button does indeed re-enable. Maybe I could change this to onBlur but overall I feel like this approach isn't the right way to do it.
Using react-hook-form
With this approach...the approach I prefer to get working but really struggled with, I ran into several problems.
First the setup:
I removed the logic for setBtnDisabled() in the handleInputChange function.
I tried following the example on the react-hook-form website for material ui but in that example they're explicitly defining the defaultValues in useForm where-as mine come from useEffect. I want my initial values to come from my questionsObject so I don't think I want to get rid of useEffect.
I couldn't figure out what to do with {...field} as in the linked material ui example. I tried dropping it on RadioGroup
rules={{ required: true }}
render={({ field }) => (
but I get an MUI error of : MUI: A component is changing the uncontrolled value state of RadioGroup to be controlled.
Also, I don't see that useForm's state is changing at all. For example, I was hoping the list of touchedfields would increase as I clicked radio buttons but it isn't. I read that I should pass formState into useEffect() like this:
useEffect(() => {
const outputObj = {};
(question) => (outputObj[question] = questionsObject[question].value)
}, [formState]);
but that makes me question what I need to do with formValues. Wondering if formState is supposed to replace useState for this.

react-select not setting defaultValue param properly

So I have this piece of code, and somehow it's not setting the defaultValue properly, here's the value of patchsOptions[0]:
console.log(patchOptions[0]); // Object { value: "10.15.1", label: "10.15.1" }
onChange={option => this.onChangePatch(option.value)}
The default value keeps empty, but the options are loaded correctly, so I didn't see the problem since looking at some examples, it also uses the "options[0]" variable.
By changing the code this way, it works as expected:
defaultValue={{ value: 'test', label: 'test' }}
onChange={option => this.onChangePatch(option.value)}
They both have the same obj structure, so I didn't get where's the problem. I logged the default value before rendering, and it's setting normally, it's not empty.
As the patchesOptions is set from an Async call, then the first render time it will be null, and the defaultValue doesn't change if you change it's value, this is like an initial value, so what you can do is to use value option, and link it to the selectedPatch, also I did some change (onChange) like this:
value={{this.state.selectedPatch.value, this.state.selectedPatch.label}}
onChange={option => this.onChangePatch(option)}

How do i get the option selected by a user using the Dropdown button to operate on?

I am new to react and office-ui-fabric and I am trying to create a VSCode Extension takes certain input parameters and based on the input the user selects, I should be operating on the option selected. I take the user input in the form of options under dropdown button. Currently once the user selects one of the options from the dropdown i do not see the option selected in the dropdown.I see only undefined being displayed in the console.
I have tried different ways of getting this input parameters from the user but i still end up with undefined being show in the console.
const Options: IDropdownOption[] = [
{ key: 'A', text: 'A', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header },
{ key: 'B', text: 'B' },
{ key: 'C', text: 'C' },
const [selectedItem, setOption] = React.useState<string | undefined>(undefined);
return (
<Dropdown placeholder="Select option" options={Options} styles={dropdownStyles} selectedKey={selectedItem} onChange={event =>{
setOption(( as HTMLInputElement).value);console.log(selectedItem)}} />
windows.console should show me the input the user selects whereas currently i see undefined
The office-ui-fabric Dropdown component triggers change events via the onChanged prop which when invoked, passes the actual option object underlying the drop down item that has been selected by the user.
By changing onChange to onChanged, and then revising this events handler to read the text of the selected option (rather than value of the that should produce the required result:
<Dropdown placeholder="Select option"
onChanged={ selectedOption =>{
console.log("Selected", selectedOption.text);
This: setOption(selectedOption.text); calls the setOption() function, and passes the display value of the option selected by the user to it. When calling setOption(), this updates the stat selectedItem state of the component with the value that is passed (ie the display value of the selected option). Note that a side effect of calling setOption() is that a re-render of the component will occour, meaning that parts of your component displaying/relying on selectedItem will be automatically updated, etc.

React State - Unable to update the state

Update: Fixed it. It was a schoolboy error. I had actually declared a const BaseObject = () => in the render function, and then I was using return in render function. Sorry for wasting your time guys. I moved the const outside as function, and everything is fine.
I have a very simple state:
this.state = {
filters: [{ key: '', value: '' }, { key: '', value: '' }]
And part of render method is:
{, index) => {
return <div key={'filter_parent_div_'+index} style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<AutoComplete key={'filter_auto'+index} className='width30 sane-margin-from-right' data={keys} onItemSelected={this.onKeySelected(index)} label='Filter'/>
<div key={'filter_div_'+index} className='sane-margin-from-right width30'>
label='Filter Value'
{ index > 0 ? <div className='show-hand' onClick={this.deleteFilter(index)}><i style={{ color: 'lightgray' }} className='sane-margin-from-top material-icons'>clear</i></div> : '' }
It produces a result something like this:
Now my problem is that when I am trying to add a text in the textfield, it is somehow refreshing the state and it is moving my cursor away every time. For example, in my first row, if I am trying to enter 'Vikas' in Filter Value textfield, As soon as I enter 'V', it refreshes the component and my focus goes away. It looks like I am doing something silly here and somehow messing up the state. My text change method is:
filterTextChanged = index => event => {
const filters = this.state.filters; // or JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.filters))
filters[index].value =;
this.setState({ filters });
So I can see that this approach is totally wrong, but I am unable to find the best approach in such case. If I have a single object in my state, I can easily use that state and update the state only for that object, but how to do it with the Array? Any help? I can find workarounds like using onBlur instead but I really need to find the best approach to use arrays in the state. Any help?
The problem is with your key, you are using the index as the key, but it isn't identifiable, i.e it will change when you change your filters, try using a uniquer key for each filter that is persisted with state changes and it should fix your problem.
As far as I can tell you're not keeping your component up to date with the state as you're not setting the value of the component. I might be reading the code wrong, but try adding value={filter.value} instead of defaultValue={filter.value}.
If that doesn't work, a fiddle would be very helpful.

Setting a checkbox "check" property in React

I am having a very annoying issue with React and checkboxes. The application I am working with requires a list of checkboxes that represent settings that are persisted in the back-end. There is an option to restore the settings to their original state.
At first, I created a component that has an object like a map of settings. Each setting has a key and a boolean value. Hence:
bubbles: true,
gregory: false
Is to be represented as:
<input type="checkbox" value="bubbles" checked="checked" />
<input type="checkbox" value="gregory" />
Now, it seems React is ignorant about how a checkbox is supposed to work. I don't want to set the checkboxes' values, I want the "checked" property.
Yet, if I try something like this:
I get this warning:
Warning: AwesomeComponent is changing an uncontrolled input of type checkbox to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info: [some useless docs page I read several times to no avail]
So I decided to create another component to wrap each individual checkbox and I got this:
Now the checked is a property present directly in my state.
This yields the same warning, so I tried using defaultChecked:
Which makes the warning disappear, but now it is unable to reset the checked value to the default one. So I tried playing with the method componentWillReceiveProps, this way I am quite sure my state is correct, this.state.checked is correct and the component renders again.
And it does. But the checkbox remains as it was originally.
For now I left that ugly warning and I am using checked.
How do I fix this thing so the warning goes away?
I was thinking that perhaps there is a way to force-re-render the component, so it captures the new defaultChecked value and uses it. But I don't know how to do that. Perhaps suppress the warning only for this component? Is that possible? Perhaps there is something else that can be done?
The problem arises if you set the checked property of your checkbox to null or undefined.
Those are "falsy" values in JS. However, React treats a value of null as if the property was not set at all. Since the default state of a checkbox is unchecked, everything will work fine though. If you then set checked to true, React thinks the property suddenly comes into existence! This is when React figures you switched from uncontrolled to controlled, since now the prop checked exists.
In your example, you can get rid of this warning by changing checked={this.settings[setting]} to checked={!!this.settings[setting]}. Notice the double bang (!!). They will convert null or undefined to false (and leave true alone), so React will register your checked property with a value of false and start off with a controlled form component.
I had this problem too and I, too, read the docs about controlled-components several times to no avail, but I finally figured it out, so I thought I'd share. Also, since version 15.2.0, normal inputs are triggered to be controlled by setting value, while checkboxes are initialized as controlled by setting checked, regardless of their value property, which added a bit to the confusion.
Amoebe's answer is correct, but I think there's a cleaner solution than the double bank (!!). Simply add a defaultProps property with value false for checked prop of your Checkbox component:
import React from 'react';
const Checkbox = ({checked}) => (
<input type="checkbox" checked={checked} />
Checkbox.defaultProps = {
checked: false
export default Checkbox;
Basically, the defaultChecked means you don't want to control the input – it just renders with this value and then there is no way to control it. Also, value shouldn't be used, but checked instead, so your second code should be correct. And you shouldn't use them both simultaneously.
Can you create a small fiddle with this behaviour?
Here is an answer using hooks should you choose to convert the class component to a functional one...
export default Checklist = () => {
const [listOfItems, setListOfItems] = useState([
{name: 'bubbles', isChecked: true},
{name: 'gregory', isChecked: false}
const updateListOfItems = (itemIndex, isChecked) => {
const updatedListOfItems = [...listOfItems];
updatedListOfItems[itemIndex].isChecked = isChecked;
return (
{, index) =>
<index key={index} type="checkbox" checked={item.isChecked} onChange={() => updateListOfItems(index, !item.isChecked)} />
You can assign your data to the state and then make use of the checked property associated with the individual checkbox to set the state as
{, index) {
return (
<input type="checkbox" checked={item.value} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, index)}/>
Sample Data in state is as
data: [{name:'bubbles', value: true}, {name:'gregory', value: false}]
What finally worked, combining other answers:
const [categories, setCategories] = useState(
field: 'Label 1',
checked: true
field: 'Label 2',
checked: false
field: 'Label 3',
checked: false
const updateList = (item, isChecked) => {
const updatedList = [...categories];
updatedList[item].checked = isChecked;
... in your markup:
{, index) =>
<div key = {item.field}>
<input key={index}
onChange={() => updateList(index, !item.checked)}
