I was deleted the migration folders and schema file suddenly :|
Is there any way to get schema from tables in prisma?
Yes, you can use prisma db pull to generate schema from your actual database. Don't forget to run prisma generate after that to generate the client too.
More info in the docs as always
I have several tables that I have created through migration. Then, what happens if I change the table structure directly from PHPMYADMIN without using migration? What if my backend team pulls my project, then runs the "php artisan migrate" command. Is the database on my backend team the same as the database that I have?
If you make changes through phpMyAdmin, these will only be visible to you. You should change the migrations, or if you can't change the original because you don't want to reset the database, you should create a new migration to alter the table. Check the documentation for altering tables here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/migrations#modifying-columns
I have to modify my models but I alredy have data in my databse, and I have to clean it to modify my models, How can I make an script file with all the inserted data of django database in order to clean my database and have the data in a script and the uploaded it into the database
You can use following command to dump data into a json file.
python manage.py dumpdata --natural-primary --indent 4 > initial_data.json
Once you have json file, just use this to load it into database.
python manage.py loaddata initial_data.json
Also, You said you have to modify your models, Once you do that you wont be able to load it. since schema would have been changed.
You don't need to do anything special to preserve the data in your database. Django's migrations are specifically designed to alter existing tables as well as creating new ones.
I have deleted and modified somes tables in database sqlserver manually, then I have deleted __MigrationHistory table...
Now, when i run "add-migration" command, it regenare commands for recreate entire structure of database, but I want to syncronize the structure from the model to database, without recreates all tables in database...
the comnand "add-migration -ignoreChanges" is not correct, because the
model of website is different from database, because i have manual
modified somes tables.....
is possibles?
I have a Salesforce developer account and need to recreate a schema and data that I have in postgres. I would think there would be a way to execute DDL against Salesforce, but that does not seem to be the case. The documentation is all over the place. I have created an "object" and thought I could use data loader or something else to source it, but I have not had any success.
Any suggestions?
I need our end-users to "clone" a database from our web application UI. I am able to "clone" a database by backing up a source database and restoring it into a new database. In this way, I "clone" the table schema and data.
My question is - is there any way I can "clone" just the table schema, without the data? I am aware that we can script the database manually, and run that script. But our table schema changes frequently (we add new columns and tables regularly) and we wouldn't want to update this script. Thank you.
basically you have to:
save the datatase
restore the backup to a new database (use the with move option)
connect to the new database and then exec sys.sp_MSforeachtable 'truncate table ?'
PS: you may have to disable FK constraints if any.
Antother solution: use Entity Framework Database First to build a small program. Launch said program with a connection string pointing to a new db.
Right Click over database -> Tasks -> Generate Script
On Set Scripting Options page click Advanced
General -> Types of data to script = Schema Only
With SQL Server data tools you can generate the schema difference and apply only the changes to target database.