Ef core could not translate my custom sql server STRING_AGG function - sql-server

String.Join in efcore not support and I want to get list of string with separator like sql function String_Agg
I tried to create custom sql server function but i get this error:
The parameter 'columnPartArg' for the DbFunction 'QueryHelper.StringAgg(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=]],System.String)' has an invalid type 'IEnumerable'. Ensure the parameter type can be mapped by the current provider.
This is my function and OnModelCreatingAddStringAgg for register it in my dbcontext
public static string StringAgg(IEnumerable<string> columnPartArg, [NotParameterized] string separator)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public static void OnModelCreatingAddStringAgg(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
var StringAggFuction = typeof(QueryHelper).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(QueryHelper.StringAgg), new[] { typeof(IEnumerable<string>), typeof(string) });
var stringTypeMapping = new StringTypeMapping("NVARCHAR(MAX)");
.HasTranslation(args => new SqlFunctionExpression("STRING_AGG",
new SqlFragmentExpression((args.ToArray()[0] as SqlConstantExpression).Value.ToString()),
, nullable: true, argumentsPropagateNullability: new[] { false, false }, StringAggFuction.ReturnType, stringTypeMapping));
and this code run above function
_context.PersonnelProjectTimeSheets.GroupBy(c => new { c.Date.Date, c.PersonnelId, c.Personnel.PersonnelCode, c.Personnel.FirstName, c.Personnel.LastName})
.Select(c => new PersonnelProjectTimeOutputViewModel
IsConfirmed = c.Min(c => (int)(object)(c.IsConfirmed ?? false)) == 1,
PersonnelDisplay = c.Key.PersonnelCode + " - " + c.Key.FirstName + " " + c.Key.LastName,
PersonnelId = c.Key.PersonnelId,
Date = c.Key.Date,
ProjectName = QueryHelper.StringAgg(c.Select(x=>x.Project.Name), ", "),
TotalWorkTime = 0,
WorkTimeInMinutes = c.Sum(c => c.WorkTimeInMinutes),
And also i change my StringAgg method input to
string columnPartArg
and change SqlFunctionExpression of OnModelCreatingAddStringAgg to
new SqlFragmentExpression((args.ToArray()[0] as
and change my query code to
ProjectName = QueryHelper.StringAgg("Project.Name", ", ")
now when run my query, sql server could not recognize the Project

i guess the parameter 'columnPartArg' of dbfunction 'STRING_AGG' is varchar or nvarchar. right?
most database function or procedure has not table value as parameter.
in this case,use EFCore's 'client evaluation' is good sulution. linq like below:
_context.PersonnelProjectTimeSheets.GroupBy(c => new { c.Date.Date, c.PersonnelId, c.Personnel.PersonnelCode, c.Personnel.FirstName, c.Personnel.LastName})
.Select(c => new PersonnelProjectTimeOutputViewModel
IsConfirmed = c.Min(c => (int)(object)(c.IsConfirmed ?? false)) == 1,
PersonnelDisplay = c.Key.PersonnelCode + " - " + c.Key.FirstName + " " + c.Key.LastName,
PersonnelId = c.Key.PersonnelId,
Date = c.Key.Date,
ProjectName = string.Join(", ",c.Select(x=>x.Project.Name)),//Client evaluation
TotalWorkTime = 0,
WorkTimeInMinutes = c.Sum(c => c.WorkTimeInMinutes),


How to do CRUD operations on multiple tables in SQLite database in Flutter?

I am building a money budgeting app where the user can split their monthly salary in 5 areas: food, social, education, travel, savings. I have a register and log in screen. This is in Flutter/dart and I'm using sqlite.
Some of the data to store:
id, username, password, email, monthly_salary, food_initial, food_final, social_initial, social_final, education_initial, education_final, travel_initial, travel_final, savings_initial, savings_final
The 'initial' refers to a value that the user will input for themselves based on the division of the monthly salary. (ie. $5000 a month/5 containers = 1000 for each container. but, the user can edit this value of 1000 as their initial budgeted money). The 'final' refers to the user's remaining money (under the assumption they don't go over) for that container.
The initial and final values get reset at the end of the month. However, I would like to save their previous month's final values so the user can see a backlog of what they did.
I initially had 2 tables for my database. One was for the USER_DATA and the other was BUDGETS table. However, after struggling to figure out how to do CRUD operations for two tables, I decided to make it all into one table. But, after experiencing trouble with one table, I want to move back to more than one table. I'm confused now on:
1. How to use CRUD operations when having more than one table on DB?
2. Do I have to build a new model class in order to have more than one table?
3. How to save some of the user's data on database, but have to wait for the rest of the information to come in (later on while they're using the app)?
When making the constructor for the model class, and then referring to the model class in the UI, it requires me to bring in all of the parameters I have, but I don't have all of those values ready yet. The user still needs to register before they can input their salary and etc. Would I have to use the Future class to get over this hurdle?
I've watched a lot of videos on others building their databases in sqlite and with Flutter but all of them usually do a simple To-Do list app where they will need to fill in every column of the table and I haven't seen one yet that includes several tables. (ie. columns: id, description, priority, date)
I think have a good basis now on the UI side and using TextFormFields to access the information, but connecting the database/creating it properly is confusing me.
I am also considering writing the database in a .sql file now before proceeding. I have been teaching myself Flutter through tutorials (as background knowledge).
I know this is a bit long and all over the place, but I would greatly appreciate anyone who has experience with the sqlite environment in Flutter to please help me understand how to do this correctly.
Thank you. Also, if there is any more clarification/code needed, let me know.
Model class:
import 'dart:core';
class UserData {
//user table
int _userid;
String _username;
String _password;
String _email;
String _first_name;
String _last_name;
String _date;
int _month_id;
bool _subtract; //did the user subtract money from their funds? true/false
double _month_salary;
String _log_details;
/////////////budget table
double _edu_budget_initial;
double _edu_budget_final;
double _travel_budget_initial;
double _travel_budget_final;
double _living_budget_initial;
double _living_budget_final;
double _savings_budget_initial;
double _savings_budget_final;
double _social_budget_initial;
double _social_budget_final;
// using [___] around your user's data entry makes it optional in the table
// otherwise, these are all required fields
//created a Named Constructor for the ability to create multiple constructors in one class
//UserData.budgetTable(this.date, this.month_id, this.log_details, this.edu_budget_final, this.edu_budget_initial, this.living_budget_final, this.living_budget_initial,
//this.month_salary, this.savings_budget_final, this.savings_budget_initial, this.social_budget_final,
//this.social_budget_initial, this.travel_budget_final, this.travel_budget_initial);
//userdata table
int get userid => _userid;
String get username => _username;
String get password => _password;
String get email => _email;
String get firstname => _first_name;
String get lastname => _last_name;
String get date => _date;
//budget table
int get month_id => _month_id;
bool get subtract => _subtract;
double get month_salary => _month_salary;
String get log_details => _log_details;
double get living_budget_initial => _living_budget_initial;
double get living_budget_final => _living_budget_final;
double get social_budget_initial => _social_budget_initial;
double get social_budget_final => _social_budget_final;
double get edu_budget_initial => _edu_budget_initial;
double get edu_budget_final => _edu_budget_final;
double get travel_budget_initial => _travel_budget_initial;
double get travel_budget_final => _travel_budget_final;
double get savings_budget_initial => _savings_budget_initial;
double get savings_budget_final => _savings_budget_final;
set userid(int newUserID) {
//adding condition before storing what user put in
if (newUserID <= 12) {
this._userid = newUserID;
set username(String newUsername) {
if (newUsername.length <= 30) {
this._username = newUsername;
set password(String newPassword) {
if (newPassword.length <= 30)
this._password = newPassword;
set email(String newEmail) {
if (newEmail.length <= 50)
this._email = newEmail;
set first_name(String newFirstName) {
if (newFirstName.length <= 30)
this._first_name = newFirstName;
set last_name(String newLastName) {
if (newLastName.length <= 30)
this._last_name = newLastName;
set month_id(int newMonthId) {
if (newMonthId <= 12) {
this._month_id = newMonthId;
set month_salary(double newMonthSalary) {
this._month_salary = newMonthSalary;
set date(String newDate) {
this._date = newDate;
set log_details(String newLogDetails) {
if (newLogDetails.length <= 255)
this._log_details = newLogDetails;
set subtract(bool newSubtract) {
this._subtract = newSubtract;
set living_budget_initial(double newLBI) {
if (newLBI <= 10) this._living_budget_initial = newLBI;
set living_budget_final(double newLBF) {
if (newLBF <= 10) this._living_budget_final = newLBF;
set social_budget_initial(double newSOBI) {
if (newSOBI <= 10) this._social_budget_initial = newSOBI;
set social_budget_final(double newSOBF) {
if (newSOBF <= 10) this._social_budget_final = newSOBF;
set edu_budget_initial(double newEBI) {
if (newEBI <= 10) this._edu_budget_initial = newEBI;
set edu_budget_final(double newEBF) {
if (newEBF <= 10) this._edu_budget_final = newEBF;
set travel_budget_initial(double newTBI) {
if (newTBI <= 10) this._travel_budget_initial = newTBI;
set travel_budget_final(double newTBF) {
if (newTBF <= 10) this._travel_budget_final = newTBF;
set savings_budget_initial(double newSBI) {
if (newSBI <= 10) this._savings_budget_initial = newSBI;
set savings_budget_final(double newSBF) {
if (newSBF <= 10) this._savings_budget_final = newSBF;
// converting object into Map objects
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
var map = Map<String, dynamic>();
var userid;
if (userid != null) {
map['userid'] = _userid;
map['userid'] = _userid;
map['username'] = _username;
map['password'] = _password;
map['email'] = _email;
map['first_name'] = _first_name;
map['last_name'] = _last_name;
map['month_id'] = _month_id;
map['month_salary'] = _month_salary;
map['date'] = _date;
map['log_details'] = _log_details;
map['subtract'] = _subtract;
map['living_budget_initial'] = _living_budget_initial;
map['living_budget_final'] = _living_budget_final;
map['social_budget_initial'] = _social_budget_initial;
map['social_budget_final'] = _social_budget_final;
map['edu_budget_initial'] = _edu_budget_initial;
map['edu_budget_final'] = _edu_budget_final;
map['travel_budget_initial'] = _travel_budget_initial;
map['travel_budget_final'] = _travel_budget_final;
map['savings_budget_initial'] = _savings_budget_initial;
map['savings_budget_final'] = _savings_budget_final;
return map;
//converts map objects into objects
UserData.fromMapObject(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
this._userid = map['userid'];
this._username = map['username'];
this._password = map['password'];
this._email = map['email'];
this.first_name = map['first_name'];
this.last_name = map['last_name'];
this._month_id = map['month_id'];
this._month_salary = map['month_salary'];
this._date = map['date'];
this._log_details = map['log_details'];
this._subtract = map['subtract'];
this._living_budget_initial = map['living_budget_initial'];
this._living_budget_final = map['living_budget_final'];
this._social_budget_initial = map['social_budget_initial'];
this._social_budget_final = map['social_budget_final'];
this._edu_budget_initial = map['edu_budget_initial'];
this._edu_budget_final = map['edu_budget_final'];
this._travel_budget_initial = map['travel_budget_initial'];
this._travel_budget_final = map['travel_budget_final'];
this._savings_budget_initial = map['savings_budget_initial'];
this._savings_budget_final = map['savings_budget_final'];
Database helper class:
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:jewell_1/user_data.dart';
class DbHelper {
// Create a private instance of the class
static final DbHelper _dbhelper = new DbHelper._internal();
String DB_name = "user_data.db";
static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;
String userDataTable = 'user_data_table';
String colUserId = 'userid';
String colUsername = 'username';
String colPassword = 'password';
String colEmail = 'email';
String colFirstName = 'first_name';
String colLastName = 'last_name';
String colDate = 'date';
String colMonthId = 'month_id';
String colSubtract = 'subtract';
String colMonthSalary = 'month_salary';
String colLogDetails = 'log_details';
String colLBI = 'living_budget_initial';
String colLBF = 'living_budget_final';
String colSOBI = 'social_budget_initial';
String colSOBF = 'social_budget_final';
String colEBI = 'edu_budget_initial';
String colEBF = 'edu_budget_final';
String colTBI = 'travel_budget_initial';
String colTBF = 'travel_budget_final';
String colSBI = 'savings_budget_initial';
String colSBF = 'savings_budget_final';
// Create an empty private named constructor
// Use the factory to always return the same instance
factory DbHelper() {
return _dbhelper;
static Database _db;
Future<Database> get db async {
if (_db == null) {
_db = await initializeDb();
return _db;
Future<Database> initializeDb() async {
Directory dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
String path = dir.path + "todos.db";
var dbTodos = await openDatabase(path, version: DATABASE_VERSION, onCreate: _createDb);
return dbTodos;
void _createDb(Database db, int newVersion) async {
await db.execute(
"CREATE TABLE $userDataTable($colUserId INETEGER PRIMARY KEY, $colUsername TEXT," +
"$colPassword TEXT, $colEmail TEXT, $colFirstName TEXT,"
"$colLastName TEXT, $colDate TEXT, $colMonthId INTEGER,"
" $colSubtract BOOLEAN, $colMonthSalary DOUBLE, $colLogDetails TEXT,"
Future<int> insertData(UserData data) async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result = await db.insert(userDataTable, data.toMap());
return result;
Future<List> getDatas() async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result =
await db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $userDataTable order by $colUserId ASC");
return result;
Future<int> getCount() async {
Database db = await this.db;
var result = Sqflite.firstIntValue(
await db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM $userDataTable"));
return result;
Future<int> updateData(UserData data) async {
var db = await this.db;
var result = await db
.update(userDataTable, data.toMap(), where: "$colUserId=?", whereArgs: [data.userid]);
return result;
Future<int> deleteData(int id) async {
int result;
var db = await this.db;
result = await db.rawDelete("DELETE FROM $userDataTable WHERE $colUserId=$id");
return result;
To be more specific, I am confused on not writing the query of a new table, but rather at this point:
var result = await db.insert(userDataTable, data.toMap());
return result;
The result is only containing my userDataTable and if I create another table, then am I supposed to add another var result? I tried to have:
var result2 = await db.insert(budgetsTable, data.toMap());
This seemed wrong. Also, I didn't know how to return both results.
That was specifically where/when I started to scavenge the internet of people who have made CRUD operations using more than one table on sqlite with Flutter.

PostgresSql + Nodejs (ClaudiaJS) : How to cast array of string to array of timestamp

I am writing API which insert into a table with multiple rows, I am using UNNEST to make it work.
What I have done:
in js file:
api.post(PREFIX + '/class/insert', function (request) {
var db = pgp(dbconnect);
var data = request.body; //should be an array
var classes = [];
var starts = [];
var ends = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const PQ = require('pg-promise').ParameterizedQuery;
var sql =
"INSERT INTO sa1.class(class_id, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(classes).replace(/"/g, "'") + "), " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(starts).replace(/"/g, "'") + "), " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(ends).replace(/"/g, "'") + ")"
const final_sql = new PQ(sql);
return db.any(final_sql)
.then(function (data) {
return 'successful';
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
Request body
"timestamp_start":"2017-11-14 14:01:23.634437+00",
"timestamp_end":"2017-11-14 15:20:23.634437+00"
}, {
"timestamp_start":"2017-11-14 15:01:23.634437+00",
"timestamp_end": "2017-11-14 16:20:23.634437+00"
When I run api in postman, I get the error is:
column "timestamp_start" is of type timestamp with time zone but
expression is of type text
Issue is obviously from ARRAY of string that I used in sql, my question is how to create ARRAY of timestamp for UNNEST, or any suggestion are appreciated.
Never initialize the database inside the handler, see: Where should I initialize pg-promise
Never call pgp-end() inside HTTP handlers, it destroys all connection pools.
Use static ColumnSet type to generate multi-insert queries.
Do not return from db.any, there is no point in that context
You must provide an HTTP response within an HTTP handler
You are providing a confusing semantics for column class_id. Why is it called like that and yet being converted into a timestamp?
Never concatenate objects with strings directly.
Never concatenate SQL strings manually, it will break formatting and open your code to SQL injection.
Use Database methods according to the expected result, i.e. none in your case, and not any. See: https://github.com/vitaly-t/pg-promise#methods
Initialize everything needed only once:
const db = pgp(/*connection*/);
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([
name: 'timestamp_start',
cast: 'timestamp'
name: 'timestamp_end',
cast: 'timestamp'
], {table: {table: 'class', schema: 'sa1'}});
Implement the handler:
api.post(PREFIX + '/class/insert', request => {
const sql = pgp.helpers.insert(request.body, cs);
.then(data => {
// provide an HTTP response here
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error:', error);
// provide an HTTP response here
Many thanks to #JustMe,
It worked after casting array
var sql =
"INSERT INTO sa1.class(class_id, timestamp_start, timestamp_end) " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(classes).replace(/"/g, "'") + "), " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(starts).replace(/"/g, "'") + "::timestamp[]), " +
"UNNEST(ARRAY" + JSON.stringify(ends).replace(/"/g, "'") + "::timestamp[])"

Spark 2.0: Moving from RDD to Dataset

I want to adapt my Java Spark app (which actually uses RDDs for some calculations) to use Datasets instead of RDDs. I'm new to Datasets and not sure how to map which transaction to a corresponding Dataset operation.
At the moment I map them like this:
JavaSparkContext.textFile(...) -> SQLContext.read().textFile(...)
JavaRDD.filter(Function) -> Dataset.filter(FilterFunction)
JavaRDD.map(Function) -> Dataset.map(MapFunction)
JavaRDD.mapToPair(PairFunction) -> Dataset.groupByKey(MapFunction) ???
JavaPairRDD.aggregateByKey(U, Function2, Function2) -> KeyValueGroupedDataset.???
And the corresponing questions are:
Equals JavaRDD.mapToPair the Dataset.groupByKey method?
Does JavaPairRDD map to KeyValueGroupedDataset?
Which method equals the JavaPairRDD.aggregateByKey method?
However, I want to port the following RDD code into a Dataset one:
JavaRDD<Article> goodRdd = ...
JavaPairRDD<String, Article> ArticlePairRdd = goodRdd.mapToPair(new PairFunction<Article, String, Article>() { // Build PairRDD<<Date|Store|Transaction><Article>>
public Tuple2<String, Article> call(Article article) throws Exception {
String key = article.getKeyDate() + "|" + article.getKeyStore() + "|" + article.getKeyTransaction() + "|" + article.getCounter();
return new Tuple2<String, Article>(key, article);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> transactionRdd = ArticlePairRdd.aggregateByKey("", // Aggregate distributed data -> PairRDD<String, String>
new Function2<String, Article, String>() {
public String call(String oldString, Article newArticle) throws Exception {
String articleString = newArticle.getOwg() + "_" + newArticle.getTextOwg(); // <<Date|Store|Transaction><owg_textOwg###owg_textOwg>>
return oldString + "###" + articleString;
new Function2<String, String, String>() {
public String call(String a, String b) throws Exception {
String c = a.concat(b);
return c;
My code looks this yet:
Dataset<Article> goodDS = ...
KeyValueGroupedDataset<String, Article> ArticlePairDS = goodDS.groupByKey(new MapFunction<Article, String>() {
public String call(Article article) throws Exception {
String key = article.getKeyDate() + "|" + article.getKeyStore() + "|" + article.getKeyTransaction() + "|" + article.getCounter();
return key;
}, Encoders.STRING());
// here I need something similar to aggregateByKey! Not reduceByKey as I need to return another data type (String) than I have before (Article)

Facing trouble while inserting bulk data into sql

In MVC4 , i have following code in my view :
var things = [];
function fun () {
var Quran = {
"surah": things[1].surah,
"ayah": things[1].ayah,
"verse": things[1].verse
for (var n = 0; n < length; n++) {
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
method: 'GET',
url: "Gateway/DB_Rola?action=1",
data: things[n],
success: function (Data) {
var mera_obj = Data.key;
document.getElementById("Param2").value = '(' + mera_obj.Response_Code + ' , ' + mera_obj.Response_Description + ')';
error: function () {
alert("ERROR: can't connect to Server this time");
return false; }
alert("done for "+(n+1));
} // loop ends
return false;
}; // function ends
and controller method is :
public ActionResult DB_Rola(thing things)
string connectionString = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\PEACE_QURAN.MDF;Integrated Security=True";
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
int surah = things.surah;
int ayah =things.ayah;
String verse = things.verse;
// designing parametiric_query from the parameters
string query = "insert into Ayyat_Translation_Language_old_20131209 values(null,null,#Surah,#Verse)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
//setting parameters for parametric query
SqlParameter Parm1 = new SqlParameter("Surah", surah);
SqlParameter Parm2 = new SqlParameter("Ayah", ayah);
SqlParameter Parm3 = new SqlParameter("Verse", verse);
//adding parameters
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(#"E:\Office_Work\Peace_Quran\Peace_Quran\Files\hisaab.txt", true);
file.WriteLine(" "+things.ayah);
return View();
as mentioned above in code ,there is loop in my view page that passes single object at a time which is received in above controller method .it works for small amount of data but when i send bulk .i.e. 50+ records at once, some of records are not saved in my DB. i don't know what's wrong with my DB code. please help me figure it out.

Couldn't send and store String data to database through WCF

I have created a Windows 8 app, I have a table in SQL server database to store people's name, " [Name] VARCHAR (50)"
I have manage to send and save integer values to database, but when i modified my coding to store the string, it does not work, table data is empty. Please help!
<input id="join1" type="text" />
<button id="joinbtn">insert</button>
var joinButton = document.getElementById('joinbtn');
// Register Click event
joinButton.addEventListener("click", joinButtonClick, false);
function joinButtonClick() {
// Retrieve element
var baseURI2 = "http://localhost:45573/AddService.svc/Join";
var jointext = document.getElementById('join1').value;
type: "POST",
url: baseURI2,
headers: { "Content-type": "application/json" },
data: '{"namet":' + jointext + '}'
}).then(function complete(request) {
var resdata = request.responseText;
}, function error(er) {
var err = er.statusText;
public void Join(string namet)
string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
string sql = "INSERT INTO Table2(Name) VALUES (#Name)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", namet);
int numAff = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
[WebInvoke(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)]
void Join(string namet);
Thank you!
I think the problem may be in this line
data: '{"namet":' + jointext + '}'
Try changing it to
data: '{"namet":\'' + jointext + '\'}'
