Visual Studio Integration Services becomes unresponsive - sql-server

I am developing ETL solutions in Visual Studio and as soon as I select a view from a SQL Server database, the Visual Studio freezes, and clicking anywhere results in the following notification: "Visual Studio is Busy".
It is very frustrating and I cannot finish creating my solution.
Any advice for making it faster and more responsive?

I. What happens when selecting a view as an OLE DB Source?
I created an SQL Server Profiler trace to track all T-SQL commands execute over the AdventureWorks2017 database while I am selecting the [HumanResources].[vEmployee] view as an OLE DB Source.
The following screenshot shows that the following command is executed twice:
set rowcount 1
select * from [HumanResources].[vEmployee]
This means that the OLE DB source limit the result set of the query to a single row and executes the Select * command over the selected view in order to extract the required metadata.
It is worth mentioning that the SET ROWCOUNT 1 causes SQL Server to stop processing the query after the specified number of rows are returned. This means that only one row is requested and not all the view's data.
II. Issue's possible reasons
The issue you mentioned mostly happens due to the following reasons:
(1) Third-party extensions installed in Visual Studio
In that case, you should try to start Visual Studio in safe mode to prevent loading third-party extensions. You can use the following command
devenv.exe /safemode
(2) View querying a large amount of data
Visual Studio may freeze if the view returns a huge amount of data or contains bad JOINS. You may solve this using a simple workaround. Alter the view's SQL and add a condition that only returns a few rows (For example SELECT TOP 1). Then, use this view while designing the package. Once done, remove the added condition.
(3) Bad database design
Moreover, it is highly important that your views are well designed and that the underlying tables have the appropriate indexes. Besides, check that you don't have any issues related to the database design. For example:
(a) Index fragmentation
The index fragmentation is the index performance value in percentage, which can be fetched by SQL Server DMV. You can refer to the following article for more information:
How to identify and resolve SQL Server Index Fragmentation
(b) Large binary column
Make sure that the view does not include large binary columns since it highly affects the query execution.
Best Practices for tables with VARBINARY(MAX)
How Your SQL Server Data Type Choices Can Affect Database Performance
(4) Hardware issues
Even I do not think this should be the cause in that case. Try to check the available resources on your machine. For Example:
(a) Drive out of storage
If using windows, check the C: drive storage (default system databases directory) and the drive where the databases are stored and make sure they are not full.
(b) Server is out of memory
Make sure that your machine is not running out of memory. You can simply use the Task Manager to identify the amount of available memory.
(5) Optimizing Visual Studio performance
The last thing to mention is that there are several recommendations to improve the performance of Visual Studio. Feel free to check them:
Optimize Visual Studio performance

This can sometimes happen when you try to validate a select statement against a huge table. Depending on the RDBMS , some data sources while doing the validation do not do a good job of returning just metadata to validate against, and instead run Select * from table. So, validation can take what seems like forever.
Try to check if this is actually happening , check the running queries on the RDBMS in the package, when you load up the package.
Otherwise try copying the package and switch to the XML and rebuild it until you find issue. Remove the problem from your XML file, save, and redraw in the designer.


Importing a CSV into SQL Server - Truncation

I'm trying to import data into SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio and I keep getting the "output column... failed because truncation occurred" error. This is because I'm letting the Studio autodetect the field length which it isn't very good at.
I know I can go back and extend the column length but I'm thinking there must be a better way to get it right first time without having to manaully work out how long each column is.
I know that this must be a common issue but my Google searches aren't coming up with anything as I'm more looking for a technique rather than a specific issue.
One approach you may take, assuming the import is not something which would take hours to complete, is to just set every text column to VARCHAR(MAX), and then complete the CSV import. Once you have the actual table in SQL Server, you can inspect each column using LEN to see how wide it is. Based on that, you can either alter columns, or you could just take notes, drop the table, and reimport using appropriate widths.
You should look into leveraging SSIS for this task. There is somewhat of a fixed cost in terms of spending time setting up the process for importing the csv file and creating a physical table in the database. Ultimately, though, you will be able to set the data types for each column/field in your file. Further, SSIS will enable you to transform or reformat the data to say the least.
I would suggest downloading Visual Studio and SQL Server Data Tools. The latter contains the necessary tools, including SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS, for which you would need to complete this task.
The main point is being able to automate this task, especially if it's an ongoing project of uploading csv files into the database.

Maintain SQL Server scripts

Our firm does not have a dedicated DBA employed but does have select developers performing DBA functions. We update our database often during a development cycle and have a release script with the various updates. We keep our db schema and objects in Visual Studio in a Database Project.
However, we often encounter two stumbling block problems that causes time-intensive manual intervention:
Developers cannot always sync from the Database Project to their local database because if we have added a NOT NULL field to an existing table that contains data then the Deploy process for VS to the db isn't smart enough to automagically insert "test" data just get the field into the table (unless this is a setting someplace?). We would of course follow this up, if possible, with a script to populate the field with real data, but we can't because the deployment fails.
Sometimes a developer will restore a backup from any past random date. There is no way of knowing exactly which db updates were applied to this database, so they don't know which scripts to start applying. What we do in this case is to check each script, chronologically, to see if the changes from that script have been applied to the database. If so, move on to the next script to run. Repeat.
One method we have discussed is potentially creating a "Database Update Level" table in the database with 1 field, 1 row. It would maintain the level that the database has been updated through. For example, when the first script is run, update the level to 2. In each db script, we would wrap the statements in a check such as
IF Database_Update_Level < 2 THEN
do some things here
UPDATE Database_Update_Level SET Database_Update_Level = 2
The db scripts can then be run on any database because the individual statement won't execute below a certain level.
This feels like we're missing something because this must be a common problem that every development shop that allows developers to develop locally encounters.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
about the restore problem, I don't see many solutions, you might try to prevent full restore and run scripts to populate the tables instead. As for versioning structures, do you use SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) in VS ? You can generate DACPACs and generate diff scripts.
But what you say is that you also alter structures directly in the database ? No way to avoid that ? If not you could for example use DDL triggers ( to at least get notified that something changed.
One easy way to solve the NOT NULL problem is to establish default constraints (could just be an empty string, max number value for the data type, max date value, etc.). When the publish occurs the new column will be populated with the default value.
For the second issue I'd utilize post-deploy scripts in your SSDT project to keep the data in sync utilizing 'NOT EXISTS' to make incremental changes. That way, you can simply publish the database and allow the data updates to occur one after another.

sys.dm_db_missing_index_details returns no rows

I have tried to look at sys.dm_db_missing_index_details to check for missing indexes on my SQL Server 2005 database. It is returning no rows.
It is possible that it should be empty but highly unlikely as I have not added ANY indices on any table (except the ones you get by creating primary keys). I am also running unit tests as well as adhoc development tests (using Linq to SQL) against it so there is some activity against it.
Do I need to turn on the capturing of this data?
Is this only supported on certain editions of SQL Server 2005?
Thanks in advance for any efforts to help.
It appears that it's on by default - although check any shortcut you are using to launch and make sure it's not launching with a -x
This feature can only be disabled if an instance of SQL Server is started by using the -x argument with the sqlservr command-prompt utility.
Also you'll want to know that the table is populated as queries are run if SQL Server uses the query optimizer - this table is cleared when you restart SQL Server.
Information returned by sys.dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted. Missing index information is kept only until SQL Server is restarted. Database administrators should periodically make backup copies of the missing index information if they want to keep it after server recycling.
Lastly there is an article that goes into the limitations here that you may or may not know about, but I'll post in case someone else happens across this post and needs:
I didn't see anything about the feature being missing in some versions but you WILL need certain permissions:
Users must be granted the VIEW SERVER STATE permission or any permission that implies the VIEW SERVER STATE permission to query this dynamic management view.
Another option is to query the plan cache directly -- this also has the benefit that it can get you the query that wants the index. There's a related question here on SO -- the answer from BankZ has a complete SQL script that does the job.
It may run slowly though - the plans are in XML format, so with this query, we're asking SQL Server to do lots of XML work rather than table work. But it does work :-)
And as with the main missing index table, the plan cache is cleared down if SQL Server is restarted.

how to handle db schema updates when using schemabinding and updating often

I'm using a MS SQL Server db and use plenty of views (for use with an O/R mapper). A little annoyance is that I'd like to
use schema binding
update with scripts (to deploy on servers and put in a source control system)
but run into the issue that whenever I want to e.g. add a column to a table, I have to first drop all views that reference that table, update the table, and then recreate the views, even if the views wouldn't need to be updated otherwise. This makes my update scripts a lot longer and also, looking the diffs in the source control system, it is harder to see what the actual relevant change was.
Is there a better way to handle this?
I need to still be able to use simple and source-controllable sql updates. A code generator like is included in SQL Server Management Studio would be helpful, but I had issues with SQL Server Management Studio in that it tends to create code that does not specify the names for some indices or (default) constraints. But I want to have identical dbs when I run my scripts on different systems, including the names of all contraints etc, so that I don't have to jump through loops when updating those constraints later.
So perhaps a smarter SQL code generator would a solution?
My workflow now is:
type the alter table statement in query editor
check if I get an error statement like "cannot ALTER 'XXX' because it is being referenced by object 'YYY'."
use SQL Server Managment Studio to script me create code for the referenced object
insert a drop statement before the alter statement and create statement after
check if the drop statement creates error and repeat
this annoys me, but perhaps I simply have to live with it if I want to continue using schemabinding and script updates...
You can at least eliminate the "check if I get an error" step by querying a few dynamic managment functions and system views to find your dependencies. This article gives a decent explanation of how to do that. Beyond that, I think you're right, you can't have your cake and eat it too with schema-binding.
Also keep in mind that dropping/creating views will cause you to lose any permissions that were granted on those objects, so those permissions should be included in your scripts as well.

Changing VC++6 app database from Access to SQL Server - can I use linked tables?

We have a Visual C++ 6 app that stores data in an Access database using DAO. The database classes have been made using the ClassWizard, basing them on CDaoRecordset.
We need to move from Access to SQL Server because some clients have huge (1.5Gb+) databases that are really slow to run reports on (using Crystal Reports and a different app).
We're not too worried about performance on this VC++ app - it is downloading data from data recorders and putting it in the database.
I used the "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant 2008 for Access" to migrate my database from Access into SQL Server - it then linked the tables in the original Access database. If I open the Access database then I can browse the data in the SQL Server database.
I've then tried to use that database with my app and keep running into problems.
I've changed all my recordsets to be dbOpenDynaset instead of dbOpenTable. I also changed the myrecordsetptr->open() calls to be myrecordsetptr->open(dbOpenDynaset, NULL, dbSeeChanges) so that I don't get an exception.
But... I'm now stuck getting an exception 3251 - 'Operation is not supported for this type of object' for one of my tables when I try to set the current index using myrecordsetptr->->SetCurrentIndex(_T("PrimaryKey"));
Are there any tricks to getting the linked tables to work without rewriting all the database access code?
[UPDATE 17/7/09 - thanks for the tips - I'll change all the Seek() references to FindFirst() / FindNext() and update this based on how I go]
Yes, but I don't think you can set/change the index of a linked table in the recordset, so you'll have to change the code accordingly.
For instance: If your code is expecting to set an index & call seek, you'll basically have to rewrite it use the Find method instead.
Why are you using SetCurrentIndex when you have moved your table from Access to SQL Server?
I mean - you are using Access only for linked table.
Also, as per this page - it says that SetCurrentIndex can be used for table type recordset.
In what context are you using the command SetCurrentIndex? If it's a subroutine that uses SEEK you can't use it with linked tables.
Also, it's Jet-only and isn't going to be of any value with a different back end.
I advise against the use of SEEK (even in Access with Jet tables) except for the most unusual situations where you need to jump around a single table thousands of times in a loop. In all other DAO circumstances, you should either be retrieving a limited number of records by using a restrictive WHERE clause (if you're using SEEK to get to a single record), or you should be using .FindFirst/FindNext. Yes, the latter two are proportionally much slower than SEEK, but they are much more portable, and also the absolute performance difference is only going to be relevant if you're doing thousands of them.
Also, if your SEEK is on an ordered field, you can optimize your navigation by checking whether the sought value is greater or lesser than the value of the current record, and choosing .FindPrevious or .FindNext, accordingly (because the DAO recordset Find operations work sequentially through the index).
