Stripe webhook checkout.session items to Supabase - reactjs

Im using next.js and Stripe webhooks to insert checkout sessions to Supabase that will create a customer's order history. I'm able to get the information about the whole order written to a table called 'orders', but am wondering what the best way to add individual items within each checkout session to another table called 'order_items' is. This way I can map through main orders and then the children items. Appreciate any help provided. Here is what I have for getting orders associated with a customer:
const upsertOrderRecord = async (session: Stripe.Checkout.Session, customerId: string) => {
const { data: customerData, error: noCustomerError } = await supabaseAdmin
.eq('stripe_customer_id', customerId)
if (noCustomerError) throw noCustomerError;
const { id: uuid } = customerData || {};
const sessionData: Session = {
amount_total: session.amount_total ?? undefined,
user_id: uuid ?? undefined
const { error } = await supabaseAdmin.from<Session>('orders').insert([sessionData], { upsert: true });
if (error) throw error;
console.log(`Product inserted/updated: ${}`);

The Checkout Session object contains a line_items field which is a list of each item included in the purchase.
However this field is not included in the object by default, and therefore won't be a part of your webhook payload. Instead you'll need to make an API call in your webhook handle to retrieve the Checkout Session object, passing the expand parameter to include the line_items field:
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.retrieve('cs_test_xxx', {
expand: ['line_items']


userId dosen't get into the mongoose schema

i'm trying to send a post request to create a new task for a user, the mongoose schema of each task is:
let todoSchema = new AppSchema ({
userId: String,
title: String,
completed: Boolean
}, {versionKey: false})
and when i send the request, the task is created without the userId.
this is the request:
add = () => {
const task = {
title: this.state.title,
completed: false,
if(task.title) {
axiosUtils.create('http://localhost:8000/todos/', task)
alert('task created!')
*the typeof task.userId is string, it is the mongoDB _id of the specific user toString()
The function axios.create() just creates an axios instance with the specified config to send requests, but does not actually send any request.
Here's the documentation about how to send a POST request with axios.
You are doing axios.create() which is used to create an instance of axios.
To know more about axios.create() you can refer the official axios doc:
In order to create a task you need to make a post request like:"http://localhost:8080/todos/", { taskParam: task })
Here the taskParam is the name of that variable you are using to accept the task at backend in req.body most probably.

Accessing the collection inside a document of a parent collection in firestore

I am looking to fetch the data of collection named users which has documents with an id of logged-in users' uid. Further, these documents contain some data and a subCollection called posts.
which looks like -
So now, I need to fetch all four(4) of these documents along with the posts collection data together so that I can display it.
My approach -
( here I fetched the document ids - middle section of image IDs)
// Fetching Firestore Users Document IDs
const [userDocs, setUserDocs] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
try {
const data = firestore.collection('users')
.onSnapshot(snap => {
let docIDs = [];
snap.forEach(doc => {
catch(err) {
}, [])
Now, I have tried to fetch the entire data using the following way (which isn't working)
// Fetching Firestore Posts Data
const [postData, setPostData] = useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
try { => {
const data = firestore.collection('users/'+currentUser.uid+'/posts')
.onSnapshot(snap => {
let documents = [];
snap.forEach(doc => {
documents.push({, id:});
catch(err) {
}, [])
Finally, I should end up with postData array which I can map on my card component to render all posted images and captions to the UI.
I am not sure if this is the right way to achieve what I am doing here, please help me correct this error and if there's a more subtle and easy way to do it please let me know. Thank You.
I have tried to fetch the entire data
Looking at the code you wrote for fetching "the entire data" (i.e. the second snippet) it seems that you don't need to link a post document to the parent user document when fetching the post documents. In other words, I understand that you want to fetch all the posts collection independently of the user documents.
Therefore you could use a Collection Group query.
If you need, for each post document returned by the Collection Group query, to get the parent user doc (for example to display the author name) you can do as explained in this SO answer, i.e. using the parent properties.

Discord.js Filter Discord Events From Only 1 Server

I am working on trying to filter events for only 1 server rather than all servers the bot is in, but I'm trying to figure out how to exactly save each guild the bot is in as an collection so I can just filter events based on a guild ID I desire. Is this even possible? This is a snippet of the code I have to date, it's able to display the server names and ID's the bot is currently in, the events are working properly but triggering for all servers rather than the one I desire, how would I go about filtering for one guild collection?
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const bot = new Discord.Client()
const config = require('./config.json')
bot.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${bot.user.tag}!`);
//Sets Activity
bot.user.setActivity("Discord Cooks", { type: "WATCHING"})
console.log("Set User Activity!");
//Online Webhook
const webhookClient = new Discord.WebhookClient('','');
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`${bot.user.tag} is online`)
bot.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => {
bot.on("channelCreate", (channel) => {
console.log(`channelCreate: ID: ${} Name: ${}`);
bot.on("channelUpdate", (oldChannel, newChannel) => {
console.log(`channelUpdate -> ${} to ${}`);
bot.on("channelDelete", (channel) => {
console.log(`channelDelete: ID: ${} Name: ${}`);
You can only execute code if event happened on exact server in much easier way:
if( == "GUILD_ID") {
// code
Also as #MrMythical said, you can just use if ( !== "GUILD_ID") return; if you only need to run your code for 1 guild!

Handling Users with MongoDB Stitch App within Atlas Cluster

I have an MongoDB Stitch app, that users the Email/Password authentication. This creates users within the Stitch App that I can authenticate on the page. I also have an MongoDB Atlas Cluster for my database. In the cluster I have a DB with the name of the project, then a collection underneath that for 'Matches'. So when I insert the 'Matches' into the collection, I can send the authenticated user id from Stitch, so that I have a way to query all Matches for a particular User. But how can I add additional values to the 'User' collection in stitch? That user section is sort of prepackaged in Stitch with whatever authentication type you choose (email/password). But for my app I want to be able to store something like a 'MatchesWon' or 'GamePreference' field on the 'User' collection.
Should I create a collection for 'Users' the same way I did for 'Matches' in my Cluster and just insert the user id that is supplied from Stitch and handle the fields in that collection? Seems like I would be duplicating the User data, but I'm not sure I understand another way to do it. Still learning, I appreciate any feedback/advice.
There isn't currently a way to store your own data on the internal user objects. Instead, you can use authentication triggers to manage users. The following snippet is taken from these docs.
exports = function(authEvent){
// Only run if this event is for a newly created user.
if (authEvent.operationType !== "CREATE") { return }
// Get the internal `user` document
const { user } = authEvent;
const users ="mongodb-atlas")
const isLinkedUser = user.identities.length > 1;
if (isLinkedUser) {
const { identities } = user;
return users.updateOne(
{ id: },
{ $set: { identities } }
} else {
return users.insertOne({ _id:, ...user })
MongoDB innovates at a very fast pace - and while in 2019 there wasn't a way to do this elegantly, now there is. You can now enable custom user data on MongoDB realm! (
const user = context.user;
user.custom_data.primaryLanguage == "English";
id: '5f1f216e82df4a7979f9da93',
type: 'normal',
custom_data: {
_id: '5f20d083a37057d55edbdd57',
userID: '5f1f216e82df4a7979f9da93',
primaryLanguage: 'English',
data: { email: '' },
identities: [
{ id: '5f1f216e82df4a7979f9da90', provider_type: 'local-userpass' }
const customUserData = await user.refreshCustomData()

Comparing results from two API calls and returning their difference in MEAN app

EDIT: Since I wasn't able to find a correct solution, I changed the
application's structure a bit and posted another question:
Mongoose - find documents not in a list
I have a MEAN app with three models: User, Task, and for keeping track of which task is assigned to which user I have UserTask, which looks like this:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const autopopulate = require("mongoose-autopopulate");
const UserTaskSchema = mongoose.Schema({
completed: { type: Boolean, default: false },
userId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User",
autopopulate: true
taskId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Task",
autopopulate: true
module.exports = mongoose.model("UserTask", UserTaskSchema);
In my frontend app I have AngularJS services and I already have functions for getting all users, all tasks, and tasks which are assigned to a particular user (by getting all UserTasks with given userId. For example:
// user-task.service.js
function getAllUserTasksForUser(userId) {
return $http
.get("http://localhost:3333/userTasks/byUserId/" + userId)
.then(function(response) {
// task-service.js
function getAllTasks() {
return $http.get("http://localhost:3333/tasks").then(function(response) {
Then I'm using this data in my controllers like this:
.then(data => (vm.userTasks = data));
...and because of autopopulate plugin I have complete User and Task objects inside the UserTasks that I get. So far, so good.
Now I need to get all Tasks which are not assigned to a particular User. I guess I should first get all Tasks, then all UserTasks for a given userId, and then make some kind of difference, with some "where-not-in" kind of filter.
I'm still a newbie for all the MEAN components, I'm not familiar with all those then()s and promises and stuff... and I'm really not sure how to do this. I tried using multiple then()s but with no success. Can anyone give me a hint?
You can do at server/API side that will more efficient.
In client side, if you want to do then try below
var userid = $;
.then((data) => {
vm.userTasks = data.filter(task => task.userId !== userid)
