run function once a value in an object has been updated - reactjs

I have a list of objects that have multiple fields. I want to make an api call once the user has entered the location of the plant.
I thought of using useEffect, but that won't work since in order to make the api call, I need two values - id and index, and (as far as I know) you can't pass parameters in useEffect. I did it normally (which you can see in the code below), instead of using useEffect, but that doesn't work because the plant location is empty (as there is a bit of a delay before the plant location is updated).
So, how can I make the call once the plant location has been updated?
//the plants object
const [plants, setPlants] = useState([
name: 'Plant 1',
id: uuidv4(),
location: '',
isOffshore: false,
coords: {},
country: '',
const handlePlantLocChange = (id, index, value) => {
setPlants( => === id
? {...plant, location: value}
: plant
handler(id, index);
// this makes the api call.
//I need to pass id and index to this function
//no matter what, hence why I can't use useEffect
const getCoords = (id, index) => {
axios.get('http://localhost:3001/endpoints/coords', {
params: {
location: plants[index].location
}).then((response) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
handlePlantInfoChange(id, PlantInfo.COORD,
const handler = useCallback(debounce(getCoords, 4000), []);
return (
<div className='plant-inps-wrapper'>
{, idx) => {
return (
<div key={} className="org-input-wrapper">
<input placeholder={`${item.isOffshore ? 'Offshore' : 'Plant ' + (idx+1) + ' location'}`} onChange={(e) => handlePlantLocChange(, idx,} value={item.isOffshore ? 'Offshore' : item.location} disabled={item.isOffshore} className="org-input smaller-input"/>

you can pass props and state to useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
getCoords(id, index);
return () => getCoords(id, index);
}, [id, index])

Please use useEffect hook with dependency array.
Like below:
useEffect(() => {
// You can call API here because When plant state updated this will be called.
}, [plants]);


useCallback not updating array with object

I am trying to update array with objects using useCallback but instead of updating object it is adding or appending one too.
const items = [
id: 101,
name: 'Mae Jemison',
id: 201,
name: 'Ellen Ochoa',
const [headings, setHeadings] = useState(items);
const handleHeadingTextChange = useCallback(
(value, id) => {
let items2 = headings;
items2 =, key) => {
if (items2[key].id == id) {
items2[key].name = value
return items2
setHeadings((prevState) => [...prevState, items2]) // adding, not updating
//setHeadings((prevState) => [...prevState, ...items2]) // try 2 : still adding
<input type="text" id="101" value="" onChange={handleHeadingTextChange} />
So, on change expected output is
items = [
id: 101,
name: 'Johaan',
id: 201,
name: 'Ellen Ochoa',
But Instead I am getting
items = [
id: 101,
name: 'Johaan',
id: 201,
name: 'Ellen Ochoa',
id: 101,
name: 'Johaan',
id: 201,
name: 'Ellen Ochoa',
I am not sure how to set value in setHeading function so that it only update the value and not appending one too. Is there way to make it update only?
.map iterates over the entire array. that doesn't make sense if you are trying to just update a single item.
onChange takes an event handler, but your handler accepts (value, id)
the value property of your <input> should be set from the object's name property
function MyComponent() {
const [headings, setHeadings] = useState(items);
const updateName = key => event => {
setHeadings(prevState => {
return [
// elements before the key to update
...prevState.slice(0, key),
// the element to update
{ ...prevState[key], name: event.currentTarget.value },
// elements after the key
...prevState.slice(key + 1),
return, key) =>
<input key={key} id={} value={} onChange={updateName(key)} />
Imagine having to write that function each time you have a component with array or object state. Extract it to a generic function and use it where necessary -
// generic functions
function arrUpdate(arr, key, func) {
return [...arr.slice(0, key), func(arr[key]), ...arr.slice(key + 1)]
function objUpdate(obj, key, func) {
return {...obj, [key]: func(obj[key])}
// simplified component
function MyComponent() {
const [headings, setHeadings] = useState(items);
const updateName = key => event => {
setHeadings(prevState =>
// update array at key
updateArr(prevState, key, elem =>
// update elem's name property
updateObj(elem, "name", prevName =>
// new element name
return, key) =>
<input key={key} id={} value={} onChange={updateName(key)} />
multiple arrow functions?
Curried functions make writing your event handlers easier, but maybe you've never used them before. Here's what the uncurried version would look like -
function MyComponent() {
const [headings, setHeadings] = useState(items);
const updateName = (key, event) => {
setHeadings(prevState =>
// update array at key
updateArr(prevState, key, elem =>
// update elem name property
updateObj(elem, "name", prevName =>
// new element name
return, key) =>
<input key={key} id={} value={} onChange={e => updateName(key, e)} />

Using setState inside a arrow function resets state

I am trying to modify a state when a users input fields on my dashboard is changed. This is how the handler is intended to work:
If the state is empty. Create a user with the standard values and change its values to the changed inputs
If the user exists in the state, change the changed field in the state to the new value.
If the user does not exist. Add the user to the state and change the changed field to the new value.
I am doing this by calling this function on a change of any inputs:
const handleInputChange = (event, person) => {
let new_form_val = {
objectId: person._id,
role: person.role,
privilege: person.privilege,
console.log("handle change function called")
if (formValues.length == 0)
console.log("formValues is empty")
new_form_val[] =
console.log("adding", new_form_val)
setFormValues([...formValues, new_form_val])
// console.log(
console.log("Change target id",
console.log("current formvalue before change", formValues)
let form_val = formValues.find((item) => item.objectId ==
if (form_val) {
console.log("person found in formValues", form_val)
let index = formValues.indexOf(form_val)
formValues[index][] =
console.log("Changed already existing formvalue", formValues)
else {
new_form_val[] =
console.log("new person in form value", new_form_val)
setFormValues([...formValues, new_form_val])
Later on I am using that function as an onChange event handler
useEffect(() => {
// GARL: https: //
console.log("get users effetct ran")
axios.get('/api/getusers').then((response) => {, index) => {
setPeople(oldStatusArray => {
return [...oldStatusArray, <Person
onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event, item)}
}, []);
The problem I am facing though is whenever the onChange function is called. The whole formValues sate is reset and replaced with the new changed state. For exmpale: I change user A to a new name and role and the change is logged to the console. I also Change User B and then C to a new group. Finally the state only has the changes made from C.
Here is the full code:
import Link from 'next/link';
import axios from 'axios';
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Person from '../components/person' // Not actually a import
const Dashboard = () => {
const [people, setPeople] = useState([]);
const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState([]);
const handleInputChange = (event, person) => {
let new_form_val = {
objectId: person._id,
role: person.role,
privilege: person.privilege,
console.log("handle change function called")
if (formValues.length == 0)
console.log("formValues is empty")
new_form_val[] =
console.log("adding", new_form_val)
setFormValues([...formValues, new_form_val])
// console.log(
console.log("Change target id",
console.log("current formvalue before change", formValues)
let form_val = formValues.find((item) => item.objectId ==
if (form_val) {
console.log("person found in formValues", form_val)
let index = formValues.indexOf(form_val)
formValues[index][] =
console.log("Changed already existing formvalue", formValues)
else {
new_form_val[] =
console.log("new person in form value", new_form_val)
setFormValues([...formValues, new_form_val])
useEffect(() => {
console.log("get users effetct ran")
axios.get('/api/getusers').then((response) => {, index) => {
setPeople(oldStatusArray => {
return [...oldStatusArray, <Person
onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event, item)}
}, []);
const submit = (values) => {
// Submits state to backend for handling
return (
<div id="main">
{(people.length == 0) ?
<h1>Laddar innehållet..</h1> : people }
export default Dashboard;
Here is the output after changing the input fields a couple of times:
>> handle change function called
>> formValues is empty
>> adding - Object { objectId: "634ea9b368bd856cebfdddc0", name: "RADICATED", role: "...", privilege: "634ff6d42c7b67c5708e901b", group: "634ff7322c7b67c5708e901d" }
>> change target id 634ea9b368bd856cebfdddc0
>> current formvalue before change - Array []
>> new person in form value - Object { objectId: "634ea9b368bd856cebfdddc0", name: "RADICATED", role: "....", privilege: "634ff6d42c7b67c5708e901b", group: "634ff7322c7b67c5708e901d" }
>> CURRENT formvalues - Array [ {…} ] (len: 1)
I have also tried to adding formValues as a dependency to useEffect however, this results in a rerender of the users if I change any of the inputs as the setPeople is called in the useEffect.
How can I achieve a handleInputChange function that works as intended without updating the renderer or reseting the state?
I noticed the step 1 and 3 are actually the same so I put those together. The itemExists check if the person is already in the state. If the state is empty itemExists is false and if the person does not exists itemExists is also false.
When false we just update the field and return the previous and the new new_form_val.
When true we loop over all the current values until we find the one we want to edit, and then update the field we want to update.
const handleInputChange = (event, person) => {
const new_form_val = {
objectId: person._id,
role: person.role,
privilege: person.privilege,
// check if the item already exists
const itemExists =
formValues.find((item) => item.objectId == !== undefined;
if (itemExists) {
setFormValues((prevFormValues) => {
// map current values
const newValues = => {
// if its not the item we're editing just return the item
if (item.objectId !== return item;
// if it is, update the item
const updatedItem = {
return updatedItem;
return newValues;
} else {
// update the field with the new value
new_form_val[] =;
// add to the values
setFormValues((prevFormValues) => [...prevFormValues, new_form_val]);
I also updated the way the people were set. Now we first loop over all the data received from the api and create an array of Person components and set that array to the state, instead of setting the state for every result in the api data.
useEffect(() => {
// no need to set the people to an empty array since the default state is already an empty array
// setPeople([]);
console.log("get users effetct ran");
axios.get("/api/getusers").then((response) => {
const peopleFromApi =, index) => (
onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event, item)}
}, []);
I hope this helps you continue your project!

prevent api from being called before state is updated

I have a list of objects. I want to make an api call once the location field of the object is changed. So for that, I have a useEffect that has id, index and location as its dependencies. I have set a null check for the location, if the location isn't empty, I want to make the api call. But the thing is, the api is being called even when the location is empty, and I end up getting a 400. How can I fix this and make the call once location isn't empty?
const [plants, setPlants] = useState([
name: 'Plant 1',
id: uuidv4(),
location: '',
coords: {},
country: '',
isOffshore: false,
const [locationIDObject, setlocationIDObject] = useState({
id: plants[0].id,
index: 0
const handlePlantLocChange = (id, index, value) => {
setPlants( => === id
? {...plant, location: value}
: plant
id: id,
index: index
const getCoords = (id, index) => {
axios.get('http://localhost:3002/api/coords', {
params: {
locAddress: plants[index].location
}).then((response) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
handlePlantInfoChange(id, PlantInfo.COORD,
const handler = useCallback(debounce(getCoords, 5000), []);
useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
if(plants[locationIDObject.index].location !== '')
handler(, locationIDObject.index);
}, [ locationIDObject, plants[locationIDObject.index].location])
return (
<div className='plant-inps-wrapper'>
{, idx) => {
return (
<div key={} className="org-input-wrapper">
<input placeholder={`${item.isOffshore ? 'Offshore' : 'Plant ' + (idx+1) + ' location'}`} onChange={(e) => handlePlantLocChange(, idx,} value={item.isOffshore ? 'Offshore' : item.location} className="org-input smaller-input"/>
I think your useCallback is not updating when value of your variables is changing and that is the issue:
Although the check is correct, but the call is made for older values of the variable. You should update the dependencies of your useCallback:
console.log(plants) inside getCoords might help you investigate.
Try this:
const handler = useCallback(debounce(getCoords, 5000), [plants]);
So it turns out the issue was with my debouncing function. I don't know what exactly the issue was, but everything worked as expected when I replaced the debouncing function with this:
useEffect(() => {
console.log("it changing")
const delayDebounceFn = setTimeout(() => {
getCoords(, locationIDObject.index)
}, 4000)
return () => clearTimeout(delayDebounceFn)
},[ => item.location),, locationIDObject.index])

How to create multiple object in Reactjs?

I am having a onChange function i was trying to update the array optionUpdates which is inside of sentdata by index wise as i had passed the index to the onChange function.
Suppose i update any two values of the input field from option which is inside of postdata therefore the input name i.e. orderStatus with changed value and with order should be saved inside of optionUpdates
For example: Suppose i update the option 1 and option 3 of my postdata further inside of options of orderStatus values so my optionUpdates which is inside of sentdata should look like this
optionUpdates: [
Order: 1,
orderStatus: "NEW1"
Order: 3,
orderStatus: "New2"
here is what i tried
setSentData(oldValue => {
const curoptions = oldValue.sentdata.optionUpdates[idx];
console.log(curoptions); =;
return {
sentdata: {
complete code:
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const x = {
Type: "LINEN",
options: [
Order: 1,
orderStatus: "INFO",
orderValue: "5"
Order: 2,
orderStatus: "INPROGRESS",
orderValue: "5"
Order: 3,
orderStatus: "ACTIVE",
orderValue: "9"
details: "2020 N/w UA",
OrderType: "Axes"
State: "Inprogress"
const [postdata, setPostData] = React.useState(x);
const posting = {
optionUpdates: []
const [sentdata, setSentData] = React.useState(posting);
const handleOptionInputChange = (event, idx) => {
const target =;
setPostData(prev => ({
options:, id) => {
if (id === idx) {
return { ...item, []: target.value };
return item;
setSentData(oldValue => {
const curoptions = oldValue.sentdata.optionUpdates[idx];
console.log(curoptions); =;
return {
sentdata: {
return (
<div className="App">
{, idx) => {
return (
onChange={e => handleOptionInputChange(e, idx)}
If I've understood correctly then what you're looking to do is save a copy of the relevant options object in sentdata every time one changes. I think the best way to approach this is by doing all your state modification outside of setPostData, which then makes the results immediately available to both setPostData and setSentData. It will also make the setters easier to read, which is good because you have some quite deeply nested and complicated state here.
A few other things worth noting first:
Trying to use synchronous event results directly inside the asynchronous setter functions will throw warnings. If you do need to use them inside setters, then it is best to destructure them from the event object first. This implementation uses destructuring although it didn't end up being necessary in the end.
You seem to have got a bit muddled up with setSentData. The oldValue parameter returns the whole state, as prev in setPostData does. For oldValue.sentdata you just wanted oldValue. You also wanted curoptions[], not
So, on to your code. I would suggest that you change the way that your input is rendered so that you are using a stable value rather than just the index. This makes it possible to reference the object no matter which array it is in. I have rewritten it using the Order property - if this value is not stable then you should assign it one. Ideally you would use a long uuid.
{ => {
return (
onChange={e => handleOptionInputChange(e, item.Order)}
The handleOptionInputChange function will now use this Order property to find the correct objects in both postdata and sentdata and update them, or if it does not exist in sentdata then push it there. You would do this by cloning, modifying, and returning the relevant array each time, as I explained before. Here is the function again with comments:
const handleOptionInputChange = (event, orderNum) => {
const { name, value } =;
/* Clone the options array and all objects
inside so we can mutate them without
modifying the state object */
const optionsClone = postdata.LEVEL.options
.map(obj => Object.assign({}, obj));
/* Find index of the changed object */
const optionIdx = optionsClone.findIndex(obj => obj.Order === orderNum);
/* If the orderNum points to an existing object...*/
if (optionIdx >= 0) {
/* Change the value of object in clone */
optionsClone[optionIdx][name] = value;
/* Set postdata with the modified optionsClone */
setPostData(prev => ({
options: optionsClone
/* Clone the optionUpates array and all
contained objects from sentdata */
const updatesClone = sentdata.optionUpdates
.map(obj => Object.assign({}, obj));
/* Find the index of the changed object */
const updateIdx = updatesClone.findIndex(obj => obj.Order === orderNum);
/* If the changed object has already been
changed before, alter it again, otherwise push
a new object onto the stack*/
if (updateIdx >= 0) {
updatesClone[updateIdx][name] = value;
} else {
updatesClone.push({ Order: orderNum, [name]: value });
/* Set sentdata with modified updatesClone */
setSentData(prev => ({
optionUpdates: updatesClone

useState referring to stale value

I have a keeper app where I am adding notes and storing them in database. When I make a post request to the server, I am trying to fetch the _id from database, which will eventually help me to later delete the note ( if needed).
Here is my jsx file
function CreateMessage(props) {
const [currentGuest, setCurrentGuest] = useState({
guestName: '',
guestMessage: '',
function handleMessages(event) {
const {name, value} =;
setCurrentGuest(prevGuest => {
return {
[name] : value
function submitMessage(event) {
const params = {
guestName: currentGuest.guestName,
guestMessage: currentGuest.guestMessage,
.post("http://localhost:8000/notes", params)
.then(res => {
console.log("The response is";
setCurrentGuest(prevGuest => {
return {
return (
placeholder="Guest Name"
placeholder="Write a Message"
<button onClick={submitMessage}>Add</button>
The id is properly being fetched and displayed in ```console.log("The response is""). But on first submit, the is always empty and stale id gets attached to the currentGuest object on next submit
function submitMessage(event) {
const params = {
guestName: currentGuest.guestName,
guestMessage: currentGuest.guestMessage,
.post("http://localhost:8000/notes", params)
.then(res => {
console.log("The response is";
setCurrentGuest(prevGuest => {
return {
In the above snippet, after getting the response you're correctly changing the state but the problem is with where you're checking the changed state(console.log(currentGuest)). You're basically logging before the state is changed.
You can use useEffect hook and log the state inside it. This runs every time the currentGuest Changes.
useEffect(() => {
}, [currentGuest])
You can use the modified currentGuest inside the useEffect hook:
useEffect(() => {
if( {
// You can also reset the state here as follows
guestName: '',
guestMessage: '',
}, [currentGuest]) // You might need to add the necessary dependencies to this array.
