How to build a async rest endpoint that calls blocking action in worker thread and replies instantly (Quarkus) - resteasy

I checked the docs and stackoverflow but didn't find exactly a suiting approach.
E.g. this post seems very close: Dispatch a blocking service in a Reactive REST GET endpoint with Quarkus/Mutiny
However, I don't want so much unneccessary boilerplate code in my service, at best, no service code change at all.
I generally just want to call a service method which uses entity manager and thus is a blocking action, however, want to return a string to the caller immidiately like "query started" or something. I don't need a callback object, it's just a fire and forget approach.
I tried something like this
public Uni<String> triggerQuery() {
return Uni.createFrom()
.item("query started")
.call(() -> service.startLongRunningQuery());
But it's not working -> Error message returned to the caller:
You have attempted to perform a blocking operation on a IO thread. This is not allowed, as blocking the IO thread will cause major performance issues with your application. If you want to perform blocking EntityManager operations make sure you are doing it from a worker thread.",
I actually expected quarkus takes care to distribute the tasks accordingly, that is, rest call to io thread and blocking entity manager operations to worker thread.
So I must using it wrong.
Also tried an proposed workaround that I found in changing the method body to
return Uni.createFrom()
.item("query started")
.invoke(()-> service.startLongRunningQuery());
Now I don't get an error, but service.startLongRunningQuery() is not invoked, thus no logs and no query is actually sent to db.
Same with (How to call long running blocking void returning method with Mutiny reactive programming?):
return Uni.createFrom()
.item(() ->service.startLongRunningQuery())
Same with (How to run blocking codes on another thread and make http request return immediately):
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10, r -> new Thread(r, "CUSTOM_THREAD"));
return Uni.createFrom()
.item(() -> service.startLongRunningQuery())
Any idea why service.startLongRunningQuery() is not called at all and how to achieve fire and forget behaviour, assuming rest call handled via IO thread and service call handled by worker thread?

It depends if you want to return immediately (before your startLongRunningQuery operation is effectively executed), or if you want to wait until the operation completes.
If the first case, use something like:
#Inject EventBus bus;
public void triggerQuery() {
bus.send("some-address", "my payload");
#Blocking // Will be called on a worker thread
public void executeQuery(String payload) {
In the second case, you need to execute the query on a worker thread.
public Uni<String> triggerQuery() {
return Uni.createFrom(() -> service.startLongRunningQuery())
Note that you need RESTEasy Reactive for this to work (and not classic RESTEasy). If you use classic RESTEasy, you would need the quarkus-resteasy-mutiny extension (but I would recommend using RESTEasy Reactive, it will be way more efficient).

Use the EventBus for that
Send and forget is the way to go.


Netty synchronous client with asynchronous callers

I am creating a server which consumes commands from numerous sources such as JMS, SNMP, HTTP etc. These are all asynchronous and are working fine. The server maintains a single connection to a single item of legacy hardware which has a request/reply architecture with a custom TCP protocol.
Ideally I would like a single command like this blocking type method
public Response issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command)
or this asynchronous type method
public Future<Response> issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command)
I am relatively new to Netty and asynchronous programming, basically learning it as I go along. My current thought is that my LegacyHardwareClient class will have public synchronized issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command), will make a write to the client channel to the legacy hardware, then take() from a SynchronousQueue<Response> which will block. The ChannelInboundHandler in the pipeline will offer() a Response to the SynchronousQueue>Response> which will allow the take() to unblock and receive the data.
Is this too convoluted? Are there any examples around of synchronous Netty client implementations that I can look at? Are there any best practices for Netty?
I could obviously use just standard Java sockets however the power of Netty for parsing custom protocols along with the ease of maintaniability is far too great to give up.
Just regarding the implementation, I used an ArrayBlockingQueue<>() and I used put() and remove() rather than offer() and remove(). Because I wanted to ensure that subsequent requests to the legacy hardware were only sent when any active requests had been replied to as the legacy hardware behaviour is not known with certainty otherwise.
The reason offer() and remove() did not work for me was that the offer() command would not pass anything if there was not an actively blocking take() request no the other side. The converse is true that remove() would not return anything unless there was a blocking put() call inserting data.
I couldn't use a put()/remove() since the remove() statement would never be reached since there was no request written to the channel to trigger the event from where the remove() would be called. I couldn't use offer()/take() since the offer() statement would return false since the take() call hadn't been executed yet.
Using the ArrayBlockingQueue<>() with a capacity of 1, it ensured that only one command could be executed at once. Any other commands would block until there was sufficient room to insert, with a capacity of 1 this meant it had to be empty. The emptying of the queue was done once a response had been received from the legacy hardware. This ensured a nice synchronous behaviour toward the legacy hardware but provided an asynchronous API to the users of the legacy hardware, for which there are many.
Instead of designing your application on a blocking manner using SynchronousQueue<Response>, design it in a nonblocking manner using SynchronousQueue<Promise<Response>>.
Your public Future<Response> issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command) should then use offer() to add a DefaultPromise<>() to the Queue, and then the netty pipeline can use remove() to get the response for that request, notice I used remove() instead of take(), since only under exceptional circumstances, there is none element present.
A quick implementation of this might be:
public class MyLastHandler extends SimpleInboundHandler<Response> {
private final SynchronousQueue<Promise<Response>> queue;
public MyLastHandler (SynchronousQueue<Promise<Response>> queue) {
this.queue = queue;
// The following is called messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext, Response) in 5.0.
public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Response msg) {
this.queue.remove().setSuccss(msg); // Or setFailure(Throwable)
The above handler should be placed last in the chain.
The implementation of public Future<Response> issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command) can look:
Channel channel = ....;
SynchronousQueue<Promise<Response>> queue = ....;
public Future<Response> issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command) {
return issueCommandToLegacyHardware(command, channel.eventLoop().newPromise());
public Future<Response> issueCommandToLegacyHardware(Command command, Promise<Response> promise) {
return promise;
Using the approach with the overload on issueCommandToLegacyHardware is also the design pattern used for Channel.write, this makes it really flexable.
This design pattern can be used as follows in client code:
(Future<Response> f) -> {
System.out.println("We have taken over the world: " + f.get());
The advantage of this design pattern is that no unneeded blocking is used anywhere, just plain async logic.
Appendix I: Javadoc:
Promise Future DefaultPromise

Camel RaabitMQ Acknowledgement

I am using Camel for my messaging application. In my use case I have a producer (which is RabbitMQ here), and the Consumer is a bean.
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Apparently, when autoAck is false, acknowledgement is sent when the process() execution is finished (please correct me if I am wrong here)
Now I don't want to acknowledge when the process() execution is finished, I want to do it at a later stage. I have a BlockingQueue in my MyCustomConsumer where consume() is putting messages, and MyCustomConsumer has different mechanism to process them. I want to acknowledge message only when MyCustomConsumer finishes processing messages from BlockingQueue. How can I achieve this?
You can consider to use the camel AsyncProcessor API to call the callback done once you processing the message from BlockingQueue.
I bumped into the same issue.
The Camel RabbitMQConsumer.RabbitConsumer implementation does
long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
if (!consumer.endpoint.isAutoAck()) {
log.trace("Acknowledging receipt [delivery_tag={}]", deliveryTag);
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);
So it's just expecting a synchronous processor.
If you bind this to a seda route for instance, the process method returns immediately and you're pretty much back to the autoAck situation.
My understanding is that we need to make our own RabbitMQ component to do something like
consumer.getAsyncProcessor().process(exchange, new AsynCallback() {
public void done(doneSync) {
if (!consumer.endpoint.isAutoAck()) {
long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
log.trace("Acknowledging receipt [delivery_tag={}]", deliveryTag);
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);
Even then, the semantics of the "doneSync" parameter is not clear to me. I think it's merely a marker to identify whether we're dealing with a real async processor or a synchronous processor that was automatically wrapped into an async one.
Maybe someone can validate or invalidate this solution?
Is there a lighter/faster/stronger alternative?
Or could this be suggested as the default implementation for the RabbitMQConsumer?

Want time delay before function call in apex code

I want time delay before function call in apex code. I already created one delay method but it is not working as per expectation. So, is there any way to get this working.
Thanks in advance.
Probably a better way to do this would be to break up your Apex code such that the part you want to execute later is in a separate method. You can then call this method from another method that has an #future annotation, or use the Apex Scheduler to schedule that code for a future time. Either of these methods will cause the code to be executed asynchronously after your original method has completed (the #future method is easier to implement but the scheduler method has the advantage of running at a predictable time).
If you need something like the sleep() function, one way to do it is to make a call to a http service which will sleep a requested amount of time. This is fairly simple to do, and there are existing publicly available services for it, for example the one at
First you have to Configure a new Remote Site in SalesForce (Security Controls -> Remote Site Settings), name it however you want but make sure the Remote Site URL matches the above URL, and that the "Active" checkbox is checked.
After that, you can define your method in code like so:
public static void sleep(Integer sleepSeconds) {
Long startTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('' + sleepSeconds);
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
Long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTS;
System.debug('Duration: ' + duration + 'ms');
Running it yields:
-> 08:46:57.242 (1242588000)|USER_DEBUG|[10]|DEBUG|Duration: 1202ms
You can easily do this in Visualforce. Either use apex:actionPoller and set the timeout property to whatever you want the interval to be. Or use window.setTimeout(function, 1000) in JavaScript. Then from the function in JavaScript you can either use JavaScript Remoting or apex:actionFunction to call back into Apex.

Silverlight web service callback performance

I have a silverlight client that communicates with a web service on a server. It has a DoSomething method that does nothing and returns void.
On the client, I call the service and listen to when the response comes back:
t0 = Environment.TickCount;
void DoSomething(..)
t1 = Environment.TickCount;
Network capture indicates the response is sent back within 2ms. However, OnDoSomethingCompleted is not called until 80ms later. Is there a way to change when the callback is executed?
Normally, OnDoSomethingCompleted() would be executed on the UI thread, i.e., behind the scenes, something is calling some code that (conceptually) looks a little like this:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => OnDoSomethingCompleted());
This means that OnDoSomethingCompleted() won't get executed until the UI thread decides to cooperate and run it. Most of the time that's fine, but there can be times when you want it to run faster. The basic approach is to use a thread pool to make the original call, which means that the response will get handled from the same thread pool (not necessarily ont he same thread). If you can do some real processing in this return method, and don't just automatically marshal it back onto the UI thread, this can speed up your processing somewhat.
Tomek (from the MS WCF team) gives a good example of how do this here:
It's also my understanding that the synchronization context for the WCF connection gets set when you first open it. This means that whatever thread the WCF connection is first opened on is the one that will handle all later calls. So in my own code, I do something like this:
// Spin up the connection on a new worker thread.
// According to Tomek, this will cause all WCF calls to be made from this thread.
ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
wcfWorkerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => InitializeNotificationClient(resetEvent)));
wcfWorkerThread.Name = "WcfWorkerThread";
And then InitializeNotificationClient() looks something like this:
private void InitializeNotificationClient(ManualResetEvent resetEvent = null)
notificationClient = GetRoomServiceClient();
notificationClient.InnerChannel.Faulted += new EventHandler(Channel_Faulted);
notificationClient.InnerChannel.Closed += new EventHandler(Channel_Closed);
// Tell the waiting thread that we're ready.
if (resetEvent != null)

Calling a webservice synchronously from a Silverlight 3 application?

I am trying to reuse some .NET code that performs some calls to a data-access-layer type service. I have managed to package up both the input to the method and the output from the method, but unfortunately the service is called from inside code that I really don't want to rewrite in order to be asynchronous.
Unfortunately, the webservice code generated in Silverlight only produces asynchronous methods, so I was wondering if anyone had working code that managed to work around this?
Note: I don't need to execute the main code path here on the UI thread, but the code in question will expect that calls it makes to the data access layers are synchronous in nature, but the entire job can be mainly executing on a background thread.
I tried the recipe found here: The Easy Way To Synchronously Call WCF Services In Silverlight, but unfortunately it times out and never completes the call.
Or rather, what seems to happen is that the completed event handler is called, but only after the method returns. I am suspecting that the event handler is called from a dispatcher or similar, and since I'm blocking the main thread here, it never completes until the code is actually back into the GUI loop.
Or something like that.
Here's my own version that I wrote before I found the above recipe, but it suffers from the same problem:
public static object ExecuteRequestOnServer(Type dalInterfaceType, string methodName, object[] arguments)
string securityToken = "DUMMYTOKEN";
string input = "DUMMYINPUT";
object result = null;
Exception resultException = null;
object evtLock = new object();
var evt = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
var client = new MinGatServices.DataAccessLayerServiceSoapClient();
client.ExecuteRequestCompleted += (s, e) =>
resultException = e.Error;
result = e.Result;
lock (evtLock)
if (evt != null)
client.ExecuteRequestAsync(securityToken, input);
var didComplete = evt.WaitOne(10000);
if (!didComplete)
throw new TimeoutException("A data access layer web service request timed out (" + dalInterfaceType.Name + "." + methodName + ")");
lock (evtLock)
evt = null;
if (resultException != null)
throw resultException;
return result;
Basically, both recipes does this:
Set up a ManualResetEvent
Hook into the Completed event
The event handler grabs the result from the service call, and signals the event
The main thread now starts the web service call asynchronously
It then waits for the event to become signalled
However, the event handler is not called until the method above has returned, hence my code that checks for evt != null and such, to avoid TargetInvocationException from killing my program after the method has timed out.
Does anyone know:
... if it is possible at all in Silverlight 3
... what I have done wrong above?
I suspect that the MinGatServices thingy is trying to be helpful by ensuring the ExecuteRequestCompleted is dispatched on the main UI thread.
I also suspect that your code is already executing on the main UI thread which you have blocked. Never block the UI thread in Silverlight, if you need to block the UI use something like the BusyIndicator control.
The knee-jerk answer is "code asynchronously" but that doesn't satisfy your question's requirement.
One possible solution that may be less troublesome is to start the whole chunk of code from whatever user action invokes it on a different thread, using say the BackgroundWorker.
Of course the MinGatServices might be ensuring the callback occurs on the same thread that executed ExecuteRequestAsync in which case you'll need to get that to run on a different thread (jumping back to the UI thread would be acceptable):-
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => client.ExecuteRequestAsync(securityToken, input));
