Draw2D alignement in react, or Draw2D boxing - reactjs

I found a simple application with React and draw2D.
The dashbox is the div and the canvas.
The circle is a
x: 40,
y: 10,
stroke: 3
How to change the code to draw the circle inside the box dashed (the canvas)?

The first solution
<p>Avec canvas2</p>
<div ref={inputRef} id="canvas"
style={{ height: 200, width: 300, border: "dashed brown",position:"relative" }}/>
Only add position:"relative", to the div.
I improve this solution again.
componentDidMount() {
this.canvas = new draw2d.Canvas("canvas", 9000, 9000));
new draw2d.shape.basic.Circle({
x: 40,
y: 10,
stroke: 3
render() {
return (
<p>Avec canvas2</p>
style={{ height: 600, width: 600, border: "dashed brown" }}
Now, we have a big picture inside a window ..


React-financial-charts displays svg outside div

I'm relatively new to React and I'm trying to create a sort of dashboard for Cryptocurrency prices.
I'm using react-financial-charts to generate an OHLCV chart within a ResponsiveReactGridLayout.
However, the svg always displays outside the grid. Can anyone help with how I could fix this:
Here is the code: https://github.com/astronights/market_analysis_tool_evaluation-ui/blob/master/src/components/Home/Home.tsx where I render my Component that contains the ChartCanvas.
<div key="candlestick" className="home-card">
<div ref={canvasRef} style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}>
{canvasRef.current ? (
) : null}
and here is the code for the chartCanvas: https://github.com/astronights/market_analysis_tool_evaluation-ui/blob/master/src/components/Home/Candlestick.tsx
return (
margin={{ bottom: 50, top: 100, left: 50, right: 50 }}
seriesName={`OHLCV prices - ${props.coin.coin}`}
As you can see in the image, the SVG chart generated seems to be going outside.
Fixed by adding these lines of CSS.
.react-financial-charts {
position: absolute !important;
top: 0;
left: 0;
canvas {
position: absolute !important;
top: 0;
left: 0;

is it possible to animate a strikethrough with React Spring?

I'm new to React Spring and I initially tried this
const strikeProps = useSpring({
textDecoration: "line-through",
from: { textDecoration: "none" },
But it's not working. I think there should be a way simulate the CSS solution for this.
The problem here is, that the original CSS solution is uses pseudo element for emulating the strike trough. We can only add react-spring properties for normal html elements. So the most compact way is to create a separate strike through component for this problem. For example:
const StrikeTroughtText = ({ children, weight = 1 }) => {
const props = useSpring({
from: { width: "0%" },
to: { width: "100%" }
return (
<div style={{ position: "relative", display: "inline-block" }}>
position: "absolute",
top: "50%",
left: 0,
width: props.width,
height: `${weight}px`,
background: "black"
We basically animate the width of the absolutely positioned div containing a black line over the text.
You can use it like a div component:
For bigger font size the default 1 px line weight is not enough, so I added a weight property also.
Here is my example: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-strike-trought-text-component-with-react-spring-animation-86cfd?file=/src/App.js

How can I use an Openlayer 'overlay' inside React?

I created a simple card with react and I want to display an overlay.
But the overlay is not showing and I have no errors in the console.
I declare the map in the constructor
// Declaration of the map
this.olmap = new Map({
target: null,
layers: [this.osm],
view: new View({
center: this.state.center,
zoom: this.state.zoom
// Déclaration of the Marker
this.marker = new Overlay({
position: fromLonLat([1.3529599, 44.0221252]),
positioning: "center-center",
element: document.getElementById("marker"),
stopEvent: false
// Adding to the Map Object
and here is the rendering
render() {
return (
<div id="map15" style={{ width: "100%", height: "360px" }} />
<div style={{ display: "none" }}>
{/* Marker */}
width: "20px",
height: "20px",
border: "1px solid #088",
borderRadius: "10px",
backgroundColor: "#0FF",
opacity: "0.5"
I finally found the solution, I moved the declaration of the Marker in componentDidMount
componentDidMount() {
// Déclaration of the Marker
this.marker = new Overlay({
position: fromLonLat([-43.3307, -22.9201]),
positioning: "center-center",
element: document.getElementById("marker"),
stopEvent: false
// Adding to the Map Object

Why divs are flashing?

I'm new to React Virtualized, and sorry for my English.
This is my code pen link: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/xqGXwv?editors=0010,
when I scroll to the 4th div, it's flashing, could someone help me ?
You forgot to accept and set the style parameter. This parameter is very important for react-virtualized because it's what positioned the rows as you scroll down. Here's your render function, fixed:
renderPage({index, key, style}) {
const color = ['green', 'red', 'black', 'yellow'][index % 4]
return (
style={{ ...style, width: 400, height: 200, backgroundColor: color }}
No.{index + 1}

What is MobileTearSheet and where is it?

What is MobileTearSheet and where is it?
By all means copy the one from the docs site. (it's just an image.)
Take it:
Here is my working version (in one file) you can drop into you project.
If you want to use this source, please up vote this answer
import React, from 'react';
const MobileTearSheet = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps() {
return { height: "100%" }
render:function() {
const styles = {
root: {
marginBottom: 24,
marginRight: 24,
maxWidth: 360,
width: '100%',
container: {
border: 'solid 1px #d9d9d9',
borderBottom: 'none',
height: this.props.height,
overflow: 'hidden',
bottomTear: {
display: 'block',
position: 'relative',
marginTop: -10,
maxWidth: 360,
return (
<div style={Object.assign({},styles.root,this.props.style||{})}>
<div style={styles.container}>
<div style={styles.bottomTear}>
<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlnsXlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 360 10" enableBackground="new 0 0 360 10">
<polygon fill="#DAD9D9" points={`359,0 359,7.5 352.5,0.5 345,8.5 337.5,0.5 330,8.5 322.5,0.5 315,8.5 307.5,0.5 300,8.5 292.5,0.5
285,8.5 277.5,0.5 270,8.5 262.5,0.5 255,8.5 247.5,0.5 240,8.5 232.5,0.5 225,8.5 217.5,0.5 210,8.5 202.5,0.5 195,8.5 187.5,0.5
180,8.5 172.5,0.5 165,8.5 157.5,0.5 150,8.5 142.5,0.5 135,8.5 127.5,0.5 120,8.5 112.5,0.5 105,8.5 97.5,0.5 90,8.5 82.5,0.5
75,8.5 67.5,0.5 60,8.5 52.5,0.5 45,8.5 37.5,0.5 30,8.5 22.5,0.5 15,8.5 7.5,0.5 1,7.5 1,0 0,0 0,10 7.5,2 15,10 22.5,2 30,10
37.5,2 45,10 52.5,2 60,10 67.5,2 75,10 82.5,2 90,10 97.5,2 105,10 112.5,2 120,10 127.5,2 135,10 142.5,2 150,10 157.5,2 165,10
172.5,2 180,10 187.5,2 195,10 202.5,2 210,10 217.5,2 225,10 232.5,2 240,10 247.5,2 255,10 262.5,2 270,10 277.5,2 285,10
292.5,2 300,10 307.5,2 315,10 322.5,2 330,10 337.5,2 345,10 352.5,2 360,10 360,0 `}/>
export default MobileTearSheet;
For usage see: material-ui list example
I found this question while debugging why the List example code wasn't compiling. Don't worry you can just replace the tags with a and it should work just fine!
