Are there ways to perform membership tests in pact? (performing membership test for pact tables) - pact-lang

Hello to the kadena pact developer community
I was looking at some basic code examples and as I wanted to play around with the functionality to develop a better grasp for it, I got curios about the following:
We see that some capabilities as defined in example code test for values within a row inside a table.
Is there a way one could simply test for a key and fail the predicate if the key is not present in the table?
Thank you for your insight.

While this may not be the most efficient way, I have found a solution to the question.
The pact syntax for testing membership is with the function call to 'contains'
Now we want to know whether a key exists within our table. In order to do this we can use the built-in function 'keys'
This will return a list of strings (i.e. our keys) and will let us query via the use of 'contains' whether the key in question exists as a key in our table, or: is X a member in our table.
Since this requires us to get a complete list of keys just to see whether the particular key is within our table, this is where my concern regarding performance comes in.
I wanted to share this with everyone, regardless, but in certain circumstances it may be better to just let the transaction fail instead of enforcing membership explicitly like this.
Edit: I used some code previously to show how to achieve this, but it was faulty code.
If you need a membership test, you can do it within the context of an if statement, but not with (enforce ) as enforce will only allow "pure" expressions (i.e. expressions that can be evaluated on the spot and do not involve database lookups like the 'keys' function).
Enforcing a test outcome that requires database transaction will return an error like
Error from ( : Failure: Database exception:
: Failure: Illegal database access attempt (keys)


How does the SETCURRENTKEY() C/AL function in Navision work?

I have the following questions:
What does SETCURRENTKEY actually do?
What is the benefit of SETCURRENTKEY?
Why would I use SETCURRENTKEY?
When would I use SETCURRENTKEY?
What is the advantage of using an index and how do I tie this analogously to the example of an old sorting system of a library?
What type of database querying efficiency problems does this function solve?
I have been searching all over the internet and the 'IT Pro Developer Help' internal Navision documentation for this poorly documented function and I cannot find a right answer to my questions.
The only thing I know is that SETCURRENTKEY sets the current key for a record variable and it sorts the recordset based on it. When SETCURRENTKEY is used with only a few keys, it can improve query performance. I have no idea what is actually happening when a database uses an index versus not using an index.
Someone told me this is how SETCURRENTKEY works:
It is like the old sorting card system in a library: without SETCURRENTKEY you would have to go through each shelf and manually filter out for the book you want. You would find a mix of random books and you would have to say: "No, not this one. Yes, this one". With SETCURRENTKEY you can have an index analogous to the old system where you would just go to a book or music CD based on its 'Author' or 'Artist' etc.
That's all fine, but I still can't properly answer my questions.
With SETCURRENTKEY you declare the key (table index, which can consist of many fields) to be used when querying database with FINDSET/FINDFIRST/FINDLAST statements, and the order of records you will receive while iterating the recordset with NEXT statement.
Performance. The database server uses the selected key (table index) to retrieve the record set. You are always better off explicitly stating SETCURRENTKEY in your code, as it makes you think along about you database structure and indices required.
Performance, and so that you know ahead the order of records you will receive when iterating through a recordset.
When to use:
The typical use is this:
RecordVar.SETRANGE(Field, ...)
RecordVar.SETFILTER(Field, ...)
RecordVar.SETRANGE(Field, ...)
// do something with records
UNTIL RecordVar.NEXT = 0;
SETCURRENTKEY is declarative, and comes into effect only when FINDSET is executed. At the moment FINDSET is executed, the database will be queried on the table represented by RecordVar, using the filters declared by SETRANGE/SETFILTER, and the key/index declared by SETCURRENTKEY.
For 5. and 6. and generally, I would truly reccomend you to familiarize yourself with basic database index theory. This is what it is, pretty well explained by yourself using the library/book analogy.
If modifying key fields (or filtered fields, even if not in the key) in a loop, the standard way to do this in NAV is to declare a second record variable, do a GET on it using the primary key fields from the record variable you are looping through, then change and MODIFY the second record variable.

Bad practice to have IDs that are not defined in the database?

I am working on an application that someone else wrote and it appears that they are using IDs throughout the application that are not defined in the database. For a simplified example, lets say there is a table called Question:
Currently the SubTypeId column is populated with a set of IDs that do not reference another table in the database. In the code these SubTypeIds are mapped to a specific string in a configuration file.
In the past when I have had these types of values I would create a lookup table and insert the appropriate values, but in this application there is a mapping between the IDs and their corresponding text values in a configuration file.
Is it bad practice to define a lookup table in a configuration file rather than in the database itself?
Is it bad practice to define a lookup table in a configuration file rather than in the database itself?
Absolutely, yes. It brings in a heavy dependence on the code to manage and maintain references, fetch necessary values, etc. In a situation where you now need to create additional functionality, you would rely on copy-pasting the mapping (or importing them, etc.) which is more likely to cause an issue.
It's similar to why DB constraints should be in the DB rather than in the program/application that's accessing it - any maintenance or new application needs to replicate all the behaviour and rules. Having things this way has similar side-affects I've mentioned here in another answer.
Good reasons to have a lookup table:
Since DBs can generally naturally have these kinds of relations, it would be obvious to use them.
Queries first need to be constructed in code for the Type- and SubType- Text vs ID instead of having them as part of the where/having clause of the query that is actually executed.
Speed/Performance - with the right indexes and table structures, you'd benefit from this (and reduce code complexity that manages it)
You don't need to update your code for to add a new Type or SubType, or to edit/delete them.
Possible reasons it was done that way, which I don't think are valid reasons:
The TypeID and SubTypeID are related and the original designer did not know how to create a complex foreign key. (Not a good reason though.)
Another could be 'translation' but that could also be handled using foreign key relations.
In some pieces of code, there may not be a strict TypeID-to-SubTypeID relation and that logic was handled in code rather than in the DB. Again, can be managed using 'flag' values or NULLs if possible. Those specific cases could be handled by designing the DB right and then working around a unique/odd situation in code instead of putting all the dependence on the code.
NoSQL: Original designer may be under the impression that such foreign keys or relations cannot be done in a NoSQL db.
And the obvious 'people' problem vs technical challenge: The original designer may not have had a proper understanding of databases and may have been a programmer who did that application (or was made to do it) without the right knowledge or assistance.
Just to put it out there: If the previous designer was an external contractor, he may have used the code maintenance complexity or 'support' clause as a means to get more business/money.
As a general rule of thumb, I'd say that keeping all the related data in a DB is a better practice since it removes a tacit dependency between the DB and your app, and because it makes the DB more "comprehensible." If the definitions of the SubTypeIDs are in a lookup table it becomes possible to create queries that return human-readable results, etc.
That said, the right answer probably depends a bit on the specifics of the application. If there's very tight coupling between the DB and app to begin with (eg, if the DB isn't going to be accessed by other clients) this is probably a minor concern particularly if the set of SubTypeIDs is small and seldom changes.

Using dependant types to provide a compile type proofe that some integer is a valid row-id in database?

In my never-ending wonder in dependent type land a strange idea came into my head. I do a lot of data base programming and it would be nice if I could get rid of all those sanity-checking and validity-checking. One specially annoying case is those functions that accept an Integer and expect that to be a valid row-id of some certain table. A very silly example is:
function loadStudent(studentId: Integer) : Student
Supposing my language of choice supports dependent types in their full glory, would it be possible to utilize the type system to make loadStudent accept only valid studentId values :
function loadStudent(studentId : ValidRowId("students_table") ) : Student
If yes, how do I write a data constructor for ValidRowId type? All the examples I have seen thus far were pure (no IO involved).
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but I don't see how it's possible without doing IO. How can you know that an id is valid without searching the database to see if there is a record with that id?
I suppose that you could, at program start up time, read all the current IDs into a table in memory and then do your checks against that. But you would have to somehow know if another user had added or deleted records after you created the table.
Okay, you could have all threads on all computers that access the database communicate with some central server that keeps this master list so that it would always be current. But we already have a central place that keeps track of all the IDs currently in use in the database: it's called "the database". What would be the advantage of going to a whole bunch of work to maintain a duplicate copy of a subset of the data on the database? It's unlikely you'd get much performance gain, and you'd create the possibility that bugs in your code, bad connections, etc, would result in the data getting out of sync.

Enforcing Unique Constraint in GAE

I am trying out Google App Engine Java, however the absence of a unique constraint is making things difficult.
I have been through this post and this blog suggests a method to implement something similar. My background is in MySQL.Moving to datastore without a unique constraint makes me jittery because I never had to worry about duplicate values before and checking each value before inserting a new value still has room for error.
"No, you still cannot specify unique
during schema creation."
-- David Underhill talks about GAE and the unique constraint (post link)
What are you guys using to implement something similar to a unique or primary key?
I heard about a abstract datastore layer created using the low level api which worked like a regular RDB, which however was not free(however I do not remember the name of the software)
Schematic view of my problem
sNo = biggest serial_number in the db
Insert new entry with sNo as serial_number value //checkpoint
User adds data pertaining to current serial_number
Update entry with data where serial_number is sNo
However at line number 3(checkpoint), I feel two users might add the same sNo. And that is what is preventing me from working with appengine.
This and other similar questions come up often when talking about transitioning from a traditional RDB to a BigTable-like datastore like App Engine's.
It's often useful to discuss why the datastore doesn't support unique keys, since it informs the mindset you should be in when thinking about your data storage schemes. The reason unique constraints are not available is because it greatly limits scalability. Like you've said, enforcing the constraint means checking all other entities for that property. Whether you do it manually in your code or the datastore does it automatically behind the scenes, it still needs to happen, and that means lower performance. Some optimizations can be made, but it still needs to happen in one way or another.
The answer to your question is, really think about why you need that unique constraint.
Secondly, remember that keys do exist in the datastore, and are a great way of enforcing a simple unique constraint.
my_user = MyUser(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
This will guarantee that no MyUser will ever be created with that email ever again, and you can also quickly retrieve the MyUser with that email:
my_user = MyUser.get(users.get_current_user().email())
In the python runtime you can also do:
my_user = MyUser.get_or_create(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
Which will insert or retrieve the user with that email.
Anything more complex than that will not be scalable though. So really think about whether you need that property to be globally unique, or if there are ways you can remove the need for that unique constraint. Often times you'll find with some small workarounds you didn't need that property to be unique after all.
You can generate unique serial numbers for your products without needing to enforce unique IDs or querying the entire set of entities to find out what the largest serial number currently is. You can use transactions and a singleton entity to generate the 'next' serial number. Because the operation occurs inside a transaction, you can be sure that no two products will ever get the same serial number.
This approach will, however, be a potential performance chokepoint and limit your application's scalability. If it is the case that the creation of new serial numbers does not happen so often that you get contention, it may work for you.
To clarify, the singleton that holds the current -- or next -- serial number that is to be assigned is completely independent of any entities that actually have serial numbers assigned to them. They do not need to be all be a part of an entity group. You could have entities from multiple models using the same mechanism to get a new, unique serial number.
I don't remember Java well enough to provide sample code, and my Python example might be meaningless to you, but here's pseudo-code to illustrate the idea:
Receive request to create a new inventory item.
Enter transaction.
Retrieve current value of the single entity of the SerialNumber model.
Increment value and write it to the database
Return value as you exit transaction.
Now, the code that does all the work of actually creating the inventory item and storing it along with its new serial number DOES NOT need to run in a transaction.
Caveat: as I stated above, this could be a major performance bottleneck, as only one serial number can be created at any one time. However, it does provide you with the certainty that the serial number that you just generated is unique and not in-use.
I encountered this same issue in an application where users needed to reserve a timeslot. I needed to "insert" exactly one unique timeslot entity while expecting users to simultaneously request the same timeslot.
I have isolated an example of how to do this on app engine, and I blogged about it. The blog posting has canonical code examples using Datastore, and also Objectify. (BTW, I would advise to avoid JDO.)
I have also deployed a live demonstration where you can advance two users toward reserving the same resource. In this demo you can experience the exact behavior of app engine datastore click by click.
If you are looking for the behavior of a unique constraint, these should prove useful.
I first thought an alternative to the transaction technique in broc's blog, could be to make a singleton class which contains a synchronized method (say addUserName(String name)) responsible adding a new entry only if it is unique or throwing an exception. Then make a contextlistener which instantiates a single instance of this singleton, adding it as an attribute to the servletContext. Servlets then can call the addUserName() method on the singleton instance which they obtain through getServletContext.
However this is NOT a good idea because GAE is likely to split the app across multiple JVMs so multiple singleton class instances could still occur, one in each JVM. see this thread
A more GAE like alternative would be to write a GAE module responsible for checking uniqueness and adding new enteries; then use manual or basic scaling with...
Then you have a single instance running on GAE which acts as a single point of authority, adding users one at a time to the datastore. If you are concerned about this instance being a bottleneck you could improve the module, adding queuing or an internal master/slave architecture.
This module based solution would allow many unique usernames to be added to the datastore in a short space of time, without risking entitygroup contention issues.

Adding relations to an Access Database

I have an MS Access database with plenty of data. It's used by an application me and my team are developing. However, we've never added any foreign keys to this database because we could control relations from the code itself. Never had any problems with this, probably never will either.
However, as development has developed further, I fear there's a risk of losing sight over all the relationships between the 30+ tables, even though we use well-normalized data. So it would be a good idea go get at least the relations between the tables documented.
Altova has created DatabaseSpy which can show the structure of a database but without the relations, there isn't much to display. I could still use to add relations to it all but I don't want to modify the database itself.
Is there any software that can analyse a database by it's structures and data and then do a best-guess about its relations? (Just as documentation, not to modify the database.)
This application was created more than 10 years ago and has over 3000 paying customers who all use it. It's actually document-based, using an XML document for it's internal storage. The database is just used as storage and a single import/export routine converts it back and to XML. Unfortunately, the XML structure isn't very practical to use for documentation and there's a second layer around this XML document to expose it as an object model. This object model is far from perfect too, but that's what 10 years of development can do to an application. We do want to improve it but this takes time and we can't disappoint the current users by delaying new updates.Basically, we're stuck with its current design and to improve it, we need to make sure things are well-documented. That's what I'm working on now.
Only 30+ tables? Shouldn't take but a half hour or an hour to create all the relationships required. Which I'd urge you to do. Yes, I know that you state your code checks for those. But what if you've missed some? What if there are indeed orphaned records? How are you going to know? Or do you have bullet proof routines which go through all your tables looking for all these problems?
Use a largish 23" LCD monitor and have at it.
If your database does not have relationships defined somewhere other than code, there is no real way to guess how tables relate to each other.
Worse, you can't know the type of relationship and whether cascading of update and deletion should occur or not.
Having said that, if you followed some strict rules for naming your foreign key fields, then it could be possible to reconstruct the structure of the relationships.
For instance, I use a scheme like this one:
Table Product
- Field ID /* The Unique ID for a Product */
- Field Designation
- Field Cost
Table Order
- Field ID /* the unique ID for an Order */
- Field ProductID
- Field Quantity
The relationship is easy to detect when looking at the Order: Order.ProductID is related to Product.ID and this can easily be ascertain from code, going through each field.
If you have a similar scheme, then how much you can get out of it depends on how well you follow your own convention, but it could go to 100% accuracy although you're probably have some exceptions (that you can build-in your code or, better, look-up somewhere).
The other solution is if each of your table's unique ID is following a different numbering scheme.
Say your Order.ID is in fact following a scheme like OR001, OR002, etc and Product.ID follows PD001, PD002, etc.
In that case, going through all fields in all tables, you can search for FK records that match each PK.
If you're following a sane convention for naming your fields and tables, then you can probably automate the discovery of the relations between them, store that in a table and manually go through to make corrections.
Once you're done, use that result table to actually build the relationships from code using the Database.CreateRelation() method (look up the Access documentation, there is sample code for it).
You can build a small piece of VBA code, divided in 2 parts:
Step 1 implements the database relations with the database.createrelation method
Step 2 deleted all created relations with the database.delete command
As Tony said, 30 tables are not that much, and the script should be easy to set. Once this set, stop the process after step 1, run the access documenter (tools\analyse\documenter) to get your documentation ready, launch step 2. Your database will then be unchanged and your documentation ready.
I advise you to keep this code and run it regularly against your database to check that your relational model sticks to the data.
There might be a tool out there that might be able to "guess" the relations but I doubt it. Frankly I am scared of databases without proper foreign keys in particular and multi user apps that uses Access as a DBMS as well.
I guess that the app must be some sort of internal tool, otherwise I would suggest that you move to a proper DBMS ( SQL Express is for free) and adds the foreign keys.
